MTL - My Girlfriend And I Transmigrated-Chapter 181 The trouble should end it

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"So Qingxuan was disturbed by her inner demons, which caused her to go crazy?!"

In Ye Xingsi's yard, Luo Jing murmured, with a shocked and complicated expression.

Opposite him, the monk in white has returned to his previous weak appearance, and is no longer in a state of rioting with muscular knots.

Tomoji really holds a painting in his hand.

This is a temporary painting by Luo Jing.

The person in the painting is Shen Qingxuan, a fairy dressed in white.

Luo Jing's current painting skills are not very superb, but it is not difficult to completely restore a person's facial features to paper.

The fairy in white in the painting is exactly the same as Senior Sister Shen in Zhizhen's memory.

Under Luo Jing's defense, Zhizhen finally chose to trust Luo Jing.

Although what Luo Jing said sounded outrageous, why did he and Shen Qingxuan meet in a dislocated time and space...

This kind of crazy talk sounds outrageous, and it is impossible for people with normal IQs to make up lies and make up such outrageous things.

So that Luo Jing's crazy words sounded somewhat credible.

Moreover, if Luo Jing was the disciple of the devil, he would at most listen to the devil talk about his past. However, Luo Jing was able to perfectly reproduce Shen Qingxuan's appearance, proving that he had indeed seen Senior Sister Qingxuan.

Of course, the most important thing is that, during the 20 years of tracking, Zhizhen has long suspected that the devil that Senior Sister said really exists in the world.

Although the senior sister revealed not much information to him at the beginning, he knew that the devil was from the Western Regions, and his relationship with the descendants of the demons was unclear.

Moreover, the descendant of the demons in the mouth of senior sister is a young girl.

But after 20 years of traveling around, the clues of the descendants of the demons heard by Zhizhen detectives show that the contemporary descendants of the demons are not some young girls, but a man of the ancestors, who seems to have some kind of connection with the Zhenbei palace.

It wasn't until a few months ago that he heard that there was a young girl's descendant of the demon in the Western Regions Soul Refining Sect, so he rushed to the Western Regions to compete for the demon mask.

I just want to see the true face of the descendants of the demons.

But unfortunately, until the demon mask fell into his hands, the legendary descendant of the demon still did not appear.

At that time, Zhizhen felt a little strange.

Why twenty years ago, when the descendant of the demons was a man, senior sister was sure that the descendant of the demons was a young girl...

And all these years he has traveled all over the world, but he can't find the trace of the devil at all.

A mortal cultivator who has mastered top secret techniques such as "Refining Magic of the Immortal Dao" and "Refining the Devil's Blood Sword", and is even better than the descendants of the demons... Is such a person willing to dormant for 20 years?

If you can really do it, then it's not a demon, but a true fairy who is legendary for fame and fortune...

And tonight, Luo Jing's defense provided another possibility for Zhizhen.

It is very likely that the devil and the demon girl that Senior Sister Qing Xuan knew twenty years ago only appeared twenty years later.

Perhaps this also explains why senior sister has not been able to wait for the arrival of the devil.

After all, twenty years ago, there was no one in this world that Senior Sister was waiting for.


Looking at Luo Jing in front of him, Zhizhen said hesitantly, "Mr. Lu, do you mean that you came to Haiyan City to see Senior Sister Shen as agreed?"

"You didn't break the contract?"

"Then the descendants of the demons..."

Zhizhen still didn't know why Senior Sister Shen thought that the devil had abandoned her.

He looked at Luo Jing with bright eyes, as if to see through the man's heart.

Luo Jing spread his hands helplessly and said, "I don't know why she thinks I ran away with the descendants of the demons."

From Qingxuan's perspective, Luo Jing and Lu Li only met once in the Palace of the King of the Moon, right? And they were still mortal enemies...

When Luo Jing heard Zhizhen's accusation, he was completely dumbfounded, and he didn't know when he ran away with the descendants of the demons.

It's impossible that he is not only in a different time and space with Qing Xuan, but is not even on the same world line, right?

But Chi really appears, but it proves that the two are on the same world line.

So it's strange, what did Qingxuan know, and would she decide that Luo Jing and Lu Li ran away?

No matter how I think about it, I can't think of a point of misunderstanding...

Luo Jing said helplessly: "In addition, I have evidence to prove that I came to see Qingxuan in Haiyan City."

Luo Jing said: "There is a Heshun Restaurant at the east gate of Haiyan City. Not long ago, I left a sealed letter to the boss and asked him to pass it on to Qing Xuan."

"Until then, I was still waiting for Qing Xuan to meet..."

Luo Jing spread his hands helplessly and said, "It's impossible for me to predict that you will come to me when you arrive, so I put a letter in the shop owner's hand in advance, right?"

"As long as you go to the shopkeeper of Heshun Restaurant and see the letter, you will know that what I said is true or false."

Luo Jing once again provided a piece of evidence to show his innocence.

At this time, he can only be said to be a disaster.

My heart was filled with unspeakable shock and depression.

Nima...he and Qingxuan turned out to be in a different time and space?

The two seem to travel together, but they are actually separated by twenty years?

This is just lying...

Zhizhen frowned and looked at Luo Jing, thought for a moment, nodded and said, "Okay, the little monk will come again. Lord Lu, take care."

The monk in white clasped his hands together, made a Buddhist salute, and then turned to leave.

Luo Jing stopped him quickly: "Hey...wait a minute! You haven't said what happened to Qingxuan behind."

Luo Jing asked worriedly: "After she returned to Lingyun Immortal Sect, has the affair resolved?"

"And where is Qingxuan now? In fact, as long as you inform her and ask her to come to Haiyan City and meet me, the misunderstanding we met will be resolved naturally."

Luo Jing looked sincere.

The so-called answering the bell also has to be the bell person. As long as the two meet Qing Xuan and clarify everything face-to-face, the misunderstanding will naturally be resolved.

Luo Jing's body is not afraid of a crooked shadow, and there is nothing to run away from the descendants of the demon... That is his blood sister!

Same-parent kind!

But Zen Master Zhizhen shook his head and said, "Mr. Lu wait a moment. After the little monk has visited Heshun Restaurant, he will naturally meet again."

The monk in white turned around and hurried away, as if he didn't want to stop for a moment, he just wanted to uncover the truth as soon as possible.

When Luo Jing saw that the retention was invalid, he could only sigh silently.

After all, he can't force the other side at all now. UU reading

The monk was leaving, he could only watch.

As Zhizhen left, the courtyard returned to normal again.

Some kind of power that isolates prying eyes from inside and out, disappears with the departure of Zhizhen.

Luo Jing sensed the four god-calling masters guarding outside the courtyard again.

Under the cold moonlight, Luo Jing stood in the yard, confused.

He looked up at the moon, thinking back to the story Chi-jin had told, with worry in his heart.

Although he knew that it had been twenty years since Qing Xuan was disturbed by her inner demon, it was useless to worry now.

But he couldn't help but feel anxious and wanted to know the follow-up as soon as possible.

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