MTL - My Girlfriend And I Transmigrated-Chapter 163 I can't bring it in

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are you my brother? !

A loud shout of this word exploded in Luo Jing's ear, almost bursting his eardrums.

The girl Lu Li cried out in shock, almost completely losing her temper.

She clenched Luo Jing's hands, and the veins on the back of her hands throbbed violently.

If it weren't for Luo Jing, who was also a cultivator in the God-calling realm, his cultivation was profound and his body had been tempered. In the state of her uncontrollable exertion, ordinary people are afraid that her hands will be torn off in an instant.

But Luo Jing didn't have time to pay attention to the girl's strength that was about to tear his hand off.

He was also in shock.

Eyes wide, Luo Jing looked at the girl with wide eyes in disbelief, and Luo Jing confirmed that the other party was not joking.

This little girl, the descendant of the demon and the descendant of Emperor Rui, was indeed in a state of shocking joy.

Her agitated joy wasn't a performance at all.

At least this little girl can't act.


"I am your brother?!"

Luo Jing repeated this sentence, looked at the girl in front of him in astonishment, and said, "What does this mean? How can I be your brother so well?"

"Even if the dragon-hunting pan really pointed at me, it doesn't mean I'm your brother, right?"

"What if the dragon-hunting plate is broken?"

"And when did you have another brother?"

Luo Jing only felt that his head was buzzing, and the girl's incomparably abrupt and outrageous confession made him unacceptable.

However, Lu Li was holding Luo Jing tightly, as if he was afraid that Luo Jing would run away if he let go.

She stared excitedly, looked at Luo Jing and said, "There is no way that the Dragon Searching Plate can go wrong! This is the masterpiece of Qiao Qishou, a skilled craftsman. Since it is pointed at you, you are my brother."

The girl was a little incoherent with excitement.

"Didn't you ask me why I hate that **** Xueqing? Because she ruined my family!"

"That **** was originally a maid by my father's side, but she was plotting the cult of the gods. Twenty years ago, she attacked my father when he was in the dark, mutilated my mother, and took my brother as a hostage, trying to use my brother to persecute me. Father gave her the secret of the devil."

"Fortunately, my father recovered some of his strength at a critical moment and scared the **** away, so he kept me and the secret of the devil."

"After that, the **** disappeared and completely hid."

"My father forcibly condensed his true qi when he got into a demon, causing his dantian to shatter and died a few years later."

"Fortunately, although my father's cultivation base has been abolished, his knowledge is still there. Under his guidance, I inherited the Taoist lineage of the Tianmo Sect, and I searched for many years in the Western Regions, and finally found the trace of that bitch, Xue Qing."

"She disguised as the daughter of a wealthy businessman, hid in the Luo family in the remote Sanhuai City, and became the wife of the city owner."

"I thought she killed my brother after she kidnapped my brother, but..."

Lu Li looked at Luo Jing excitedly, and said, "No wonder that **** said that you are not from the Luo family's blood, and that I am not allowed to hurt you."

"You are my brother!"

"Xue Qing, that bitch, she must be afraid that my father will find her, so she keeps you by her side as a hostage!"

"Brother! You are not Luo Jing, your real name is Lu Yi, we are brother and sister!"

The girl was emotional and incoherent.

Luo Jing looked at her dumbfounded, and said, "Just a dragon-hunting plate, are you sure?"

"Let's calm down first, what if there is really a mistake in the dragon-hunting plate?"

Although from what the girl said, the probability that Luo Jing is her brother does exist.

But it may also be an error in the dragon search disk.

Lu Li raised his right hand and said decisively, "Then drop your blood and admit your relatives!"

The girl looked at Luo Jing resolutely: "Recognize your relatives with a drop of blood, and see if we are really related by blood! This is the easiest way to verify."

Saying that, the girl directly stroked her wrist with a sharp fingernail, instantly creating a shallow wound, and a few drops of blood floated out.

Then Lu Li squeezed the tactic with one hand and mobilized the spiritual power into the few drops of blood, only to see the few drops of bright red blood wriggling and turned into a strange talisman.

Lu Li looked at Luo Jing and said, "Brother, you only need to drop a drop of blood into it. If we are blood relatives, your blood will be integrated into it."

"If we're not related by blood, then your blood can't blend in... plain and simple."

The girl's eyes were eager and eager to try.

Luo Jing looked at her speechlessly, complaining in his heart.

Good guy, before this came out, you called "brother"...

Luo Jing raised his index finger directly, forcing a drop of blood from between his fingers, and then the drop of blood floated to the blood-colored rune in front of the girl under his control.

In the azure blue world, the talisman formed by the girl's own blood seems to have some kind of magic power, squirming silently, like a living being.

And the drop of blood that Luo Jing floated out, the moment it fell on this blood-colored talisman, was perfectly integrated into it.

The blood-colored talisman wriggled, and the color became more and more vivid, and even faintly emitted a blood-red light.

Seeing this scene, the girl suddenly became excited.

"Blood relatives! And they are blood relatives of a compatriot!"

Lu Li rushed over, excited and happy.

"Brother! I finally found you!"

The girl was so excited that she completely lost her sense of proportion, completely contrary to the previous image of the descendant of the demon.

The moment she rushed over, Luo Jing wanted to hide.

But after a hesitation, he was hugged by the girl.

Feeling the girl who was hanging like a koala and rubbing her head desperately against her chest, Luo Jing's heart didn't fluctuate, even a little helpless.

Although the story told by this little girl is very sympathetic, her background is indeed a bit miserable.

According to her statement, she has only one family member left in this world, Luo Jing, who spent so many years alone.

After all, her father died a few years after he went into trouble. It is estimated that she was not yet ten years old when her father died.

It is understandable for such a small girl to grow up alone and become neurotic.

Now that she saw the only relative in the world, she was so excited and joyful that her emotions were out of control, and it was easier to understand.

But the problem is that although this cheap sister is pitiful, Luo Jing has no sense of substitution.

He is not from this world.

Just a traveler, whether it was the original grievance of the Luo family in Sanhuai City, or the reunion of siblings after their identities were revealed... To be honest, Luo Jing really didn't feel the slightest bit.

Now the girl was crying and laughing while lying in his arms. It seemed to me that I felt pity. The reunion of brothers and sisters should be very touching, but Luo Jing felt helpless.

Standing on the spot and letting her hold her without avoiding it was the only humanitarian concern Luo Jing could do.

Although it was theoretically necessary to inherit everything from the original owner, Luo Jing couldn't really enter the play.

Reaching out and patted the girl's back, Luo Jing sighed, "Alright, alright, don't cry, don't cry, my brother will be here in the future."

Even the words of comfort are so blunt.

It was so stiff that Luo Jing felt embarrassed.

Picking up a cheap sister for nothing... is it a good thing or a bad thing?