MTL - My Girlfriend And I Transmigrated-Chapter 161 accomplice

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"Boss, I have diarrhea, and I'm going to the thatched hut."

In the brightly lit venue, many figures came in and out, busy setting up the venue.

At this time, Luo Jing came to the foreman Li Kui, clutching his stomach with an uncomfortable expression, and even his walking movements were extremely stiff, as if he was worried that something would leak out if he moved too much.

Hearing his words, Li Kui's eyes widened instantly.

"You have diarrhea at this time? Lazy cows and horses pee a lot!"

Although he was unhappy, Li Kui waved his hands again and again, pinched his nose and said, "Hurry up, hurry up, don't pull it here, it's really bad luck."

Anyway, there are so many people in the venue, there are not many more Luojings, and one less Luojings.

Moreover, Luo Jing is honest and honest on weekdays, never slacking off, and always more serious about sweeping the floor.

So at this time Luo Jing asked for leave to go to the thatched hut, Li Kui didn't think much about it, and easily agreed.

So Luo Jing left the stage clutching his stomach, and quickly disappeared into the crowd.

In the shadows, Lu Li, who saw Luo Jing's arrival, curled her mouth slightly and said with a smile, "Your excuse is too lousy, but it works. It should be enough time for us to go back and forth."

The girl is in a good mood.

Luo Jing looked at her and asked, "Where's the token? Did you get it?"

Lu Li raised his eyebrows and said, "That's natural! Are you questioning the demon mask?"

"After I put on the demon mask, I directly transformed into Sang Yanghong perfectly, and even his book boy didn't see any problem, and got the token easily."

"Let's go, let's go and get back."

The girl urged Luo Jing, even more so than Luo Jing: "On the way I came here, I saw the group of guys in Zhenbei Wangfu tinkering with something, and the little bald donkey of Zhizhen was also wandering around, it didn't look like much. Great look, let's move faster."

"My gut tells me something big is going to happen tonight."

Luo Jing and the girl dived into the darkness, followed behind the girl, and headed towards the depths of Tianshu Pavilion.

Said: "And what is your intuition telling you? Blind people know that something big is going to happen at Tianshu Pavilion tonight."

Mr. Mingham died suddenly, almost certainly the victim of an attack.

And Tianshu Pavilion is now completely closed, only allowed to enter but not allowed to go out. The guards of the palace and the practitioners of Tianshu Pavilion are all running around, seeming to be doing something.

Although I don't know what they are doing, I think it is related to tracking down the murderer.

Someone who has the ability to attack Mr. Mingham and the courage to do such a thing is definitely a ruthless person.

If the two sides fight, it will definitely be great fun.

Although the Dayue Kingdom's Moon Appreciation Conference was a big scene, only a group of monks who called the gods were present.

But the person who can attack and kill Mr. Minghan is definitely a great monk in the Great Void Realm, and he is an existence standing at the top of the world.

If such a big man fights, the scene is not comparable to the Moon Appreciation Conference in Da Yue Nation.

After all, there are not many great monks in the Taixu Realm, not even the Soul Refining Sect, but not Chinese cabbage, which can be encountered everywhere.

Luo Jing followed behind Lu Li and was quite surprised to see her sneaking in the shadows with ease, avoiding all eyeliners and guards.

"Are you familiar with this place... How many times have you stepped on it?"

This woman is so familiar with the situation of Tianshu Pavilion, and even has a clear goal and knows where the token of Sang Yang Hongda is, she touched it and stole it in such a short time.

I am afraid that I have secretly checked and stepped on it many times.

Lu Li said as a matter of course: "If you don't step on it a few times, who would dare to plunge into the Tianshu Pavilion?"

"I remember the road here clearly. It's more familiar than going home... Well, it's the front."

Lu Li walked with Luo Jing all the way, bypassing all the guards, and finally came to a stone monument in the depths of Tianshu Pavilion.

This is a three-zhang-high stone tablet, with blood-red body, engraved with vigorous ancient characters, which is a fu.

Lu Li looked around and said, "It's true that the guards are slack... Usually there are bachelors on duty here, but tonight they were transferred away."

Looking at the unattended stele in front of him, Luo Jing asked in confusion, "Is this the entrance to the secret realm?"

Can't see it at all...

The stone tablet in front of me stands between the rockeries, and there is almost no foothold except for a small pavilion not far away.

It looks more like a corner that few people go to.

Lu Li pointed to the small pavilion and said, "There is usually a scholar who calls the spirit realm sitting there."

"It's just that outsiders don't know the importance of this stele."

"The hidden treasure house of Tianshu Pavilion, although there have been rumors outside, but I can really find the entrance, I am the first!"

Speaking of this, Lu Li was quite proud: "Except me, I dare say that no one on the magic road knows that the entrance to the treasure house of Tianshu Pavilion is here!"

Luo Jing was too lazy to pay attention to the girl's show, and urged: "Hurry up and open the entrance to the secret realm and go in, don't waste your time."

Now that the time is so urgent, you still have time to pretend? Why is there no sense of urgency?

Luo Jing could not wait to put the stone next to him on this woman's head.

Lu Li glared at Luo Jing, obviously very unhappy that his invitation to credit was interrupted and that he did not receive praise.

But she also knew that the time was urgent, so she did not attack, but took out an iron token and whispered a spell.

In the next moment, Luo Jing only felt the space around him distorted.

A huge suction force dragged him away.

When Luo Jing stepped on the ground again, he found himself in a white world of clouds.

But this sea of ​​clouds world is not empty.

One door after another, standing in the sea of ​​​​clouds, it seems that behind each door leads to a world.

Each door is engraved with a text number.

Lu Li quickly searched among these doors, and quickly locked one of them.

"It's here!" Standing outside the gate engraved with the words [Water Sky], Lu Li rubbed his hands nervously and said, "The Book of Longevity is hidden in it!"

Luo Jing glanced at her and said, "Then what are you waiting for, just go in... Or do you need a key to open this door?"

Lu Li took a deep breath, UU reading www.uukanshu. com said: "I don't need the key, but let me calm down... huh..."

The girl who stood by the door and took a few deep breaths finally pushed open the door in front of her.

Then, the world inside the door unfolded before Luo Jing.

This door does lead to another space.

In a blue world, what Luo Jing was stepping on was a soft and surging current, as if standing on the sea.

And in this world where the sea and the sky are on the line, there are many transparent bubbles floating here and there.

These bubbles can be large or small, and each bubble contains an item.

Or books, or swords, or jade talismans, etc... There are so many things.

Apparently this is a treasure trove.

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