MTL - My Girlfriend And I Transmigrated-Chapter 119 3 keys

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In the woods where the maple leaves are falling, the mountains and rivers are dyed a touch of red.

This is a maple leaf forest, rendered into a bright red maple leaf by autumn.

Luo Jing stood in the forest, stepping on the soft fallen leaves, looking at everything in front of him in astonishment.

"where is this place?"

He vaguely felt the breath of the Great Void Wonderland.

But he is the body at this time, not consciousness.

So this can't be a fairyland.

Ji Canghu glanced around and said while looking for something.

"Secret realm... This is the gap between the Taixu fairyland and reality.

"Back then, Gu Chenfeng and Ying Qiuchan were hiding here, so that neither the righteous nor the devil could find their whereabouts."

Ji Canghu said, and seemed to determine the direction.

She raised the jade gourd in her hand and said, "Come on, go this way, you stinky brother who is good at deceiving people."

Ji Canghu held the glittering jade gourd and headed towards the depths of the Maple Leaf Forest.

This jade gourd has been glowing slightly since entering this secret realm, as if guiding the direction.

Luo Jing saw that Ji Canghu didn't care about her being deceived, and didn't bring up the matter of concealing her identity.

He asked, "What is this jade gourd? Is it showing you the way?"

Ji Canghu said: "This is the token of love between Ying Qiuchan and Gu Chenfeng, the secret treasure left by the ancestors of refining demons, the jade pot fairy."

"I don't know where Ying Qiuchan and Gu Chenfeng found them. This jade pot fairy has been missing for thousands of years."

"After the death of Ying Qiuchan and Gu Chenfeng, this object was taken back by the Soul Refining Sect and enshrined in the Sorrowful Valley along with the Hansha jade pendant."

Ji Canghu's words made Luo Jing understand: "You went to Chousha Valley to steal for this reason?"

"That's right," Ji Canghu admitted generously: "Without the jade pot fairy, this secret realm cannot be opened. This is the first key mentioned in Gu Chenfeng's suicide note."

"Sister, I have been planning for a few years, and after a few years, I stole this key from the Soul Refinement Sect."

After Ji Canghu finished speaking, Luo Jing noticed another important piece of information.

"The first key?" Luo Jing asked, "That is to say, in addition to this jade pot fairy, there is a second key... maybe even a third key?"

Ji Canghu smiled: "Brother is so smart! That's right! There are three keys in total."

"The first key, Yuhuxian, opens the secret realm."

"The second key, refining the Demon Blood Sword, opens the inheritance."

"As for the third key, Gu Chenfeng's suicide note didn't say it. It just said that people who are destined to open the inheritance will naturally know."

Ji Canghu held the jade gourd to lead the way, and Luo Jing followed closely, constantly looking around.

The secret realm in front of me, I don't know how big it is.

They walked all the way, leaving afterimages constantly behind them. In just a few words, they might have already walked for several miles.

But still did not leave the Maple Leaf Forest.

Luo Jing looked ahead and asked, "Where did you get the Gu Chenfeng suicide note?"

This old fox turned out to be guided by Gu Chenfeng's suicide note?

No wonder her goal is so clear.

With Gu Chenfeng's suicide note, she basically got the manual. It is completely different from Luo Jing, who still needs to work hard to speculate and find the footprints of Ying Qiuchan in Gu Chen.

Ji Canghu grinned and said, "Why does stinky brother have so many questions? You lie to elder sister every day, but you think about digging out the truth from elder sister, it's really bad."

"You are so bad. If you meet girls in the future, I don't know how many girls will be fooled around by you."

Ji Canghu laughed at Luo Jing, but did not answer Luo Jing's question directly.

Luo Jing was speechless and could only guess by himself.

This old fox grew up in the palace when he was a child, separated from his younger brother, and grew up incognito with a new identity.

Plus her age... Could it be that she is the daughter of Gu Chenfeng and Ying Qiuchan?

But the old fox called the two by their names, without the slightest respect and awe, and it didn't look like they were their daughters.

And Luo Jing didn't seem to have heard that Gu Chenfeng and Ying Qiuchan had children.

Luo Jing thought in his heart.

In the maple leaf forest ahead, a white light suddenly appeared.

After that, Luo Jing only felt that his eyes lit up, and he suddenly became enlightened.

He, who was still walking in the Maple Leaf Forest, and Ji Canghu came to a strange and rugged stone forest.

In this stone forest, there are many stone pillars, like a sharp sword pointing to the sky.

Ji Canghu stood in the stone forest and said slowly.

"Okay brother, it's your turn to act."

Ji Canghu stretched out his finger to the center of the stone forest and said, "Did you see it there? There is a symbol on the most central stone pillar."

"That's the lock that opens the second door. It needs to be opened by refining the Demon Blood Sword."

"Now you condense your refining demon blood sword, shoot the blood sword directly into the symbol, and you can open the second door."

After Ji Canghu finished speaking, Luo Jing's mind moved, and a dull blood sword spit out from his mouth.

The blood sword is ready to go.

Luo Jing confirmed again: "Just shoot the blood sword, right? No other precautions?"

Luo Jing observed Ji Canghu's expression, trying to find out that the old fox's expression was wrong.

But the old fox naturally couldn't let Luo Jing see any problems, UU reading www.uukanshu. com She is still smiling and honest.

Luo Jing glanced at her and said, "You step back a little."

So Ji Canghu obediently retreated a foot away.

Only then did Luo Jing take a deep breath, and directly urged the Demon Refining Blood Sword to fly out.

I saw a flash of blood in the stone forest, and the blood sword flew straight into the central stone pillar.

In an instant, the stone pillars in the entire stone forest shook violently.

Soon, these stone pillars began to fall, and finally disappeared completely into the ground.

In front of Luo Jing and the others, there was no more stone forest, only an empty mountain.

And at the end of this empty mountain, stood a strange black figure.

The black figure seemed to be tall and short, and it was surrounded by a strong demonic aura.

It stood quietly at the end of the secret realm, looking at Luo Jing and Ji Canghu indifferently, but did nothing else.

But the stone forest disappeared and the second door opened, but the old fox, who Luo Jing had been on guard, did not attack him.

This seemingly unreliable old fox didn't kill anyone after Luo Jing's use value disappeared?

It seemed that Luo Jing's cultivation in the Soul Calling Realm still stunned the old fox.


Luo Jing looked at Ji Canghu strangely and said, "That thing is the third door?"

"Why do I feel like the two of us together can't beat it?"

Although they were far apart, Luo Jing could still sense the terrifying aura wafting from the air.

That is no longer an existence that can be matched by a cultivator of the god-calling realm. It was just the breath that made Luo Jing shudder.