MTL - My Funny Consort-Chapter 16 Go see my aunt

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Chapter 16

Qiangjiu pursed his lips: "This is not what I want to grab, it is what you want to give, otherwise I will go out and help you clarify, let everyone know, what did Master Shang Shangshu do?"

"Replace the niece with a big niece instead of marrying. No matter who's the idea, I'm afraid that Qianjia's crime of bullying is running."

"Anyway, I don't care about a niece who doesn't have anything at all. There is a **** in our country. I don't know if you have heard it. I'm not afraid to wear shoes when shopping."

Mrs. Qian and Mrs. Qian were astonished when they looked at this kind of Jiu Jiu. Is this the same as before?

Several people couldn't help but look at each other, watching 1991 for a long time and being silent, and didn't know what to say.

Because Qianjiu Jiu was right, this matter could not be taken outside to say, especially in these days, Lord Xiao Xiao had been abolished, and Qian Family was still willing to marry his daughter-in-law.

Let Qianjia be highly praised throughout the capital. If it is false to go out, then the crime of bullying can't be set, and I'm afraid it will become a street mouse.

Qian Yuge's face was all white, but she didn't encounter such a situation. Naturally, she didn't know what to say, and could only look at Qian Jiu with annoyance.

Qian Shangshu's study room, not long after Qian Shangshu went back, he saw someone came to the obituary, and the three princes came. You must know that the three princes are currently the most likely to be in the top spot.

Quickly welcomed the three princes: "Wei Chen has seen the three princes. I don't know what happened to the three princes at this time?"

The third prince Mu Yesheng glanced at Qian Shangshu: "I heard that your sister-in-law is back today. I wonder if I can meet?"

Qian Shangshu stunned for a moment, I did not expect that Mu Yesheng came to see Jiu Jiu Jiu today, and his eyes couldn't help but be strange: "Jiu Jiu was talking to his mother at this time."

"I'll take you there."

Mu Yesheng nodded: "Okay, let's go."

Having said that, the two walked towards Heshoutang, Mrs. Thousands, but at the door, hearing the silence inside, the three princes stopped and looked at Qian Shangshu.

Qian Shangshu is wondering, why is there no sound? And at this time, it was the most embarrassing time for Mrs. Qian, and of course she couldn't speak.

All three of them considered themselves noble people, and they always looked down on Jiu Jiu, how could they talk down to Jiu Jiu.

After being silent for a long time, Qian Yuge is still most indifferent: "One thousand and ninety-nine, you are almost bold, shouldn't you marry a prince who will always be, your princess dare to shine in front of us."

Jiu Jiu raised her eyebrows: "In what capacity did you speak to me? Madam Chiron, why are there so many people of unknown origin attached to your house?"

The old lady also had a headache. This nine hundred and ninety-nine recognized the matter and thought that she had held their shortcomings and refused to give up.

Qian Yuge was angry and angry, and wanted to slap in the face, but he was blocked by Hong Ling who did n’t know when he came in: "Bold, what are you?"

"Dare to reach out and beat our princess, come on, pull it down and kill yourself."

Qian Jiu Jiu was also startled by this voice, but here is Qian Fu, how could Qian Qiange be dragged down and killed. But being able to disgusting Qian Yuge is also excellent.

Throwing a good look at Hong Ling, but this behavior seems to a few women in Qianjia, and Jiu Jiu was scared by this girl.

It seems that this nine hundred and nine is listening to this girl, can not help but glance at the ninety-nine: "Ninety-nine, there is nothing wrong with me."

"After greeting, talk to your mother."

With a sneer, these thousand people still intend to fool her. In fact, she really didn't care about her identity at Qianjia.

It's just that Qian Yuge isn't so proud of it, even if it is to give the original owner 999 a little interest. The identity of these thousands of nieces, she really wants to occupy.

He blinked and looked at Mrs. Qian: "Mother, can I go and see my aunt?"

"After I go back, I will definitely tell Wang Ye that my aunt is in good health, so I can be in Wang Palace and concentrate on taking care of Wang Ye."

When he said that, he looked at Hongling, but Hongling's eyes widened suddenly: "Auntie? Isn't the princess Qian's niece? Where's your auntie, Mrs. Qian, have you been demoted to auntie?"

When Mrs. Qian heard Hong Ling's words, she could not help but glanced at Hong Ling fiercely. Then she remembered that this Hong Ling was sent by Wangfu.

No, this matter must not be known to the people of Wangfu, and it seems that she was deceived by this 999 before.

She actually concealed her identity in the palace, so she was not taken down by the people in the palace, she said! The King King's killer did not kill 999.

It turned out that there was another reason, and I couldn't help but glance at 999: "Nine nine, what do you say, mother knows that you are angry with mother."

"But you are married, naturally I am looking for someone to accompany my mother. Do n’t be angry with other people or your mother."

"Come, your mother hasn't explained it to you yet. This is your cousin, your mother's niece. Something happened to your cousin's house recently, so the mother took her over."

Jiu Jiu raised her eyebrows: "Cousin? Mother, why haven't I heard of my cousin before?"

The look of Mrs. Qian was ugly, but she glanced at Hongling next to Qianjiu Jiu: "This girl, our mother and daughter want to say something personal, can you?"

Hong Ling glanced at 999, and nodded at the 999: "Let's go, Princess, slaves retire first. If someone bullies you, you are called slaves."

Talking about Hong Ling, she also gave a stare to Qian Yuge fiercely and killed Qian Yuge for a while. She has never been so angry in this life.

And she heard the words in Mrs. Qian's mouth just now, looking at Mrs. Qian: "Mother, what maid, what are you talking about?"

Seeing this, there are no outsiders in the entire hall, and Qian Yuge should speak freely again.

Qianjiu Jiu just looked at Mrs. Qian: "Yeah, Mrs. Qian, the maid of the Shang family is worth more than the maid of the family, you think!"

"It's just somehow that there are two maidservants of Qianshang Shujia, I'm afraid it's not easy to explain."

"One thousand and ninety-nine, don't go too far, don't really think that you're marrying a man, it's great, that King of Xiao could not die anytime, you are still crazy before me."

Qianjiu's face suddenly cooled down, looking at Qian Yuge: "Mother, I didn't hear anything wrong just now, is my sister cursing my grandfather?"

"I really don't know, sister, where did you come from? You said that if I told you this sentence to the emperor, what would be the end of the Qianjia?"

Mrs. Qian was startled, but quickly smiled at Jiu Jiu Jiu: "Ninety-nine, everyone is a family, why do you do this?"

"Family? Mrs. Qian was a family at this time? I can't afford to climb high. I am the daughter to marry and pour out the water."

"But then again, if I didn't marry someone, I wouldn't let you poke round and rub it flat. You said, I have the chance now, what can I do?"

"Otherwise, Qian Yuge, please kneel and apologize to me, otherwise, this royal accusation will not escape you."

Qian Yuge's look changed a bit. Looking at Qian Jiu Jiu, his face was sullen, but he did not want to kneel and apologize, but looked at Mrs. Qian.

"Mother, look."

At this time, Mrs. Qian also sneered: "Ninety-nine, don't say that your mother bullied you. Don't say anything just now. Who in this room heard what Yuge said."

Jiu Jiu silently, this is not intended to admit, did not speak, because Mrs. Qian has continued to speak.

"Actually, you see that you are now the concubine of Qianjia and the concubine of King Xiao, why not live with your family!"

"Your sister will marry well in the future, won't you follow up with it?"

There was a sneer on the corner of Qianjiu's mouth, when she was still the old one? So easy to cheat? I'm afraid that the entire Qian Yuge is really better than her, and stepping back is to trample her to death.

However, she didn't care about these. The reason why she came back was to just want to see the original aunt's aunt, how well she was, and entangled with these people for so long.

Qian Jiu Jiu was also a bit tired. As for the interest received, Qian Yu Ge became the maid of the Shang family, and his identity was not enough.

She smiled and looked at Mrs. Qian: "Mrs. Qian has such yellow mouth and white teeth that she really speaks. I won't admit what I just said so soon."

"It's the cousin's case, I don't know if it's true or false. What should I do?"

As soon as Mrs. Qian heard, this **** nine hundred and ninety-nine, she was originally intended to perfunctory, I'm afraid that it was only nineteen ninety-nine that she could see her mind.

Could this cheap girl be tuned into the palace for a few days? Or is this girl really 999?

Even if it changes, won't it be so fast? Unless it was impossible to pretend? But how much effort would it take to hide it from everyone?

"Ninety-nine, you can rest assured. After all, everyone knows that Qianjia's niece is married to the King of Xiao. You are Qianjia's niece. This matter is naturally nailed down."

Suddenly, Jiu Jiu Jiu said, "Forget it, Mrs. Qian, take care of myself. Where is my aunt? I want to see my aunt."

It was impossible to see that woman, and Mrs. Qian's face suddenly became ugly.

"Ninety-nine, everyone knows that you are a maid, and that girl who followed is not very perfunctory. You have to go to see your aunt, what if it is exposed?"

Qianjiu blinked for a moment: "So Madam Qian means, don't you let me see my aunt?"