MTL - My Disciple Died Yet Again-Chapter 14 The troubles of the head

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"What the teacher Shuzu said, but... a kind of exercises?"


"Food? Is it an unknown treasure?"

"No." Yu Yan frowned, didn't he have heard of it. "People who lose their blood and blood usually drink."

The mouth of the purple scorpion was pumped out: "Is the teacher Shuzu said that after the brown sugar is boiled, what is the water?"

Yu Yan thought for a moment, nodded, it turned out that as long as the cooking was done, "Can you have brown sugar?"

"" The cicada coughed a few times, and this time he came back to God. The grandfather’s uncle in the evening was looking for this. "However, if the teacher’s uncle is in a hurry, the disciple can tell him to go to the teacher tomorrow. Uncle sent it."

"Yeah." Yu Yan's face is still a cold expression, slightly bowed his head, agreed with the other party's intentions, turned and left with satisfaction, just took a few steps, and remembered something, and turned back again. A serious question asked: "You said that in addition to drinking brown sugar water, what should we pay attention to?"

"Ah?!" Zi Yan’s foot turned and almost fell, he... he didn’t get it wrong. Women's monthly affairs? ! "Teacher... Uncle...zu, ask this?"

"You don't know?" Yu Yan's eyes were slightly stunned, and a faint look gave him a look. His face has not changed, but his expression is plain and clear: You have received so many apprentices.

The sable only thinks that the cold sweat on his forehead is rushing down, and he has to go back hard: "This...the disciple did not study in depth, just... I heard that during that time, the woman was very depleted, not too tired, nor could it be. Sticky to the cold thing."

Yu Yan nodded and wrote down silently. He thought about continuing to ask seriously: "What kind of fabric is used in that month?" When the apprentice received his monthly event with crepe, his expression was strange. Should be dissatisfied with the fabric.

"..." Is the uncle of today's division being taken over? Why do you want to ask him a big man and ask about this kind of private affairs between the women? "Brother... The disciple thinks that it is necessary to suck... water-based fabrics, such as fresh feather yarn."

“Fresh feather yarn?” The jade words, it seems to be a kind of low-order silkworm sewed silk, he really did not, so turned his head and stared silently on the cold purple sweat.

"..." The purple cicada was stared at, and he had to take out a storage bag and take out a pile of white cloth silently. "There are still a few disciples here. If the teacher’s uncle is not abandoning, he can choose among them..."

"Yeah!" Yu Yan nodded. Before he finished, Yu Yan raised his hand and took all the fabrics and received them in his storage ring.

Also holding the purpus of the storage bag: "..."

He didn't say that he gave it all, and the uncle of the teacher was too bold, and he was so distressed that he didn't bother to come back.

"I don't know the teacher's uncle, are you asking these things, is it?" To say that this Xiuxian has been repaired for tens of thousands of years, the bachelor has been repaired into a **** stick, and suddenly he is interested in the woman's business. He will not believe who killed him. .

The apprentice does not care about the return. "The apprentice is coming to the moon, I will take a look."

Oh, it turned out to be a new uncle.

No! Can this kind of thing be taken care of?

"Teacher...Uncle Shu, little a woman!"

Yu Yan coolly glanced at him, is this no nonsense?

Zi Yan’s heart was stuffed with stuff, hesitating how to let the teacher’s uncle know the fact that men and women are different. “The disciple is saying, you’re so concerned about the little teacher... she... is she okay?”

Yu Yan’s brow wrinkled and replied: “She fainted.”


"It's just a loss of blood, no problem." He has already fed her medicine, and has applied pain relief techniques, his own spells, he still has confidence.

"..." He said this is not the case. "Uncle Shi knows, the moon... cough, what does it mean for women?"

Yu Yan did not care to sweep the cuffs, things got, he is time to go back.

Zi Yan continued: "In the mortal woman is generally eleven or two years old, and there will be ... cough, this means that the woman is an adult, can ..." Marry.

"You have to rest earlier." Before he finished, he couldn't wait to go back to the jade words. His body shape flashed and disappeared as usual.

Speaking of the key purple 暮: "..."

Touching your storage bag is even more sad.

Is the teacher’s uncle coming over at night to hang his fresh feather yarn? Although the fresh feather yarn is not a particularly precious fabric, it is not something that ordinary people can afford. Moreover, due to its strong water absorption and defense ability, it is often used to train into a water system. This kind of cloth is used to make a monthly event, which is too much to think about. More importantly, Shi Shuzu took all his inventory and didn't even leave him a small piece.

The purple sigh hurts and sighs. Whoever makes the other party is his uncle, he has to recognize it. Just down, but at a glance, a white cloth is shining with soft light, such as Yuehua dumped on it, it should be left by the uncle. The purple scorpion took a look and was so shocked that he even shook his hands.

This is this... this is the crepe! The crepe of the yarn of the South China Sea, which is a rare treasure in the world, can be turned into a defensive high-level Lingbao. Its preciousness and the fierceness of the monks are corresponding.鲛 Life is the eight-level monster, the equivalent of the repair of the person repairing the baby, and has always been in groups, the average person is not easy to provoke. A scorpion family only weaves a piece of yarn in his life, as if it were a life. In other words, if you want to get one, you must do well with the unconsciousness of the monks.

Now, he has such a hand in his hand, purple eyebrows openly smiled and touched this crepe, just because of the loss of fresh feathers and distressed mood, was instantly replaced by huge satisfaction. I can't wait to send hundreds of horses to my uncle.

But when I thought about what the other party was doing with that the mood began to subtle again.

Wait, the uncle is not using fresh yarn, but he used crepe to change with him. That is to say, he only has crepe in his hand, so the material used to make the moon is...

Purple is suddenly not good for the whole person.

This purple scorpion is deeply entangled, and the head of the yin has returned to Yulin Peak, ready to start the light night "sew" month. In the direction of the apprentice, the room was dark and it seemed to have fallen asleep. Hesitated for a moment, turned and did not worry to open the door.

His apprentice is too weak, the key brain is still not very agile, and the pain in the day is like that. He still refuses to explain the reason to him, not only weak but also stupid. If he doesn't look tight, he is really worried that she will be stupid one day.

Inside the house, Zhu Yao has fallen asleep. Yu Yan reached out and explored her veins. The pulse was much more stable than the day. It seems that there will be no more pain in the future. He breathed a sigh of relief, and then glanced at the stupid apprentice who was shrunk into the quilt.

Suddenly remembered the purple scorpion, he said that the woman should not be cold in a special period, thinking about it, silently took out a quilt and then covered her up, mortals are more likely to catch cold.

Looked again, still feels wrong, a bed quilt did not know enough, and then silently pulled out another bed quilt cover up.

Once again, it seems that I still feel that it is not appropriate. His jade is not a stingy person, so he took out the third bed.

I took aim at it again and found the fourth...


So, on the sixth morning of Zhu Yao’s entry into the division, Zhu Yao was awakened by heat!