MTL - My Body Can Infinitely Awaken Skills-Chapter 107 Your flames become abnormally violent (3)

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  Chapter 107 Your flames become abnormally violent (3)

  Liu Qingtian also left, and he was satisfied with the change of resources.

   "Take your things to the second floor." Ling Yuying finished speaking and walked to the second floor.

  Jiang Chen took the mother insect cocoon and followed her up to the second floor.

   On the second floor, precision instruments are placed, as well as assembly lines.

   Bottles of medicinal pills are spit out from the instrument, put into medicine bottles, and finally stored in wooden boxes.

   At the corner, there were already more than 20 wooden boxes.

   "Is alchemy all mass-produced?" Jiang Chen asked in surprise.

   "How can it be enough without mass production?"

  Ling Yuying said softly: "There are only some special medicinal herbs that we need to deal with, such as this worm cocoon."

   Jiang Chen looked at the bottles of medicinal pills, all of which were pure spirit pills. The instrument was filled with the essence of the Spirit Race, various medicinal materials, and the essence of the Zerg race.

   "This is the finished Qingling Pill, take it yourself." Ling Yuying pointed to the stacked wooden boxes.

The    is marked with good grades. There are ten boxes for the second-grade Taoist collection, and five boxes for the third-grade, with twenty bottles in each case.

   "How much do I take?" Jiang Chen asked.

   "It's all yours, you can take it after you've used it up." Ling Yuying said coldly, "The mother insect cocoon and chrysalis, it's no problem for you to enter the Tao and store the five items."

   "Five Ranks of Dao Zang? Forget it, I need too much energy."

   Jiang Chen shook his head.

   He now has seven skills!

   Moreover, the energy of the mother insect cocoon and chrysalis, which he ate directly, was definitely not enough for him to step into the fifth rank of Daozang.

   "The mother insect cocoon is worth this price, and the school gives out the medicine, what do you feel bad for?"

  Ling Yuying said lightly: "I don't have enough here, I can also take out the rest of the pill room."

   "The teacher, I'll come back later."

  Jiang Chen was no longer polite and left with the medicine pill.

   The second and third grades of the Taoist collection are all finished.

   Two hundred bottles of Taoist Grade II are two thousand pills!

   100 bottles of Taoist three-grade, 100 pills!

   went back to his small building, closed the door, and started taking medicine pills to practice.

   Take a second-grade Qingling Pill, the energy is 1.2%!


  The third product is not in a hurry to take it, I will finish it first.

   "The teacher said, you're welcome, then I will awaken the skills again."

  Jiang Changfeng pondered and said, although it is now one level higher, the energy required is already terrifying.

   However, his blood evil problem, after all, has no root cause to be solved.

   The blood evil mantra can temporarily control the blood evil, but the road in the future is a dead end.

  The creators of meritorious deeds all went crazy and died, and he didn't think he could blaze a new trail.

   Fill up all the skills, upgrade directly, and step into the third rank of Daozang.

   The qi and blood in the body surged and increased sharply again. Twenty-nine black dragons coiled around the body, and the terrifying power caused the void to be turbulent.

   Between the breaths, the sound is like thunder, and the exhalation becomes wind, and the airflow is turbulent.


   The Taoist Collection of Three Grades!

  Energy: 850%

   He took the third-grade medicine pill again, and his energy surged again, 2050%!

   Full skill points again, and [Awakening] also lights up.

   "Your Awakened Human Passive Extended Skill: [Break Armor]."

   "[Break Armor]: Your hands have become extremely sharp, and can break through the defense of a higher rank."

   "This skill strengthens my two-handed weapon?"

  Jiang Chen pondered, this [Armor Break] skill can break through the defenses of higher tiers, which means that his hands surpass the same tier!

   "Continue to awaken!"

   Passive skill, no energy upgrade required, then he can do it again.

   consumes 100% energy again, and a new insight comes to mind.

   "Your heart is beating violently, and you have awakened the skill: [Fire lv27]: 0%."

"[Fire lv27]: You are the **** of fire in the same realm, and you are not afraid of any flames in the same realm. Due to the erosion of evil spirits, your flames become extremely violent, and cannot be extinguished in the same realm, even in the face of an enemy of a higher realm, It will also stubbornly burn each other to death.”

  Jiang Chen: "??"

   Do you think you have opened a secret treasure?

   But, this secret treasure, something seems wrong?

   An extremely violent flame, even an enemy of a higher realm will be stubbornly burned to death?

   The meaning of these words, shouldn't it be that people of a higher realm can't resist?

   Consume 400% of energy, raise [Fire] to lv30, and there is still 750% left!

  Jiang Chen leveled up again, his heart beat even louder, and a strong power of flames filled the air.

   And this flame, black and red, is full of evil spirits!

As soon as the    flame appeared, Jiang Chen felt inexplicably irritable, and had an urge to burn everything and destroy everything.

   is really irritable!

   Fortunately, this irritable feeling is not strong, he can easily suppress it.

   Thirty black dragons circled around, Jiang Chen continued to distribute his energy on [Toughness], [Self Healing] and [Fire].

  The remaining energy is distributed on 【Hardness】.

  【Toughness lv31】: 100%

  【Quick lv31】: 0.1%

  【Poison Resistance lv31】: 0.1%

  【Digest lv31】: 0.1%

  【Hard lv31】: 75%

  【Sharpness lv31】: 0.1%

  【Self-healing lv31】: 100%

  【Fire lv31】::100%

   The Taoist Collection of Four Items!

   "It seems to me that not only did not solve the blood evil, but it caused more trouble?"

   Jiang Chen rubbed his eyebrows, the [Fire] skill was affected by the blood evil.

   If one day, oneself sinks into the blood evil again, this [fire] will definitely be more terrifying.

   gu dong dong

   A strong sense of hunger came, and his already hungry chest was on his back.

   hurriedly walked out of the room, the canteen of Fangwang Huaxia College.

   The cafeteria of Huaxia College is better, that is, you can eat whenever you go, and it is free and unlimited.

   Then, four hours later, Jiang Chen was kindly invited out by the canteen auntie.

   He finished his meal!

  Jiang Chen was helpless, the aunties in the cafeteria had to cook again, and he was limited to three hours, otherwise the other students would not have to eat.

   I didn't go to Ling Yuying. After all, I just broke through the medicine pill I just took, which is too weird.

   The phone rang, and it was Liu Qingtian who called: "Master Demon..."

   "Don't call me the devil, call me Jiang Chen." Jiang Chen corrected weakly.

   "Good Lord Demon, thank you this time, the school has given me a lot of resources." Liu Qingtian said excitedly.

   "Well, practice hard." Jiang Chen said lightly.

  Liu Qingtian laughed and said, "Do you want to see Huaxia City tonight, Lord Devil?"

   "No, there is nothing to see, I plan to go to the Ten Thousand Worm Caves to kill aliens." Jiang Chen refused.

  Liu Qingtian hurriedly said: "Don't, Huaxia City is very beautiful, and there is a place to get rewards. With the strength of the devil, you can definitely get rewards."

   "What reward? If it's not for cultivation resources, then don't mention it." Jiang Chen said lightly.

   "It's just the resources for cultivation, the Nine-layered Hall of China, the Moon Ladder, anyone who sets new records and reaches the top can get resources."

  Liu Qingtian said: "It's just that there are too many aliens in it, which is more difficult."

   "Oh?" Jiang Chen raised his eyebrows: "And the alien race in the Ten Thousand Insect Cave, which one is more? Which one is stronger?"

   "Of course it is the Cave of Ten Thousand Insects." Liu Qingtian said.

   "Forget it, go see it yourself, I'm going to the Cave of Ten Thousand Worms."

   After Jiang Chen finished speaking, he hung up the phone and went to the Cave of Ten Thousand Worms again.

   No matter how many rewards, can there be more elixir in exchange for the cocoon and chrysalis?

   Moreover, the poisonous insects in Wan Zong Cave are more, stronger and more suitable for him.

  In case, with good luck, if he finds another worm cocoon and pupa, it will be no problem to break through Daozang in one breath. He also wants to see the power of his [fire].

   (end of this chapter)