MTL - My 26-year-old Female Tenant-Chapter 711 : Searching at dusk

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I was smoking the cigarette I held between my fingers, and finally picked up the phone from the table, found Le Yao's name in the contact list on WeChat, and sent her a message: "Hi !... My old friend, where are you experiencing life?"

  After about five minutes, Le Yao replied: "My old friend, I'm on Earth!"

  I watched intently, then smiled helplessly, and then replied: "Of course I know you are on the earth, is it possible that you still have the ability to travel on the moon?"

   "Go away...I'm eating an apple and I don't have time for you."

  I don't mind her little arrogance, and replied patiently: "It seems that you are in a good mood... Actually, I am also very hungry, but I am not in the mood to eat!"

   "No, please don't look like this, you are a man, whether you are in the mood or not, I hope you can eat something, and cheer up...!"

   "Then how many apples have you eaten?...Have you cheered up yet?"

After a long time, Le Yao didn't reply again. Out of worry, I sent her several messages in a row, but it was like a stone sinking into the sea, and I never got her reply again. I fell into worry, and then thought in worry... ....Assuming she is really in Xuzhou, where will she be in Xuzhou?

She will definitely not waste this dusk that can make people feel melancholy, so she will definitely not stay in the hotel at this moment, so according to her previous behavior style, she is probably on a certain section of the road where the railway tracks extend, facing Sitting quietly watching the sunset...

The picture suddenly formed in my brain made me feel extremely sympathetic to her, because her happiness is based on the loneliness that only she can understand. What she is facing now may only be an infinitely extending railway track and a few dead trees. , and the sparse villages in the distance...and the suburbs of Xuzhou, there is really such a place, full of dryness and loneliness. When there is no train passing by, the fallen leaves that have not been cleaned all year long It's almost the only thing left in sight! And as long as the sun sets, even the village in the distance will quickly melt into the night!

I lowered my head and put the cigarette **** in my hand into the ashtray, but my nerves were always touched by Le Yao's loneliness, so I finally said to Xiao Nuo, the waiter who was idle by the side: "Xiao Nuo, come with me to find a people......"

   "Who is it?"

   "I don't know if I can find it yet?......So I won't tell you for now, I'm afraid you will be disappointed if you can't find it!"

No one believed that Le Yao would come to Xuzhou, so even if I said this, Xiao Nuo didn't think of it: the person I want her to find together is a female star she likes very much, and she asked curiously He said: "Brother Zhaoyang, who do you want me and you to go to? Why are you disappointed if you can't find me?"

  I was upset, and I really didn't have the mood to satisfy her curiosity, so I urged: "Don't ask, hurry up and put on your coat, we're leaving!"

Seeing my serious face, Xiao Nuo finally restrained his curiosity, went to the bar and put on his coat, and after I greeted the busy Qin Yan, I also put on my coat and walked out of the coffee shop before Xiao Nuo, Then I started the car and waited for her... The reason why I didn't go looking for Le Yao alone was to avoid suspicion. I promised Mi Cai that I would be an upright man in front of her, so Xiao Nuo followed It couldn't be better.


The setting sun gradually disappeared on the edge of the city. I drove Xiao Nuo along a section of railway track to the northwest direction of the suburbs. I knew that doing so would undoubtedly be a needle in a haystack, but there was always some hope. If I was lucky enough to find her, I would I want to treat her to a meal, and then persuade her to go back to Beijing, so that those who are worried about her will not continue to worry...

The sky started to get dark, and I can't remember how many sections of the railway track I was looking for, but I still didn't find Le Yao's figure. I was a little shaken, maybe she wasn't in Xuzhou at all, and even if she was, she might be staying in the hotel. No one stares at those endless railroad tracks with loneliness...

  I was a little tired, so I pulled over the car, opened the car window and lit a cigarette in anxiety, and then looked at the distant place where the outline could no longer be seen for a while...

  Xiao Nuo next to me was confused, and finally asked me again: "Brother Zhaoyang, are you really looking for someone? Why do I feel like you are taking me for a walk?"

  I took a deep breath and replied with some melancholy: "I was looking for someone, but maybe I can't find her...she didn't appear where I imagined!"

   "Then who is the person you are looking for?... Can you tell me now?"

  I threw away the unfinished cigarette in my hand, started the car again, and then replied: "Look for a way ahead, if you haven't found it, I will go back...I will tell you when I go back."

  Xiao Nuo saw that I was in a bad mood, so he didn't get to the bottom of it. He opened the car window to help me look at the railroad tracks extending on the other side of the road...

After about two kilometers of driving, Xiao Nuo suddenly patted my leg and said, "Brother Zhaoyang, stop the car... Look at a woman sitting on the other side of the river, is it the person you are looking for?" ?”

I slowed down the speed of the car, and subconsciously looked in the direction Xiao Nuo pointed, and I saw that familiar figure not far away. I couldn't see her expression clearly, but I could only see her sitting on a poplar tree below the...

  She curled up, because the wind was a bit cold, but it was more like the paralysis of the body after no love can be expected!

  I stopped the car and said to Xiao Nuo beside me: "Yes, that's her... get out of the car with me to meet my old friend."

But Xiao Nuo didn't get out of the car, and leaned forward to stare under the poplar tree. She seemed to recognize who the woman under the tree was, but she didn't dare to confirm, so she stared at me with wide eyes, asking me to Give her a definite answer.

  I nodded and said, "That's right, the person I'm looking for is Le Yao...she's come to Xuzhou!"

It took Xiao Nuo a long time to recover from the state of astonishment, and said with emotion in an unsteady tone: "It's really unbelievable, how could such a big star come to Xuzhou and sit in a fast tree?" Under the withered poplar tree?...that's too!..."

Xiao Nuo couldn't find an exact word to describe my mood at this time, I let out a heavy breath, looked at the thin Le Yao again, and replied after a long time: "Stars are people too, when you can't find someone who can be stable in your heart It’s not uncommon for her body to wander anywhere...not just her, sometimes we are not as happy as beggars, because we can’t let go of too much and want more!”

After I finished speaking, I unfastened my seat belt, opened the car door and walked towards Le Yao in front of Xiao Nuo. When I approached her, I felt more and more that she was a little afraid of the unstoppable things in winter. It was cold, so I rushed to Xiao Nuo who hadn't gotten out of the car, and shouted: "Xiao Nuo, bring the down jacket I put in the car!"

The night was quiet, my words echoed in the wilderness, Le Yao finally looked up at me who was approaching her, I also looked at her, and I saw beside her leg was the movie that was no longer related to the outside world. I contacted her mobile phone, but the signal light never stopped flashing...At this moment, there are countless people who care about her, but she abandoned herself in this place that only I can find...So, I can't Then treat her as a burden, I want to have a heart-to-heart talk with her under Xiao Nuo's gaze!