MTL - My 26-year-old Female Tenant-Chapter 691 : go west of the old city

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In the middle of the night after returning to Suzhou, I finally knew everything that happened in this old house. It is the epitome of an era, and it also carries the joys and sorrows of a family, but I know nothing about it in this old house. I have lived in this house for two years, now that I think about it, these two years seem to be a predestined waiting, and my destiny has been firmly tied to this house since then.

  It is already late at night, and the chat with Mi Cai is still going on. I asked her: "Your mother will return to China the day after tomorrow. Do we need to wait for her in Suzhou?"

   "What do you mean?"

   "We always have to meet each other, and we really need to have a frank and honest discussion with her. It is the best result for her to agree, and we don't have to be so sad."

"She won't admit it. She only wants me to go to the United States with her and stay by her side, so she hopes that uncle can control Zhuo Mei, and this is the biggest reason why uncle is willing to follow her wishes and withhold the household registration book. Reason, they have the same position on this matter!"


Mi Cai said again: "Although I know she won't approve, it's good to meet. After all, we can't hide forever, and choosing to be together is not a mistake, so there is no reason not to dare to face her. On the contrary, some things must Talk to her clearly."

I looked at Mi Cai and knew that her mood had changed after returning to Suzhou. I remember that when I was in Xuzhou, she was very repulsed to meet Yan Zhuomei, but I didn't know what touched her and made her feel I have made this change, but this change coincides with my point of view, so I regard this as a manifestation of husband and wife singing together.

In order to wait for Yan Zhuomei to return to China, Mi Cai and I had to change our original plan and stay in Suzhou for at least three days, but today is the most peaceful day, we just need to wait patiently, and we can even stay at home It's okay to stay in the house for a day, or stay in bed and don't want to get up, because this is the right we have to enjoy in peace before the storm.


In the morning, Mi Cai and I had a tacit understanding and stayed on the bed and refused to get up. This was due to the change of the weather. Last night, I saw a clear sky with a vast sea of ​​stars, but now there was a cold wind and the sky was dark As a result, staying outside for one second is suffering, so we leaned on the bed and saw the familiar faces in the community, and disappeared at the east exit of the community in a hurry, walking or riding an electric car .

The heat in the quilt gradually dissipated because we woke up, so I entangled my legs with Mi Cai's. At this time, she was looking at the examination materials that she brought from Xuzhou. Then he took his mobile phone and habitually browsed the current events of the past two days. After a while, Mi Cai and Mi Cai fell asleep again. The biscuits were also eaten by us as breakfast without knowing it...

  Mi Cai pushed me and said, "Zhaoyang, what shall we have for lunch?"

   "Call for takeaway."

   "What about the afternoon, what are you doing in the afternoon?"

   "If you want, I'd like to lie on the bed with you and be a pig! ... Anyway, I can't do anything serious in this weather."

   "Well, I don't have the desire to go out either, so just stay in bed for a day."

  I was a little curious about her past, so I asked her about the bed-staying: "Have you ever had the experience of staying in bed for a day and a night before?"

   "No, do you have any?" Mi Cai answered while flipping through the book in her hand, completely unable to see the change in her mood when she was about to face Yan Zhuomei.

   "Of course I have. I remember that when I was in college, I often stayed on the bed and played cards with my brothers in the dormitory because of the bad weather, or I was just talking nonsense..."

   "I can't imagine your life in college!"

I just subconsciously talked about things in college, but suddenly felt the weight of the topic, so I kept silent, picked up my phone again, ordered two takeaways, and then completely lay on the bed, waiting for the delivery to arrive. .....

It is foreseeable that in the afternoon, we will repeat the life in the morning. As for the evening, we have not thought about how to spend it. This kind of complete non-thinking and inaction seems to let time go by very fast, unconsciously, The sky was already dark, and the sky outside the window, after a day of brewing, finally started cold rain, falling on the eaves, ticking, ticking...

  I said to Mi Cai: "Look at the weather, I don't even have the desire to go out, let's continue to order takeaway at night..."

  Mi Cai finally closed the book that she had been reading for a long time, and said lazily: "According to me, I don't need to eat dinner. Anyway, I will be lying down all day, and I haven't consumed any calories!"

  I looked at Mi Cai suspiciously, and asked, "Are you talking irony?"

  Mi Cai glanced at me, and replied: "You still know?... Zhaoyang, I found that I was almost assimilated by you, and I actually lay on the bed for a whole day!"

"I see you enjoyed it... You ate a bag of biscuits, two bags of potato chips, and drank a bottle of yogurt!" I said and looked at the packaging bags thrown in the trash take a look.

   "I just want to see how lazy and sloppy my life can be with you, and now I finally see it..."

   "Hey... you are really eloquent. It is obvious that you have a lazy gene in your body, but in the end you put the responsibility on me instead."

  As if wanting to prove that she is not lazy, Mi Cai grabbed my arm and said, "Okay, none of us should lie on the bed and be pigs, get up quickly and go for a run with me."

  I looked at the raindrops falling from the sky as if venting, and said with an exaggerated expression: "There is so much wind and rain outside, isn't running equal to self-harm?"

   "How can you see a rainbow if you don't go through wind and rain, so you can be brave with me once, can't you?"

  When she said that, I replied without any hesitation: "I would also like to accompany you, but you have to tell me first, so that I can see where the end of the rainbow is."

  Mi Cai thought for a while, and said: "The end of the storm is to the west of Xia Fanye's old city. We haven't had coffee there for a long time. Do you think it's okay?"

I suddenly remembered that it was in the cafe "West of the Old City" that I found inspiration, went to the square that recorded our love journey, and reunited with Mi Cai there... ...This seems to be a hint from her, or, she hopes to use this way, so that we can all look back and see how many twists and turns we have gone through when we are together now!


Leaving the warmth in the quilt, we were exposed to the erosion of wind and rain the next moment, and the jackets on our bodies shone brighter than the lights under the reflection of the lights. Went farthest west...just to find the "West of Old Town" that had been relocated.


  How stuck will an author Carvin be? I will get stuck to the point where I can't even form words... This industry is not as easy as it seems.

   After 12:00 tonight, I will talk to you on my Weibo, my own views on the character Zhaoyang, and the inspiration and motivation for writing the character Le Yao. If you are interested, please pay attention to my Sina Weibo...Search (I have medicine for sale) In the future, I will often post some content related to this book on Weibo, as well as the background of writing, and my own Some views to share with you.
