MTL - My 26-year-old Female Tenant-Chapter 41 : you shameless

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  In the night, I came to the community where I lived for more than 2 years. The fuchsia q7 of Mi Cai was parked downstairs in the community. She had arrived before me.

I whistled and went upstairs, and the sensor lights lit up one after another along the way. Under the light, the corridor looked even more dilapidated. This kind of dilapidation made me more and more puzzled. I always wondered why Mi Cai lived in Here, I have nowhere to go, so I have to stay in Robben's lair.

   Knocked on the door, Mi Cai opened the door for me fully dressed, I immediately complained: "I'm exhausted!"

   "Then you go and get it done, and go back to rest when you're done." Mi Cai said in a tone of concern for me.

  I gave her a dissatisfied look, and said: "You are very beautiful, but your emotional intelligence is really a bit weak. I said I was tired, but I wanted you to pour me a cup of hot water."

   "I haven't lived here for several days, where is the hot water?"

"There is an electric kettle and a gas stove at home. If there is no hot water, you can cook it. By the way, I like wolfberry lemon tea. Last time I moved, I didn't take away the wolfberry and lemon. You can make it for me now." As I said that, I sat down on the sofa, crossed my legs, took out the tangerines in the fruit plate and ate them.

  Mi Cai's face was ugly, but she still went to the kitchen to fetch water, plugged in the electric kettle and started to boil, standing opposite the sofa and looking at me with some resentment.

  I am proud that I don't take advantage of her at this time. When she finishes using me, she might choke me to death with vicious words.

   "This tangerine is really good, where did you buy it?" I said and peeled another orange.

   "If you like it, you can take it home and eat it, but can you help me with the business first?"

I replied in no hurry: "Last time I thought your cherries were good, and you asked me to take them back. This time, I think tangerines are good, and you asked me to take them back too. Is it true that everything in this room can be as long as I can take it with me if I like it?"

   "In principle, I can't argue with someone like you, because your skin is surprisingly thick." Mi Cai said to me patiently.

  I smiled and continued: "Then I like you very much, so come with me tonight."

  Mi Cai's face suddenly turned cloudy, and she glared at me and said, "Please don't say in front of me what you can say to every woman, I will think you are very shameless!"

  I still said calmly: "I'm just following your logic. Why don't you be shameless? If you don't want to, I just don't like you."

  Mi Cai looked at the boiling water, her expression wished she could push me into the electric kettle.

I was very happy. In so many verbal battles with Mi Cai, this is the first time I have the upper hand. This feeling of regaining the city is really exciting. I am so proud that I can't help humming The song "The New Tenant" by Faye Wong.

   "Waiting for the night, welcoming the day, cleaning during the day, praying at night, leaving the hustle and bustle, looking for troubles, the ends of the earth, whim, is anyone there, who is coming, I say hello, you say excuse me, it's not too late, not too early, thousands of miles..."

  Mi Cai stared at me as I was about to finish singing, but there was nothing she could do. Of course she couldn’t do anything, because she didn’t dare to be as shameless as me.

  I said to Mi Cai again: "Do you know what song I just sang?"

   Without waiting for Mi Cai to answer, he rushed to ask and answer, "It's Faye Wong's new tenant, do you think the lyrics are about the relationship between the two of us?"

Still didn't wait for Mi Cai's response, and rushed to analyze again, saying: "I wait in this house every night, greet the day, clean during the day, pray at night, one day you moved in here on a whim, and I, the landlord, don't care about your new house. The guest said: Hello, but you said to me: Excuse me... and then... kicked me out of this house!"

  Mi Cai sighed for a while, and said: "You really know how to associate!"

   "This is not Lenovo, it's a real and tragic story that happened not long ago!" I stood up from the sofa aggrievedly and glared at Mi Cai.

  Mi Cai didn't respond to my words, looked at the boiling water and said, "I'll bring water, where are your lemon slices and goji berries?"

   "Next to the toilet in the bathroom." I said angrily, but it was because of disgusting Mi Cai. After my own analysis just now, I also felt that I had been greatly wronged.

   Mi Cai really had a disgusted expression on her face, but she also knew that I did it on purpose, so she said calmly: "If you don't tell me, forget it, you can soak yourself."

   "You are so principled, if you promised to help me make tea, you will definitely make it." I took the opportunity to ridicule Mi Cai's principles again.

  Mi Cai's words were finally angry: "But did you really put the lemon and wolfberry next to the toilet in the bathroom?"

   "Go ask the cockroaches in the bathroom, they live there, and they must be very clear about whether they have been released."

  Mi Cai was out of breath, and said, "Don't drink." Then she walked into her room, unwilling to say a word to me.

  I sang the song "The New Tenant" to Mi Cai's room like a villain.


  Finally, I went to the room where I used to live and found lemons and wolfberries. I made a cup with boiling water and sat comfortably on the sofa drinking it. Life was so beautiful in an instant.

   After drinking a cup of tea, I wanted to go to the bathroom to help Mi Cai clean up the dead cockroaches, but the phone rang suddenly. I checked the number and it was Robben calling me.

  I answered the phone, but it was a woman's voice, she said to me: "You are Zhaoyang."

   "Who are you, how do you use Robben's phone?" I asked in doubt.

   "Lily, that Lily from last time."

   "Oh, what's up?"

   Lily said to me in a negotiating tone: "Roben went downstairs to buy cigarettes. I called you to tell you not to come back tonight. I want to spend the night here with Robben."

  I was a little embarrassed, but I had already ruined Lili once before, and it was a bit unreasonable to do it again. After a long while, I finally said to Lili: "Okay, I won't go back tonight."

   Lily's words suddenly became cheerful, and she told me: "Then you call later and tell Robben that you are not coming back."

"no problem."

   "Remember, don't tell Robben that I called you to keep you from coming back." Lily urged again.

   "Well, I just said that I have something to do and I won't go back tonight."

"Zhaoyang, you're really nice. I'll treat you to dinner sometime when I'm free." Lily hung up the phone with joy after speaking, but I forgot to remind her to return the one hundred yuan I took from me last time. .

   After finishing talking with Lily, I faced another dilemma. If I don’t go back to Robben’s place tonight, where else can I stay overnight!


Worried about having nowhere to stay, I went to the bathroom to help Mi Cai clean up the corpses of cockroaches. In fact, there were not many, because the insecticide last time had no effect at all. I found it behind the toilet after searching for a long time. A cockroach that hasn't died yet, but this one is enough to make me feel at ease with Mi Cai.

I wrapped the cockroaches in toilet paper, stuffed some cigarette butts into them as the dead cockroaches, and then came to Mi Cai’s room, knocked on the door and said, “I’ve already cleaned up all the dead cockroaches. It’s wrapped, do you want to come out and test it, the effect of the insecticide is really not covered.”


  I'm not writing fast, and I don't have any manuscripts in my hand. Starting tomorrow, I will return to the two shifts at my normal speed.

  Of course, there will be updates from time to time. Three changes are over today

   Don’t forget to vote for flowers... When there is a flower update event, you can receive up to nearly 1400 a day, and when there is no time, it will drop to 900 in an instant. Do you guys want to be so annoying!

Do you still remember the last book, I rap that there is a girl who fits the image of Chen Qingyi? In this book, she specially helped us record a song "The New Tenant" mentioned in the book. She helped record it a long time ago. You can Go and listen.

   Download a song on your mobile phone, search for avas, and you can find her. The song "The New Tenant" is a bit out of tune, but I like it very much. Miss Avas also sings very well. This is a benefit for everyone. In addition, I urged her to record a new song.