MTL - My 26-year-old Female Tenant-Chapter 40 : don't act like a child

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  After bidding farewell to Le Yao, I went back to the attic, opened the door, and found that Robben was sitting on the roof, holding a guitar in his hand, but not practicing singing, and the beer cans scattered around him made him look a bit decadent.

  I handed him a cigarette, jumped onto the guardrail, lit the cigarette, and listened to the sound of raindrops falling on the awning, like a sad whimper, weeping the night, waiting for the dawn.

   "Why are you depressed again?" I asked with a smile.

   Robben tore open a can of beer and handed it to me, as if we only had cigarettes and beer left in the night, he said: "Every day is decadent."

   "Then you are depressed, buddy, I have decided to be a positive man."

   "Really? Don't give up without being firm."

Although Robben teased me, I didn't care, and replied with a smile, "I'll lift it, but I'll be strong." After a pause, he said seriously, "It's been more than three years since I graduated, and I still haven't achieved anything. Classmates and friends were busy and rushed to get married one by one, and their hearts were quite empty."

   Robben nodded, without saying a word, just threw away the empty beer can in his hand, and took a deep drag on his cigarette.

I stood up from the guardrail and yelled at the huge city below me that was shrouded in darkness, saying: "I don't **** play anymore, I want to work every day, buy a house, marry a beautiful girl, Every day when I go home, some people talk and some people sleep..."

   Robben plucked the guitar suddenly, and hummed "Don't Be Stupid" from his mouth. Only then did he realize that Robben is **** bad enough! <i's product positioning, I have no doubts about this. Although Le Yao is often careless in front of our friends, when she enters the working state, she has a noble temperament, which is fashionable and avant-garde in the nobility, and has a bit of mixed blood. It is beautiful, so I look for Le Yao to shoot promotional posters for them. It is not necessarily because of the test of our sincerity in cooperation with department stores. It is mainly because Le Yao is suitable. This just highlights the brand awareness of international first-line brands. They are marketing Propaganda is often very cautious. <i's vice president in China also signed a contract with our department store to set up cabinets as promised. The signing ceremony was very high-profile. Announced to the outside world: Polaroid Department Store has stepped into the ranks of top department stores.

And the high-profile signing ceremony this time is also for the full marketing, warm-up and promotion that I will be responsible for later, so the first real challenge in my life is also accompanied by the vice president of i in China and some accompanying Of course, I made an exception to be invited as one of the heroes, which made me a little flattered. You know, I have worked as a grassroots in the company for two years, and I really haven’t spoken a few words to the top of the company, let alone have dinner up.

At the banquet, Chen Jingming praised me so much in front of the company's top management that at the end of the banquet, Li Junren, the executive vice president of our Baoli department store, came to me in person, patted me on the shoulder and said: "Young man, I remember you."

  Of course, this is just to remember that if I want the company’s senior management to really pay attention, I need to seize this rare opportunity and go all out to do a good job in this marketing campaign to create value for the company. <I was on a filming mission, she will leave Suzhou and return to Hengdian tomorrow, and continue to strive for her acting career.

  We sat next to a section of railroad track, which stretched infinitely in the direction of the wind in the dark night. It seemed so free, but I knew that maybe the next city would be the end of this section of railroad track.

  A green leather train, which is already hard to see, carried a group of people who looked so lonely, and hurried past our eyes, leaving only some light, shadow and smell in the end.

   Le Yao sat next to me in thick clothes, and there was a distance between our bodies. This distance made us more and more like friends.

  I tucked my clothes, lit a cigarette, and said to Le Yao, "Go back to the set, don't let others bully you anymore."

   Le Yao clasped her knees with both hands, stared at another passing train in a daze, nodded and said to me after a long time: "Well... you should work hard too."

   "Well... Actually, I'm quite guilty, because I have caused you so much grievance. When I can't sleep these few nights, I always want to hit that actress."

  Le Yao smiled and said: "Don't be a child, actually I don't want to think about this anymore."

   "Then what do you think?"

   "I don't think about anything, I feel sad if I think too much."

  I agree with Le Yao's words, but can she really do it? At least I often think wildly with my soul imprisoned by flesh and blood, and the more I think about it, the more painful it is.

   Each of them was silent for a long time, I took out an envelope from the bag beside me and handed it to Le Yao, saying: "This is your reward for this time, a total of 10,000, please order it."

   "Why so many?"

"Our manager said that as long as you can spare time to participate in the filming this time, he is personally willing to pay three times the reward. Take it, you deserve it." I said and handed the envelope to Le Yao hand over.

  Le Yao took the envelope and stuffed it into her handbag. Afterwards, we remained silent until we left, only to see many trains roaring by with the sound of wind.


  On the way back, it was just after 10 o'clock. In fact, Le Yao and I didn't sit on the side of the railroad track for too long, but our hearts traveled a long way with the fast-moving trains, and we couldn't take it back.

  Going back to the residence, I found that Robben didn't go to the bar tonight, because when he was about to open the door, there was a woman's panting sound from the house. It might be the Lily brought back last time, or it might be another woman.

  I'm too embarrassed to disturb, but I have nowhere to go. After sitting downstairs for a while, I finally remembered that I promised Mi Cai to help her get rid of those cockroach corpses a few days ago, so I might as well do it for her now.

  I called Mi Cai, and she told me that she has been waiting for me to get rid of the cockroaches in that old house, so she is still living in Liu'an Garden.

  I told her that I have time to solve it now, and she immediately said that she also has time now, so we rushed to the old house at the same time from two directions of the city.


  Flowers, check in, collection, thank you --------------

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