MTL - Murdering Heaven Edge-Chapter 1887 Boulder City

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"Brother, okay, let's go!" After Chu Hui arranged all of this, he immediately debugged successfully, and then said to Chu Mo with a playful face: "This is the latest rune life, can be invisible, can be completely Thoroughly hiding the atmosphere. So even if the Great God comes here, unless he can find it one inch at a time, otherwise..."

Speaking of this, Chu Hui’s exquisite face said with a three-pointed self-confidence: “They can’t find this place!”

"Even if you are a great god, there is no way to find out?"


"Then, if it is those who have a level of rune life with you?" Chu Mo asked.

Chu Hui shook his head: "They are the same. However, if they also use this method to construct a rune network, I can't find it either. But until now, I have not found any rune life, doing this. Something."

Chu Mo nodded, his face showed a natural color, and then said: "This is good."

Is it good? It’s just great!

In the heart of Chu Mo, I can already think of it. Once the rune life network, the successful connection is boundless. Those heavenly people in the infinite sky will have an impact on them after seeing the human life in the Pangu world.

To put it bluntly, the biggest reason for the contempt of the Terran for the Terran is that they do not understand.

In the past, they never tried to enter the human society, to understand the life of the human race, and did not try to make friends with human beings. Then go to the feelings of people's emotions.

The kind of arrogance and scorn in the bones, so that they have not really understood how the great race is a human race.

In fact, after really understanding how the Tianren people came from, Chu Mo suddenly gave birth to a bit of sympathy for those proud people.

According to the macroscopic origin of the great universe, any species has its own entire ancient history. In other words, any kind of living being has a real origin and has a complete history of growth and development.

Can the Heavenly Terran...not.

Their origin is the fusion of runes and humans.

They are equal to a race that was created. It is not the kind of race that exists in this world between heaven and earth, because of the spirit...

They are consciously noble, and what is hidden inside the bones is deep inferiority!

They look down on humans and feel that human beings are low, dirty, and filthy... but in fact, even the simplest creatures in the world have a history.

Not to mention the Terran, a race with a complete history of development and evolution.

Because of inferiority, the first generation of the Terran had a great hatred and contempt for mankind.

They feel that human beings are dirty and dirty, but in fact it is precisely a manifestation of the unbelief of the heavens.

On the other hand, the human race, although in terms of physique, cultivation and realm, is not as good as the heavens, of course, this is also the data obtained in the overall macroscopic. When people are born, they really have too many conditions than the Terran.

But the inclusiveness of the Terran and their tolerance are the qualities that the Terran has almost no possession. Others, let alone the qualities of unity, blood, derogatory, and sacrifice.

They are all things that the Heavenly Terrans are not made at all!

They are neither human nor rune life. The so-called Heavenly Man is just a good name for them.

Chu Mo and Chu Hui both went all the way to the infinite world of the world. In the process, Chu Hui is constantly starting to arrange the transit areas of the rune life network.

Each area was determined after careful calculation.

In the words of Chu Hui, this can directly guarantee the smoothness of the future rune life network. Even if I have been mistakenly hit by the enemy and found a few and destroyed it, it does not matter. These areas I have arranged can guarantee that the network is unblocked!

Chu Mo is convinced of this, he can feel that Chu Hui, the rune of life, even in the race of rune life, is absolutely extraordinary. It may even belong to the top level.

Because most of the runes are life, although they have a very high level of wisdom, in fact, there is no such strong ability to learn, absorb, comprehend and create.

Otherwise, this rune network should be full of four days before the mass robbery. Up to now, the four heavenly people, the way they contact and communicate, still stay at a level higher than the letter board.

This advanced point means that their propagation distance is farther away than the letter board. But that's it.

There are no more advantages, and the rune network of Chu Hui's architecture is so far worse than countless eras.

The two are like this, all the way, all the way, in the case of being able to guarantee the connection with the ancient world, finally entered the infinite world of the world.

This is the first time Chu Mo has come here, and the world is too grand.

Compared with it, Pangu World is really like a newborn baby. But in the perception of Chu Mo, I can feel that the world has passed the most brilliant time, just like a secular mortal. After middle age, I began to move towards old age.

Although it is still very strong, it seems to be at its peak, but in reality, it is inevitable... it is starting to go downhill.

From the vitality of the world, it can be clearly sensed.

In contrast, the Pangu world, although a new born world, has endless potential for development, and there are countless possibilities in the future.

If this time, he and Chu Hui can successfully complete the task of constructing the rune network, then, I believe that Pangu world will usher in a rapid development period!

Chu Hui’s ambition is great. She not only has to build a rune network, but also builds a large number of money houses here!

Then, she wants to connect the coins of Pangu World with the coins of the World of Heaven!

Once this was done, then the trade network between the two big heavens was in its infancy. It will take less than a few years, and there will be more and more trades between the two sides.

Perhaps in the near future, there will even be the kind of thing: the high-rises are fighting, and the fight is in full swing. Private people can be kept in business situations.

Chu Hui has analyzed it very seriously. As long as it is properly controlled, then Pangu world can dump a lot of good-looking and refined people made by human beings on the side of the world. It is full of artistic beauty, but it is actually useless. thing. Then, you can use the money sold by these things to exchange a lot of top-level cultivation resources from the sky!

Once this kind of thing has begun, then even if it is the infinite God, it will not be able to completely kill it. Moreover, the more prohibited the above, below... the more crazy it may be!

Chu Hui, this group of people, led by the rain and water Yiyi, plus the group of women in the ethereal palace, once they are serious, want to do something, the power that erupted, even Chu Mo feels shocked .

It is indeed too strong!

In the native world of the infinite days, the two continue to arrange and move on.

Finally, they came to the first city of heaven.

This is a huge ancient city.

It is suspended in the air, and the entire ancient city is carved out like a huge and unmatched boulder.

The rough wall that exudes vicissitudes looks very primitive, but it gives a powerful sense of power.

“Is this the city of heaven and earth?” Chu Mo looked seriously and whispered: “This group of heavenly people is indeed an unimaginable level of pursuit of art.”

Chu Hui nodded: "Yes, in their eyes, life can be lost, but the pursuit of beauty can not stop. Moreover, every heaven has its own unique set of judgments on beauty. It can be said that just one Heavenly Terrans are all true artists. Well, brother, now we have to pretend to be artists!"

Chu Mo smiled: "Very good, I can't wait!"

Chu Hui smiled and looked at Chu Mo: "I can't think of my unparalleled brother, and there is such a naughty side!"

What can two people can't wait to do?

Go to flicker!

The ancient city of the Tianren is very large, just as big as a star.

In this city, houses with different shapes are everywhere. Although they look different, they are arranged in a patchwork manner, giving people a very special beauty. There are mountains and waters in the city, forests, grasslands, Gobi... and swamps.

Almost all of the terrain is here.

Chu Mo and Chu Hui even saw a volcano erupting in the distance.

"This is a complete star!" Chu Mo could not help but sigh.

"It should be a stone star, it was taken off, and then a whole city was opened up." Chu Hui nodded.

The two walked in the city and there were many people on the street. There are also a variety of weird vehicles.

There are rare cars with rare birds and animals pulling in the air, and there are also a few singularly driven cars with nucleus-driven shapes running on the ground. There are many simply sitting on the bodies of various rare birds and animals. There are also swords flying. There is even a kind of recliner that is made like a recliner, lying in a chair and flying in the sky.

Here, everything is impossible, it has become the norm. No one has ever paid too much attention to these.

Occasionally, there will be some ancient chariots that look high on the order and run through the sky. There will be all kinds of weird marks on those cars. It should be the logo of the owner. Wherever you go, all the heavenly people will give up a channel on their own.

When Chu Mo and Chu Hui even saw a silver chariot passing by, all the other heavenly people stopped and saluted the chariot. After the chariot disappeared completely, the talents resumed their previous actions.

"It should be a nobleman." Chu Hui said.

Chu Mo nodded, the Tianren people were too big, and the nobility was too much. But chasing its roots, almost all of them can be associated with the four great gods.

"Okay, our mission is about to begin." Chu Hui smiled, then pulled Chu Mo with a confident face and walked toward a shop on the corner. ——

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