MTL - Mr. Lu Wants To Promise By Marriage-Chapter 56 Men are like clothes...

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  Chapter 56 Men are like clothes...

  Yu Xingtu put away his thoughts, frowned helplessly, and replied leisurely——

"Love! Who can I love if I don't love you? Men are like clothes, and **** friends are eternal. I remember what you said! Well, don't be angry, I will order you a new full-color CL, and you will forgive me Me?"

  However, before Yu Xingtu finished speaking, a deep and cold voice suddenly rang in his ears—

"Is it?"

  The sudden voice naturally made Yu Xingtu startled, and turned his head almost subconsciously, only to find that Lu Zhaoting, who was standing indifferently at the door—

  The cool and handsome face was calm, showing no emotion, holding a glass of steaming water in his hand, looking at her with a faint coolness in his deep eyes.

   So, what did he hear just now?

  Yu Xingtu was in a daze for a moment before realizing it, and quickly said to Meng Ting on the other side, "Nizi, I won't tell you anymore, hurry up, go to the bathroom..."

  Meng Ting didn't hear Lu Zhaoting's voice, and now she said brokenly, "Every time I want to get rid of me, I go to the bathroom, get out, get out—"


  Yu Xingtu silently put away the phone, with light starry eyes, scratched at his messy hair, and glanced at him, seeming to be able to capture his displeasure, and then explained in a neutral manner—

   "Well, I have a friend, a little girl, with a naive glass heart, and I need to be coaxed."

   "Why did you get up so early today? When did you deliver it?"

  As she spoke, she also raised her hand, revealing the delicate and beautiful diamond bracelet and the diamond ring on her ring finger. The flowing brilliance was even more noble and mysterious in this slightly dim space.

   Just by looking at this appearance, you know that the price is expensive, even much more expensive than the watch she gave him, right?

   "What did you say about men?"

  Lu Zhaoting's deep voice was tinged with coolness, which made people tense up all over. Yu Xingtu didn't even look at his unfathomable eyes, and said faintly—

   "I'm just talking about dealing with her casually, don't take it seriously, I can never wear clothes. The bracelets and rings are very beautiful, thank you, I really like it...I'm going to take a shower..."

   As he spoke, he also rushed towards the bathroom, and escaped quite quickly.

  At this time, spending time on debating will probably only get darker and darker. Yu Xingtu doesn't want to waste time on this boring issue at all.

  Don't men still say that women are like clothes?


  Looking at the closed bathroom door, Lu Zhaoting's black eyes also showed some dark and unclear undercurrents, and his always calm and handsome face was also stained with a little complexity.

  Recalling what happened last night, he really couldn't tell.

  If he hadn't been there at that time, would she have had fun there until dawn, and would have been so brave enough to trick him into going to the movies.

Moreover, it seems that her identity is not that simple. It can be seen from her calm and rational way of handling things when she is in danger. She is a very smart and low-key person. Not everyone can have the Supreme Card of the Red Flame Kingdom. of.

  Akang also gave him the video of the arena. With such a posture, the veteran may not be able to play as easily as her. It is clearly an old Jianghu who has been around for many years...

  However, the information handed back before only said that she was a child given away by the Yu family, which was not necessary, and was just a discarded piece of chess that the Yu family had long wanted to discard.

  So, what has her Qin Jue taught her all these years?

He didn't find complete information about Qin Jue, but he also knew that this Qin Jue was by no means as simple as it appeared on the surface. One of the most famous figures in the world back then, with so many blood stains on his hands, he could die all over his body. How could he be a simple person when he retired and lived a simple life in the countryside?


Yu Xingtu washed her hair and took a bath, and her whole body was much more awake. Some clips from last night were gradually played back in her mind, a little dazed, but also felt a little real. She was not sure if these scenes were all She did it?

  She seems to still... still want to deal with Lu Zhaoting... no, want to kiss?

   Then, behind him is really...

   And this diamond ring bracelet...

  Full of doubts, Yu Xingtu also wiped her hair with a towel, and came out of the bathroom...

  In the bedroom, the servant seemed to have packed it up. She looked around, but found a figure outside the balcony...

   After thinking about it, he walked over.

   Sure enough, as soon as he walked to the door, he saw a man standing against the wall—

He was still in the same black casual clothes as before, half of a burning cigarette was still indifferently held between his slender fingers, and in the light smoke that filled the air, that noble and distinct handsome face was even more cold and dusty, and his eyes were as silent as the sea. Looking at the scenery outside.

  It is also approaching the Ching Ming Festival, and the weather is often so gloomy...

  He turned his head to look at the sound of footsteps.

  Wearing a white bathrobe and loose hair, the freshness after taking a bath made her even more glamorous.

   "I didn't do anything yesterday..."

  Yu Xingtu was not in the mood to think about it, and asked directly. While talking, seeing that the glass of water was still half in his hand, he took it directly and drank it bluntly.

  He looked at her with dark eyes, and after a few seconds, he opened his mouth and said, "With so much ability, how could you forget?"

  Hearing this, Yu Xingtu paused for a moment, his star eyes slightly narrowed, and he gave him a sideways glance—

   Judging by his expression, it seems that those fragments are not fake anymore?

  The eyes look a little unpredictable...

  The hidden undercurrent also made her feel a little...uneasy?

   "I drank too much, and I forgot what I said and did. Don't take it seriously. I rarely do this, and I rarely get drunk."

  Yu Xingtu thought about it, and felt that his integrity and image could still be saved.

  However, after her words fell, the man just gave her a sideways glance, indifferently extinguished the cigarette in the flower pot beside him, and then stretched out his hand towards her—

  Yu Xingtu looked at it, raised her cold eyebrows in surprise, stared at his deep and treacherous black eyes, narrowed them for a moment, and then casually put the towel on his hand.

   A smile flashed across his handsome face, and the gleam in his eyes looked a bit dim. His big hand passed through the hanging towel, clasped her wrist, and pulled her over—

  Yu Xingtu was stunned for a moment, and the next moment, his whole body was already imprisoned in his slightly warm chest.

   There was a hint of coolness in the hoarse voice, and it sounded in her ears——

   "Then let's remember it well now."


  PS: The second update! Please recommend tickets, will our weekly recommendation tickets break 5,000 tonight?

  Recently, strict investigations have begun again. We are afraid that we can only drink some soup. Don’t think about other things. The editor just asked me to change the book of Quan Shao. It’s involved...a headache...

  If you are short of books, you can read the essay "Mr. Huo, Let's Get Married" just finished by my brother, and the old finished essay "Just When the Stars Are Bright" "He Gifted Me a Sky full of Stars"

   Our Quan seldom talks about politics, and doesn’t show it. Recently, this aspect has been very strict, and my brother is very helpless. I can’t write high-level essays. I don’t know how to change some chapters. Let me tell you, I hope it will be released later.



  (end of this chapter)