MTL - Mr. Fu’s Wife Reincarnated-Chapter 393 392: A flashy dream

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  Chapter 393 392 Flashy Dream

  In November, the weather is getting cooler, and the little guy has already started to be restless after the well-behaved time in the confinement period.

  Crying three meals a day is the basic.

  Mr. Fu half-returned to work.

  Jiang Yi often gets his scalp numb from the noise at home.

  I still remember that in mid-November, Jiang Yi answered a work call, but all he heard over the phone was the crying of the little guy.

  So, Mrs. Fu, who was a new mother, couldn't hold back and coaxed the little guy.

   Yuesao saw that things were not going well, and hurriedly left with the child in her arms.

  Things happened in the afternoon, regret it was night.

  Probably to make up for the little guy, Jiang Yi took the initiative to ask Ying to sleep with the little guy at night.

  In the middle of the night, Mr. Fu's phone rang, waking up the little guy, whimpering and waking up gradually.

  I don't know what was said on the other end of the phone.

  Fu Xiting was leaning against the bedside with his mobile phone, like an octogenarian who suddenly aged dozens of years.

  Jiang Yi noticed something strange and asked him, "What's wrong?"

  Fu Xiting's eyes were scarlet, and grief was mixed with unbearable, fully reflecting the seven emotions and six desires, love, hatred, and hatred in the world.

  He said: "Take the child and go back to the villa!"

   The little guy has been born for a long time and has never seen his grandma.

  Fu Xiting didn't suggest it, and Jiang Yi didn't mention it. First, she and Meng Shu didn't have a good relationship. Second, her husband didn't ask her not to worry about it.

  But today, this person suddenly mentioned this matter late at night.

  Jiang Yi vaguely knew that something had happened.

  Late at night, the two left Yu Garden with the confinement wife and went straight to the villa. The little guy was wrapped in a thick blanket, and the confinement wife was in her arms and followed the couple into a courtyard.

  As soon as the footsteps reached the iron gate, the sound of mourning came slowly from the room, and the sobbing sound was like a wronged kid in the middle of the night.

  Wen Qi's cries became more and more sad.

   Hearing Jiang Yi's heart overflowing with emotions, he vaguely remembered Zou Yin's cry on the day he was buried.

  Desperate, powerless, watching the person in front of me go away little by little, powerless.

  In front of the door, Fu Xiting stopped Jiang Yi: "I'll just go in."

  Jiang Yi looked at him with firm and gentle eyes: "Let's go together!"

   People who are about to die will eventually be relieved.

   Meng Shu is not, she is also Fu Xiting's mother.

   This journey is a free ride.

Wen Qi knelt by the bed, saw Fu Xiting coming in with the child in his arms, and urgently called to Meng Shu who was lying on the bed at the dying moment: "Madam, Madam, Yan Ting is here with the child, didn't you say it? Take a look, let's take a look." .”

   Probably Wen Qi's call played a role.

  Meng Shu slowly opened her eyes.

  Seeing her open her eyes, Wen Qi called Fu Xiting excitedly and gave him the seat beside the bed.

  Fu Xiting sat beside the bed with the child in his arms.

  Meng Shu raised her hand, struggled several times, and then slowly fell in the air. It was difficult for a person who was once so proud to raise her hand now.

  Fu Xiting held her hand after many years, and in just a split second, tears welled up in Meng Shu's eyes.

  It has been more than ten years since her husband died.

  From when he was a child to when he had a child, Meng Shu couldn't even remember the long time.

  Fu Xiting held her hand, holding the hand of the baby in swaddling.

   She said: Great, you are not alone.

  The intersection of the three generations started silently at midnight.

   And in an instant, it disappeared again.

  Suddenly, there was the sound of mourning in the room, and the doctor's indifferent announcement: "November 9, 2012, at 2:15 in the morning, Mrs. Fu passed away."

  Fu Xiting sat by the bed with the child in his arms, looked at the pale-faced Meng Shu, and recalled the scene when he was young in his mind.

  Meng Shu is very beautiful.

   Likes to wear skirts of various colors.

  When he was a child, he would go into the mall to help his mother choose a nice dress whenever he went out with his father.

  The first thing I took home was for Meng Shu to try it on.

   She was wearing a nice dress, and asked him with a bright smile, "Is mom pretty?"

  He nodded: "It looks good."

  Fu Xiting's tears hit the little guy's face, the little guy moaned, and then burst into tears.

  When Jiang Yi took the little guy from Fu Xiting's hands, Fu Xiting's eyes were lost, and he said two words with grief.

  He said: "It looks good."

  Jiang Yi walked to the door and heard a forbearing cry coming from the room.

  Fu's family gave him a good education, making him a normal person, but they didn't give him an environment to display. For Fu Xiting, Meng Shu was a thorn in the side.

  Dead heartache, alive hate.

  On November 12th, Meng Shu's funeral was over, and Fu Xiting became more and more taciturn.

  The only smiles were given to his wife and children.

   But every time he was away from others, he sat alone in a certain place like an old man without roots.

  Adriatic, without any sense of belonging.

  On November 15th, Jiang Yi was worried about Fu Xiting, and while her daughter was asleep, she went to Dongting Group, opened the door and entered, and the smell of smoke in the room made her unable to open her eyes.

  Guan Qing said: Chairman Fu seems to be ill.

  Jiang Yi saw that he was really sick. He couldn’t leave his cigarettes every day. The office seemed to be a fire scene.

On November 6th, Wen Ziqi came to the capital to talk about work, and Mengyao went with him. They were both very happy when they saw the book exhibition. Looks like Jiang Fu?"

  Jiang was shocked at first glance, and it was inevitable that this happened at night.

  In the middle of the night, Fu Xiting talked about this matter. Mr. Fu pondered for a moment, and then seriously responded to his wife: "You want to tell me? Jiang Fu crossed over and became your daughter?"

  Mrs. Fu:

  November 23rd, Meng Shu 27th.

Fu Xiting went to visit the grave, probably recalling the sad things. He had a meal at night and opened a bottle of red wine. Jiang Yi, crying like a child.

  Silence, weeping bitterly.

   At the end, he asked Jiang Yi: "What is the meaning of hatred?"

  Jiang Yi told him: "Recognize yourself."

   This heart-to-heart exchange ended on the bed. The first love between the two after Jiang Yi gave birth was obviously not smooth.

  Jiang Yi took pity on him, saying soft words sentence by sentence.

   Mr. Fu hugged her, tears wet her shoulders.

  In the past, Fu Xiting took care of her emotions, but now, Jiang Yi seems to have grown up overnight.

  She caressed the man's shoulder and tore open her wound in a brisk and humorous tone: "Don't be sad, I have two mothers, and I can share one with you."

  The man suddenly laughed.

   raised his head and kissed her hard.

   A broken voice escaped from her throat, turning into a whimper.

  November 24, 2012, the fourth year since 2009.

  On this day, the capital ushered in the first big drop in temperature from autumn to winter.

  When Mr. Fu woke up in the morning, he didn’t see his wife and daughter by his side. He got up to wash and went downstairs, but he still didn’t see anyone. He found Suxin and asked, “Where’s your wife?”

   Su Xin was astonished, looking at Fu Xiting with horror: "Sir?"

   "It's cold, let the wife add more clothes."

  Suxin hurriedly asked: "Sir, what's madam?"

  Suxin has followed him for many years, and when he rarely made mistakes, Fu Xiting saw him panicked and raised his voice, with a little displeasure between his eyebrows and eyes: "Jiang Yi."

   Suxin didn't expect that a psychological warfare would be arranged in the morning, and she guessed what this business overlord meant.

  The name Jiang Yi was thinking in his mind.

  I thought of Mr. Fu's fiancee who wasn't engaged yet.

  She was thinking about it when Guan Qing came.

  The oppressive feeling disappeared from her body, and Suxin breathed a sigh of relief.

  Guan Qing came straight with the documents and eagerly reported on today's work: "Today we will sign a contract renewal with Maida, and the place is here."

   "Maida's contract is all about 2009, and you're just talking about it now?"

  Guan Qing raised her eyes in astonishment, and after looking at her watch, she dared to refute Fu Xiting: "Sir, it's 2009."


  Guan Qing took out her mobile phone and handed it to him.

  The man looked down at the time, only for a moment, Su Xin saw that this usually calm business tycoon suddenly turned around and went upstairs, staggering a few times because of his eager pace.

  The man pushed open the door of the baby room on the second floor, and saw that the guest bed was placed in the room that was originally full, and his heart skipped a beat.

  Jiang Yi's slight complaint sounded in his mind: "I told you that the room was small, but you didn't listen. It's better now."

  Where are there other cribs.

  He turned around and went to the bedroom cloakroom, opened the door of the cloakroom, and the bright colors disappeared from his eyes.

  The entire cloakroom was hung with his suit, coat, and shirt, which looked empty.

   "Mr. Fu, can you still squeeze your clothes? The cabinet is not enough."

  Fu Xiting has never been so flustered, and his heartbeat is comparable to the day when Jiang Yi gave birth.

  He experienced the death of Meng Shu before and after, and at this time, his wife and children disappeared.

   Is this all a dream?

   Is it all a big dream?

   In his life, Fu Xiting, is it rare that he can only be a loner?

  The man wowed, and a mouthful of blood flowed down his mouth.

  He held onto the wall of the cloakroom, and slowly slid down to sit on the ground. The neatly dressed man bent his knees and buried his face in it.




  He frantically recited the number in his mind.

  After a long time, I suddenly remembered something, and immediately got up and called Guan Qing loudly.

   "Guan Qing."


   "May 6th, you are going to be engaged to Miss Jiang's family today."

  May 6th?

  Jiang Fu’s plane crash happened on May 8th, so it’s too late! In time!

  Freud's flower language: You casually shuttle through my dreams.

  End of text

When I was writing the final chapter, I kept repeating the song "Empty" in the single. Mr. Fu and Mrs. Fu set it up as a big dream at the beginning. Halfway through the full text, I suddenly felt too cruel and didn't want to write be. At the end, I suddenly discovered that many characters buried in the early stage have already doomed the ending of this article.

   The ending is set, thank you for your company and encouragement during this time, because of you, I can go further and further on the road of writing stories.

   On January 17, 2023, Mr. Fu and Mrs. Fu and I waved goodbye to everyone.



  (end of this chapter)