MTL - Mr. Earnest Is My Boyfriend-Chapter 37 We don't hurry

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"Did you deceive me?" Yan Chengan did not answer the question. He had a smile in his eyes. It was obviously just a joke, but Xia Yu was guilty. m.Le Wen mobile network

"Yeah. How do you punish?"

Yan Chengan thought about it seriously, then bent down slightly | body, whispered to her: "That will punish you."

This is what Cheng Chengan said personally, Xia Weiran, is this the one she knows? She looked at him suspiciously, and looked at her eyes in the deep eyes that were close at hand. His expression was serious, and his cheeks were hot, and the little bit of the singer was gone.

She took a quick kiss on his face, then fled to his car and said, "I am hungry, take me to dinner."

For this kiss, Yu Cheng’s heart is naturally unsatisfied, but it can only be temporarily endured.

In the car, Xia Wei called Ms. Tian and told her that dinner was not eaten at home. In the past, Ms. Tian would have a thorough question, but this time she had a faint tone. She only said "know" and hung up. Xia Wei was not aware of the difference, but only when her mood was not good during menopause, she did not think deeply.

At ten o'clock in the evening, Xia Wei came home and sang songs in his mouth, feeling very good.

Ms. Tian is still sitting in the living room watching TV. Seeing Xia Wei coming back, she said casually: "Come back."

"Yeah." Xia said with a smile, then took a look at the wall clock on the wall. "Is it not too late to come back?"

"How is it with the little sister?" This question is often asked by Ms. Tian, ​​but she used to look like a gossip. It is a bit serious now.

"Mom, are you in a bad mood? Have you encountered something that doesn't go well? Or is your father upset you?" Xia Wei cautiously asked, although she is the princess at home, but her mother is the queen, the queen is not happy. How is this going!

Ms. Tian glanced at her and said, "Your father is very good."

Xia Yan frowned, very reluctant to guess again. "Is it because of me?" She thought about it and tried to think about what she was doing wrong.

"Who can you besides you?"

Xia Wei is unbelievable: "What happened to me? I didn't do anything wrong?"

Ms. Tian looked at her eyes intently, and Xia Wei looked back firmly in order to show that she was sitting right.

After a while, Ms. Tian relaxed her face. "Forget it, I will not interfere with your junior affairs. You should treat Xiaoyan well. He seems to be a reliable person. You must cherish it."

"Mom..." Xia Wei put away a joke, but Ms. Tian did not say much. She stood up and said, "Okay, I went to sleep, and you slept earlier."

Xia Wei still felt that something was wrong, and she was thinking about it. At this time, the mobile phone had news coming in. She picked it up and asked if she had already arrived home. After chatting with Yan Chengan for a while, she no longer thought about what happened to Ms. Tian. Anyway, she would definitely get along with Yan Chengan. The things in Xue Chen should have been solved. There is still a Lu Mengqi on the side of Qi Chengan. However, she believes that Cheng Chengan.

The next day was Friday, and finally got off work time. Xia Hao rushed downstairs and went out of the office building. At first glance, he saw Qi Cheng standing in front of the car, holding a bunch of flowers in his hand and coming to her like a prince.

At this time, it was the time of work, the crowds were crowded, and Yan Chengan was such a tall, handsome and temperamental person. He held flowers in his hands and became more conspicuous. His rate of return was very high.

Xia Wei immediately received the envy of many women. Her heart was filled with happiness. She felt that she was so lucky. She even thought that if she wanted to marry her now, she would not hesitate to agree.

Of course, they didn't communicate for a long time, not so fast.

Qi Chengan walked to Xia Wei and handed the bouquet to her and said, "Give it to you."

Xia Xi took it with a smile and said shyly: "Thank you."

Someone is discussing, "Men is so handsome, I thought he was asking for marriage."

Someone replied: "How is it possible that this environment is not romantic and not warm, not suitable for marriage proposal."

"As long as people are handsome, they are beautiful scenery everywhere. If I am the woman, I have to propose marriage."

Their voices are not too big or small. Just let Xia Wei and Qi Chengan both hear, Xia Wei is very helpless, and pulls Cheng Cheng to get on the bus.

After the car opened a certain distance, Yan Chengan suddenly solemnly said: "When I propose, I will pick a romantic place."

Xia Wei was very shocked and blurted out. "No hurry! We didn't last long together."

"So how long do you think it is appropriate?"

This problem, Xia Wei never thought about it, their feelings have just started, at least for her, the time to fully accept this relationship is not long. "I don't know, but... you said that you are not serious? You don't want to be whimsy because you hear other people's random discussions."

"It's not a whimsy. I'm thinking about it during this time." He originally thought about making plans first, and then waiting for the two people's feelings to be deeper and then formally proposed, mainly to give Xia Xi a psychological adaptation process. But today some people are talking about this. If he doesn't have anything to say, maybe Xia has a bad idea.

"Too fast..." Xia Yu’s mood is now tense and contradictory, as well as excitement and joy. When he considers this question, he shows that he is serious about this relationship, and that he really likes her. Which woman does not want to be taken seriously?

handle it seriously……

Xia Wei is self-defeating, she did not take him seriously before. The sensation of swells instantly, and the feeling of excitement chilled.

At this time, Cheng Chengan turned around and saw her look down, her eyebrows wrinkled, and then she smiled again and said, "It is a bit fast, then we are not in a hurry."

"Yeah." Xia Wei’s voice was low.

This became a jealousy in Xia Yu’s heart. The better the 裴承安 is to her, the bigger it will be. She felt that it would only be good to be confessed to him, but to tell him, maybe he was awkward. She does not want Yan Chengan to be disappointed with her. If he cares about this deception, he really broke up with her...

Do not! She does not accept such a result.

On the weekends, the two cherished the rare time to spend time together. Xia Yu abandoned the time of sleeping late. In the early morning, he went to the morning with Qi Chengan, went home and changed clothes and went out to play together.

When you are together, even if you don’t say anything, you will feel very satisfied. Xia Wei knows that it is so good to like someone, but only occasionally she will still be low. She had to feel that she was really a person who was not suitable for doing things.

Although her emotional changes were subtle, but Cheng Chengan still felt it, and he also knew that her change began with the issue of marriage proposal that day. He regretted a bit and knew that he had not handled it well.

At 10 o'clock on Sunday night, he sent Xia Wei home, the car parked outside the community, the two are not willing to separate.

At this time, there are not many pedestrians, and all the vehicles are. The car was parked on the side of the road, next to a large banyan tree with lush foliage that blocked the light.

"Xia Wei, I am very serious about you, so I will consider it later, but you don't have to bear it. I know that you are still young, I am not..." He Chengan didn't know how to explain it, and he was afraid to say it again.

Xia Xi understood his intentions and knew that he misunderstood and said, "I know, I have no burden..." Well, there is actually a burden.

Qi Chengan knew that she didn't tell the truth, but she didn't poke it. She raised a smile and said, "Nothing. Let's go, I will send you home."

He reached out to solve the seat belt, but Xia Wei did not move. Qi Chengan found out and asked her questioningly: "What happened?"

Xia Yan turned to look at him, his eyes were serious and determined, but his breathing was somewhat unstable, as if he was making an important decision. When Yan Chengan saw it, his heart twitched, and there was a bad feeling inexplicable.

"You come over," said Xia Wei. Yan Chengan thought she had something to say to him, so she leaned over.

Then, Xia Wei grabbed his front of the shirt and pulled it forward, while his face came over and kissed his lips.

This action was a bit rude, and there was no rule in the kiss. He Chengan could not help but smile.

He noticed that he was laughing, Xia Wei was angry and let him go. At this time, Yan Chengan took her face and prevented her from running away, continuing the kiss.

Their kisses have always been warm and gentle, but this summer is a bit crazy. It took a long time to stop, and the breath of both of them was a little breathless, the cheeks were red, and the heat was very high. In fact, it was not just the face, but all of them were hot.

Qi Chengan always looked at Xia Wei, but Xia Wei did not go to see him until he couldn't stand his gaze. Seeing that he smiled so sweetly, he said: "Are you laughing at me?"

Yan Chengan looked innocent: "No, how can I laugh at you."

"What are you laughing at?"

"Happy, I laughed."

"What's so happy?"

"It’s very fun to be with you."

Xia Wei couldn't help but laughed and said: "You always say this."

"I'm telling the truth."

"Flower words."

“The first time I got this evaluation.”

Xia Xiao laughed and said that such an evaluation is really not suitable for Yan Cheng'an. His words are also very common, but it is precisely because he is usually a serious look, saying such words is enough to make her feel sweet.

The two were tired for a while, and half an hour passed. If it wasn’t for Ms. Tian’s call, Xia Wei would not be willing to leave.

Xia Wei just got out of the elevator and received a call from Xue Chen. He said on the phone next week that the school invited the cabbage band to go back to the performance, Xue Chen called Xia Yu to participate. I am very happy with this summer, but I am a bit worried. After all, many people in the past thought that they were a pair.

Xu is aware of her thoughts. Xue Chen said with ease: "It is a testimony of our friendship. You can also let Qi Chengan look at your style on the stage."