MTL - Movie Master-Chapter 984 avoid the edge

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Many times, people's surprises come from abnormalities, which are caused by violations of common sense and rules, creating surprises.

Although Chaos Films has become a Hollywood upstart, it is a well-known fact that its family background is weak. At present, the "Invincible Hulk" project has not disclosed too much information, but judging from the scale, it should be a project of about 100 million, plus the upcoming "Iron Man" and "Juno", don't forget the upcoming release Chaos Pictures needs to mobilize at least 200 million or more working capital in this breath, which may be just a drop in the bucket for the six major film companies, but it is bankrupt for small and medium-sized film companies. At the beginning, Chaos Pictures invested desperately in the filming of "Fury Road", and now it has blocked all its assets to invest in the filming of "Invincible Hulk" and "Iron Man". With such boldness, I really don't know whether it is ambitious or insane.

Under such circumstances, the working capital of Chaos Films was already tight, and they actually tried to buy out Robert's next film contract at a price of 18 million six films. This is simply... the behavior of a lunatic, Just "surprise" is not enough to describe the shock in Terrence and others' hearts.

In fact, for the brokerage company, they have encountered countless situations like this, and it was only because the target was Chaos Pictures that they panicked. On the one hand, it is because the large film companies are rich and powerful, and they will not default on the salary, and the 18 million can be credited in one step, which is trustworthy; It is guaranteed, and the success rate of the work has skyrocketed, which is why large studios always like to make sequels, and brokerage companies are also willing to sign sequels, and hold artists together in a bundled manner. But what if the opponent is Chaos Films?

The name of the seventh player is loudly shouted, but everyone in the industry knows that this is just shouting, and the hard power of Chaos Films has not kept up. Where does the seventh player start? At most, it is a second-tier film company Just a leader. So, how should innovative artist management companies treat Chaos Films?

To be honest, they haven't raised Chaos Films to the position of the "Big Six". This fundamental concept has not changed, which naturally caused their subtlety and embarrassment. That's why Mark questioned it, but Terence's rebuttal made everyone shut up.

"Can't he be sure?"

Indeed, in the entire Hollywood now, if anyone is qualified to confidently believe that his work will be a success, if anyone is qualified to make everyone firmly believe that this work will become a masterpiece, then only Lance up.

Mark's mouth squirmed, trying to refute a few words, but the words got stuck in his throat and he couldn't make a sound. The aggrieved feeling was really indescribable. For Lance, they have no room to refute, one box office and one award, even if he is a bastard, but the hard power is there; but for Chaos Films, they still have a hesitant attitude-a small emerging It's just a company, the media said it can compete with the six big ones, but it really doesn't know what it is? Back then, DreamWorks was not so courageous. Where did Chaos Pictures come from? Six works were packaged in one go. Hidden behind the 18 million buyout price is a future plan of at least 500 million. Opening the mouth, it is completely nonsense...

"So you believed it?" Although Mark couldn't refute it, he still couldn't help provocatively going back. After the actor replacement incident in "Sin City", Mark's position in the creative artist management company has more or less changed, which makes his attitude towards Lance a bit complicated. "They're planning six sequels in one go? Hmm, I don't believe it."

Even if "Fury Road" won a big victory, any reasonable person knows that this is only the first step of the marathon, and it is a bit out of line to prepare "Iron Man" and "Invincible Hulk" at the same time—

At present, the news of "Invincible Hulk" is still not leaked, but the signing of Edward Norton, Naomi Watts, William Hurt, the creative artist agency has more or less received some rumors, and they know the situation far away. More than anyone else in the industry.

From their point of view, Chaos Films is really eager for quick success. It seems that it has been dazzled by the recent victory. At the same time, it is operating two commercial films with an investment of more than 100 million. Except for the six major studios, even DreamWorks is not like this Boldness, not to mention the adaptation of two comics - "Superman Returns" this year's fiasco in the summer file is vividly remembered, and the box office trend of "X-Men 3" has not met expectations is also ironclad proof. However, now that Chaos Films is in full swing, no one is willing to pour cold water on it, so everyone is applauding, as if everyone has given Lance a vote of confidence.

Now, Chaos Films is not only dazzled, but also reckless and stupid. When the box office prospects of "Iron Man" and "The Incredible Hulk" are still unclear, they actually sold all six sequels of "Iron Man" in one go. Putting it on the table, for a small company like Chaos Films, it is simply asking for a dead end. If "Iron Man" fails at the box office, the 18 million salary is really in vain; even if "Iron Man" succeeds at the box office, then the six sequels are at least a six-to-ten-year plan, and any link in the middle If it makes a mistake, Chaos Pictures may face the dilemma of DreamWorks, but now Lance is confidently showing "foresight". This is not arrogance, what else can it be?

Terrence didn't believe it either, and no reasonable person would believe it, just like the 20th Century Fox and Paramount made a lot of money because of the "Titanic", but the two companies in the next five years No leaps and bounds either. Chaos Films is now showing such ambition just by relying on the outbreak of "Fury Road", this is indeed...

Or did Lance have other plans? For example, if another project they are preparing is not "Invincible Hulk", but an independent work, such as "Hard Candy" with an investment of 900,000 yuan, then things will become much smoother. Terence tried to recall that night of the party, who exactly had Lance been in contact with, and who had the closest contact with... His brain was aching for a while.

"So?" Terence didn't answer Mark's question, but instead asked, "So, what are you going to do? Argue with them? Change six movies to three? Increase the salary from three million to four million Don’t forget, Robert just had an accident, they are willing to maintain a cooperative relationship with us, which is already a blessing, when facing Ben Affleck, Lance was not so merciful.”

Mark held his breath in his chest, his eyes widened, "We can completely replace Robert! Just like Ben!"

Terrence sneered, not bothering to answer this question at all, which made Mark shout, "Terrence, what do you mean!" Seeing that the two were about to quarrel, Wade, who was sitting next to him, put the folder on the table He threw it up, "Okay, what's the noise?" This eased the atmosphere a little, "Mark, you should calm down." The subtext is that Mark should not affect the company's plan because of his personal prejudice against Lance, Mark suddenly became embarrassed.

"We can replace Robert, but that means we have to start from scratch." Wade briefly explained, and Mark savored it carefully, and he came to the aftertaste.

Creative Artists Agency can of course change actors, they can push other actors to audition, but it's not the same now as it was in "sin city" because there are so many actors who want to play Lance's work, there is no need for Lance and Innovative Artists Brokerage companies continue to cooperate. It took a lot of effort for Robert to grab this role. If they refuse to compromise, they may lose the opportunity to cooperate with "Iron Man".

What's more, Lance did not replace Ben as he did at the beginning, but left room for it. This shows that Lance is more optimistic about Robert's role at the beginning. If they unilaterally remove Robert now, it is likely to affect the future. Down to their other collaborations with Lance.

From a purely logical point of view: there is not only one Lance in Hollywood, and the innovative artist agency has a big business, so there is no need to compromise; but on the other hand, there is only one Lance in Hollywood, and they can choose to cooperate with Lance or choose to cooperate with Lance. However, the right and wrong of the market is not so simple, and the interests are their primary consideration. Even innovative artist agencies, they're shying away from it these days.

"Did you read the terms and conditions just Are there any changes in the details?" Terence turned his head to look at Wade and asked, Wade shrugged and explained, "Just to Robert Behavior on the set has certain requirements, such as not being late, and nothing else worth mentioning.” That is to say, there are no redundant requirements on the distribution of benefits, and there are no principled differences on details. Just wait for a lawyer to review it.

Terrence let out a long breath, "I see. I'll call Theo in a while, and we'll sign the contract."

"What! That's it? Don't we even try to bargain?" Mark scolded with rounded eyes.

Terrence curled his lips, since he decided to sign the contract, he gave up bargaining, which is a sign of sincerity, but they are not soft persimmons, "I remember that the 'Invincible Hulk' project, now only three main characters have been confirmed Right?" Since they made concessions on "Iron Man", they can also insert some actors in "The Incredible Hulk", even if it's just a supporting role, I believe Lance will not refuse - the way of balance, this is The core principle of shopping mall negotiations, giving up bargaining, is also the sweetness that makes Lance nod.

Terrence believed that Lance was a smart man, and there must be no problem with this math problem.