MTL - Morning of Swordsman Tower-Chapter 197

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There must be a turning point in the matter, and Bernard felt instantly hopeful.

"Shark, Lord Shark Pepper, please forgive me for asking a very ignorant question. For the powerful Cybertronians, traveling through time and space is really such a simple thing that can be said?"

"...Hohohoho, good guy, you really didn't disappoint me, Bernadine, you might be the smartest carbon-based person I've ever met."

Even a calm and experienced person like Bernadine is a little bit smug after receiving such a high praise from Shark Pepper. After all, the other party's vision is not at the same level as that of the Terra people. Just praise you to the primary school teacher for being smart, and the national level The academician praised you for the same gap in your intelligence.

"Where is there, General Shark Pepper is too much, I am just trying to share my worries with all my heart."

"Hmph! It's a pity that not all carbon-based natives have the awareness you have, otherwise the Autobots wouldn't always be one step behind the unscrupulous Decepticons!"

After Qiao Ge finished speaking, he turned his head and glanced at the archbishop over there with meaning. Li Boli was so frightened that half of his feathers were pulled off, he immediately retracted his neck in. It wasn't until Qiao Ge turned his head away that the archbishop found out. His actions just now greatly damaged the majesty of the bishop, so he stretched his neck and straightened his collar as if nothing had happened.

"I don't want to be a **** deputy. There are only two types of Decepticons, those who are loyal to Megatron and those who want to seek power and usurp the throne all day long. This **** deputy can't get any real power. Even if you want to use him as a shield, does Megatron really think I'm stupid!

Besides, once the cosmic catastrophe is over, I will be the great hero of Cybertron. Even if I set up my own company, I can easily recruit a steady stream of soldiers, and then join forces with the Bo faction to beat the crazy faction, you say, Megatron How dare he order Lao Tzu! "

Bernard's eyes will become brighter the more he listens to Jogo's words. Although he must also know that there must be Shark Pepper's bravado, but the overall view reflected in it shows that Shark Pepper is not simply a reckless man with only ambition.

If Shark Pepper really has a chance to become the leader of a cybertron, wouldn't his "loyal servant" also follow suit? Even if he is just a dog on the planet Cybertron, he can easily restore the glory of Iberia and lead Terra to the universe.

Even if Shark Pepper doesn't achieve that level of accomplishment, it's certainly better than a month later when Megatron rushes straight into Iberia's face with an army of Decepticons.

"Since General Shark Pepper has decided on the plan, I naturally support it unconditionally, but is there any place where I can help with all my strength?"

"Of course! Listen carefully, traveling through time and space is not that simple. A slight mistake or accident will be torn to pieces by the turbulent flow in the space-time tunnel. No matter how hard the Cybertron alloy can resist, even I It was only because of an accident that I came here.

Even if there are coordinates, it is still risky, so Megatron must first send a few daredevils to explore the way, and I just need to take advantage of the few dead ones who have just landed and before the return message is sent. If you kill it, Megatron will think that there is a major danger in the space-time channel of this coordinate and dare not come here for the time being.

He only needs to hesitate for a while, this time is enough. "

"Ah... May I ask how can I help the General?"

Although it sounded like science fiction, Bernadine tried his best to remember and sort out every detail of the plan, but as a carbon-based creature, he seemed completely unable to intervene.

"Of course it can help. The landing places and times of the deaths are all random. You can't expect me to run around the planet to try my luck. Therefore, a large amount of Cybertron alloy is needed to make a signal radar to accurately capture it.

And the key minerals needed to make the Cybertron alloy exist on this planet, but I don’t know where it is, so now it’s up to you to mobilize other carbon-based natives to find it, and you must find it within half a month, otherwise... Hehe, You can only pray that those unlucky ones will die on the way. "

Qiao Ge rubbed dozens of electric pen-like things out on the spot, then turned on the switch and pressed the tip of the pen on his chest, and suddenly it glowed red, accompanied by a rapid beeping sound.

"This is a tool used to find that mineral. As long as you are within a certain range, an alarm will sound. The closer the distance is, the shorter the interval between the alarm sounds. You can also directly touch it to detect whether it contains this ingredient. Do you understand? "

"...Understood, General."

Bernadine bundled up all these so-called ore-seeking tools with a serious face, even if he had to send people all over Terra to find a mineral whose name he didn't even know within 15 days, it was like a fantasy , but he can only do his best, and the rest depends on the fate of Iberia.

"Oh, by the way, and, you are the only person appointed by Lao Tzu, don't let those other stupid carbon-based natives think that I am a stingy General Shark Pepper, and don't let these guys succeed in some stupid obstructive behavior ! Here you go, put it on!"

Jogo took out a metal belt and threw it to Bernardin on the spot. The decoration on the belt buckle was exactly the same as the little shark head on his own straddle. Of course, Bernardin couldn't refuse, and immediately moved the belt with ecstasy. It was tied around the waist, and even the arm belt holding the handgun ammunition was removed.

"This is an energy protection belt specially made for carbon-based creatures. As long as you have enough energy, you will be fully protected by the protective force field when you wear it. It can directly offset energy attacks and the potential energy of physical flying objects. You can also use it to contact to me.

As for how to charge it, hey, give it some cola it likes. "

"Here, who is the Coke for??"

Bernard subconsciously looked down, and saw that the shark head located in the lower abdomen was opening and closing the shark mouth full of fangs and sharp teeth towards him at this time, and even gave out bursts of strange laughter.


Bernadine gasped, as if anticipating some kind of **** scene that might occur when going to the toilet.

Chapter 550 Women Only Affect the Speed ​​at which I Draw My Sword

"Shark Pepper, my buddy...Shark Pepper, my buddy...Shark Pepper, my buddy..."

Clutching a silver evil robot the size of a pencil case in one hand, Skadi keeps pressing the replay button behind it with the other so that it keeps repeating the first few words of the entire conversation.

Yes, it looks like a Transformers Megatron toy produced by Hasbro on the surface, but in fact it is a repeater produced by Dr. Dizhibao.

The video Jogo showed to Grand Inquisitor Bernard before was shot with this little toy. As for the background part of the space battleship’s voyage, it was borrowed from the cockpit of the Tyrant Sword Demon mecha. The virtual Rhode Island deck.

Just use your imagination and reconfigure it as a space battleship.

As for the performance after using this video to trick Bernadine and the archbishop who was watching all the time, of course it also has its corresponding meaning. It is a plan related to Rhodes Island's official settlement in Iberia.

Anyway, in the near future, Iberia will probably have to respectfully ask Rhodes Island to set up a sub-base in the past, and provide a large package of services. Calculations are much better?

"Skadi! Don't play with that strange toy anymore, the doctor said that we are leaving soon!"

"Oh, wait a minute, I'll be right there."

Skadi solemnly placed the Megatron toy in her sword pouch disguised as a piano case before turning to walk in the direction where the Ghost Shark was calling her.

Although the plan to obtain the information of the Church of the Deep Sea failed this time, perhaps one day in the near future, they will return to the sea and face all this again.

Skadi would like to be happy again if possible.


"Brother! When did you come here??"

One day in the living room of Rhodes Island, the operator Yaxin was surprised to see her biological brother, whom she hadn't seen in more than half a year, a scum from Syracuse...cough, no, he is the chairman of Karan Trading, Kjerag is now The de facto supreme officer, Silver Ash.

With the experience of coming to Longmen last time, Yinhui's itinerary this time is much more low-key. Instead of wearing the fluffy shawl that is so hot just by looking at it, he is wearing a white summer lining with a small stand-up collar and black trousers , looks like a pianist working in an upscale cafe.

After all, elegance never goes out of style.

"I just want to relax briefly in the urgent government affairs, and just stop by to see my sister. Don't you welcome me?"

"I, I don't mean that, brother, I mean, have Kjerag's affairs been dealt with?"

Yaxin naturally knows that Boss Leopard launched a coup in his hometown with the help of the doctor to completely wipe out the conservative forces. Even her sister Enya was kidnapped. Once he made up his mind, Boss Leopard had nothing to worry about.

"There is no large-scale stubborn resistance, but you also know that it is a snow-capped mountain after all. If a small group hides away from the gathering place, there is no extra manpower to pursue it. But it doesn't matter, they will impeach sooner or later." If we run out of food, if we don’t surrender, we will starve to death in the snow.”

"Ah? That's it, hahaha, okay."

Ya Xin had an awkward chat with Boss Leopard, but she couldn't tell him that one thing in front of him, that is, to persuade Boss Leopard not to be with her sister Enya for the time being, who is now a pseudonym in Rhodes Island. Meet the operators for Chuxue.

Obviously, Chuxue still has a grudge against Yin Hui, his brother, and there may be an opportunity to ease the relationship between them, but it should not be now.

In fact, Yinhui could see this meaning from Yaxin's awkward posture, so he didn't mention that he wanted to meet Chuxue from the beginning to the end, but just sat here leisurely, holding a cup of tea in his hand and talking to Yaxin. chat.

Perhaps, he really just came out of Kjerag to relax.

"Ah! By the way, brother, let's stay in the cafeteria in Rhodes Island and have a meal together at noon. There are many super delicacies that you can't eat outside!"

"Hehe, of course, how could I refuse Encia's invitation, it's a great honor."

"Then hurry up! I can also introduce my beautiful female colleagues to my brother, maybe there will be a type that my brother likes!"

Boss Leopard smiled and shook his head in noncommittal, but was still dragged out of the reception room by Yaxin. However, he had just reached the corner when he happened to meet a handsome man holding Rhode Island's resume.

He has ear-length black hair and brown skin, but the most striking thing is the strange-shaped barbed machete on his waist.

"Hello, I'm Thorn, a new operator who just signed the contract. May I ask where the Operations Department is going to report?"

"Ah, so it's a new colleague. I'm also from the Operations Department. Come with me!"

The enthusiastic Yaxin was about to take this junior to the doctor's office, but just a few steps away, he suddenly found that there was no one following behind him, so he turned around and found that the junior black-skinned brother was Looking "passionately" at his brother Leopard, his eyes seemed to blaze with the flames of sword fighting.

"You, are you a swordsman? Can you tell me what genre it is?"

"...the supreme art of Iberia."

"Supreme art? Hahaha, interesting! Who can have such a big tone, dare to name their genre and supreme? Well, in this case, as an appetizer before lunch, let me see you the Supreme Sword?"

After Boss Leopard finished speaking, he immediately pulled out the stick sword in his hand and showed it to the other party. Although the sword looked gentle and refined on the surface, like a toy used by nobles to play coquettish at the ball, compared to the other party's ferocious and angry alien Jian Lai seemed to pose no threat.

But Thorn, as a true swordsmanship expert, can naturally see its extraordinary.

"It's a good long as the owner of Rhodes Island agrees, I have no objection."

"Very well, it seems that you are indeed a swordsman worthy of my attention, then I will respond to your supreme sword with the method of surviving in the snow."

The two of them were already talking side by side and ready to go to the training room for fencing. Ya Xin stood behind them with a dazed expression on her face. She wanted to intervene but couldn't find a chance. Why was she suddenly ignored for no reason? ?

"...Brother bastard! No wonder you are reluctant to introduce a beautiful colleague to you, hum! You just spend your life with men! I'll go find my sister and eat Frost Milk Fairy ice cream together!"

Yaxin stomped his cheeks angrily, swung a snow leopard's tail and walked away without looking back, leaving the lonely backs of the two swordsmen on the floor of Rhodes Island at noon.

Chapter 551 Warfarin, you peeked at me while I was joking!ん? (vigilance)

"What? Boss Leopard... Ah, I mean, Yinhui actually went to Rhodes Island for medical treatment? Could it be that the remnants of his political opponents ambushed Longmen?"

Qiao Ge had just returned to Rhodes Island, when he saw this strange medical record notification on his desk. Generally speaking, the records of the medical department do not need to notify him at all, mainly because of the special status of Boss Leopard.

After all, Boss Leopard is not just a trading partner of Rhodes Island on the surface. The cooperation between Karan Trade and Rhodes Island in the commercial part is far less than the treaties signed with other forces, because the volume of Karan Trade is actually not big. The political bar is high.

But when it comes to other behind-the-scenes transactions, only Boss Leopard has tightly tied Karan Trade, and even the entire Kjerag, to the "medical trolley" of Rhodes Island, and even Boss Leopard himself has Without telling his two sisters, he pre-signed an operator contract with the doctor.

However, it will not take effect until Boss Leopard has completely stabilized the situation in Kjerag. He will announce to the outside world that he will resign from the highest seat in the parliament to find the saint who was kidnapped by the "Balrog". shell out.

No matter where Boss Leopard goes, as long as the Karan Trade, which controls the lifeline of Kjerag's economy, remains intact, the real power of the country will still be in his hands.

Therefore, Yin Hui, as a reserve operator under the doctor's command, must inform Jogo of his medical records.

"No, this silver-gray boss didn't know what he was addicted to. He must compete with a new reporter named Thorn in his sword ♂ skills. The appointment was supposed to end soon, but the fight between the two became more and more intense, and it was almost time to start. They competed with each other for finishing moves, but fortunately Herag stopped them in time.

In the end, both parties were slightly injured, but there was nothing serious, not enough to require the use of elf wound medicine. "

It was Warfarin who answered Jogo's question. In this era when there were no lynx gorefiends dominating the island, she, a bloodfiend doctor, was in charge of the medical department. As for the elf wound medicine, it was naturally produced by the Pokémon store. Miracle medicine.

I have to say that although Warfarin is always messed up under Kelsey's nose, she is inexplicably reliable when she presides over the team's medical treatment, such as the last time when the biochemical virus was wiped out in Chernoborg It can be seen.

Perhaps molesting the big lynx is also one of her hobbies.

"Why do you seem to have something strange in between when you say the word sword skill?"

"Hey, instead of asking me this, the doctor should reflect on himself first, it's impossible for a normal person to hear it?"

"... Kelsey isn't here, so you came here to tease me with itch all over, right?"

"No, even when Dr. Kelsey was on the island, I really wanted to tease the doctor, but every time she caught me on the way."

Warfarin didn't hide her inner thoughts at all. After all, she was the first person who tried to attack the doctor's room at night. Does she still need to cover up now?

…So as your reward for being an honest vampire, do you want this 17-year-old high school Jotaro, or this 30-year-old oceanographer Jotaro?

However, Qiao Ge is not the young doctor at the beginning, at least he will not lose his sense of proportion because there is a vampire around him who always wants to "poke" his blood vessels or other places. Not sure who "pouts" who.

"Since it's Yin Hui's own hobby, it's not a big deal. Just hide his identity information and follow normal medical procedures. Is there any other serious matter that I need to deal with?"

"No, but do you want a cup of black tea specially prepared by the doctor?"

"...Can I have something else?"

"Only black tea, is that okay?"

...You really are vampires one by one, FF0!

-------------------------------------------------- ---

In the next few days, Jogo, who missed the Kiesta Obsidian Festival and the establishment ceremony of the Elf Gym because of the operation in Saltwind City, had no other travel plans for the time being.

Although it is a pity that he, as Terra's "Pokémon male mother", was not present in person, one's time and energy are limited after all, and the best result is to get Rhodes Island on the right track to run on its own. The doctor has more to do but to serve as a solid backing for the operators...

and husband.

And these days at the headquarters in Rhodes Island, Jogo spent almost all his time in the studio of Ke Luxie. In addition to formally teaching the technology of the Coke engine to the anaconda, he was mainly doing Cybertron Alloy equipment trial.

That's right, the Cybertron alloy products that have been synthesized can be preserved. For example, the Dominant Sword Demon Mech is currently hidden in the seabed near Rhodes Island. And rust will only "age" with the age of the tinder.

As for the Shark Pepper body... Even with Skadi's strong protest, Lucille directly used her authority as a temporary supervisor and put it in her bedroom for "research work".

In theory, there is nothing wrong with this decision. After all, the base of Shark Pepper is the Biting Land Shark No. 0 created by Lucille, but why is it stored in the bedroom instead of her studio? This question is worth looking into.

Jogo was thinking about bribing her little metal monster assistant to let him secretly take some video data that can be redeemed for discount coupons. After thinking about it carefully, he decided to forget it. impact is immeasurable.

It’s better to change to Geng Gui’s skin next time and take pictures by yourself.

"Huh! You are so exciting, doctor, I have never seen an alloy with so many phases. Whether it is modern technology, origin stone inscription or my forging technique, it is compatible. Although it is not as perfect as an artifact, but It’s by no means ordinary.”

At this time in the studio, Nian was beating a simple piece of armor made of Cybertron alloy with great interest, and Chogora came here to discuss with her how to "enchant" Cybertron alloy.

After all, if it is only used to make technological armor, it will be placed on the same level as Casimir's technological knight armor, which greatly wastes the compatibility of Cybertron alloy.

"So you mean you can do it?"

"If you can do it, you should be able to do it, but your request is too much. Hey! How can you put all the functions on the top when you first try it?? What high temperature controller, shield generator, skill Amplifiers, retractable flying wings, special effect projector lights, high-power music players... What are these! What! What!?"

Nian held the list that Qiao Ge handed over in his hand, and his face was full of old people with wrinkled eyes on the subway phone, frantically complaining, are you going to fight or to shoot real-life special effects for movies? ?

"Hehehe, since this is just the beginning of trial production, why don't you just be bold and save time? Let's try to make two sets of battle armor separately, and let me try on the one with more aggressive combat functions. Anyway, I have rough skin Thick, can withstand accidents.

The other set can be more conservative and prudent in terms of combat, but there are also some non-combat additional functions. I still need to use these to advertise for Rhodes Island! "