MTL - Morning of Swordsman Tower-Chapter 191

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"Tell me the truth, are they going to turn Skadi into a sea son, and then let her be the queen?"

The disheartened Gloria was suddenly awakened by a cold electronic sound. She was just about to look up subconsciously, but was scared back by Dr. Shark Pepper using ventriloquism.

It turned out that the cold feeling didn't come from the electronic sound, but from the refrigerator door in his belly popping open.

"Don't move! Just whisper something, I can hear you."

" do you know?"

In fact, the statement that the first speaker wants Skadi to be their queen is not accurate, because the jellyfish is not exactly the same as the queen of the swarm, but should be more like the gods of the Na'vi people in the "Avatar" movie, and the **** of the planet Pandora. Protoss Eywa.

Eva is the nerve center and defense system of the entire planetary network, and the same is true for Haimu. Haizi who lost Haimu is like modern people on the earth who have lost the convenience of the network and the advantages of long-distance communication after being paralyzed by electronics, and can no longer compete as a whole. The offensive of Agor in the deep sea.

If it weren't for the fact that the deep sea hunters were almost wiped out in the last encirclement and suppression battle of sea mothers, so that deep sea Agor also needed time to re-train a new team of deep sea hunters, and the extremely weakened sea descendants would not have the chance to kill them. Tentacles reach out to land.

However, in this emergency situation at this time, Gloria is not that interested in correcting Dr. Shark Pepper's statement, anyway, it is similar in nature.

"Why would I know? This kind of script is almost ruined! Even the glass **** of Interstellar is almost half dead. I don't want to become Terralei at this time!"


How could Gloria, who had never been in contact with the doctor, understand this guy's rambunctious talk, what he meant was almost ruined, where is the script of the show so avant-garde! And what the **** are interstellar, glass slag, and Lei Ritian! ? ?

But in fact, even if it was replaced by the "post-doctors" from Rhodes Island, no one would really understand. They just learned how to distinguish and automatically ignore the irrelevant parts of the doctor's words.

"I don't know what the script is, but it's too late now, Skadi has accepted the 'blood last words' of the sea mother, which means that unless she stays away from any sea descendants forever, it's only a matter of time before she becomes the new sea mother, and In terms of Skadi's aptitude, she will definitely be stronger than the previous sea mother."

…What the **** last words of blood, are you going to hang yourself in Egypt?

Isn't it the routine of the dragon slayer eventually becoming a dragon? Do you think I can't find this kind of script? I am a brave man who has even read the 3P books of Dragon Slayer, Dragon and Autobot! Mere fate and XP can't limit me!

"Fart! What do you mean it's too late? There is nothing in this world that I can't do. Even if Skadi has become a monster, I will definitely change her back to her original form, let alone Skadi now It hasn't changed yet, don't you even have this little confidence in her?"

Dr. Shark Pepper's domineering speech really shocked Gloria on the spot, but when he said whether he had confidence in Skadi, Gloria's eyes suddenly began to flicker.

If it was possible, how could she have personally killed her former comrade-in-arms? But it is precisely because she has reason to believe that Skadi will definitely betray the Argols, so Gloria is forced to make a choice between the country and her personal affair. This is a classic tramway choice problem.

Theoretically, when a person's ability is limited, it is an inevitable choice to choose the big and the small, because Gloria has no ability to change the status quo, but... this does not mean that others must not be able to change.

At this time, it was a man with infinity who hugged Gloria, oh, I mean the male shark.

"Oh, anyway, I think you have lost your fighting spirit and become like a waste. Why don't you just use the waste and cooperate with me as a prisoner? Anyway, if you don't agree, I will come hard. You have nothing but life More to lose, right?"

Gloria remained silent. Although she didn't think that Dr. Shark Pepper alone could withstand the efforts of Agor's generations, she also acquiesced in this way of disposal.

"...How about it, are my terms satisfactory to you, Mr. Shark Pepper?"

At about this time, Quintus's nonsense about trying to recruit Dr. Shark Pepper and promising many benefits just came to an end. In fact, Jhogo didn't listen to anything, just remembered that this ugly half-murloc thing was talking Spit bubbles like smelly mud.

"Hahahaha, very good, I am very satisfied. After you hand over the ghost shark as agreed, I will work for you! As long as you have enough money, I will leave any difficult tasks to me!"

Shark Pepper laughed greedily, took a rope from Quintus and skillfully tied Gloria, and then threw her over like a garbage bag mercilessly, almost killing her. Quintus was knocked to the ground.

Although his style was rude and unflattering, this behavior did dispel the last trace of doubts of Quintus. He first kicked Gloria on the ground contemptuously, then turned around like He smiled and waved to Dr. Shark Pepper as if welcoming a distinguished guest.

"I have arranged a place to rest. When the matter with the ghost shark is settled, I will naturally come and inform Mr. Shark Pepper. Please come with me now."

"Okay! You are too polite..."

One step, two steps, three steps... When Dr. Shark Pepper walked to Quintus, Quintus suddenly smelled an unusually hot but sweet smell, which made people think of putting a can of Coke The scene of heating on the fire.

But just when he realized how weird it was, Dr. Shark Pepper had already accelerated and flew out with a bang like a rocket launch, and then Quintus admired a classic painting that made him mentally collapse.

"Shark Karate, Crimson Heart Attack!"


"No, no! Messenger??!"

The head speaker looks quite domineering, but his body is unexpectedly easy to be penetrated, even though his functional classification is probably a magician, but for Hai Si who is born stronger than the Agor who can withstand the pressure of the deep sea In other words, he still seems too fragile.

Perhaps it is because the functional classification of Haizi individuals does not rely on learning, but on evolution. In order to adapt to the current harsh living conditions, the first speakers who have additionally evolved language functions will have corresponding "evolution points" in terms of physical strength. reduce.

"Pfft... you, no, Agor, who are you?"

The first speaker had blue fluorescent blood flowing from his mouth, and lowered his head to ask Dr. Shark Pepper with difficulty.

"I'm Shark Pepper, a Cybertronian who loves his teeth, well, you know enough, now get out of my face!"

"Cybertron? You are... special and strong."

"...Are you sick!?"

Dr. Shark Pepper yanked his arm out of its chest, and immediately kicked it flying with a powerful roundabout kick. The body of the First Speaker slammed into the cliff like a shell, and was shot by a Buried by piles of rubble.

At the last moment of losing consciousness, its mental network was still densely repeating a message, a sentence.

"Ishamura, wake up..."

Chapter 535 A Pure Heart Is Dirty With Hatred

After killing the first speaker with lightning speed, Dr. Shark Pepper had dark purple subtitles floating all over his body, and he stretched out a finger almost instinctively, pointing there, trembling with shock and anger The endless deep sea bishop Quintus.

"Next is you, Cheng... stinky mud!"

"No, it's unforgivable! How dare you blaspheme the envoy, you are all going to die here!"

Originally very good at dealing with hypocrisy and submissiveness, he completely lost his mind when he saw that the life and death of the first speaker was unknown. Even Dr. Shark Pepper's perception of knowledge and color began to become blurred, which is enough to show his fanatical belief in Haisi degree.

Because the "precognition" of the color of knowledge mainly comes from the analysis of various details on the scene and the experience and intuition of past battles, and when you can't predict what kind of bizarre things the opponent will do, such ambiguity will appear .

On the other hand, this also shows that Quintus may be stronger than the first speaker who was punched through the chest by Dr. Shark Pepper.

But just when Quintus was about to make a move, someone grabbed the back of his head from behind and pushed him down hard, causing his face and the mucus on the ground to slap vigorously.


", broke free, how could you recover so quickly!?"

It was Gloria who had just been **** by Dr. Shark Pepper who attacked Quintus. The special rope provided by Quintus was originally made to capture deep-sea hunters. It is almost impossible to break free with brute force without a sharp weapon. , not to mention Gloria was injured before.

Moreover, Quintus also personally checked Gloria himself to confirm that she was tied firmly, otherwise he would not have trusted Dr. Shark Pepper because of this "certificate of honor".

It's just that Quintus overlooked one point. In the past, this kind of rope was used to bind captive deep-sea hunters in the sea. For example, the ghost shark was tied back in this way. Naturally, the problem of fire resistance has never been considered.

Then you only need to smear a little charizard-grade old dry cat hot sauce on the back of the rope, and wait until the water evaporates to let the flame energy in it escape, and the rope will naturally be burned.

And controlling the toilet... ahem, controlling water is the most basic ability of Gloria.

"Because a hunter will only be a hunter, and you... will always be the prey!"

Although Gloria spoke very imposingly, in fact, she was just following the orders of Dr. Shark Pepper with the mentality of using dead fish as a living fish doctor. As a deep sea hunter, the former "big head" ", she is well aware of certain secrets between Agor and Haisi.

First of all, Haizi's distortion is irreversible, even with Agor's top technology, it can't be changed. The only thing that can be done is to deactivate some special Haizi's blood genes and make them into "vaccine" to give the body Strong or gifted Agors use it.

But even in this way, it is not 100% able to gain resistance. The losers all immediately turned into distorted sea ancestry monsters, and were executed on the spot by the sea ancestry countermeasure department.

Gloria is one of the main developers of this Haisi vaccine, but how to use this vaccine is not up to her to decide, so after seeing the tragedy of the loser being executed with her own eyes, she was deeply moved. The sense of guilt forced her to make the decision to vaccinate herself and join the deep-sea hunters herself.

If she died because of this, it would be regarded as punishment.

Fortunately, Gloria finally succeeded in gaining resistance, but unfortunately, there are still more Agors who were concealed from the vaccine failure rate and died in this ruthless "Hunter Trial". Including Skadi's family.

Obviously, Haisi is very aware of the secrets of these Agors, because of the existence of the network server Haimu, when the vaccinated people are transformed into Haisi, the thoughts of these losers before they die will be automatically transmitted to Haimu. Come.

So Gloria is very sure that Skadi must not be allowed to see the first speaker who can speak, otherwise, when she learns that her family was killed by the same family of Agor, and they even deceived herself into fighting for it, Skadi will not hesitate to turn around and take revenge on Deep Sea Agor.

When a deep-sea hunter completely gives up mental resistance in front of Haisi, the physical resistance is only to keep you in human form temporarily, and you will still become Haisi's kind after all, not to mention that there is still Haisi in Skadi's body. The "last words of blood" left by her mother before her death.

As for what the last words of blood are, Geletia is not clear. Maybe it is the blood essence of the sea mother, or it may be some kind of words or songs imprinted by the spirit, but what is certain is that it contains the blood of the previous predecessor. The power and inheritance of the sea mother, this fateful cycle is like...

There must be a Lich King!

"Bastards! You bastards! Kill me now if you have the ability. I want to see if you can get out of Saltwind City!"

Even though Quintus was pinned to the ground without dignity, he howled angrily without showing weakness at all. Countless pairs of scarlet eyes floated among the waves on the sea surface. The fear fish is obviously the experimental fear fish made by the church of the deep sea with the people on the land, and it is still in a state of nutrient-rich heyday.

In short, this place has been surrounded by all kinds of phoenixes on the 18th and 18th floor, and there are even flying phoenixes that jumped out of the water and hovered at low altitude, which looked like they had their wings cut off A cross between a seagull and a mosquito.

"Want to die? It's not that easy, I'll let you spit out the information about the Deep Sea Church, don't underestimate Agor's skills..."


Gloria's threat hadn't ended yet, and there was a huge bang behind her, but she didn't look back because of it. She knew exactly what it was. on Gloria's shoulders.

"Let go of him, my second captain."

Skadi's ethereal, yet icy, northern current sounded in her ears. Gloria still didn't turn her head, but pressed Quintus's face even harder into the mucus.

"Impossible. There are only hunters who lurk beside their prey and wait for an opportunity to move. There are never hunters who let their prey go."

"I call you Second Captain just because you have fought with me and even sacrificed your life to protect me, but if you want to block my way, you will die in my place like those Agor murderers who killed my family. hand, or... become my sister, let him go now, my revenge still needs the power of the Church of the Deep Sea."

Geletia trembled involuntarily, because the development of the situation was just as she expected. After some struggles, Skadi chose to abandon Agor's identity and join the Haisi group, and even The tone of speech is also treating herself as a Haisi.

"As I said, there has never been... a hunter who let his prey go!"

"...I'm sorry, then please rest in peace in this sea, my second captain."

Gloria closed her eyes, and she felt even more relaxed at the moment. Probably as long as she died in the hands of Skadi, she would no longer have to suffer between race and emotion, morality and rationality. .


When Skadi swung the big sword in his hand, a solid iron fist hit the sword from the side, causing it to plunge horizontally into the cliff of the seaside cliff.

"Stop it!"

Chapter 536 Use more powerful hatred to dedicate a heart to Skadi!

"Doctor... even you want to stop me from avenging my family?"

Skadi, who was punched with a big sword, did not fight back against Dr. Shark Pepper. Instead, she looked at him pitifully like a little girl being bullied, with tears or other unknown liquids shining in her eyes.

Gloria finally couldn't help but looked up at Dr. Shark Pepper, and recalled the jokes that Ghost Shark had told her. It turned out that this guy who didn't know whether he was a man or a fish was the male protagonist in the pink story. myself.

Well, although he can't see his face, just judging from the aesthetics of his clothes, which is at the forefront of Agor, he can be seen!

If what happened just now hadn't happened, Gloria felt that as a "parent", she would have told Skadi that.

"No, I don't intend to stop your revenge, I just want you to think back to when we first met, how you watched me persuade the integration cadre named Kingslayer to abandon what you have now Betting everything on the enemy, that is the most stupid and low-level way of revenge!

You can definitely have more powerful power, appreciate the panic and fear that are gradually revealed with the steps of conquering openly, and then climb to the top of yourself with the collapsed face of the enemy, and most importantly, there is me behind you isn't it? How could I allow others to commit such crimes against you! "

Qiao Ge's words are not something that ordinary people can say with confidence. Even Gloria was shocked by such a domineering CEO's speech, thinking that if she replaced Skadi with herself, she must have been taken by him. Impressed.

"...That's right, how can I forget that there is a doctor who will always support me?"

Skadi seemed to have finally woken up from the nightmare, and with a gentle and pitiful smile on his face, he walked slowly towards Dr. Shark Pepper, and Jogo also opened his arms like a calm scumbag waiting Scotty threw himself into his arms.

When even Gloria thought that the miraculous weight of emotion could surpass Hai Si's spiritual transformation, a sudden change occurred.

Skadi took a light step forward, and then swung a black killer whale punch surrounded by armed colors.


Skadi's fist directly pierced the engine of the Coke refrigerator in Dr. Shark Pepper's abdomen. The shattered Coke spewed out from behind like blood along with glass shards, and the shark hanging on his back also suffered a catastrophe. The tragedy of head and body separation.

"So, doctor, I will take you with me, and we will be together forever in the future."


Qiao Ge's soul showed a wry smile in the fire. Is this a sudden sick "welfare"? If this sentence was uttered by the usual Skadi, he would be so happy.

But now it should be regarded as "cool to death", right?

Although Dr. Shark Pepper's appearance looks very fierce, in fact, if the physical strength of the armed color is counted, he is still at a disadvantage against Skadi who also has the armed color, because in the final analysis, this is just a normal weapon. It's just a shape made out of the Cybertron alloy plus the Rhodes Island mechanical skeleton.

Thinking that those Cybertronians on Earth can also die under the conventional weapons of human beings, it shows that the Cybertron alloy is not as indestructible as imagined, its technological content is more reflected in the diversity, and the armed color is domineering. No matter how hard it is, it needs strong flesh and/or metal to support it.

Otherwise, why are those swordsmen and swordsmen looking for famous swords? Isn't it like poisonous milk powder that you can add attributes and skills with a mallet? Isn't it the same to use an ordinary sharp iron piece to attach an armed color?

Just as the atmosphere on the scene gradually condensed, leaving only the slippery and wriggling sounds of the school of dino fish, Bishop Quintus, who was suppressed by Gloria, suddenly laughed wildly.

"Hahaha, hahahahaha, so it is, so it is! I finally understand the messenger's intention! Ishamura, you will all die under her glory, and I will fulfill his last wish instead of the messenger! Welcome the new The presence of the Mother God!"

As soon as the words fell, Quintus's body began to swell and crack uncontrollably, like a split bud about to sprout and bloom, but it just completed all the development process in just a few tens of seconds.

A huge cluster of tentacle monsters with tens of meters high "Fearfish" was born out of thin air with two huge flower bones on top, which is very similar to the transformation process of the original Ouroboros infected body, except that Quintus' transformation It is more weird and viscous than those black noodles, with an indescribable artistic beauty.

But this is obviously not the normal transformation process of Quintus, because the favor bestowed on him by Hai Si is to become a high-level Hai Si, not a giant tentacle monster, all because Quintus has no Hold back the mutation caused by your own mental ups and downs.

After all, judging from the fact that the first speaker not only did not show anger and remorse after being pierced in the chest, but boasted that Dr. Shark Pepper was very strong, the senior sea descendants can be regarded as quite Buddhist. They believe that their destiny is to carry out the will of the sea, And Quintus is actually for himself from beginning to end.

But for such a big guy like Toquintus who suddenly protruded, Dr. Shark Pepper took Gloria to avoid Skadi who wanted to twist his head off and carry it with him, and was thinking about the next countermeasure.

"Your injury..."