MTL - Morning of Swordsman Tower-Chapter 182

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"In the name of Dr. Tom, I order you to stand down!"

Chapter 511 Made in Heaven? no! Shibuto production? yes yes yes!

A handsome cat has suddenly become so "big", and the whole body is filled with the breath of a Jo-level powerhouse. Of course, it cannot be because of the awakening of Father Puqi's "Made in Heaven", which is strange in the favorites of bloggers. Document abbreviations are also less likely to flock him to heaven...

Well, if the sentiment and atmosphere were just right at that time, maybe we could still go to "Heaven".

But this time the truth is the victory of "Tom Science", the answer is the use of the macho potion prepared by pharmacist Tom himself.

That’s right, it’s the kind made by Tom adding all kinds of strong acid and poison to milk in order to poison Jerry in the animation. It accidentally turned Jerry into a macho mouse for a while, and it was easy to pick up Tom and beat him violently. After a while, even if he hides in the safe, he can drill it out with his fist and continue beating him violently.

I have to say that they are really just "cat and mouse" at this time.

How could it be like that pair of friends who transcended the species and the food chain? In theory, all Tom needs to do to catch Jerry is to tap the wall in front of the mouse hole, because Jerry will stick his head out in response without hesitation.

However, the macho milk was just an accidental product on Tom's whim, and its shortcomings are also very obvious, that is, the strengthening time is very short, and drug resistance will quickly accumulate after several uses, the effect is getting weaker and weaker, and the time is getting longer. shorter.

Now, the potion used by Qiao Maomao has been improved, greatly increasing the strengthening time and stabilizing the properties of the medicine. Coupled with Kelsey's skill effect, the overall effect of the macho potion is almost ten times that of the macho milk in the animation. more than double.

Although overly violent drug effects will also bring corresponding problems, that is, the same "violent" sequelae, but Qiao Maomao, who just survived a big explosion, said that this is not worth worrying about at all. Brave!

But, according to Tom's deflation theorem, he will definitely pay a heavy price for his impulsiveness afterwards. As for the price, only Kelsey, the only witness when he tested the new macho potion, knows.

Anyway, very shy.


Boom boom boom boom boom~~~

When Mammoth Cat's extremely arrogant voice clanged to the ground, the sailors, who were almost lost in the inexplicable shock, woke up suddenly, and immediately raised their weapons and bombarded him violently.

It is very similar to the tactics of the golden operator brigade when the doctor opened the third-level "Kingslayer" tag in the Yellow Iron Canyon crisis contract in the game.

Moreover, rockets, etched bullets, crossbow bolts, and Originium spells were not the only ones flying in the air. When someone ran out of ammunition, they would pick up the game props prepared in the exchange point and continue bombing.

So in addition to the gunpowder, there are many strange things like chili powder, adhesives, lubricating oil, fishing nets, puppy dolls, burritos, dried cactus, beer, meat buns, etc. Strange things, in short, you don't even need to think about it.

Finally, when the rockets of the quill were exhausted, she immediately discarded the rocket launcher, and took out a high-pressure water cannon specially modified by her brother Tequila from the weapon bag to aim it at the front.

Although it looks like the kind of toy water gun that a bearded male star with bare **** plays on the lawn, only slightly thicker, the water cannon fired from it is actually very powerful , even more powerful than most grenade guns.

"No matter what you want to tell me, I will always stand before my father's righteousness and personally remove any obstacles that prevent the Bolivarians from realizing their ideals!"

The quill pen pressurized the high-pressure water cannon in her hand by 200%, almost to the point where it would be scrapped after only one shot, so when she pulled the trigger, there was only a loud bang, and only The ground fragments that were directly shaken to pieces by the reaction force flew away.


The surging high-pressure water column is a turbulent wave that is compressed to the extreme. All obstacles passing by will be wiped out. Even steel plates can be penetrated by a direct hit. How can a mortal body...

"Ah, ah chirp!"

There was a deafening sneezing sound like thunder on dry land, and a gust of wind swept away all the miasma in the gunpowder smoke. The water column that flew halfway was directly burst into the air and disintegrated into countless small water droplets.

And those little drops of water grew transparent hands and feet and frightened little faces one by one, and began to flee in all directions.

Next, Quill and the sailors behind her seemed to be facing a typhoon of level 12 or above. Many people were directly thrown backwards, and the light-weight Li Boli Quill was one of them.

And even the person who was still standing stubbornly in the same place had an extremely ferocious face, his face was stretched like two pancakes, and all the hair on his body protruded backwards in the shape of an arrow.

Finally, when the storm finally returned to calm, the terrified sailors found in despair that the macho cat covered in sinews was still standing in front of them unscathed, and everything seemed to be the same as before they opened fire.

Except that they themselves were downsized by a sneeze by almost half of their staff.

"Tell me, is it your idea to stuff chili noodles into the cannonballs? I don't know if people have very sensitive noses! It's too bad, I'm going to stare with my eyes!"

The dog whose hair was held by Qiao Maomao looked up in disbelief at the majestic figure like a marble sculpture. Even Pancho, who could easily swing a heavy anchor with one hand, had never had such a chance. The indescribable power that makes people want to bow down on the spot.

Although small-scale natural disaster-level Terra powerhouses are rare, they are not difficult to see. If you go for a walk in the headquarters of a country or a major force, you may encounter them in the toilet. Rhode Island's natural disaster-level is even more so on the doctor's desk... Cough, you can see it casually in the office.

It's just that natural disaster-level origin stone spells are terrifying, but the caster himself is still the target of tactical beheading after the commander in order of importance, because spells belong to spells, and flesh to flesh. Since it is a man-made natural disaster...then first Isn't it enough to kill people?

Of course, Pan Qiao and his group who escaped from the Bolivar battlefield understood this truth, and they had been doing this before this time, otherwise there would not be a series of sneak attacks and traps against Qiao Maomao.

But the current situation is that the macho cat that appeared in front of them seems to have completely surpassed their understanding of the strength of natural disasters. Rather than saying that he can create and manipulate natural disasters, it is better to say that he is a natural disaster himself!

And the real natural disaster is unstoppable and irreversible, the only choice you can make is to make way for the Destiny Destroyer, the terminator of all things, the cat of death.

Chapter 512 Big Mouth Mobu: It's me!

"Hey! Didn't you hear me ask you, who stuffed the chili noodles into the bomb!? And who threw it??"

When the dog named Bit suddenly saw that the huge iron jaw that was breathing out flames was suddenly occupied by a furry cat face, he suddenly realized that the problem now is not to find out why the other party is so strong, It's about how people like themselves can survive.

Even if these dogs have already made up their minds to sacrifice, they are not fools who die in vain. What's the use of pulling a grenade on a ferocious cat that doesn't even hurt its face and explodes on the spot?

"Huh? Ah! It's not me! I didn't do anything!"

Seeing that Qiao Maomao was about to poke the black nose into his face, he subconsciously denied it like a silly dog ​​who exhausted his whole body and refused to take a bath. This reminds people of Tom in the animation. Humbled by Spike the Big Dog.

The only difference is that Tom always had a chance to win a round and he didn't.

I saw Qiao Maomao looked down suspiciously, and Bit couldn't help but followed his gaze and lowered his head, only to find that one of his hands was holding a red sphere with lead wires, on which was a picture of a gnashing-toothed and big-sized hot chili peppers pattern.

Of course, the other hand was not idle, and also held a lighter.


Qiao Maomao's extremely ferocious Di Baotian chin slammed into his face every step of the way. Bit, who almost couldn't "Fussy", could only smile profusely in sweat. It was too late to destroy the evidence at this time. Why not just use the most concise and efficient crisis response plan that has been proven by many historical success stories.

So Bit took a deep breath and tried to make a loud noise.

"Huh, huh, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!?"

The moment he opened his mouth wide, Qiao Mao Maoyan quickly grabbed the pepper bomb in his hand and stuffed it directly into his mouth, skillfully interrupting the forward swing of the methane jet in time.

It's just that when Qiao Maomao was about to stun Bit with a fist and butt, suddenly a mini lily of the valley was hovering in the air using a fox radish as a helicopter rotor, and its whole body was emitting light. Doubt, this is the latest colorful light bulb fashion dedicated to the doctor.

That means naturally having a bold idea.

So Qiao Maomao looked back at the row of bicycles in the exchange point that had been overturned by explosions and sneezing waves, and then looked back at Bit, who was holding his hand with one hand and was struggling with a big O in his mouth, His hairy face suddenly pulled into a cunning and cunning horizontal fusiform.


"It is still difficult to capture the picture inside the smoke with the lens, but I seem to hear a howling wind, and then many players were blown out, as unrestrained as a girl hanging out of the window without clamping her underwear Flying to the distance, what happened?

what! ? Wait, someone came out from the other side of the track on a bike through the smoke! Come on, let's see if he's... hiccup! "

At this time, a funny figure like Shaquille O'Neill riding on a children's tricycle appeared on the screen, curling up with double jio, bending over and hooking his back, riding at high speed. Judging from the initial size, the competition group should not have provided such a small bicycle.

And the most puzzling thing is that the taillight of the bicycle that is flashing toward the camera seems to be spraying some kind of Originium skill-type propulsion tail flame. With sound and taste? ? ?

It wasn't until the drone finally pulled the camera to a close-up view that the audience finally saw clearly that it was not a reflective taillight at all, but the bare buttocks of a dog sailor tied to the back seat of a bicycle.


The screaming of the dog is the acceleration signal of the bicycle. The louder the volume, the greater the acceleration.

This is not a big Originium skill, Qiao Maomao just made a small contribution, such as adding a small bottle of Charizard-grade Laoganmao Oral Liquid to the pepper bomb, and then directly in Bit's mouth Just lit the fuse.

Of course, Qiao Maomao is not a devil, so before the pepper bomb exploded, he organized words to comfort poor Bit.

"Don't worry, you can't kill people at this level, and I believe that anything that doesn't kill you will only make you stronger."


As for this small bottle of Lao Ganmao commonly known as "Niannian Oral Liquid", it is not for sale internally used by a Rhode Island mahjong player to maintain his beauty. Don't ask why Qiao Ge carries this strange thing with him, just ask Kelsey also brought it, and even made injection ammunition.

Originally, there was such an unexpected funny scene, even if Big Mouth Mobu didn’t want to explain it, he would definitely laugh out loud to guide the atmosphere of the audience, but now he is like a cool duck whose neck is held down by a cat’s paw It stopped abruptly, and even let out a loud hiccup that shook all the muscles in his body.

Not for anything else, just because he is too much like that man.

Although today's Jogo is covered in hairs, and he is bigger and more flamboyant than the man in Mobu's memory, but when the broad pectoralis major and the ghost-faced latissimus dorsi suddenly "cling" to When it was on the screen, Big Mouth Mobu even got under the table reflexively.

Even though Mobu didn't dare to boldly guess that the two are the same person, his physical instincts are very convinced that Dosores will inevitably experience a "tragedy" similar to that when the great knight led the arena today.

Dazui Mobu didn't dare to ask for anything else, he just hoped that his new boss wouldn't be beaten to death, otherwise no one would pay him salary and bonus.

" this cat's eye???"

At the same time, Candela, who always treats everything casually and never seems to be surprised, has to wrinkle her entire face like the "taillight" that was given a close-up on the screen at this moment.

Although Maoyan's previous behavior style was a bit out of the ordinary, he is still an eclectic and unrestrained swordsman, which is very in line with Candela's aesthetic concept. Who doesn't want their guards to be handsome and strong?

But what the **** is this muscular cat with a height of three meters! ?

I originally wanted to recruit you to improve the masculine atmosphere on the yacht full of muscular sailors, but you are so **** more **** than Pancho? ? ?

Just when Candela involuntarily began to doubt whether her decision was correct, she suddenly received a text message on her private communication phone. Candela picked it up and saw that it was from Big Mouth Mobu, and the content was only short One word, plus three red exclamation points.


Chapter 513 All kinds of martial arts, this is the cat fairy style of dog control

"Run? hehe. "

At first Candela saw Mobu with a big mouth and no end, but when she seemed to have overflowed the words off the screen with fear, she must have been very inexplicable and even dismissive.

Because in her opinion, Big Mouth Mobu is just a host hired by herself. Don’t look at his loud voice. The actual status of the two is not at the same level. Things that can usually threaten Mobu, in Candela In his eyes, it was just as if he was watching a few little mice making a fuss.

And the only thing that can bridge the personal gap between the two is probably a natural disaster, but then again, if it is really a natural disaster forecast, Dosores naturally has a messenger team built by Candela with a lot of money, and it's the turn of Mobu the Big Mouth Non-professional?

But Candela didn't completely ignore Mobu's warning. On the one hand, his one-word text message was really weird. Didn't he even have time to send another sentence to explain the situation?

On the other hand, it was because she hadn't heard Mobu Big Mouth's commentary for a while. As far as that guy's talkative style of commentary was concerned, it was indeed not normal.

So Candela began to use her authority to view the recorded images of the various drones in the race group. As a result, when she cut the screen to the broadcast tower image at the starting point of the race and the end of the bicycle segment, she never thought it was just right. I saw Mobu's figure.

It is said to be a radio tower, but it is actually a wooden watchtower-like structure with a beach hut on top of it. At this time, Mobu, with his hands and feet on the ground, is hugging a support column of the radio tower sneakily. Slip down a little bit.

Even if the stairs were built on the other side of the radio tower, he never seemed to consider this option, no wonder he didn't have time to send a few more words.


Candela is not happy now. Mobu is obviously the host who he hired heavily to decorate the appearance. If he is in danger, he can ask her for help, but if he uses such a cowardly and cowardly behavior in public, isn't it directly tantamount to beating her? Della's dog face? !

"Hmph! What's the use of me wanting such a shameful guy? Come on, come and catch him on board for me. I want to see who can scare him into such a worthless figure..."

Big Mouth Mobu would never have thought that he, a worker who kindly warned his boss while running for his life, not only failed to be understood by the boss, but was misunderstood as a timid person who tarnished her image.

But before Candela finished speaking, there was a strange howling sound from far to near from the screen, but when I pricked up my ears to listen carefully, the source seemed to be close to my ears.


A Pello sailor with dermatitis violently spraying propelling flames is clinging to the water surface of the artificial sea, completely like a fart wave cutting through the waves, breaking through the waves and riding the stinky rockets towards Mayor Candela's yacht at high speed, but In a sense, it should be more terrifying than real conventional rockets.

Because just by listening to it with your ears, you can tell that it belongs to that kind of biochemical weapon with a taste.

"Bit!? What are you doing!"

The old Pancho, who was still "conscientiously" on duty on the yacht, of course also saw this horrifying scene. His comrades and subordinates were transformed into biochemical missiles that were shot at him. There is no worse nightmare than this.

Perhaps it was old Pancho's tragic cry through the ship's loudspeaker that awakened Bit's sense of reason in the endless torment. flames.

He succeeded, but not completely. Ordinary water can't extinguish the flames rich in Pokémon's fire energy. It's like the ability to ignore attribute restraint when the level difference is widened to a certain extent, so he just put I changed from a chemical rocket to a biogas torpedo.

"...or you should come out."

Bit, who was already exhausted, couldn't use his strength anymore. Seeing that the mayor's yacht was about to be smashed by this dog torpedo, but at this moment, there was a huge earthquake-like boom underwater.

I saw a huge fist made of running water rise up suddenly, like a rising dragon fist, directly hit Bit's chin, forcing his forward direction to change from horizontal to vertical immediately, and then pulled a sparse and dripping tail flame vertically The sea level is flying towards the sky.


Bit "exploded" a gorgeous firework in the air, like a fiery red dragon roaring and fluttering its wings proudly into the distance, and finally turned into glowing fire and sprinkled into the artificial sea below.

As long as you don't care about the specific substances of these "bits of stars", then this scene is still very romantic.

Only the underwater dog, Bit, who fell into the water with a plop, was a little bit of a mess, but the flaws were not concealed. The safety equipment provided by the Dosoles Hotel for free tonight must temporarily increase the purchase and inventory.

Compared to Candela and Pancho's confused heads, the scene on the beach at this time is clearer.

Mobu Big Mouth had already smashed his **** into the ground, but he didn't dare to act rashly at all, he could only hug the pillar tightly and tremble.

Because just now he saw with his own eyes the thick-backed Qiao Maomao riding the **** rocket car to complete the detour and reach the end of the second stage, but he didn't stop and accelerate because of this.

Instead, he loosened the restraints on Bit at the moment of passing the prescribed schedule to let him get off the bicycle. At the same time, he also jumped off the pedals, stepping on the rocket dog in the peach-white classic Miki flying posture while adjusting the direction and crossing the road ahead. It wasn't until reaching the top of the beach that a violent yoll turned over and fell down.

So Rocket Dog flew towards the mayor's yacht on the artificial sea by himself.

But this is not over yet, I saw Qiao Maomao clenched his left fist the size of a myrtle girl before landing, and then punched the ground with the help of the formula "weight x speed x grip = destructive power". The sand on the beach was blown four or five meters high by the aftermath of his punch, and it was at that moment that Big Mouth Mobu squatted down and fell off.

But the main energy created by the punch just now is still facing forward, and it can be transmitted continuously through the ground and water faster than Rocket Dog, and finally successfully aroused a "Longlong Fist" to intercept Bit and ascend to the sky.

After all, Amiya and her party were still on board, so Jogo couldn't really destroy the ship and sink it, could he? And he also asked Kelsey to inform Amiya to hide in the cabin in advance, otherwise he would inevitably be affected by "shit to the head".