MTL - Mixed Miners-Chapter 56 Flying skateboard

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Yang Ling took out the call and dialed, "Yuan Ge, the goods have been received, thank you, you sent me the account, I will transfer the money to you."

"Yang brothers, the money is not in a hurry, let's give it next time, not to mention I am still looking forward to what you said. The product will open your eyes to your brother as soon as possible. Don't forget to pull the brother to make money. Oh, oh, little girl runs again. That's it, just say it! Doodle toot~"

Yang Ling had not had time to open his mouth. The opposite side was already hung. He had to smile and shake his head. Then he locked the big iron door of the yard and turned into the factory.

Looking at the pile of metal and rare earth materials of various colors piled up in the corner of the factory building, he was very excited. The small stone house that got into the system took out the silvery bricks in the center of the factory and started it. This time, he I decided to first produce all kinds of accessories and assemble a skateboard.

I was so much looking forward to it. The flying skateboard flew over the crowd, just like the breeze, and then watching... other people were stuck in traffic, it was not ordinary, haha, hehe~, Yang Ling couldn’t help but take a sip.

The bricks quickly expanded into a secondary working mode, almost occupying the factory. Yangling began to operate the familiar road. First, select the accessories to be produced on the light curtain, and then put the materials into the corresponding materials, because there is no experience. Some are more and less, busy for more than an hour, and finally produced a variety of accessories.

Looking at the pile of parts in front of him, Yang Ling decided to try to install it first. The result was that he was too busy to sweat. He had to choose one of each accessory and throw it into the assembly port. Press the assembly button on the console, less than half. Minutes, a pipe opens and spits out a sci-fi skateboard full of sci-fi colors.

Yang Ling feels that his heart is not arrogant. He picks up the skateboard and starts to sink. It is estimated to be ten kilograms. It is about 50 centimeters long, about 30 centimeters wide and about ten centimeters thick. Smooth, slightly tilted front and rear, silver gray matte board slightly slightly concave and convex pattern, there are several buckles in the front of the center, it is estimated to be used for fixing shoes, there is a button in front of the side, gently press, "啪 ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ” ”

He took it over and over and looked it several times. He confirmed that he didn't find a way to use it. At this time, he had forgotten the instructions he had seen. He had to pull out the plug and find a tea seat on the wall of the factory.


As the plug is plugged in, the skateboard makes a prompt, and then the position where the front of the skateboard is tilted up lights up a palm-sized display that shows:

"At charging..."

“嘀嘀嘀” With a few prompts, the small lights of various colors are illuminated in front and back of the skateboard, and the lights flash continuously. The display shows:

"The MP3388 skateboard is self-testing..."

"Hey, voice control... normal."

"Hey, touch... normal."

"Hey, communication... normal."

"Hey, positioning navigation... normal."

"Hey, the power system... normal."

"Hey, balance the system... normal."

"Hey, radar... normal."

As the small flashing lights around turn green, the self-test information on the screen disappears, showing:

"The device is initializing... initialization is complete"

"The first charge is in progress, and the first charge is completed after five minutes. Please do not disconnect the power supply, and the flight test will be performed later. Charging..."

Yang Ling is ecstatically standing next to the skateboard and scratching his head. This thing is more exciting than the 40 million that he has to come. He looks at the time and minute. He feels like a year of feeling, excitement, excitement, surprise, A little bit worried.

Finally, the skateboard finally issued a "squeaky" continuous sound, "beep", the plug itself retracted from the socket back to the cover under the skateboard. The screen displays:

"The charging is complete, I am preparing for the first flight test. Please put the skateboard in the open space..."

Yang Ling hi picked up the skateboard and put it down in the small yard outside the factory. After waiting for a few seconds, the skateboard shook slightly, and then a small red light was lit around, and then floated silently without any sound. Then, the skateboard began to move around, back and forth, and even made a few swings in the volley, but it fell to the ground in just one minute before and after, and the screen showed:

“The flight test is normal. Do you need to set up a fingerprint lock?” A small box lights up in the center of the screen. Yang Ling presses the button in the box and the skateboard makes a “click”. “The fingerprint lock is set successfully. Now For voice control settings, please say the following words."

Yang Ling looked at the displayed words such as takeoff, forward, left and right, and lift and so on, and then read out on the screen:

“Voice message has been recorded successfully. This setup is complete and you can use this device at any time.”

Yang Ling feels that the heart seems to have been caught by someone else, and suddenly it is too nervous to breathe He carefully put his right foot on the front of the skateboard to buckle, with the "咔嚓咔嚓" a few sounds, The buckles are hooked to each other to fix the right foot, and then the screen lights up: "I am about to enter the flight position, please adjust the body..."

After the last three seconds, the skateboard gently floated about ten centimeters from the ground. Yang Ling suddenly moved his body to the right foot, and quickly put his left foot on the skateboard. The skateboard was slightly sunk and the screen showed: weight 72KG, The maximum load is 500KG, and the output power is being adjusted... After the adjustment is completed, the estimated driving distance is 160KM, the maximum grounding height is 18M, and the voice control is in standby...” Then a microphone icon is displayed on the right side of the screen.

"take off"

Yang Ling almost trembled and said a word, the skateboard under the foot slowly floated to a position about one meter away from the ground, and a 1-5 gear mode on the left side of the screen, then jumped to the position of 1 and a data instrument in the center. The upper row shows a distance of 1 meter from the ground, and the bottom center shows a large 0 word.

Yang Ling was frightened and felt that the calf was shaking gently. The body couldn’t help but sway a few times, but the skateboard was like a big stone, and it was firmly impressed with his right foot. So he quickly learned it. balance.

"go ahead"

Yang Ling issued a new order, the skateboard slowly slide forward, and then slowly accelerate, the huge number in the center also changes from 0, it should mean the current flight speed, watching slowly approach the wall, and at this time the skateboard is also Send a short "beep" sound, then slowly stop at a distance of about two meters from the courtyard wall Welcome to the book friends to visit, the latest, fastest, hottest serial works are all at ~www Mobile users please read.