MTL - Mister Li, the Heart Bandit-Chapter 98 President Li proposed again

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Chapter 98 President Li Proposes Again

His empty eyes lit up, and he came quickly, surprised and surprised: "Is it you?"

Ji Weixi always had a similar acquaintance to him. She smiled, "You are a pianist."

No wonder the fingers are so beautiful and so delicate.

He smiled modestly: "It's just a title."

After that, he was a little worried: "Are you okay? Are you better?"

Ji Weixi was surprised that he still remembered that. In her world, she thought that these pianists were all kind of deadly people who could not eat the fireworks on earth.

But he was very kind.

She shook her head: "I'm fine, fine, thank you for your concern."

After a pause, Ji Weixi hesitantly asked, "Are you ... okay?"

The man froze and smiled, "Can't die."

Somehow, when I heard the words of death, Ji Weixi's heart was filled with strange sadness.

The air was filled with embarrassment, and the man's eyes were like soft starlight. He smiled and held out his hand: "Hello, my name is Su Shi, don't come without a problem."

Su Shi ...

Don't come without wit ...

Ji Weixi looked at the pair of hands reaching towards him, hesitated, and held him stiffly.

"My name is Ji Weixi." She quickly retracted her hand.

The disappointment in Su Shi's eyes faded away: "Your name is so sweet."

"Really?" For the first time, Ji Weixi heard someone boast about her name, and she smiled from her heart: "Thank you!"

Su Shi looked around, "Can't you go back? I'll send you?"

"No, no need." Ji Weixi waved quickly.

Li Shaoling hasn't returned yet. It is estimated that he went home by himself.

Damn man.

Su Shi looked at her with a strong defense, she couldn't help laughing, her brooding melancholy finally disappeared.

Does he look scary?

Bugatti stopped suddenly at the door, the door opened, and Li Shaoling approached gloomily.

The lines on his face were tight and his eyes were murderous.

The darkness around him was running out of control, accompanied by the roar of thunder, and he seemed to be a devil from hell.

Say Cao Cao Cao Cao is here.

Ji Weixi instinctively stepped back, looking at his terrible complexion, felt that he could let himself die with a slap.

Stand still, Li Shaoling held her in her arms.


One second ...

Two seconds ...

"Wife." Li Shaoling smiled, kissed her face lightly, and coaxed softly: "Be good, don't be mad, the son is still waiting for us at home."

In a word, I announced my sovereignty and told others that this woman gave me a baby!

Ji Weixi blushed and denied: "Who is your wife!"


Is she single?

Li Shaoling patiently coaxed, a low voice: "Wife, don't be troubled, husband, go home and punish you, don't be angry?"

This wife's name is really natural.

Ji Weixi almost believed his evil words!

Her cheeks were hot and her heart was pounding, and she was pinched by this gorgeous name.

But she has always been masculine. Well, she has to be strong.

You cannot surrender because of one title.

"I'm not you-oh!"

Ji Weixi did not wait to finish speaking, his head was forcibly pressed into his arms.

Li Shaoling looked at Su Shi with a smile in his eyes, but his eyes were cold: "My wife has a mental problem and it scares you."

Who has mental problems!

Your whole family has a problem!

Ji Weixi was about to run away, but he was so strong that she couldn't break away from his embrace.

Su Shi was about to speak. At this moment, a man ran over from the promenade and said pantingly, "Mr. Su, I can find you, everyone is waiting for you to go back!"

Su slammed her cold and pale lips, covered her lips and coughed, and said, "I see."

He took out a business card from his pocket and handed it to Ji Weixi.

"See you next time." His voice was soft and he couldn't hear any emotions.

Su Shi turned and left, and the man said something behind him, worried and very respectful.

The man called him Teacher Su, and he must be an unattainable figure.

Ji Weixi didn't wait to see what was written on the business card. Li Shaoling had snatched it, and one-handedly cut it off.

He then picked her up horizontally and shoved it into the car.

In this small space, his cold air permeated.

Ji Weixi hasn't waited for the reaction, the man has been pressed down.

With his punishment, it was violent.

He loosened her, her thin lips stained with her lipstick, the beauty of evil.

The voice couldn't tell the mood: "What did you talk to him?"

Ji Weixi frowned, and said angrily: "Nothing to say!"

He squinted dangerously: "Huh?"

She couldn't stand him like this, she was so angry that she wanted to eat people every minute, but his face became more abstinent.

It makes people think ...

Ji Weixi said, "Just know each other."

Li Shaoling snorted, apparently disbelieving, and his pair of inspections seemed to look through everything, making people almost crazy.

Ji Weixi sighed and had no choice but to tell him what happened that day.

For a moment, Li Shaoling's pupils tightened, and she glanced from top to bottom, panicking and worrying: "Where's the injury?"

Ji Weixi was flattered, and she shook her head: "It's okay, I almost got hit."

Li Shaoling held her tightly in her arms, and she felt his heart beating fast and breathing heavily.

He breathed a sigh of relief and said lowly, "Fortunately, you are fine ..."

He was so worried about her.

Ji Weixi was held by him, and a warm current flowed in his heart.

She bit her lip, something sweet in her heart.

Li Shaoling let go of her, "Stay away from him."

It's really wide. Does it live by the sea?

Ji Weixikou nodded miserably: "Oh okay."

Her perfunctory tone made his brows frown, and his eyes became cold.

Ji Weixi immediately said seriously, "Okay!"

Then his expression eased.

Weixi was out of balance this season.

She was still worried about Alice.

She was about to speak. Li Shaoling's index finger was between her lips. "Close your eyes."

"What are you doing?"

"Shut up."

How can there be so much nonsense.

Not obedient at all.

Ji Weixi closed his eyes, still thinking that he would not kiss her again.

She had a little expectation in her heart ...

Suddenly, her neck was cold, and she could not help opening her eyes.

Around the neck is a necklace.

The silver chain shuttles a radiant diamond. Unlike other diamonds, this diamond is cut with sharp edges and corners, each side is elegant and bright, pure and transparent.

At first glance, Ji Weixi saw that it was alice's design style, and she looked up ecstatically: "You ... you bought it?"


Li Shaoling actually bought this necklace in order to surprise her and lie to her.

At the end of the fair, she still blame him. Now think about it, Ji Weixi thinks he is wronged.

"Li Shaoling, thank you!" Ji Weixi bent with a bright smile and smiled so brightly that he could not hold back his waist.

The woman's hair was fragrant and soft, and Li Shaoling was obviously stiff, and her body was tighter.

For a moment, a smile filled his lips and hugged her.

Attached to her earlobe, he said quietly, "You got the idol's necklace, and that will get me you too, okay?"

The word 'get' is so intriguing.

Ji Weixi blushed and let go of him, "No."

Li Shaoling came together, the tip of her nose pressed against the tip of her nose, his dark eyes flashed like midnight: "Will you marry me?"