MTL - Mini-Games to Save the World-Chapter 45 Calamity

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at dusk.

护士 The nurse she saw during the day pushed the dining car to the ward.

Lu Fan took the opportunity to ask, "Yes, my medical expenses?"

"Oh, this one, someone has already paid for it, it seems the person who caused the accident."

Lu's answer made Lu Fan think the official is quite good.

I just believe in hypnosis too much, and I don't know what will happen to those who are really hypnotized. Wouldn't I doubt it?

"Just put it aside after you finish eating, and wait for someone to pack it."


"This is the remote control for the TV, you can look at the TV to relieve boredom."


The nurse left, leaving him alone in the ward.

The air around it seemed to be quiet and stagnant. Lu Fan glanced at the phone and chose the remote control.

As soon as the TV is turned on, it is a news channel, which is currently playing the relief and relief work in a certain scenic spot.

Xun News said that it was a landslide, but Lu Fan saw on the Internet that it was revealed that the demon was born.

如何 How to estimate the specific truth has no chance to know, I just hope that it is really just a simple natural disaster.

In this way, people will only encounter one life threat.

"Recently, rainy weather has appeared in various parts of the country recently. The continuous cloud cover is caused by the recent northward currents of the southern ocean and the severe weather in the north.

"This kind of weather lasts until the end of next month and will gradually dissipate. Everyone pays attention to travel safety during weekdays to prevent sudden heavy rain and fog ..."

I changed stations and saw an expert making a lot of comments about the recent weather.

If you really think about it, you will find that there is a big problem in it.

The whole world is like this. How can ocean currents become so unified?

This is just an explanation for the people. Maintaining stability is the biggest purpose.

But Lu Fan's focus is on the overcast clouds that will dissipate next month and the prevention of heavy rain and fog.

"Has the country already begun? But it still takes a month to solve the weather problem?"

的 Cloudy weather lasting for three months, I don't know how many problems will be brought about.

If it takes Xia Guo one month to solve this problem initially, will the situation in more than one hundred small countries in the world be more serious?

Lack of tough means, absolute force, and ability to handle emergencies, how can those small countries survive various disasters?

Once the society causes chaos and these anomalies do not occur, these countries will take the initiative to kill themselves and finish their lives ahead of time.

Now it is not only strange events that affect the security of this world, but also the contradictions within people.

The order collapses and everything will be destroyed.

Anomaly is a flame that will ignite the chaos of the whole world.

Suddenly thought of the doomsday scene in the movie, Lu Fan had a sad mood in his mind for a while.

Humans are really extremely vulnerable.

Even if it is now at the top of the Blue Star biological chain, earthquake tsunami, meteorites, viruses, war, etc., can destroy a lot of things.

Now there is one more unpredictable abnormal event, the ghost demon.

决定 He decided to use the Internet to learn about foreign affairs after he went back, and by the way collected some information about strange people.

Now he is also a member of this group, and he has to prepare for the future ahead of time, whether the end is the end or peace.

The domestic information blockade is relatively tight. Only the outside network is not too restrictive, and many things are directly placed on the Internet.

However, it seems that similar things have been reduced recently. Lu Fan feels that there are several big countries behind it.

What Lu Yun means exactly is not clear to Lu Fan, but the occurrence of heavy rain and fog is definitely abnormal.

Several previous incidents that have been circulating on the Internet have been caused by demon disasters caused by heavy fog.

"Fortunately, I am now in the urban area, and the fog event has not yet occurred."

A few days ago, Lu Fan saw the news of heavy fog on the high speed, less than one hundred kilometers from Lieyang.

This is the closest fog event to the city. All other events occur in the wild countryside, mountain jungles and inaccessible places.

In the news, although it did not directly tell that an abnormal event occurred, it changed its perspective to remind the public.

Generally speaking, people do not go out after knowing that there will be heavy rain and wind tomorrow.

This also indirectly prevents people from encountering things like ghosts.

Lu Fan changed several channels, and all heard the meaning from the host's mouth.

Be careful of the night.

Don't walk alone where there are few people.

Don't talk to strangers at night.

报警 There is something to report to the police, and someone will answer at any time.

In his words, he revealed that the world is not safe now, you must be careful.

I changed the TV station to the live news channel in Lieyang City, Lu Fan was thinking about what the host said, and suddenly saw her pause, turned her head, and looked out of the camera in doubt.

After a few seconds.

She regained her sitting position, looked straight at the camera, her eyes shifted from time to time, she should be watching the news just now.

"Issued an urgent news. A sudden flood occurred downstream of the Yangtze River section of Lieyang City. The relevant departments have issued an emergency evacuation notice. Please pay attention to the safety of the people in the downstream section and try to move to the upstream urban area."

越 The shorter the news, the worse the situation.

The host simply said what happened, the specific size of the flood was unknown, and the disaster was not broadcast.

"Flood? It hasn't rained in Lieyang recently ~ ~ Where's the water coming from?"

The several rivers near Luan are calm. Unless the reservoirs are all destroyed at the same time, there is no flood.

"Is this really the case?"

Lu Fan suddenly felt a little frightened, this is probably another anomalous event.

Uh ...

Yangtze River, the first long river in Xia Kingdom.

It, along with the Yellow River, gave birth to the civilization of Xia Kingdom on this continent.

In a tributary of the Yangtze River in Lilieyang, the reservoir was suddenly destroyed, and a large amount of river water rushed downstream, causing huge damage to the surrounding environment.

at this time.

A road built on the mountainside.

There is a vertical distance of fifty meters from the river valley, and it is not affected by the flood at present.

But the water kept rising, the roar continued to rise, and the brow of the people standing here tightened tightly, and the worry in their hearts became more and more intense.

This water is abnormal.

I looked up at the sky, and the clouds were thicker than before, and the darkness was like a mountain pressing directly above my head.

The light of the car lights is needed to see things clearly.

This evening is darker than twelve in the night.

The people of Qi Lieyang City's Heterogeneous Bureau looked at all this worryingly.

For a long time, the person in charge asked: "Did the news go?"

"It has been sent out, the surrounding residents have been evacuated, and the rescue team's rescue and rescue mission is also ongoing."

"Where is Li Li?"

"I'm coming by helicopter."

"Hope it's too late."

He looked at the raging river below, and the deafening rumbling echoed in the valley. The people were shocked and pale.

之下 Under the water tsunami, there was a sound of Longming.