MTL - Mermaid Feeding Rules-Chapter 95

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"Why do you have to challenge the leader?" Boyce asked him, "Do you have to go?"

Garcia knew that if there was a concealment, Boyce would be as angry as before, and after watching him for a while, he still told the reason.

"The leader is different from other mermen." Garcia looked at him and explained, "Only the leader can transform the 'sofia' of other mermen."

The leader guards the young mermaids all the year round, ensuring that most of them can grow up safely and have always been privileged in some aspects.

Garcia doesn't care who his original sofia should be, he only knows that he can only accept Boyce as one person, and will never transform another person, nor does he want Boyce to be transformed.

"But Louis told me before that anyone who has not been transformed can be transformed by a merman who has not been transformed into a human being." When Lewis mentioned this to him, he did not mention this condition.

"It's different." Garcia shook his head and continued to explain.

Of course, he can also transform Boyce during the breeding season, but it doesn't prevent another mermaid from finding Boyce's breath to find him one day.

Before them, there have been, albeit rare, instances of a merman choosing another merman's sofia.

Mermaids have a deep instinctive possessiveness towards their partners, and are not willing to share their partners with other people. When two mermaids compete for the same partner, they will no longer be concerned that the other is their own race.

The two sides will fight to be with their mates. The victorious one can have the desired mate, while the loser may be killed by his kin in the battle, or he may be seriously injured and finally die at the hands of other creatures, or he may live. down.

When they realize that their partner has been transformed by other mermaids, some mermaids will choose to **** the other mermaid's partner, while some more extreme ones will take advantage of the transformed mermaid's absence and take the opportunity to kill humans.

Garcia could not guarantee the character of the mermaid that originally corresponded to Boyce. If he was the latter, if he transformed Boyce now, Boyce would be at risk of being discovered and killed by him at any time.

He couldn't guarantee that he would be by Boyce's side at all times, and he couldn't guarantee that when the mermaid appeared, he would sense it immediately.

But if he succeeds in challenging the leader, he has the "sofia" privilege of being able to transform other mermaids, and Boyce won't be revenge by another mermaid.

So Garcia can only let Boyce who has not been transformed go back to the land first, to ensure that he will not meet another mermaid, and come back to him after he succeeds.

But Garcia did not mention the result after his failure. If he fails, the next challenge will be ten years later. He is not sure whether Boyce is willing to wait another ten years. In addition, if the injury is too serious, Garcia wasn't sure if he could survive the deep sea to meet him.

"What if you lose?" Boyce asked.

"Do you want me to wait for you on land without transforming?"

"Garcia..." Boyce looked at him, "Humans get old."

"Compared to you, human life is very short."

"Even if I don't meet that mermaid, how many more years can I wait for you?"

Even if it waits decades later, Boyce, who is already gray-haired, how can he face Garcia who is still young?

He turned his head to prevent Garcia from seeing his red eyes: "If I meet that mermaid, the next time you see me, I may have become like Collins."

Boyce called out the name of the merman: "Garcia..."

"Not every merman is you."

He may not know equality, respect and love.

Nor is it willing to spend time and energy to gradually understand human habits, and then clumsily say "likes" that I have never understood.

And Boyce was willing to accept only one Garcia.

"You want to go to the leader to challenge me to agree." Boyce wiped the corner of his eyes, his tone a little calmer, "But before that, you need to complete the transformation."

He looked at Garcia: "A human can only be transformed once, do you want me to be transformed by that mermaid?"

Of course not...

Mermaid possessiveness is innate, but Garcia is willing to restrain for Boyce.

"But you will be very dangerous..." Garcia regained his senses after a moment of heartbreak, hoping that Boyce could think clearly.

"If you succeed, I will not be in danger anymore."

"If you lose, I'll take you to my house. You should remember the route there? I have a lot of savings over the years, and then I will build a house by that lake..."

"It's inland, but the mermaid's range is in the ocean, and he won't find it there."

"Also, we have a lot of tools to catch the beast."

Garcia looked at him: "I may not survive..."

The leader will not kill his fellow clan during the challenge. If the challenger admits defeat, he can end the challenge, but if the injury is too serious, Garcia is not sure if he will survive after leaving the lair.

But if Garcia wants to be the leader, he must do his best.

Boyce can hide for decades, but he can't hide for a lifetime. If he is discovered, there will only be Boyce who can live underwater and increase his lifespan, and he will not be able to resist the mermaid at all.

"Garcia," Boyce said, interrupting his lingering worries about his own safety.

"For human beings, a hundred years of life is enough."

He is willing to accept the increased lifespan that the transformation brings, just because he wants to be with Garcia for a long time, that's all.

Boyce looked at him with a tough tone: "Transform me, if you win, I will accompany you to the bottom of the sea."

"If you lose this time, I will wait for you to win the challenge on land to dislike me."

"If you die..." Boyce said here, paused and said, "I'll accompany you..."

"If you still don't want to transform, then let's do it."

After he finished speaking, he looked at Garcia: "Which one do you choose?"

The author has something to say: code words in the bed, the phone is out of power, the plug and power bank are all outside, that's all


In fact, the update on the day of the Lantern Festival originally wanted to write in the last chapter that Baibai said that he couldn't hear it, but after thinking about it, it was a festival after all, so I won't do anything about it~ Thanks for 2021-02-2822:09:54~2021 - 03-0101:03:09 The little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution for me~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the mine: Yuyu wants to eat 1 fish;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!