MTL - Medical Sovereign-Chapter 2481 Edward's story

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When the crowd retreated, the black beard shrugged at Ding Ning, sorrowful and frowning: "Brother, you are here to take a special trip to demolish my desk. When the hearts of the people are scattered, the team is not easy to bring."

Ding Ning pouted: "Okay, don't play with the imaginary. With the strength of your late Paladin, it's not a matter of minutes to deter these ordinary people. Isn't it just to make me feel guilty, isn't it difficult for you?"

Edward chuckled and didn't blush because he was cautiously seen. He turned and pulled out a box of cigars, and he handed Ding Ning: "Come one?"

"No, I'm not used to that."

Ding Ning waved his hand, took out a hand-rolled cigarette to light himself, and took a deep, comfortable face.

"Is this hand-rolled tobacco?"

Edward smelled the mellow tobacco smell from the hand-made cigarettes, his eyes suddenly lighted up, and he looked eager to try.

"Well, try?"

Ding Ning was not stingy either, reached out and handed him one.

Edward threw the big iron anchor on the ground as a bench. He sat on the iron anchor and took the cigarette to ignite. He took a deep sip. The spicy scent from the mouth made him unable to bear a strong cough, cough. His face was flushed but he couldn't put it down. He took a few mouthfuls of breath, and when the coughing force passed, he exhaled deeply and exclaimed, "It's so smoke, I'm so energetic. Has a refreshing effect."

Ding Ning laughed and said nothing, but he didn't expect this guy to know the goods. This kind of cigarette was specially transplanted from a tobacco leaf called "Huanshencao" into the medicinal spirit ring, and the most essential part was picked. Cut into fine shredded tobacco, and then use the stripping decomposition ability to remove moisture and toxins from the tobacco leaves, retaining the original flavor of the tobacco part.

This rejuvenating herb has a refreshing effect. Ding Ning intentionally planted it next to some spiritual grass that nourishes the human soul, and it is contaminated with some medicinal effects, which makes its refreshing effect more remarkable. There is a little effect of nourishing the soul.

It is also because Edward is a strong player in the late Paladin, so the effect of this kind of tobacco is not so significant. If you change this kind of cigarette to ordinary people, it will definitely have an immediate special effect on the growth of mental power.

It is a pity that because he is too pursuing excellence, only the most essential parts are roasted into tobacco leaves, and most of them are ruthlessly discarded, resulting in the production of this tobacco cannot always be improved.

Today, after processing the tobacco leaves he planted, he only produced less than one pound of tobacco, and the cigarettes were only about thirty boxes, which was barely enough to smoke.

Cigarette is one of the best mediums in interpersonal relationships, and the friendship between men often comes inexplicably. Two men of different nationalities, different skin colors, different occupations and different experiences, after having a lot of trouble together, have born a sympathetic one. feel.

Although Edward did not say much, his hearty character and righteousness, coupled with his profound knowledge and good talk, made Ding Ning realize that this is definitely a man with a story.

It's just that he always believed in the principle that gentlemen's friendship is as light as water. Although he was curious about Edward's life experience, he didn't have any plans to find out. In addition, 146 fellow Anping people were still waiting for him to rescue him, so he directly cut into the topic and came straight to the point. Said: "I came this time to plan out from your mouth what other conspiracies behind the other three pirate groups teamed up to plunder the Dawn."

The smile on Edward's face suffocated slowly and took a deep sip of cigarettes. After spitting out a smoky cigarette, he said with guilt: "Actually, after seeing you as an Asian face, I guessed you Origin, it stands to reason that I should answer your question, but

I promised someone that I would never reveal any tone of voice, so I am sorry, even if you kill me, I will never confess half a word. "

Ding Ning did not speak, but looked at him with deep eyes. Edward looked at him without fear, and his eyes were frank and dead.

"Keeping promises is a person's noblest character. Since this is the case, I have never forced my friends, so be it, I should go."

At the moment of Edward's uneasiness, Ding Ning suddenly smiled, patted his shoulder, stood up and turned around and left.

Edward was stunned and looked at Ding Ning's back in disbelief. His mind was messed up. Is he really leaving like this?


Ding Ning suddenly stopped and let Edward sigh inwardly, knowing that it couldn't be that simple.

But the next move of Ding Ning made him tremble, an indescribable touch almost made him unable to tell what he knew.

"Since you like this kind of cigarette, I will give you the remaining half of the box.

Ding Ning smiled and threw a half of a pack of cigarettes that he only smoked two. In Edward's tangled look, he smiled freely, and his footsteps were firm and steady, and he never looked back.

Edward clasped most of the cigarettes in his hand, and his face was filled with inexplicable emotions. For many years, although he had countless men, he did not have a friend who could share his temperament. To a certain extent, He is lonely and lonely.

Ding Ning's appearance, although the beginning was not good, but the two people's intimate sympathy later gave him a long-lost feeling of cooperation. That feeling was only unpredictable, and his empty and lonely heart felt unprecedentedly full.

But when I thought of the woman who he didn't hesitate to betray his family to fall for the Kou and also miss it, Edward closed his eyes in pain and murmured softly in his mouth: "Sorry, friend, I hope you can come back without incident."

"Do you think it is possible? This time, he will definitely die."

A crisp and cold voice came very suddenly, making Edward tremble, slowly opening his eyes and looking at a pink robe beside him, even his hair was pink, and his beautiful face was cold into the iceberg. A woman like a woman, struggling with pain in her eyes: "Eiffel, how can you forgive me?"

"Forgive you? Edward, you think too much. Your colony became a vegetative. I can never forgive you in my life. I will never..."

Eiffel's pretty face was twisted like a devil, the fire of hatred deep into the bone marrow was screaming under the eyes.

Edward closed his eyes painfully, his face full of bitterness, and whispered dreamily: "Eiffel, I just regarded Kollani as a sister from beginning to end, you know, I love you , It's you from beginning to end, but I didn't expect that after I refused her confession, she would go for short..."

"Shut up, people like you are not qualified to talk about love, and even less qualified to mention my sister's name."

Eiffel screamed with exhaustion, as if Edward mentioned the name of Kollani is an unforgivable sin.

Edward sighed and bowed his head sullenly. The crown prince, who was the best and most dazzling and most promising to take over the throne of the former French royal family, at this moment, all the dazzling auras on his body were eliminated, and it was just a poor worm who lost himself for love.

Eiffel looked at Edward's decadence, and there was a touch of distress in his eyes. Edward loved her, why didn't she love Edward?

It's just that she is loved by God, and her most beloved sister is also deeply rooted in this naturally dazzling man. As an older sister, she chose to give up her loved one.

But I never imagined that the stubborn and stubborn sister, after being rejected by Edward and revealing her mind, drilled the horns and looked for short-sightedness, but the result was that she could not become a living dead, making her desperate to regret and add all her faults. All blamed on Edward.

In fact, she knew that Edward was not to blame at all on this matter. The root cause was that she had some problems in handling the matter, but she couldn't get through the hurdle in her heart.

As soon as she closed her eyes, the pale face of her sister lying on the hospital bed was as good as her death. This heart knot became the biggest obstacle between her and Edward, just like a skyrocket.

Cute Edward’s specialty made her feel impressed. In order to give an account to the dying sister, she refused to marry her to Edward as a bargaining chip for marriage with the royal family. She left the house and ran around in anger. By chance, she became a pink skull pirate group. Head.

The young lady of the ancient family who fell into the grass to become the leader of the pirate is enough to laugh at the pirate. The lovely Dehua has loved and resolutely followed her footsteps. With his own strength, he formed the Black Beard Pirates Group, which made the entire French royal family blinded. shame.

The angry king has announced his separation from his father and son in public, and expelled him from the royal family, canceling all his titles.

To say that Eiffel didn't touch it was fake, but the tragedy of sister Kolani never made her out of the shadow of her heart, and she could never really open her heart to accept him.

"Eiffel, those people are the devil, and walking with them will ruin you."

Edward took a deep breath and looked deeply at the pink girl in front of him, admonishing seriously.

"I don't need to ask about my affairs, you still care about your own future."

Eiffel said indifferently, indifferently and ruthlessly: "You should know that these people are only one of the purposes of dealing with the Anping people this time. They also intend to integrate the entire Somali pirate forces for their use. You rejected them. They are Won't let you go."

"Are you caring about me?"

Edward's eyes lit up, and he looked at Eiffel hot.

Eiffel froze, and then calmed down again, sneering and sneering: "Don't be pretentious, I just want to remind you of Korani's love for you."

Edward smiled bitterly and said sadly: "Thank you for your good intentions, but others are not clear, but you should be very clear. What is the reason why I set up the Blackbeard Pirates Group, except for you, I can't take anyone's control and control, if they want to destroy Come to me, then come, anyway, for me, there is not much difference between alive and dead."

Eiffel lowered her head to be silent, her long pink hair covering the moist corners of her eyes. This man always hits the softest part of her heart in a sudden.

When she was a child, she was a maverick. She didn't like the protagonist Luffy in One Piece, but she preferred the big boss black beard, saying that he was bad enough and sinister.

This may be the unintentional words of the little girl, and it also fits the routine that men do not bad women do not love, but Edward keeps in mind every sentence and every hobby of her.

So he gave up the great future, he did not hesitate to betray the royal family, and resolutely regained his beard, and became a realistic version of the black-bearded one-piece king, just because of a joke when she was a child, how could this affection and love make her immobile .