MTL - [Mecha] Bandit Army Reborn-Chapter 91 set sail

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It turned out that the uneasiness that arose in my heart before, my intuition kept reminding myself that I had to leave quickly, not because someone wanted to hurt me, but because there was a huge trap waiting for him to jump into it.

Fei Wushu lowered his head to look at Angelil, who was completely unconscious in his arms, grinned helplessly: "Such a clumsy method of framing, I think that when Angie wakes up, all the facts will come out." We'll see."

He added with a smile: "So I don't have anything to quibble about, just let the parties speak."

He believed in his intuition of seeing people. Except for being blinded by his family affection and seeing Fei Wuzheng poorly, he has always been able to clearly distinguish who is kind and who is malicious towards him.

As for Angeliel, although he is the type that he is not good at contacting, his kind and noble appearance makes him afraid that he will lead the other party down after a long time of contact, but this person is kind in nature, which is true. Fei Wushu obediently handed Angelil over to the people of Suyue, smiling without any sense of crisis. Angelil had no intention of harming him, which he confirmed in the afternoon.

Whether the soldier who died committed suicide or was killed by his superiors, Angelail was not with them.

But... Fei Wushu blinked in confusion—but in this case, if Angelail woke up, wouldn't the soldier's so-called "reporting" trap be broken without breaking it? What was the man who designed the trap against him thinking? As he said before, this framing method is too clumsy and full of flaws.

Unless... Angela could never wake up again.

Su Yue naturally understood quite clearly. Fei Wushu's candid expression made Su Yue's tense face slightly loosen, but he was still serious: "Before Angela woke up to testify, you were temporarily detained by the military. Arrested."

No matter how the trap looks full of flaws, it has already involved a human life, so it cannot be dealt with casually.

Fei Wushu shrugged his shoulders to show no resistance—arrest? In fact, the job of protecting Angelell is no different from being arrested, isn't it all loss of freedom.

"Due to the serious nature of the incident, you will be transferred to the trial center and await the subsequent judgment." Su Yue said sternly, "I will notify your instructor later and ask him to contact your parents. Do you have any questions? "

Probably because Su Yue also saw clearly that this was an obvious frame-up, and Fei Wushu's attitude was particularly cooperative, so Su Yue's tone softened a bit, clearly revealing that he could agree to you if he didn't ask too much.

So Fei Wushu leaned forward eagerly: "Angeriel's room should have a signature of chapter 180, can you give that to my roommate Adolf?"

"..." Su Yue turned cold and waved his hand, "Take him away!"

Fei Wushu took a few steps back, stopped joking, and said seriously: "Okay, I only have two things to ask you."

"First of all, please protect Anji's life." He said, "Secondly, please be responsible for my safety." He exaggeratedly made a frightened expression towards Su Yue, "I'm afraid to kill people and silence them." on."

With a cold face, Su Yue finally nodded. Under his protection, such a mistake happened, and he was also duty-bound. Watching Fei Wushu and a small team go out, the chill in Su Yue's eyes became even worse - someone had a problem with the soldiers he led!

Who was it that infiltrated his team? !

At this time, Tie Ya's senior students also got the news and hurried over.

"Senior Colonel Su, Fei Wushu has no motive to do such a thing!" Tie Ya didn't see Fei Wushu to the left or right, and his heart skipped a beat, and he guessed that Fei Wushu had been taken away, so he quickly stepped forward Go and explain to Su Yue. That first-year student has a good personality. Although sometimes he is so flat that people want to give him a fist, but it is precisely because of this that people can't help but like and get close to him. It is comfortable to be friends with people like Fei Wushu!

Su Yue hurried to find out the truth, and glanced at them with a cold face: "I have my own discretion in this matter." He looked at Angelil who was taken to the infirmary, and then at the young and enthusiastic students, and said Said: "Didn't you want to protect Angela before?"

Several student representatives stared wide-eyed.

"Angeriel is in the infirmary right now." He dropped these words and turned around to leave.

"What does this mean?" The representative of the fourth grade student asked blankly.

Tie Ya scratched his hair: "This...meaning we go to the infirmary to protect Anji...?"

Several people looked at each other and shouted decisively: "Let's go!"

Angirel has something to do with Fei Wushu's innocence. If the designer really wanted to frame Fei Wushu, it would be the best choice to make Angela utterly speechless—even if Fei Wushu was imprisoned in the courthouse when Angelail died, others would I only think that he still has accomplices.

After all... the only suspect now is Fei Wushu.

When Fei Wushu was taken out of the villa area, he happened to be seen by Adolf—this guy has been wandering around the villa area, unwilling to be turned away like this, racking his brains to think about how to sneak in.

After wandering around all afternoon, I ran to have dinner, and wandered back to the spot again, trying to find the negligence of the monitoring.

However, after night fell, he failed to find any flaws in front of the iron barrel-like protection, but at the exit of the villa area, he saw Fei Wushu walking among a group of soldiers.

How did it come out?

Adolf, who wanted to jump out to ask Angela for the latest information, was keenly aware of the solemn atmosphere of that group of people. After stepping out, the whole person retreated into the shadows again, separated by a distance, Falling far behind this group of people, watching their whereabouts.

But this time, he followed to the school gate.

Adolf blinked suspiciously, hey, are you leaving school?

However, that team of soldiers and Fei Wushu didn't leave at the school gate, as if they were waiting for something. Adolf was curious, and after waiting for a while, he really lost his patience, so he wanted to go directly to talk to Fei Wushu—after all, looking at Fei Wushu's relaxed back, it didn't look like there was any big deal at all.

But after walking a few steps, Adolf sharply saw a maglev vehicle parked in front of Fei Wushu and the others.

Although it was already night, the gate of Capital College was brightly lit. With this light, Adolf clearly saw the emblem on the car body belonging to the Inquisition—the Golden Code.

This car belongs to the Inquisition!

Adolf clenched the hand hanging by his side involuntarily, but his expression was extremely natural, as if he was just a student passing by.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw someone get off the car, and then Fei Wuzhu stretched out his hands, and was put on electromagnetic shackles by this person. Then he got into the car, and the group of soldiers that accompanied him turned around and returned to the direction of the villa area.

The maglev car with the golden code badge was slowly lifted into the air, entered the driving track, gradually accelerated, and disappeared on the colorful streets.

Adolf finally let go of the calm expression on his face, and stared blankly at the direction where the maglev car disappeared—what happened? ! A place like the Trial House, once you get in, you can't get out!

After standing under the night sky for a long time, he turned around and strode towards the Department of Horticulture.

When something happened to Fei Wushu, Langlot and Wu Qi were the ones he looked for most. Adolf thought, then Wushu couldn't inform those two this time, so let him help pass the message instead.

When he knocked on the door of Langlot's dormitory, Adolf said with a serious face: "Langlot, Wushu was taken away by the people of the court."

Langlot raised his forehead... What kind of trouble did he cause this time? !

As for Fei Wushu, who was brought into the court, under Su Yue's signal, after being brought into a single detention room, he was ignored and didn't suffer much.

Fei Wushu sniffed the strong **** and sour smell in the room, rolled his eyes helplessly, and came in for the second time, the environment here is still not likable. And this time, without the company of Langlot and the others, without Xiao Yiyi chatting with him in the spiritual world, he suddenly felt even more boring.

The people against him, except for Hastings and his gang, didn't think of him at all. Fei Wushu squatted on the ground, puzzled, how could someone like Hastings not be more straightforward? For example, if Angelell is killed and no one is left alive, then he is definitely not being detained for trial now, but directly locked in an underground prison, right?

Actually leaving such a big flaw in Angelil... Fei Wushu guessed amusedly, could it be that the people sent by Hastings were also Angiril's fans? Reluctant to kill at the last moment?

He was thinking wildly, but the door was suddenly opened.

Fei Wushu looked up, even if it was someone who came in to assassinate him, he would not be surprised. After all, Hastings had already attacked and killed him twice, and he would not be surprised if there was a third attack. Raising his hand, he touched the space button under his clothes—Su Yue discovered this, but he didn't confiscate it. It seems that he also tacitly allowed him to have his own self-protection ability.

Whoever came in, however, wasn't Fei Wushu's worst guess.

The man who came in had a pair of sinister eyes, but his face was extremely familiar. Seeing Fei Wushu looking at him, he quickly showed a smile and bent down: "Master Fei, I am Fan Sen, I wonder if you still remember?"

Goosebumps arose from his respectful attitude, but Fei Wushu quickly remembered this person.

Who else could be an acquaintance in the courtroom? Isn't it the captain of the gendarmerie who brought them from the hospital to the court?

He glanced at the epaulets on Fan Sen's uniform and raised his eyebrows: "You're already a lieutenant? You're doing well."

"It's all Young Master Mo's promotion." He smiled sinisterly, "After that old guy Lotte committed suicide inexplicably, I took his place."

Suicide, is it really suicide? Thinking of Ning Qingliu who came to pick them up that day, that person was also Hastings' subordinate. Fei Wushu felt a little emotional, the moment he stepped into the capital planet, he had no clear relationship with this person... No, maybe even earlier, he had no clear relationship with this person.

"Young Master Mo has already received information about you, Young Master Fei, and told me to take good care of you." Fan Sen said respectfully, "In addition, Young Master Mo wants to talk to you in detail..." He took off his communicator and handed it over to you. Jifei Wushu, "I will stand guard outside the door, please hurry up."

Fei Wushu took over the communication device, and Mo Sheng's information was as fast as ever.

Mo Sheng's contact number has been searched out, and Fei Wushu directly clicked through. Within a second, the light screen popped out. Mo Sheng was wearing a white bathrobe, wiping his wet hair, curled up on the sofa and looked at him, his peach blossom eyes curved: "Oh, you went in again? How does it feel to revisit the old place?" Sample?"

Fei Wushu smiled and said, "You can try it."

Mo Sheng frowned in distaste: "Okay, I won't bicker with you anymore. Tell me, what trouble did you get into again? Lanlote also knows about it, so wait to be talked about when you come out."

"Langlot knows?" Fei Wushu stiffened his expression, and said with a dry smile, "It's actually nothing, it's not a big deal..."

He told Mo Sheng what happened tonight in detail.

After Mo Sheng listened, he stretched out his hand and scratched his chin thoughtfully... This framing was so obvious that only a person with a negative IQ would believe that Wushu was the murderer. As long as Angela clarifies after waking up, nothing will happen to Wushu. But if Angela could never wake up again, even if everyone thought that Wushu was wronged, if the only evidence pointed to Wushu, Wushu could only be wronged.

The crux of the matter now is Angela.

Mo Sheng naturally knew him, and he had a pretty good impression of this federal angel. But he still asked cautiously: "Is that person Angelelle reliable?"

"No problem at all." Fei Wushu spread his hands and smiled, "I guess he has never told a lie in his life—he is that kind of person." At a glance, the whole body of the man seemed to be shining with holy light. Shining, he is completely out of the same world as him.

In this case, what we need to do now is to protect Angela until he wakes up safely.

"Take it as a vacation." Mo Sheng flirtatiously winked at Fei Wushu, "We will pick you up in a few days."

Why do you have to feed in a few days! Give him some mobility, okay? Fei Wushu didn't yell out these words, and Mo Sheng cut off the contact.

Throwing the wet towel aside, Mo Sheng didn't care whether his hair was still wet, and just fell on the bed—after being calm for so long, did he finally make another move? It seems that the real good show is about to begin.

Heyue Galaxy, Shibara Star, Qin House, Main House.

Back in time a little bit, it was the moment Qin Yi stepped into the room.

Walking into the main hall, on the wall directly facing, there is a huge calligraphy with only one character on it.

Not "Heaven", not "Earth", but a "Qin" character.

The pen is unrestrained, unrestrained, and with just one glance, one can feel the aloof and calm aura rushing towards the face, as if worthy of being hung here, except for this word, the rest of the words are not qualified! It seems that the word Qin can cover everything in this world!

It's not domineering, but a more calm and unhurried self-confidence and arrogance, and has an absolute overlooking attitude towards everything it faces.

Under this picture, stood a middle-aged man with long black hair. He is six points similar to Qin Yi, with snow-white skin and just the right facial features, but his eyebrows and eyes are stained with the color of years, a little more mature, but after all, he is not as indifferent and cold as Qin Yi, because he has been carrying She smiled, although the smile didn't catch her eyes.

The members of the Qin family are extremely proud and indifferent, looking down at all living beings calmly.

"Father." Qin Yi greeted sternly, "You asked me to come back, do you have something important to tell me?"

Qin Donglai put his hands behind his back, his eyes fell on Qin Yi's expressionless face, and then he looked deeply into Qin Yi's dark and indifferent eyes. After a while, the smile in his eyes was finally a little real. He nodded and said: "Little Yi, I am right."

Qin Yi remained silent and did not answer, but he became more and more certain in his heart that he was allowed to come back this time because it was related to the Federation's seizure of the house.

"No one can fake Xiaoyi's aura." Qin Donglai said with a smile, "I originally wanted to ask a few embarrassing things about Xiaoyi's childhood to confirm Xiaoyi's identity, but after meeting Xiaoyi, I realized that there is no such thing at all. It is necessary."

Qin Yi's eyes softened a lot, and he raised the corners of his lips imperceptibly: "Father, are you sure those embarrassing things are mine, not yours?"

Qin Donglai didn't seem to hear it, and turned to ask: "Does Xiao Yi have no doubts about what he just said?"

"If it's about seizing the house, then I already know about it." Qin Yi said calmly.

Qin Donglai was startled, and then his smile deepened: "As expected of Xiaoyi." This son has never disappointed the Qin family, and has always surprised people time and time again. The matter of seizing the house was a fact that they had just confirmed after a long time of joint investigation and discussion by the Thirteen Clans Alliance. Unexpectedly, Xiao Yi was already ahead of them.

"In the past year, there have been cases of people's sudden personality changes in all parts of the Heyue galaxy." Speaking of seriousness, Qin Donglai's face became serious, and he became serious, "A deacon of our Qin family also A month ago, he killed his wife who suspected him and fled."

"This phenomenon has attracted the attention of the Thirteen Clans Alliance. After investigation and discussion, the conclusion reached is just like what you said, Xiao Yi, that this is a seizure." Qin Donglai's eyes turned completely cold, "We seized They tortured those who seized their homes. However, they seem to collectively have the means to separate their mental bodies. Once caught, they will quickly leave their bodies, and torture is completely useless."

Qin Yi was silent...Father, the people from the Federation have gone offline.

"In the beginning, the Thirteen Clans Alliance got nothing." Qin Donglai said indifferently, "However, Master Baliu, the master of arts, made a suggestion to fix the spiritual body of the person who seized the house with the spiritual body in the first place, and let them Can't escape."

Prevent people from the Federation from going offline? Is this feasible? Qin Yi called Tiandao in the spiritual world, but Tiandao didn't respond for a long time.

Qin Donglai's words answered Qin Yi's doubts: "Ba Liu's method worked very well, and those who could not escape explained their origins under torture."

Qin Yi looked straight at Qin Donglai calmly: "They come from the Federation."

"..." Qin Donglai was stunned again, because then Qin Yi said something again - "Father, I have been to the Federation."

Qin Yi said indifferently: "I also know about the connection between the Federation and Heyue. Father, do you have anything else to tell me?"...Since the Fei family has historical materials about the chaotic era, their Qin family must also have them. Just like Feitu didn't tell Fei Wushu, Qin Donglai didn't tell him before.

Now, the time has come to tell the truth.

"You learned about these things in the federation, right?" Qin Donglai was once again relieved by Qin Yi's excellence, and said with a faint smile, "But after that great war, how did we travel through the endless sea of ​​stars, and how did we establish The Heyue galaxy is mentioned, but it is not understood in the federation."

Qin Yi nodded in approval. He really didn't know this.

"History needs to be seen with your own eyes." Qin Donglai pointed to the side door of the hall, "According to the ancestors of the Qin family, the books on the top floor of the study room should have been collected after you became a world leader or had the power of a master of great arts. Sometimes, go open that layer of mental power barrier by yourself. But now the timing is special, I opened the barrier and opened the reading authority for you." He looked at Qin Yi with a smile in his eyes, and his voice was Shen Yue: "I think, Xiao Yi passed It won't be long before you can break through that barrier by yourself? Since you have this potential and strength, this is not a violation of the ancestor's precepts."

"After reading those books, come out and tell me your judgment and decision." Qin Donglai didn't say what judgment or decision to make, but Qin Yi seemed to understand, nodded quietly, Turn around and walk to the side door.

Qin Donglai also walked out of the main hall directly, and ordered: "Until Xiaoyi walks out by himself, no one is allowed to disturb him in anything."

He Yue and the Federation...After being separated for thousands of years, they finally meet again.

What will the future be like? Qin Donglai walked down the steps step by step, looked up at the blue sky of Shihuangxing, with a smile on his lips, future? The future is handed over to Xiao Yi and the others. As for Qin Yi, he would never disappoint those who were looking forward to him. As a father, he has always believed in this.

The author has something to say: Chaos Star Field = Endless Star Sea, Federation and He Yue are just different names~~ I am worried that I will forget, please remind me =v=~