MTL - Maze Survival: Only I Can See Hints-Chapter 418 God's panel, friendliness reaches 10,000

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  Chapter 418 God's panel, friendliness reaches 10,000

  In addition to this, strength, stamina, and agility, the attributes most needed by fighters, are doubled, which is so refreshing that I can't breathe.

   Even the epic-level hidden special effect-the ascension effect, can make Zhao Ba truly a big killer on the battlefield.

  When he transforms into a giant, not to mention dismantling Gundam with his bare hands, he can even dismantle his portable base with his bare hands!

   This is the real killer.

  Then there is a hidden special effect-the **** rank is turned on, and Zhao Ba can see the god's panel.

  【Name: Zhao Ba】

  【God Rank: Demigod】

  【Divine power level: 0/10, weak etc.】

  【Divine power type: None】

  【Possessed divine skills: none】

  【Shenhuo level: 9/10, weak etc.】

  【Types of Divine Fire: Fear Divine Fire, Beast God Divine Fire, Looting Divine Fire, Revenge Divine Fire】

  【Possessed divine fire effects: Eye of Terror, Tasting Fear, Exploding Fear...】

  【Evaluation: The first time on the road to God. 】

  Zhao Ba was very excited. From now on, he is also a god.

  Those mortals, even Ali Jiage, who is a boat of mutual aid, can't do anything to him.

   Now he is only afraid of those players who also have demigods.

   For example, the existence of those hidden names in the top 20 combat power list.


   "Master Irene!"

   "Would you like to give me a hug!"

   Zhao Ba suddenly stretched out his hands and said.

   "You are too weak." The spring goddess Irene said contemptuously: "Weak gods are not worthy of hugging me, goodbye!"

  The golden light on her body disappeared, ending her descending state.


  Lorian's consciousness dominates, she is of course just a shy girl, seeing Zhao Ba in front of him, her face flushed, and she ran out like flying.

  Zhao Ba looked at her speechlessly, he could only appreciate his powerful body.

  Because of the virtue-forbearance effect, the improvement of Zhao Ba's strength will not allow him to improve his ranking in the fighter list and mage list.

  So outsiders don't know all this, as if Zhao Ba is still that mortal.

  【Game Tips: The gods sent an oracle, praised your performance, and showed you love. Your friendship with Spring Church will increase by 10,000 points! 】

  【Game Tips: You have reached the highest level of friendship with Springwater Church, and your relationship has been upgraded to "Worship", and you will become the Honorary Pope! 】

  【Name: Emeritus Pope of Spring Church】

  【Quality: Epic】

  【General effect: When using this title, your damage to the "enemies" of the Church of Spring Water will increase by 100%. 】

  【Special Effect - Pope: When using this title, the Church of Spring Water will give you as much help as possible, and you can let them fight for you. 】

  【Special Effect-Friendly Army: When you form a team with the NPCs and players of the Spring Water Church, you can increase the defense by 30%. 】

  【Epic Special Effects - Meritorious Store Discount: You can enjoy a 50% discount when you buy items in the Spring Church store! 】

  【Note: Since you have the pride of the gods, the epic hidden special effect-calling the gods will be automatically turned on. 】

  【Epic Hidden Special Effect-Calling the Gods: When you don’t understand something, you can ask the gods, but the gods may not give you a reply. The cooling time is seven days. 】

  【Introduction: You can get this title if you reach 10,000 points of friendship with the Spring Church and get the oracle from the gods! 】

   Zhao Ba heard the game prompt again, which brightened his eyes.

  The goddess of spring still loves him.

   It's just that after he raised his friendliness to 10,000 points, there was a problem with the quality of the title he got.

  After other players increase the friendliness of a certain faction, the titles they get are just the honorary chief priest or the honorary knight chief.

   Like him, there are almost no existences that directly become the boss of other people's reputation.

  The effect of the title of pope is also much greater than that of the chief priest and the chief knight.

  The most intuitive effect is the discount when purchasing items. The title of Pope is 50% off, and the title of Knight Commander is only 20% off.

   The oracle is really different!

  He was thinking about whether to rely on the effect of the Pope's title to let the little girl Lorianne warm the bed.

   "According to past performance, Lori Ann can become the carrier of the gods directly descending to the earth, so she is very likely to be the human body of the gods, or the son of gods!"

   "No matter which one it is, it represents her extraordinary."

   "Why don't you give it a try? If it's a human body, you'll make money. If it's a **** child, you won't lose money!"

   Zhao Ba thought to himself.

   But in the end, he still didn't dare to lose his title of epic pope at will.

  As long as Irene, the goddess of springs, gives an oracle, it will disappear.

   "Daphne, do you want a hug!"

   Walking out of the hall, Zhao Ba saw Daphne looking at the moon by herself, her nine tails wagging non-stop.

  Daphne was startled, and felt Zhao Ba's strange yet familiar aura.

   "Why do you make me feel like facing a god?"

"it's wired!"


  Before she regained her composure, Zhao Ba stepped forward, moving so fast that Daphne didn't even realize it, and was picked up by Zhao Ba and stood on the back of Flame Lurker.

   "Kill you human!"

  Daphne said angrily, opened her mouth, and bit Zhao Ba's neck.

   "Ugh, it hurts!"

   As a result, she knocked her own tooth.

  Zhao Ba's physique has doubled, and the defense power derived from his physique is terrifyingly high, and she is no longer able to break through the defense.

   "Hmph, don't want the blood of evolution anymore!"

  Daphne said angrily: "There is no other blood!"

   "You dare to bully me!"

   Zhao Ba hurriedly apologized, and then went to the auction house to buy a bunch of food for Daphne.

  The effect of the demigod body on Zhao Ba is too shocking, and this kind of improvement from the root is so cool.

  The epic alchemy jar is not far from the Fountain of the Saints, and he will be able to find it right away, and use it to refine the dragon blood of Ta Yalong.

   It won't be too long to advance from a demigod body to a **** body.

  His divine fire quality is already +9.

  As long as it reaches +10, it can be promoted to the elementary level of Shenhuo.

  At that time, he can absorb the power of the king's soul in the remains of the **** of death, allowing the fire to reach a stronger height.

   There is still divine power in the remains of the **** of death, which can also be absorbed by Zhao Ba.

  That step won't be too far.

  The road sign Pyroxene is shining in the wilderness. The special reminder let Zhao Ba see the magic traps along the way, and his moving speed is fast.

  【At the top is the huge room - ancient ruins, there are many powerful alchemy synthetic beasts in it, and the hidden alchemy laboratory is in it, you have to be careful. 】

   Zhao Ba enters the room of the ancient ruins.



"Kill him!"

   Almost endless beasts came towards Zhao Ba.

   There are more of them than on the road to the Fountain of the Sages.

   If Zhao Ba uses the effect of Original Sin Brand - Gluttony, but the changed body size is still not big enough, it can only be used on players.


  He did not choose to fly high into the sky to avoid the battle, but turned into a hundred-foot giant and started a massacre.

[Epic-level special effect-Ascension: Consume 100 energy stones per minute, and you will enter the ascension effect, during which you will transform into a giant, immune to control below LV.50, and the effect of control above LV.55 is reduced by 80%, The damage is reduced by 80%, your movement speed is doubled, and your attack power is also doubled! 】

  (end of this chapter)