MTL - Master of Science and Technology-v2 Chapter 1386 : It's okay to pick soft persimmons and pinch them

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So, to put it simply, what Ye Zan is going to do next is to secretly go out to find some supplements for the will of the world.

In a world as powerful as the Taoist world and the outer world, let alone Ye Zan's cultivation of the realm of the law, even if he became a true immortal, he wouldn't even think about it.

And in the middle-class worlds like the morning world and the barbaric world, Ye Zan's strength can't do anything, and naturally it is not considered.

Although, with Ye Zan's skills, he is confident in escaping most dangers.

But in this matter, just being able to run is useless, you have to have the strength to suppress the opponent's world guardian.

Fortunately, in these heavens, there are not only those worlds with particularly powerful extraordinary power, but also many "weak" worlds with extraordinary existence but not obvious.

Ye Zan's goal is those "weak" worlds.

For others, it is still very difficult to sift through the heavens and find the right world.

But for Ye Zan, this is precisely what he is best at.

Then, let's talk about the problem of "devouring", of course, it is not like a big fish eats a small fish in one bite.

The best way is to use the extraordinary rules of this world to transform the target world, as Ye Zan once did "preaching".

When the extraordinary rules of the target world resonate with the extraordinary rules of this world, the two worlds will naturally merge into one.

After having this idea, Ye Zan did not act in a hurry.

As the saying goes, "If you want to do good work, you must first sharpen your tools."

What are you going to do?

The first thing Ye Zan did was to travel through time and return to the moment when he returned from the world of Taoism.

Although Ye Zan has changed the origin world, those changes have not been reflected in "seven hundred years later".

It's not that the transformation failed, but from the moment he participated in the transformation of the world, he himself has become a time coordinate of the world.

To put it simply, only by following the transformation of the world and walking all the way through these seven hundred years can he completely cover the "image" in the long river of time.

These are minor issues, so I won't spend too much saliva explaining them.

In short, Ye Zan returned to this moment. After escaping into the quantum realm, he did not look for the deity. Instead, he searched and found where his daughter Ye Linglong was.

When the deity Ye Zan entered the holy market, he sent his apprentices to practice on their own, and his daughter Ye Linglong also took his "brother" Ye Batian to play around wildly.

When she found her daughter, Ye Linglong was in the underworld, tossing with the grievances and ghosts with the little Hades.

"Dad, you'll be back so soon!"

Seeing Ye Zan appearing in front of her, Ye Linglong threw the resentful soul to the side, wiped her hands on her skirt, and ran to Ye Zan.

"Come on, Daddy will take you to a fun place."

Ye Zan picked up his daughter and put Ye Batian on her shoulders on his shoulders.

"Daddy, where are you going?"

Of course Ye Linglong knew that this was Daddy's clone, but he didn't mind that much, he just asked very curiously.

"You'll find out later."

After Ye Zan said this, he said goodbye to Little Hades, and disappeared with a "swoosh" with his daughter and son.

In the blink of an eye, traveling through the quantum realm, a family of three appeared in the origin world.

Stand in the universe and look at the stars around you, as well as the planets floating "not far away".

Ye Linglong asked in surprise: "Dad, is this your hometown?"

Don't think that Ye Linglong has no knowledge, she has already seen many things about Ye Zan's hometown when she used her brain to study.

You know, Ye Linglong is much more talented than Ye Zan in terms of learning "scientific knowledge".

This is also one of the reasons why Ye Zan ran to bring Ye Linglong.

In Ye Zan's opinion, with Ye Linglong's aptitude, he can completely transform the world's dark energy system.

As for the identity issue, Ye Zan also has a solution.

As a result, Ye Linglong and Ye Zan are not blood relatives more than blood relatives.

As early as when Ye Linglong transcended the calamity, although Ye Zan used the merits of the monastic world to help her transcend the calamity, the result was that the father and daughter were truly connected by blood.

Second, Ye Zan swept away spiritual projections for hundreds of years, and gained a lot of intimacy in the world will of the origin world.

This "intimacy" is a way of saying, and its essence is similar to the merits of the monastic world.

Therefore, using intimacy to buy an identity for her daughter will not say much if she wants to come to the will of the world.

As for the son Xiaoba's "Ye Batian", let's take the path of the blood of the beast.

It's not that Ye Zan is biased, but he knows that he didn't learn that material, and he honestly recited the monument of merit and virtue.

Then, why bring Ye Batian with him?

It may be hurtful to say, but Ye Batian is not the point, Ye Zan's point is the monument of merit and virtue on Ye Batian's back.

Of course, the monument of merit and virtue in the world of monasticism cannot be used in the world of origin, nor can it display the "merit" of the world of origin.

And Ye Zan's plan is to refer to the monument of merit in the world of monasticism and try to create a "monument of merit" that belongs to the origin world.

Of course, Ye Zan didn't use it himself.

Isn't this planning to go out and "preach"!

Just relying on Ye Zan to preach alone, will it have to be spread to the Year of the Monkey and the Horse Moon?

Fortunately, in the past few hundred years, including Kening and others, there have been a certain number of extraordinary people who have reached the dark energy engine.

At this stage of the dark energy engine, the system corresponding to the world of monasticism is probably the level from Yuan Ying to Yuan Shen.

It's not that strong, but it does come in handy when needed.

Just like Ye Zan's "preaching" plan.

Therefore, creating some "merit monuments" can also make these people more motivated when "preaching", and can also intuitively use the power of "merit".

Without merit tablets, on the one hand, people do not know how much merit they have, and on the other hand, they do not know how to use their merits.

As a result, those with merit can only passively enjoy some of the benefits of this merit.

While cultivating, UU reading suddenly had an epiphany.

When concocting alchemy, the chance of success is higher.

When encountering any catastrophe, either you will be rescued by a noble person, or "there will be another village in the dark."

That's not a bad thing to say.

However, passive ones are difficult to control after all. You may have an epiphany when you don’t need it, and you don’t know how to activate it when you really need it.

It's like playing Thunderbolt to give you three thunderbolts. When you play "Poppapa", you use the three thunderbolts, and then you have no tricks when facing the boss.

This is also one of the reasons why Xianting would come up with something like a monument of merit in the first place.

So, after playing wildly with his daughter for a while, Ye Zan taught his daughter Ye Linglong the dark energy system.

In the following period of time, Ye Linglong began to transform her own power system, and Ye Zan used this time to study the principle of the merit monument.