MTL - Master of Fist-v2 Chapter 1080 Great changes in the imperial capital

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As the giant stick fell, the entire temple hall was completely exploded and turned into a speck of dust in the universe.

This temple is a relic from the ancient times, and it is a good defensive internal artifact, but at this time, it has almost no power to resist under the blow of Ruyi Dinghai Stick.

And almost at the same time, in the nearby void, the figures of the three people of Huoxing True God appeared, and the faces of the three of them were a little unsightly, especially the Space Dao True God holding the shoulders of the two in front of them, his breathing seemed very rapid.

"The power of this thing can stir the space, and it is quite laborious to move it, be careful!" The True God of Kongzhi said concisely, but the meaning expressed was obvious.

It was indeed dangerous just now, under the attack of the gods, it really has a strong oppressive force, the surrounding space suddenly becomes chaotic, becomes extremely sticky and oppressive, it seems that even the space will be compressed into a little bit in an instant .

If the original Primordial Demon Ape was holding this object, he might not be able to move it with his power of space, and his physical body would collapse if he could only be beaten with a stick.

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"This thing consumes a lot for him, so don't hold back anyone at this time, let's go together!"

True God Huo Xing did not expect that the Valkyrie had such a hole card, he even wondered if the Valkyrie was Tianke himself, how could he always have so many hole cards.

This was the case back then, and it is the same today. No matter how much preparation he has made, the opponent will always have more tricks and cards.

The largest battle of gods in the universe in hundreds of millions of years is breaking out here, and at the same time, a storm is brewing in the imperial capital of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

As usual, the plane star gate of the imperial capital is still very luxuriant. The imperial capital is located in a small plane in the central star field of the empire, so the only passage area is only four giant plane passages, which are full of starships every day. The ever-flowing lush scene.

However, at this moment, a pair of warships bearing the emblem of the Central Army, the only main battle corps of the Central Dynasty, roared from the interior of the imperial capital. Along with a conversation with the standing army stationed at the port, these standing troops and the soldiers of the main battle corps quickly Staff turnover is complete.

At the same time, an announcement spread quickly throughout the port, and the port has entered a state of blockade from this moment on, without any news beforehand.

This naturally caused great panic and anxiety, and at the same time there were extremely fierce opposition voices.

After all, the four port passages in the southeast and northwest are the lifeblood of countless caravans, and many caravans operated by the imperial capital's dignitaries also need to rely on this place for massive trade. The sudden blockade of the passages naturally caused a lot of dissatisfaction.

Some presidents of the chamber of commerce who thought they were relying on the relationship between Lord Hou and senior officials directly stepped forward to argue with those soldiers of the Central Army Corps who looked murderous. Thousands of dollars, blood and flesh shot.

The port became silent for a while, followed by noise and all kinds of panic fleeing around.

Soon the situation here was fed back to the ears of various powerful families in the imperial capital. They were frightened and angry, and they all went up to the Great Zhou Emperor to bluntly say that the four masters of Fenghuolin in the Central Army wanted to rebel.

However, the Emperor of the Great Zhou had only one sentence to say about this, the highest state of war preparation, everything will be done according to wartime standards, and those who disobey the order will be executed!

The cold sentence caused an even bigger uproar.

No one expected that the place that has always been safe and secure, far more stable than other regions of the empire, would become the most dangerous place today.

At the same time, he was also at a loss as to what was going on, how he suddenly entered the highest combat readiness state without any warning.

Many dignitaries began to ask their contacts in the palace to inquire about the news, but there was no news at all, as if all this happened very suddenly.

Similarly, Lin Yanwei and Xiao Ke from Jiangfu also got this news. After being at a loss and at a loss at first, Xiao Ke immediately wanted to enter the palace to ask her father, but she was stopped before entering the palace.

The guard at the palace gate bluntly said that no one will be seen when His Majesty is not here.

After getting angry with the guard commander to no avail, Xiao Ke returned to the mansion and felt that something was really wrong.

"Sister, what should I do? Do you want to ask your husband?" Xiao Ke is a bit confused. Although she is very assertive on weekdays, it is based on the support of her father and the royal family. Now her father suddenly has no news. , which made her panic and panic all of a sudden, and her mind was even more dazed for a while.

Although Lin Yanwei was a little flustered, she quickly calmed down.

Compared with the flowers in the greenhouse like Xiaoke, she has almost been through all kinds of life and death trials since she was a child, so she quickly stabilized her mind.

Slightly stroking the teacup in her hand, she murmured softly: "It is true that a major event may have happened. Your Majesty has blocked the news in advance, which means that this event has exceeded general expectations, and it may even be the event that happened millions of years ago. The temple is really miraculously attacked."

"Then what should I do? My husband is not here." Xiao Ke was still at a loss.

"Don't worry, you can ask your husband first at this time, and ask him if he has any news, and you and I have to rest assured that this is the capital of the emperor after all, and there are His Majesty and His Majesty sitting in the city, and there are even more powerful people like forests. It's safe here anyway.

And judging from the series of bold arrangements made by His Majesty, it seems likely that there are many behind-hands. "

Lin Yanwei's reassurance more or less calmed Xiao Ke's flustered mood.

But Lin Yanwei knew that if she didn't contact Jiang Heng now, the little sister might still panic.

There is a two-way ultra-long-distance communication facility between the Huangdu Jiangfu and the Wuwei Army garrison. Although it consumes a lot of energy every time it is used, for Xiao Ke, who is a member of the royal family, this is just a drizzle.

It's just that in order not to disturb Jiang Heng, this thing is rarely used.

Following a burst of energy transmission, strands of beams of light soon shot out from the platform in front of him, and the beams gradually condensed into Jiang Heng's figure.

"Oh, what's the matter? Both of you are here?" Seeing Lin Yanwei and Xiao Ke, Jiang Heng was a little happy.

But then he frowned and couldn't help asking: "What happened?"

Seeing the worried look on Xiao Ke's face, Jiang Heng vaguely felt something was wrong.

"Husband is here..." Xiao Ke spoke first, and quickly described the changes in the imperial capital today.

However, at the end of the narration, the entire Jiangfu suddenly, no, it should be said that the entire small plane of the imperial capital suddenly shook, and the violent shock was like experiencing a magnitude 7 earthquake.

At this time, Jiang Heng saw a turbulent flow in the screen, and after Lin Yanwei and Xiao Ke exclaimed in the end, the screen was cut off abruptly.

In an instant, Jiang Heng's face became extremely ugly.

He thought for a while about Ling Hai's voice transmission, and soon Ling Hai's figure appeared in front of him, "Has there been some important news from the imperial capital recently?"

"There haven't been too many important messages recently, but some resource docking messages have been carried out as usual, and there is nothing unusual."

Seeing the seriousness on the face of the head of his army, although he was a little suspicious, Ling Hai still reported the truth.

"Then you can contact the Imperial Capital now to see if you can still make effective contact, and if you can, ask what happened to the Imperial Capital!" Jiang Heng instructed very quickly.

"Did something happen to the Legion Commander Huangdu?" Ling Hai felt that something was wrong.

"Don't talk about it beforehand, you go to contact first."

Jiang Heng ordered in a sinking voice.

Seeing this, Ling Hai nodded and turned around to make contact. After about ten breaths, Ling Hai reappeared.

At this time, Ling Hai's face was very solemn and said: "The contact failed, we lost all contact with the Imperial City, and no equipment can establish contact with the Imperial City. And there is also a bad news from the Star Gate.

The four star gates leading to the imperial capital have been blocked. "

Hearing this, Jiang Heng's eyes narrowed slightly, and his breathing became a little heavy.

"Legion Commander, do I need to ask my subordinates to prepare for this?" Ling Haiyi pointed out.

"No, for the next period of time, you will be temporarily serving as the head of the legion. At the same time, the whole legion will be on high alert until I come back. I will go to the imperial capital myself!" Jiang Heng waved his hand.

"Doesn't the commander of the legion need to go with me? Now that I have stepped into the seventh rank, I have the strength to fight!" Ling Hai said a little excitedly. He vaguely felt that the situation seemed to be very wrong, but a surging fighting spirit was surging in his body. .

"You sit here, don't make me say it a second time!" Jiang Heng suddenly turned his head to look at Ling Hai.

At this moment Ling Hai closed his mouth that was about to speak again, because he saw a monstrous killing intent in Jiang Heng's eyes.

Without the slightest hesitation, Jiang Heng quickly moved his figure to the ultra-long-distance star gate directly leading to the outer area of ​​the imperial capital in the station, and quickly disappeared into it in a flash.

After a short voyage of about tens of breaths, the figure quickly shuttled through the star gate and arrived at the outskirts of the imperial capital.

However, as soon as it appeared, a terrifying distortion and crazy will suddenly appeared in the perception.

This will is all too familiar to Jiang Heng.

"External God?!"

Jiang Heng slowly turned his head and looked towards the east, where the passage areas of the four imperial capital planes were located, and his position at this time was about a hundred light-years away from the passage positions.

Such a long distance is actually just a distance for Jiang Heng to move in space.

But he was not in a hurry to go there, but his eyes gathered divine light, and he could see everything in the distant area in an instant.

I saw there were eight hideous monsters with twisted and deformed power all over their bodies, and they were the eight strong outer gods.

Seeing this, Jiang Heng Tong Kong shrank suddenly.

"How could it be? How come there are so many Outer Gods here?" Jiang Heng didn't understand why this happened. If he didn't know that the barriers of the universe still existed, he would have thought that the Outer Gods had invaded massively.

"It seems to be the remnants of the Outer God who stayed here back then." Taoist Wuwei's voice suddenly emerged.

"There are still so many Outer Gods staying? Didn't all those Outer Gods retreat back then?" Jiang Heng asked in surprise.

"The situation back then was complicated, mainly divided into three stages. The first stage was the initial confrontation between our local gods and the outer gods, and the gods were defeated! In the second stage, the outer gods invaded aggressively, and we were chased by the local gods. The kills who were killed, in short, retreated steadily, and most of them were killed into the Kingdom of God.

The third stage is the stage of counterattack and last stand. In this stage, we and other gods will no longer spare our lives. Those who have a hole card will use their hole cards, and those who do not have a hole card will use self-detonation or suppress or ban the outer gods with their lives. At this stage, we were considered to have caused a lot of damage to the Outer God.

The top powers of each of the four major forces used their own lives to display many great supernatural powers regardless of everything, just like our God Emperor Shenting severely injured dozens of inner-level outer gods at the cost of self-destructing the inner universe, and beheaded more than ten at the same time. Respect the gods.

In addition, some of the remaining powerful members of the Council of the Ancients took the opportunity to borrow a large amount of law power to return to the long river and speed up the restoration of the cosmic barriers.

At this time, a large number of Outer Gods fled, and some Outer Gods were blocked in our world. Although the surviving powerhouses fought with their lives against the Outer Gods who stayed in this world.

But I don't know what happened after that. I guess that there must be many Outer Gods still alive. Those Outer Gods may have suffered a lot back then, but after so many years, they may have recovered a lot. Of course, it is not ruled out. There are also some ancient gods who are also recovering like the girl Snow God. "

Taoist Wuwei explained in great detail, and Jiang Heng understood a little bit after hearing what he said.

There was also a sense of urgency in my heart. I thought that the catastrophe had not yet come, and I still had a lot of time to improve my strength, but now there are signs of a war between the This is somewhat powerless.

"Why isn't His Majesty the Martial God here?" Jiang Heng was stunned for a moment, he could only see the Snow God, the Great Zhou Emperor, and the entire central army waiting to face the eight outer gods, but he couldn't see the Valkyrie.

"The strength of the Martial God boy is still good. If he is here, the eight outer gods may not be able to do anything to him. The divine power on him is somewhat obscure and familiar. I feel that the divine power on him must be some great original **** back then. divine power.

As for the moment, don't worry, even though that girl Xueshen's strength has fallen to the True God Realm, she is still at the peak of the True God Realm, and she has the experience of facing the Outer Gods directly. God is out of the question.

As for that boy, the Great Zhou Emperor, although he has not yet become a god, his aura is full and abnormal, and his physical foundation is an extremely extreme path. He can still hold down an outer **** in a short time. And that legion formed a battle formation and barely held one of them.

And that space has already set up a complex large formation, and they can use the formation as a position even if they can't win and delay it. "

Taoist Wuwei has a vicious vision and quickly discerns the current situation.

"Then Master, maybe I can help now?"

Hearing Taoist Wuwei's description, Jiang Heng knew that going on like this was definitely not an option. If the Martial God wasn't here, he might really not be here, or he might be held back by something.

If this place drags on for too long and the formation is broken, it is inevitable for the Outer God to enter the imperial capital.

"Hehe! You kid wanted to get involved in the battle of gods so early? Although your kid's current strength is far beyond the current stage, it is still wishful thinking to fight against a true god-level powerhouse. It is impossible to be able to take a blow from a true god-level powerhouse. If you don't die, you're good at it.

Compared with these, it is better to solve those gadgets! "