MTL - Master of Exotic Planting-Chapter 196 Forest farm

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"Your choice is in my expectation. Three days later, you will be waiting for good news at Yuanwu College. You can first reveal a little wind to you. This time you are suppressed by the hostile faction and suffer unfair treatment. We are this Although the top faction of the faction did not stand up and said nothing, it does not mean that you are being bullied.

The thing that you promoted the rank of 100 households, this time is the high-level of our department, secretly exerting strength.

But you need to wait for a suitable opportunity to hit. ”

Yangxian ordered a mysterious explanation of the two sentences.

After listening to this, Zhang Xiaofan’s grievances in the past few days have all dissipated.

He was originally a small person, bullied by the hostile faction, but no one of his faction stood up to help him. Just like the children of their own family were beaten by the adults of other people, their parents, grandfathers are not in the first place.

How disappointed and disappointing.

"Xiaofan, our faction is already in a weak position. The upper echelons are all good at calculating. Without any grasp, they never take a mess. So, you are bullied by the hostile factions, no one stands up immediately. Help you, don't feel wronged, chilling. Because everyone is acting in secret, just not showing it."

Yang County ordered to observe the words, and at least he could guess seven or eight points for his younger brother's mind.

I can't explain more than two sentences.

Zhang Xiaofan must learn to adapt.

"Right, there is one more thing I want to ask about your opinion. I think you have a big skill in cultivating herbs, but you are not interested in the door of the officialdom, some cumbersome things. This time you went to the county town. Yuanwu College, you can find a way to enter the farm, and then compete for the identity of the first disciple of the farmer. As long as you become, you can jump out of the Pingxian factory and directly into the farm."

Yang Xianling gave Zhang Xiaofan a clear road.

In Ping County, Zhang Xiaofan’s development has basically reached its peak.

Even after the expiration of the term of Yangxian, the promotion was transferred, and Zhang Xiaofan was not able to take over the county magistrate.

Do not look at the ranks of the county magistrate is not high, only seven products.

This is the first official of a place to control a county. It is necessary for the court to personally transfer people to serve.

Basically, there is such an unwritten rule that local talents can only serve as adjutant at most, can not be the first official of the place, and cannot be the first general of the local garrison.

This is done to prevent the formation of local cutting power.

Even if it is not rebellious, but the self-respect of the soldiers, control a place, when the emperor. The power to the court will be greatly weakened.

“What is the farmer doing?” Zhang Xiaofan asked curiously.

“It is a department that specially selects and cultivates herbs for planting talents. Because the place is too small, it is usually not set at the county level. At least the county level is required to set up this department. It is directly led by Dasongong and has a very high status. Especially in the areas of herb cultivation and Lingtian management, the people of the farm have a very strong voice."

Yang County ordered such an explanation, Zhang Xiaofan would understand.

This department sounds very good.

At least it is much stronger than the history of the workshop.

Things have been talked about, and Zhang Xiaofan’s knot has been solved. Yang Xianling smiled and said, "I really don't kill a plate? You go, let's have two brothers, I am afraid there are very few opportunities to sit and chat again."

"Do not kill or kill! I have to go home to talk with my sister-in-law!" Zhang Xiaofan waved his hands and stood up and said goodbye.


From the back, Zhang Xiaofan’s original ambiguous heart became clear and bright.

He is full of hope for his future.

Lu Tong sentenced him to bully him. After waiting for Zhang Xiaofan's official ranks to be higher than the other, he must return.

I first looked at the workshop and explained the matter. As for Chen Hu and others, according to Zhang Xiaofan's meaning, they were prepared to let them continue to be in the county.

However, they refused to live and die, saying that they would follow Zhang Xiaofan to the county to see the world.

Which of these people, who has seen the world is no more than Zhang Xiaofan?

Zhang Xiaofan also understands their minds.

Nothing is just to worry about leaving them in Ping County, and then slowly alienated. At that time, it is difficult for them to keep up with Zhang Xiaofan's footsteps.

Because Zhang Xiaofan's growth rate is really amazing.

Seeing a few confidants, each one is resolute, and Zhang Xiaofan has not rejected their enthusiasm for allegiance. With a few confidants, I went to the county town, and some people helped.

It’s nothing more than adding a few more mouths.

With Zhang Xiaofan’s ability to make money, he can fully support them.

"Zhang Daren, they have followed you to the county town, I want to go." Li Lu looked at Zhang Xiaofan with a pitiful look.

"When you go, who will help me manage the workshop? You stay in the workshop first, do things well, and when there is a chance, I will adjust you again." Zhang Xiaofan comforted.

Li Lu is a rare talent, Zhang Xiaofan will certainly not throw him away.

In the end, Li Lu could only agree with his face.

Arranged a group of people, Zhang Xiaofan deliberately went to a college, saying goodbye to the old dean. Only the college started school right away, and the old dean was very busy. Zhang Xiaofan only briefly talked with the old dean for a moment and left.

Thinking about going to the county town this time, I don't know when to come back.

Zhang Xiaofan decided to go back to his hometown in the countryside, the grasses and herbs planted in Lingtian. Some properties were good. He dug them out and put them in pots. Then take it to the county town.

With a hundred sketches, you can carry more than one hundred pots of flowers and plants on your body. It is really very good.

The remaining three pots of clay, Zhang Xiaofan also stored them in the hundred sketches. However, no herbs were planted in it.


When Zhang Xiaofan came home, the sky was already a bit late.

The family has already prepared the meal and waited for him to go home to eat. Pipe embroidered embroidered just entered Zhang Xiaofan's home, it seems a bit timid. Zhang Tiezhu and his wife are very fond of this clever and sensible girl.

When she was eating, she often gave her a dish and called her.

Zhang Xiaofan looked at it all in his eyes and laughed in his heart. He knew that his mother would definitely like to embroider embroidery, because she wanted a daughter. Follow this trend and develop.

No accidents, no matter how long, the pipe embroidery will become their righteous woman.

The next morning, after Zhang Xiaofan and Wang Yuanyuan bid farewell to their families, they embarked on a journey. Considering the long distance, Zhang Xiaofan and Wang Yuanyuan rode together on the source wolf.

As for the rhubarb dog, leave it at home to look after the nursing home.

Chen Hu and others, Zhang Xiaofan gave them a three-day holiday. Let them arrange the things at home first, and then go to the county to find him three days later.

Along the way, the couple traveled the mountains and enjoyed the beautiful scenery on both sides of the official road.

After the boundary of Ping County, the number of vehicles on the road gradually increased.

Zhang Xiaofan and Wang Yuanyuan shared a ride together, and the rate of returning was extremely high. Encourage many people to envy.

Occasionally, there are some sons and sons, rich families, and I look at the beauty of Wang Yuanyuan. I want to talk a little. However, when they saw that the two men were riding the third-order source wolf, they immediately fled and fled.

Every time I see these scenes, Wang Yuanyuan will smile very happy.

But not everyone is afraid of their third-order source wolf. This is not, when they passed through the Black Wind County, they met the courageous brother.

“Hey! Xiongtai is also a student who went to Yuanwu College to report it?” A 17-year-old youth slowed down when riding a white horse through two people.

This young man’s white horse is unusually beautiful.

Ordinary horses, as long as they are close to Zhang Xiaofan's third-order source wolf mount, will immediately scare the feet soft and crisp, shivering.

But this white horse has not been affected.

It is still running calmly, even sitting side by side with the source wolf.

It is faint to see the surface of the white horse's body. There are four laps in full. It turned out to be a white horse of the fourth-order source beast level, and it was no wonder that Zhang Xiaofan’s source wolf mount was scared.

"Yeah!" Zhang Xiaofan swept the other side, this is a very wealthy rich man, looks pretty good, but the distance between handsome, there is no small gap.

The youth's eyebrows are very distinctive, like two moles. With a pair of kings and eight eyes, it is absolutely perfect.

A person who can have a fourth-order source beast mount is definitely not in the same position.

Zhang Xiaofan is a man of Pingxian County. This young man should be the noble son of other counties.

On the road, encountering such strangers who are not aware of the details, Zhang Xiaofan is generally far from the distance. I will never be enthusiastic about calling my brother and sister, and I don’t even want to say more.

Therefore, when Zhang Xiaofan responded to the other party, it seemed a bit cold.

Behind your son, you followed the two.

A man and a woman are all very young and even smaller than the age of your son. Looked at the fifteen or six years old.

These two people should be the servants of your son. The boy looks plain, and the girl is very beautiful. It is a rare beauty embryo. Apricot eyes and peaches, bright teeth, look enough to make people shine.

Both of them have arrogance on their faces, and the mounts are not bad. They are two leopards of the source beast level.

"Xietai, I am also a freshman who went to Yuanwu College. My name is Chang Fugui, a very common name. No way, I will give it to me. He hopes that I will be rich and prosperous in my life."

Your son did not deter Zhang Xiaofan's cold attitude.

Still enthusiasm, and introduce your name.


Zhang Xiaofan still has a cold attitude. He actually hopes that this noble son will look a little bit, and he will retreat.

Unfortunately, the other party did not have that look.

The smile on my face is not diminished, and I continue to yell, "The brothers and sisters are blessed, there is such a beautiful maid."

Wang Yuanyuan’s pretty face is cold and frosty. Why didn’t this person have any eyesight? Isn’t Grandma like a maid?

"She is my wife!" Zhang Xiaofan did not have the words such as gold.

"Ah... So early wife? Xiongtai can actually marry his wife late, no one is in charge, free. You can interact with a few beautiful women, and the days are not too moist."

After Chang Fugui was surprised, he said his opinion.

Suddenly, Wang Yuanyuan’s face was a bit colder. It’s almost going to drop ice.