MTL - Master of Exotic Planting-Chapter 192 Who is sincere, who is the wolf

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Zhang Xiaofan was also relieved to apply for the pension application for the soldiers who died. After finishing these things, he immediately proceeded to the funeral of Guan Fei, and fulfilled his promise to take care of Guan Fei’s sister.

This time he was dismissed, which made him somewhat disheartened. He wanted to take the opportunity to fade out of the officialdom and pursue the martial arts.

To be willing to be willing, I am not willing.

I did so much, and finally ended up like this. He became a victim of factionalism.


Zhang Xiaofan personally assisted and transported to Guanfei’s home.

In order not to affect the future of Chen Hu and others, he deliberately only called Fang Jing and Li Lu to help. After all, the county camp has changed the owner. Chen Hu and others have not been dismissed, and naturally they are in charge of the new Shike.

I have never been to a flying house before, but now I have found that Guan Fei’s family is particularly poor.

The house is low and old, and the area is still very small. It is roughly estimated that it should be the pattern of one room and one living room. The broken yard is even smaller enough to accommodate only one carriage.

The house in Tan Zhi’s house is already small enough. Compared with the house of Guan Fei’s house, it is quite spacious.


A handsome girl, dressed in white mourning, fell to the front of the coffin.

It seems that she has learned the news of her brother's unfortunate sacrifice.

"Brother, how can you be so worried, leave me alone..." The girl cried, making people sad.

Zhang Xiaofan did not bring the son-in-law to come over. She saw the girl crying in front of the coffin. He wanted to help the people in the past, but he felt that it was not right. After all, men and women are different.

People are not a little girl, already 16 years old.

It is even more important to pay attention to the impact.

He let the girl cry for a while, after venting some of the grief in her heart, this is the saying, "Sister, people can't resurrect, please mourn! I am your brother's boss Zhang Xiaofan, your brother is to save me and die...if You don't want to give up, I will be your brother from now on, you are my sister..."

Zhang Xiaofan’s heart is also very sad, but he must be strong, and the responsibility he bears must be borne.

"You killed my brother, you are the executioner..." The girl suddenly got out of control and stood up, and grabbed and beat Zhang Xiaofan.

Fang Jing’s brow wrinkled and he immediately shot to stop the girl’s rude behavior.

Zhang Xiaofan made a look, let Fang Jing do not care.

Her only relatives have died, and under extreme sorrow, they have made some things that are irrational and understandable.

The attack of the girl did not actually hurt Zhang Xiaofan. This is still the case when he did not take any active defense.

"Sister, you listen to me, the death of Guan Fei, I am also very sad and sad. If you can bring your brother back to life, it will be a hundred times to be willing to fight me. I am going to send the body of the flight to go home, ready to personally Let him cook for him and let him get into the land."

Zhang Xiaofan patted her jade back and entered a hint of water to soothe her heart.

Let her calm down as soon as possible.

Sure enough, the girl retreated to the side, this is the acquiescence of Zhang Xiaofan to do funeral for her brother.

She is a weak woman, unrecognizable, and unable to do anything for Guan Fei.

Zhang Xiaofan asked his men to buy a funeral article, and asked someone to arrange the hall, so I didn’t mention it. Guan Fei’s sister has never spoken to Zhang Xiaofan, but she is very cooperative with her brother’s funeral.

Seeing her doing so, Zhang Xiaofan could not help but worry.

Taking advantage of the fact that there was no such thing as a memorial service, he hurried back to his home and called his wife to help. Let her accompany the sister of Guan Fei, and enlighten me to prevent the other person from doing stupid things.

Wang Yuanyuan was grateful to Guan Fei for knowing that Guan Fei had saved his life.

When taking care of Guan Fei’s sister, it is extraordinarily intimate and meticulous.

Under Zhang Xiaofan’s operation, Guan Fei’s funeral was not particularly grand. At least there should be scenes and atmosphere. The mage took a few apprentices and practiced things in front of the mourning hall.

The Luo Drum team is also playing hard and playing sorrow. Low back and turn, like a cry, people cry.

A friend who lives in front of Feisheng and a neighbor in the neighborhood are all coming to mourn the girl.

According to the rules, the body was parked for one day, the memorial service will open for one day, and the third day will be buried.

It didn't take long for the memorial service to be opened. There were a few people who were very good at the party, and they were full of gas. For the first time, it is an old man of about 60 years old.

Zhang Xiaofan’s heart was secret, and he did not expect that the friends of Guan Fei’s life were quite wide.

These people have some status at first glance.

The other party took over the incense and went to worship the three cards in front of the coffin. After the incense, the old man and others did not leave like other guests. Instead, look at the girl who is returning to the hall.

"Pipe embroidery, sorrow!"

The girl nodded at the old man. "Thank you for the uncle of the family to come to mourn the incense!"

"You and I are both a family, and we should take care of it. After your long brother died, you are left alone, and you have nothing to rely on. The old man also got the news not long ago and immediately rushed over. The funeral was hosted by an outsider. Our family will take over."

When the old man said this, he looked at Zhang Xiaofan and others.

These people are obviously hostile to Zhang Xiaofan and others.

Zhang Xiaofan thinks that the housekeeper hates himself for killing Guan Fei, so he will be hostile to himself. He did not say much.

There is only one purpose for the funeral, that is, let Guanfei be able to enter the earth.

Do not say that the scenery is buried, at least there should be some scenes.

"Since Guan Fei's parents are willing to contribute to the funeral, Zhang is very happy. There is work." Zhang Xiaofan was very polite and talked to several people.

"Hey, a history of anger, and the murderer who killed the pipe, is not qualified to stay here again. You don't need your falsehood, you are famous here. Please!"

The old man is very rude to talk.

The attitude is also very bad.

It seems that the news of these people is very well-informed and already knows that Zhang Xiaofan was dismissed. Otherwise, I dare not speak to Zhang Xiaofan.

You must know that just before yesterday, Zhang Xiaofan has always been a man of Ping County.

Countless people are competing for objects.

It can only be said that the official situation has changed, but once it has lost its power, it has been dereliction of duty or has been suppressed, and people will immediately go to tea. The scenery is no longer.

"You are arrogant!" Fang Jing was hurt, but when he saw someone insulting his master, he immediately became angry.

Zhang Xiaofan raised his hand to respect these people.

There is already a sigh of anger in his heart, but here is the mourning hall of Guan Fei, and the other is the parent of Guan Fei. He has no intention of attacking.

"You said that I am famous for my reputation. I said that I am guilty. I have my insistence. I have my feelings. Guan Fei is going to save me. This is a fact that cannot be changed. It is up to you to handle the funeral, but it is me. The responsibility that I bear will never be shirked. I will take care of the two things that I will fly to the mountain and take care of Guan Fei. Also, all the expenses for the funeral will be borne by me."

Zhang Xiaofan looked at each other and said with a serious look.

"Haha, it’s better than singing. I think you want to take over the property of Guanfei and his sister! The cost of hosting the funeral is up to you? How much can you spend on this shabby scene?"

The old man is very angry and laughs.

"The light is the pension of Guan Fei. A fraction is enough. The rest, I am afraid that it will enter your pocket."

These people take the heart of a gentleman with the heart of a villain.

Actually, Zhang Xiaofan was considered to be a funeral figure for the management of Guan Fei’s family and his sister’s embroidered embroidery.

"Guanfei's pension, I have applied for him, but not so fast. After the above approval, I will hand over a lot of hand to the embroidery."

Zhang Xiaofan’s casual sale of a kind of spirit grass is much more than that of Guan Fei’s pension.

Now, the other party actually thinks that Zhang Xiaofan is trying to figure out the pension.

If these people are bright and open-minded, they will definitely not think so.

From this it can be inferred that the character of this old man is definitely not good.

"Haha, everyone listens, he said that the pension is not so fast. Isn't this a slap in the face? It's really a fool to be a fool. I am afraid that the pension has already entered your pocket."

The old man laughed again.

Here is the mourning hall. If the old man really died for the death of Guan Fei, he felt sad and sad. Even if there is a little bit of sadness, I will not laugh or scream in front of the hall.

Now, Zhang Xiaofan is more certain that these people are not really willing to do funeral affairs for Guan Fei.

It is to compete for the property of Guanfei.

The thief shouted to catch the thief.

"How can you be so arrogant? Tell you, the newly appointed Shixian Yu, originally resolutely disagreed with Guan Fei to apply for a pension, that is to say, Guan Fei was originally a sub-compensation. Zhang Daren is under tremendous pressure and forced to apply for the tube fly. The document has just been sent out, and it will take only seven or eight days to respond. You said that Zhang Daren has greeted the pension, which is purely bloody."

Fang Jing’s body is shaking, these people are too much.

Red mouth white teeth, it is all black words.

"That's true? The old man will trust you once. So many people have heard it. If we don't get a pension after seven days, we must make a big turn."

The old man didn't know much about these things. He said that he had a nose and eyes, and he believed a few points.

"Well, there is nothing wrong with you here. Let's go. You are not welcome here. As for the funeral of the funeral, we have a housekeeper who does not lack this money."

The old man rushed again.

Zhang Xiaofan looked at the pipe embroidered embroidered, and she did not show anything. The heart sighs, this girl does not know people's hearts and sinister, let her recognize the true face of these people.

"let's go!"

Zhang Xiaofan greeted him with a hand and Wang Yuanyuan left.

"French, you really just left, no longer manage?" Wang Yuanyuan asked worriedly.

"After coming back, I can see a good show. Guanxiu embroidery hates me because of her brother's death. I must let her know who is really good to her, who is the wolf who eats people, she only I will recognize this brother."

Zhang Xiaofan sighed and said so.