MTL - Master Dan Dao-v2 Chapter 8441 almost perfect ending

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Almost perfect ending

Feng Tianxing really sat on the side, as if he didn't pay attention to anyone.

This reaction made Ginseng Jing look stupid.

"What do you mean? Shouldn't I be swallowed or refined to kill me?"

Feng Tianxing pondered for a moment before speaking.

"There shouldn't be any difference to you. If there is no difference, it won't help if you ask."

Ginseng essence sneered.

"Okay, it's best that there is no difference. If I don't die after half a cup of tea, I will hold you back."

Feng Tianxing naturally doesn't care about such threats.

His elixir of human ginseng essence is very effective, otherwise he would not have given it to her.

After thinking for a while, Feng Tianxing suddenly changed the topic.

"You are doing me a favor. If you have any unfinished ideas, I can help you."

Although this ginseng essence is looking for death by itself, and Feng Tianxing is just helping, but the reincarnation of heaven, such a big spirit must have cause and effect, it is better not to provoke it or not to provoke it.

The cause and effect of adult ginseng essence is too great, Feng Tianxing wants to put aside the relationship, it is best to do something for her.

As for the cause and effect of provoking other things, Feng Tianxing didn't care at all.

This world is not something that can be seen everywhere with a cultivation base of 500,000 years.

"There's nothing you need to do."

Perhaps seeing the wood growing gradually on his body, the ginseng essence's tone softened a bit.

"Are you really willing to send me to die like this?"

Feng Tianxing nodded affirmatively.

"Didn't I just say that your value to me is not in refining, but my lovely master, who is too powerful, I have to seize every opportunity to give him a heavy blow to slow down his unifying magic. The footsteps of the clan. So I need you to play disappear with me, and I will fake the death scene for you."

"But it's not necessary right now. You have the same purpose in begging for death."

"Oh yes, before I finish this cup of tea, you have enough time to think about it. If you regret it, remember to tell me that once the time for a cup of tea has passed, the change will be irreversible. Your 50 Ten thousand years of cultivation will also dissipate one by one."

Ginseng essence suddenly laughed.

"I don't regret it, I just didn't expect that my whole life of being betrayed would finally gain my trust again from a stranger like you."

As he spoke, the ginseng essence threw out a leaf.

"Take it, it's my reward for you. There are already demons coming from outside, you'd better leave as soon as possible."

Feng Tianxing shook his head directly, and casually put the leaf into the Sumeru ring, without even looking at it during the whole process.

Holding the teacup, Feng Tianxing turned around calmly and faced the intruding demons.

"There are enemies!"

"Quick! Tell the soldiers to come over!"

"That kid, wait, is it a human race?"

After simply counting the number of people on the other side, Feng Tianxing smiled.

"Twenty people, two of them retreated just now, so it's not difficult to deal with them."

Seeing Feng Tianxing talking to himself here, the leader of the demon clan strode forward directly, his eyes were full of disdain, and his fists were clenched.

"You ugly human races, if I don't look for you, just burn the incense, and now you dare to show your face."

"It depends on how I deal with you today. If you dare to attack His Highness Jia Luo's things, I think you are tired of work!"

"Take your life!"


He punched Feng Tianxing with all his strength.

However, after a muffled sound, Feng Tianxing sighed softly and took another sip of hot tea.

"Are you bullying too many of my people, mistakenly thinking that all human races in this world are weak and vulnerable?"

"Wind, tear him apart."


A gust of wind whizzed past, and the body of the demon clan turned into a piece of minced meat and scattered all over the ground. The unique **** smell of the demon clan permeated instantly with the Xunfeng wind.

Blood dripped all over the sky, but Feng Tianxing's body was not stained at all.

After taking another sip of tea, he looked at several demons in the distance.

"It's your turn."

For a moment, the remaining demons turned around and ran for their lives.

The demons who were killed were already the strongest among them, and the strongest were all killed in one blow, and they would not have the power to resist.

Feng Tianxing didn't make a move, just sat back in his seat silently, drinking tea silently.

The ginseng spirit on the side suddenly let out a low hum, and its body turned into a huge tree at a speed visible to the naked eye.

A sound transmission suddenly fell into Feng Tianxing's ears.

"Why don't you kill them to silence them? If you let them go back, it won't be easy for you to escape later."

In Ginseng Jing's view, Feng Tianxing's behavior is to let the tiger go back to the mountain, and to cause trouble for himself.

Seeing Feng Tianxing not saying a word, she added another sentence.

"Ga Luo's strength is much stronger than yours. If he comes back, you will have no chance of getting away."

Feng Tianxing just smiled lightly.

"I know that master is stronger than me. I didn't come here unprepared. Don't worry, if Jia Luo wants to get away and return, I will leave immediately without any hesitation. As for those few Demons, I let them go on purpose, they still have their mission."

After drinking another sip of tea, Feng Tianxing sighed.

Ginseng essence really wanted to die, and he really gave her the means to die, but no matter how you look at it, he used it more.

I borrowed the death of Ginseng Essence to have a certain impact on Jia Luo, so I owed Ginseng Essence a favor in this matter.

This karma has already been infected, and the next thing I have to do is to eliminate this karma.

"You really don't need my help? No enemies? No benefactors? Nothing?"

Ginseng essence is an affirmative answer.

"None. If you really want to say yes, you are the first person to keep your promise with me. If there is an afterlife, I would be more willing to work for you. I can still reach the demons just now. Do you want to kill them?"

Feng Tianxing shook his head indifferently.

"It's not necessary, I'm just using your death to make things difficult for my master."

"It's okay to let those demons go. I need them to spread the news wider and farther. I still have a certain layout."

Until here, ginseng essence gave up.

"You are the strongest human race I have ever seen, and it is rare to see the human race now."

Feng Tianxing smiled.

"It won't be so difficult to see in the future, then I'm leaving, Jia Luo has already got the news, and I can't see you for the last time."

Ginseng essence nodded quickly, and a gust of wind blew across his face, sending Feng Tianxing directly out of Wujian City.

This ginseng essence is very strong, at least he can escape from the siege of ordinary demon families, but why, when he was auctioned, he didn't even have any injuries, it was more like it was brought directly, rather than captured.

There are too many doubts in it, Feng Tianxing decided to explore it himself for the possible cause and effect in himself.