MTL - Marvel: The King-Chapter 810 A helping hand! (

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The 810th chapter gives help to the force! (The second is to ask for flowers)

"You don't wear this... hiding, Tibetan clothes?" Diana curiously fiddled with her long sleeves and found that the Soviet War did not change clothes. Look at the ↑毛↑线↑小↑ says

She also wants to see what it would be like to wear such clothes in the Soviet Union!

"My clothes don't want your armor so unconventional, naturally you don't have to change." Su war said with a smile.

Diana responded with disappointment and her attention quickly shifted to her clothes.

Looking at Diana's appearance, the Soviet War really felt that she was somewhat different from the Wonder Woman in her impression. She was a little less arrogant and more innocent of an ordinary girl.

The two walked for about half an hour or so and finally came to the hotel.

When I came to the hotel, the manager in the lobby was dedicated and obedient. It was usually impossible to come back at three or four in the morning, but she was still meticulously on duty at the front desk. At this time, when I saw the Soviet War and Diana came in, the manager seemed to be somewhat surprised, but her excellent professionalism made her not scornful and showed a warm smile.

"Trouble to open two rooms." The Soviet war said in authentic Chinese.

"Sorry, there is only one room left in the hotel." The manager said with apologetic apologies.

"There is only one room left?" There was some accident in the Soviet War. I didn't expect the business of this hotel to be quite good.

"Yes!" the manager said affirmatively, then quietly glanced at Diana wearing a Tibetan suit.

It is obvious that Diana is a foreigner. There are also many foreigners who come here to travel. It is not without clothes, but it is not so beautiful.

The lonely man and the widowed woman came to open the house in the middle of the night, one of whom was a foreigner. Obviously, the relationship between the two is unusual. Otherwise, how can people follow the tour alone? Speaking of two rooms, mostly because there is no suitable opportunity to go to which step. Therefore, the manager thoughtfully sent an assist!

Of course, there is really no room in the room. Although there is room available, it has already been booked.

"what are you guys saying?"

Diana didn't know Chinese, but it was a bit difficult to see the expression of the Soviet War.

"There is only one room left, what should I do?" asked the Soviet Union.


Diana paused and said, "That, then, let's not stop."


Su war nodded and turned to the manager. "We have to ask for a room. If there is anything to eat, please send it up. For the time being... Let's open it for a week, but I haven't changed the RMB in a hurry. I have to trouble you to change the US dollar. The rest...I would like to thank you. You have helped."

The Soviet War did not ask for much room rate, and directly handed out 10,000 US dollars to hand over.

Even if this hotel is high-end, the consumption is relatively high, and it definitely costs less than ten thousand dollars.

The manager stunned and wanted to refuse. After all, she was too clear. She knew that TT would be more than one-third of the TT. When she just wanted to speak, she found that the Soviet War had blown her eyes at her. For a moment, the manager understood that the other party knew that he was kind enough to help, and this was a retribution.

"It's a tip, thank you!"

Su war smiled and picked up the room card, waved to the manager and then went to the elevator with Diana.

"This is not a good person to have a good report!"

Watching them enter the elevator, the manager couldn't help but whisper.

The room can only be regarded as normal, but the layout is very high-grade, the cleaning is very clean, I don’t know if all the rooms are like this. The bathroom in this room is all-glass, only the cellophane with the pattern is about one meter below, but It can only block the details, but can't stop the outline. If it is a bath...

"If there is a food to send over, first take a bite, and take you to eat delicious during the day." Su war smiled and said to Diana, Diana nodded.

She is still satisfied with the room. After all, she has lived in the metropolis for a while. She is also familiar with the life of the mortal. In contrast, the place she lives in is not necessarily much higher than here.


When the door knocked, the Soviet War went through the door and saw the waiter pushing the dining car.

"It's very fast." The Soviet War was a bit of an accident. Take it out and look at it. Although it is not a special feature, it looks good.

"This bottle of wine is sent by the manager. I wish you a pleasant trip and wish you all the best." The waiter took out a bottle of red wine and said hilarious words.

However, the trip is a pleasant one, and I want to make things happen...

The Soviet War looked at the red wine in his hand. Is this the second wave of assists?

It’s really... a good person!

"Come on, try it." After the waiter went out, the Soviet Union opened the red wine and poured two glasses, and greeted Diana.

I drank a lot before I came here, and now I have nothing to drink.

"Like it was before, we didn't drink alcohol?" After the crash, Diana thought about it.

"Well, you were drinking with the Raptor squad before." Su said with a smile.

Wine is a good thing, and unfamiliar people will become familiar after drinking. Familiarity will be more intimate and easy.

A few glasses of wine, the Soviet Union and Diana are more casual and casual, perhaps because they came to the heavens, so Diana is also very excited and excited, asked a lot about the Tianchao, the Soviet war is also a question Must answer.

Unconsciously, a bottle of red wine actually let both of them drink.

"No, let's rest." The Soviet War said to Diana. "Do you take a shower?"

Diana looked at the bathroom and hesitated and shook her head.

Su Zhan smiled and showed a disappointing expression. Diana knew why, deliberately angered.

Take off the Tibetan clothes, turn off the lights, and the two men lay down.

In the still room, only the heartbeat and the breathing sounded one after another.

Diana lay down and tossed and couldn't sleep at all. If there was a lack of wine, she was not very comfortable. Looking at the Soviet War sideways, he is already asleep? Looking at the bathroom next to it, Diana finally got it lightly.


The lights in the bathroom lit up, and Diana took off her equipment and armor, and the sound of the water slammed.

After half an hour, Diana felt that she was more comfortable after taking a shower. She put on her armor and turned off the lights to prepare for a break. Just lying down, still not closing my eyes, I heard the Soviet war whispering and said: "Let's eat more papaya!"\')

Chapter 811