MTL - Marvel: The King-Chapter 36 Soliciting flashing

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Chapter 36—Collecting the Flashes

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In an abandoned factory, wearing a leather coat, red hair, blue eyes, and a few purple tattooed women near the eyes are sitting on the ground eating burgers. Look ^毛^线^小^说

Her name is Clarice, an orphan. I don't know when she started. She suddenly awakened her ability to create crystals, open things like the door of time and space, and send people or things away. Her character is somewhat timid, and she is very scared when she gains her ability, because she has no control over her ability and has caused many accidents. Later, she slowly moved away from the crowd, took control of her ability, knew her identity as a mutant, wandered around, and would help if she met her compatriots. Over time, she gradually gained some fame among the mutants.

Just now, she also saved a mutant who just awakened, a mutant who can produce extra bones and has two hearts. Saved the compatriots, the large-scale Clarice while eating and sipping an unknown tune.

Suddenly her voice stopped and turned to look at the broken window next to it. It can be clearly seen that there is a flash of fire in the sky outside that is flying fast towards it.


The window shattered and the flame had come to her. As the flame disappeared, a person came out.

An Asian!

To the people is the Soviet war!

Soviet war looked down at his satisfied nod, turned into flame when the clothes are basically not spared, but his ability to use force concept wrapped in a layer of defense force concept cover to avoid the clothes on their clothes being burned!

In the absence of a special war service, this method is good.

Both to ensure the clothes are not damaged, but also to exercise the ability to read the force.

"who are you?"

Clarice hands have been pink crystals, vigilance towards the Soviet war asked.

Su Shi said with a friendly smile: "Don't be nervous, I am not malicious. My name is Su Zhan, I am here to invite you to join my team!"

"Sorry, I haven't heard of you, and I don't want to join anyone's team!" Clarice said quietly.

"Clarice, Ferguson, Chinese Americans, mutants, can produce crystals, and use crystals to open the portal for teleportation or space-time transmission. When you are young, you are afraid of your ability, very scared, and later know that you are After the mutants, I have been working hard to save my compatriots. I am right?" Su war looked at her and said with a smile.

Clarice's face changed a lot, but he didn't expect him to be so clear about his investigation.

"Really, don't be nervous. I investigate you because I am optimistic about you. Although I am not a mutant, I have a lot of abilities. One of them is that you can predict the future and you can understand it as a prophet! I know that the world is In the face of catastrophe, you can't run the mutants. In the near future, there will be certain disasters. If you want to save the mutants, it is not enough to rely on you alone!"

"So? I can't do it myself, can you do it with you? Not to mention, who knows what you are saying is true or false!" Clarice said unbelievable.

"Because, I will not let this world ruin, so no matter who it is, just try to destroy the world, it is my enemy. For this goal, I am willing to pay my life, including my life! As for, I It’s true or false, you can witness it with your own eyes. If you think I am lying to you, I promise, you can leave at any time!” Su war looked at her and slowly reached out: “A person has not been wandering yet.” Enough? Join my team and work together for this world!"

The word wandering stabbed Clarice. Although she had the freedom, she lacked concern. Whenever she was alone, the sense of loneliness always lingered. Maybe I should join him? He seems to be an Asian, and what if he said it is true?

"You can guarantee that if the mutants really have a crisis, would you help?" Clarice asked seriously.

"I promise!" Su war seriously.

"Well, then I will follow you for the time being, but I will explain first, if I find that what you are doing is different from what you said, I will leave!" Clarice took the hand of the Soviet War, the Soviet Union Happy smile.

Although Clarice said that he might leave at any time, he has basically confirmed that he is joining his team.

I didn't expect it to be so smooth for the first time!

"Do you know? Actually, you should have a better name!" Su war looked at her, and in her curious eyes, slowly said: "From now on, you are called flashing, only this name can match I am worthy of you, believe me... It will not take long for the mutants, and even the whole world, to know the name!"

"Blinking? Sounds cool, good, I’ve been flashing since today!" Clarice, no, it should be called flashing now. He nodded with satisfaction and asked, "So what are we going to do now?"

"Let me see your ability first..." Su said with a smile.