MTL - Marvel: The King-Chapter 30 Planning for the future (seeking collection!)

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Chapter 30 Planning the Future (Buy Collection!)

Spiritual control is indeed a very powerful ability. Kira is now like a person. The Soviet War removes all the memories that easily cause her to wake up, instilling false memories and letting her completely obey herself. Look | Mao | Line | Small | Said that Kira itself is the ability of mental control, this ability allows her to easily control the base, as for those who are small, do not need control, anyway, just listen to the words All right. Kira brought all the cash from the base to the Soviet War, which was about three million dollars. This is just cash. Such an organization must have strong financial support. What's more, this is a killer organization. It can be said that nothing is lacking, but there is no shortage of money.

The Soviet Union did not continue to devour its ability. He absorbed the ability of Nick and Kathy's mother. It has faintly felt that the body is not very calm, especially the Kathy mother's ability is far more than others.

"System, when can I open a second copy?"

The Soviet War sipped wine and comfortably enjoyed the massage of Kira behind him, secretly asking the system.

"The next time you upgrade, you can have a second copy of the plane, but the energy required for the upgrade is a lot, unless there is very strong energy, otherwise it will be difficult to upgrade in a short time!" The system replied.

"Very powerful energy?" Su war thought, suddenly said: "How about the ether particles? Can absorb this energy? This thing seems to be very dangerous, can the system space be stored?"

The system is surprisingly short and does not seem to answer immediately. It seems to be considering the answer.

Ether particles are one of the infinite gems and should be realistic gems.

However, this thing is to find a host on the person, the average person may not be able to withstand, the energy contained is too strong, so the system will hesitate?


After a long time, the system gave a reply.

This reply made the Soviet War somewhat unstoppable.

If the system is so powerful that it can store etheric particles, the powerful energy of the etheric particles can definitely upgrade the system and open the second copy plane. In other words, this bit plane does not have to be discarded now.

If he remembers correctly, Raytheon 2 ends, followed by the story of Captain America 2, and the SHIELD collapses, followed by the Galaxy Guard, but this has little to do with the Earth, followed by the Avengers Alliance. 2 now. At that time, there will be a powerful enemy of the Austrian creation, whether it is because of the disintegration of the SHIELD or the powerful enemy of the Olympics, you need to build your own strength.

This requires careful consideration, how to maximize the benefits!

But now I think these are too far, come step by step!

Fortunately, this plane has decided not to erase it, so it can be developed with care.

The three-day period is not long. From the time of coming to the base to the occupation of the base, the three-day time can be said to be in the blink of an eye. The Soviet war did not continue to devour the ability, but to consolidate the existing capabilities. At the same time... he also tried to find Li Xiaotong. But I don't know why, obviously, my foresight ability has become stronger, but I have never felt Li Xiaotong. In desperation, the Soviet War can only be temporarily abandoned. Anyway, it can be found here later. Before leaving, he explained a few goals with Kira.

One is to continue to develop genetic agents, to cultivate super-powerful people, and the second is to make money. As for the third point, it is to find Li Xiaotong!

After the account was clear, the stay time had arrived, and the Soviet War left the copy and returned to where he entered the copy.

Finished the clothes, the Soviet War took some money from the system space, and then left here.

Looking for a bank, the Soviet Union used the money in the copy to open an account and store it. As a result, everything is normal, that is to say... the money in the copy is also usable, and it is not hard work! To be honest, the Soviet War is really worrying. After all, every money is independent. It is very likely that it will not be used here, but in fact it can be used. I don’t know why, but anyway, this is A good thing!

"Ring bell..."

Just out of the bank, the phone of the Soviet War rang.

"Hey, I think you should haven't forgotten what I told you? Where have you been in these three days, why can't you contact you?" said Phil Coulson on the phone.

"People all need independent space, aren't they?" The Soviet war said faintly.

"But your independence time is over, you'd better come back soon, we have a mission!" Phil Corsen said seriously.