MTL - Marvel Super Extraction-v4 Chapter 305 Kill

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When they entered, they found that there was a hole in the sky.

In retrospect, the cave passage is narrow overall and the two walked slightly. However, behind this stone gate is a large basement with 10,000 square meters.

The sound of the foot landing echoed here.

Li Ji said with some surprises: "It’s really a waste of time to dig a wide basement here." After reading Li Ji, he broke away from Jiangyuan’s hand and began to look for his favorite Dongpu. West.

Seeing this, Jiangyuan shook his head helplessly, and then began to look for the place where the silver dragon gun was located.

At the beginning, Jiang Yuan, who thought it was very easy to find, was annoying when he started looking for it. After looking for a while, Jiang Yuan found that the ten-meter-high cabinet was not filled with the basement, and Jiangyuan, who was staggered, was also upset.

After coming out, Jiang Yuan discovered that Li Ji did not know where to find a good sword with ice. The breath is no worse than the sword that Jiangyuan is still using today. And let Jiang Yuan also have some eyes in front of it, this sword even the scabbard is forged with ice, of course, since the use of ice forging, then this ice must not be anything, otherwise even forged A chicken rib.

Seeing that Jiang Yuan is also looking at the ice sword in his handcuffs, Li Ji smiled and said: "Not bad, just waved and stunned and found that it is still very useful. First use it temporarily."

Jiang Yuan didn’t look at Liji when he heard it here. After all, nowadays, the first thing to do is to look for the silver dragon gun. However, looking at the inside cross, it’s completely irregular, and it’s impossible to see Jiangyuan. Keep looking.

And found that Jiang Yuan is still standing here, Li Ji asked: "You are not looking for?" Jiang Yuan smiled bitterly: "I am not looking for it, but the placement of the cabinet here makes me have some headaches. It seems like a battle. The same law." Said here, Jiang Yuan sounded a meal, then remembered that he still has a meditation eye.

With the opening of the meditation eye, Jiang Yuan directly swayed through all these hustle and bustle in this complicated place. Finally, in a corner of the corner, a Dongzhao West wrapped in cloth was caught in the sight of Jiangyuan.

"Found it." Between the words, Jiangyuan went straight to wherever.

Looking at the often lingering east of the cloth, Jiang Yuan smiled with one of his smiles: "Friends, suffer, come back." The words fall, Jiangyuan waved between the hands, no more falling, one wants to go through the sky The silver light suddenly smashed into the basement.

Liji, who saw the silver light, was also a glimpse. Then he whispered: "Is this the spirituality of the fairy? Is it incredible!"

Jiang Yuan, who holds the silver dragon gun, is also excited in his heart. Space rings and silver dragon guns have now been found. Now is the way to find ways to improve your strength.

Stepping into Liji’s body, Jiang Yuan smiled with a silver dragon gun: “Well, Dongxixi found it. We should go.” Li Ji sneaked a glimpse of the silver in Jiangyuan’s handcuffs. The dragon gun, then turned around and followed Jiangyuan to leave here.

After walking to the first scene that appeared here, Jiang Yuan and Li Ji did not disappear here as imagined, which made the two Fan Fan.

At this time, the sound of 9/27 was in the mind of Jiangyuan: "Hey! The system prompts that there are hundreds of people crossing the host in front of the host, ten people in the great place, two people in Wonderland. Is it extracted?"

After shaking his head, Jiang Yuan vetoed the extraction. Then, looking at the side of the Liji smiled: "There is a good show, let's go out first, I think those people are waiting for us."

After hearing this, Li Ji nodded and then followed Jiang Yuan.

Looking at the hole in front of the hole, the shopkeeper’s face was extremely bad and asked: “Who is guarding? How can anyone go in and go?” So, everyone is quiet, even two people are Closed his mouth is not multilingual.

At this moment, as the door to the opening was opened, someone shouted: "Come out! Come out!"

The eyes of the shopkeeper squinted at the direction of the hole, and the killing in the heart was also flooding.

Walking through the cave, Jiangyuan and Li Ji saw so many people outside, although I already knew it. But still a little surprised. "Look, it’s good to follow me. There are a lot of people coming to meet me everywhere. It’s no exception here!"

Jiang Yuan’s sudden change of temperament character makes Li Ji even helpless.

Then the other shopkeeper stood behind the crowd and sat on a high chair with wooden pillars. Looking at Jiangyuan, the treasurer of the shopkeeper asked: "How did you get in and go? What did you do? You will hand over the Dongxi West. I can do it as if it has not happened. Otherwise you two I can't get out of here today."

Hearing here, Jiang Yuan smiled and said: "I have a lot of other problems with this person. The only thing is that it is not me, it is not me, and we are going in. Do you not know? The guarding ability is also too bad. Also, the Dongxi West that we went in and took is our original Dongxi West. Why should we hand it over?"

Li Ji saw the appearance of Jiang Yuan's nephew, and shook his head with helplessness.

Seeing that Jiangyuan did not listen to the teachings, the shopkeeper shook his head without words, pointing to Jiang Yuan’s 383 and said: “Kill the two to kill me. Can’t tell the truth of today’s affairs, otherwise I’m safe. How should the business in the future be done?"

I heard the treasurer’s words. Then, under the two people's immortality, the hundred people who crossed the border directly surrounded Jiang Yuan and Li Ji.

Seeing this, Li Ji’s face is a bit bad. “What should I do next?” Hearing here, Jiang Yuan pulled the sword out of the space ring and then smiled: “To deal with these people, it’s still easy, you line Protect yourself." Jiang Yuan pulled the sword and smiled: "Give me away, there are good things to say between us. If you don't let it go, don't regret it."

When the two people of Xianxian just wanted to make some moves, they found that Jiangyuan was watching both of them. Under the doubt, when they had big eyes on Shangjiangyuan, the two were directly in the same place. The body is completely stopped.

Seeing here, Jiangyuan smiled and waved between the swords, and whispered softly: "Fighting clouds!" Between the words, the entire Shengping City saw a hurricane in the direction of the auction. The people who blow are in a state of turmoil.

The son of the two sons who followed the two masters of the late nine days also saw this scene. In the heart, he said to the two men who were behind him: "Do you both go and see what happened?" ".