MTL - Marvel: I Am the Man of Steel!-Chapter 528

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And today is also the last day of the three-day period. Lin Feng should return to the territory of the fifth power, the Golden Silver Tree, to handle the acceptance...

"Shan Hai, you have such a big heart, biting your tail to receive influence..."

In the room with bright and clean windows, Eggart was sipping tea leisurely, with his only son Aaron standing behind him.

On the opposite side is Luo Yongtian.

There were only two people in the room, and it seemed that the relationship between the two was better than that of other black robes. In the dark space before, the two interacted the most.

"That's true, I don't understand Shan Hai."

"Even if he got the fifth force, he didn't look happy..." Luo Yongtian put down his teacup, and the scene after the battle came to mind.

It's as if Shan Hai doesn't care much about the fifth force...

"Do you think he had premeditated it? Or that Shanhai had an unspoken purpose?"

"I always feel that there should be a problem with mountains and seas..." Egart said his feelings.

A black robe, who appeared only a few years ago, defeated the leader of the first sequence.

Well, it's actually not surprising, as long as Shanhai's strength didn't just grow in the past two years.

If you want to cross the level of the omnipotent universe, the effort required is not a little bit.

Moreover, it takes the right time, place and people to reach this height.

And Shan Hai, a single person, possesses this level of ability, which makes people wonder if there is something in it.

"You said, could he have some conspiracy against us?"

After much deliberation, in the end, Eggart couldn't find a suitable reason to make Shanhai's series of actions reasonable...

Luo Yongtian tapped on the armrest of the chair.

"You're right, Shanhai's strength is really weird."

"I also think there are only two possibilities."

"Either Shanhai has a bloodline that we don't know about, and there are at least almighty universe-level people in his ancestors."

"Or, Shanhai is a **** cultivated by unknown forces."

"But I always feel that the second possibility is unlikely..."

Saying that, Luo Yongtian looked at Eggart.

Eggert thought for a while and nodded.

"Indeed, if it was cultivated by other hostile forces, they shouldn't use personnel of this strength to break into our interior, and they should act so high-profile."

Not to mention that the black robe has no obvious enemies. An all-round cosmic-level personnel is a core figure in any organization. He has his own dignity and restraint. He would not say that he would simply go to Other organizations are undercover.

The two of them were here under the wisdom tree, and began to think about what kind of existence Lin Feng was, and whether there were other forces behind it.

The two feel that even if there is no power behind Shanhai, there must be a powerful father.

After all, there is no organization. If there is no nurturing of the heritage left by the father, it will be difficult for a person to reach the almighty universe level, even if he has blood.

The two fell silent.

Aaron, behind Eggart, bowed his head and remained silent.

When adults talk, children can't get in their mouths.

His father often took him to participate in various occasions and trained him as his successor.

Aaron is also very proud of Egart, he is the strongest one in his age.

But now that there is a mountain and sea to compare here, Aaron really can't be happy...

After being silent for a while, Eggart suddenly asked again: "The one above, doesn't he mean to see the mountains and the sea?"

Luo Yongtian stroked his beard.

"You mean number zero? He really didn't intend to see Shan Hai."

On top of the first sequence, there is another existence, which is the system they rely on to survive and become powerful.

They call this system Number Zero.

Zero doesn't know if it's a human or a ghost, and no one has seen his true face.

But the reason why everyone has the current strength is inseparable from the props and help of No. 0 that can be exchanged for tasks.

"It's a little strange. In the past, when a new leader appeared in the first sequence, number zero would meet him in person."

"I didn't intend to see Shanhai this time, what's going on..."

This so-called meeting in person means calling the new leader into a black room.

The leader can't see the true face of number zero.

As he spoke, Egart pinched the space between his eyebrows.

He seems to have a feeling that as long as everything is related to mountains and seas, it will become complicated and unexpected...

This feeling of being out of control made him troubled, even a little uneasy.

"We have no right to interfere with what Number Zero is doing, let alone guessing, you know."

Luo Yongtian drank his tea and gave Eggart a look.

Egart shrugged and skipped the pointed subject...

The conversation was fruitless, and in the end, we could only take one step at a time.

The unified opinion of the two is to wait and see what happens, but there should be a little bit of vigilance.

If the mountains and seas belong to other forces, or have other conspiracies, after a long time, they will definitely show their feet...

What Lin Feng didn't know was that Lin Feng was heading to his home planet now.

The main planet is the base camp of each faction leader in the first sequence.

The planet is huge and carries the veins of a force.

This planet used to belong to Kim Henry, but now that Kim Henry is gone, it naturally belongs to Lin Feng.

There are many residents on the planet, most of them are relatives and himself of important black robes.

Of course, there are also various races that Eggart has collected over the long years in the universe.

In order to make the planet more lively, Kim Henry would subconsciously collect some lonely races every time he went out to perform missions or other trips.

Among them, because of Jin Henry's own energy source, he also collected a mechanically declared race.

There are not many such races in the universe, and it is difficult to find them. It took Jin Henry a lot of hard work and effort to collect this one.

As for other races, Kim Henry also chose some rare ones, or those with special abilities.

It took Kim Henry thousands of years for these races to achieve this kind of prosperity on the planet.

The main planet has a complete system, which is completely a super doubled version of a blue star.

Chapter 660 The main planet, taking over the fifth force

The purpose of Lin Feng's trip is the central hall of the main planet.

This is the place where the Fifth Force holds large meetings and handles important affairs on weekdays.

In the central hall, there is a special identity verification device. Lin Feng needs to go there to register his information and overwrite the information of Kim Henry, so that he can truly become the master of the fifth force.

However, at this time, in the central hall, a meeting room, four men and one woman were sitting.

Under each first sequence of forces, there are five complete second sequences.

These four men and one woman were none other than Jin Henry's former subordinates, including Li Xieqian.

The door opened, and the five people cheered up and looked around.

This is the first time to officially meet the new leader, so they can't help being nervous.

Here, the leaders rely on their own abilities to fight, and there will be no phenomenon that the subordinates will not accept it, and the subordinates will challenge it if they are uncomfortable.

They have also watched the battle for power, if they dare to quarrel with Shanhai, it will be a dead end.

So everyone wants to make a good impression on this new leader!

However, the one who came in was the maid who brought tea.

Seeing five pairs of eyes looking over, the maid trembled and almost knocked over the tea tray.

In her eyes, these people are also big bosses, the masters of the second sequence.

Fortunately, the maid has seen the world while working in the Central Hall, and nothing went wrong.

After distributing the tea, the maid quickly withdrew.

The five were silent again.

Well, here, no one dares to let go of the sensor to detect who is coming. If it detects the leader, it is a sign of disrespect, and it will be whipped...

Li Xieqian picked up the tea.

Seeing that Li Xieqian made a move, they were not polite.

"Old Li, you are familiar with Mr. Shanhai, do you know what he likes?"

While drinking tea, one of the handsome guys with dark blue hair spoke.

His name is very simple, called the sea.

The ability of the sea is related to the ocean, or in other words, to all water sources, similar to Neptune in the world next door.

But compared to that Neptune, the ability of the sea is more powerful.

As soon as Hai asked, several people stared at Li Xieqian again.

After all, Shan Hai also served as Li Xieqian's subordinate for a while, so Li Xieqian should know something.

Knowing the leader's likes and dislikes in advance will avoid leaving a bad impression.

Li Xieqian pondered for a while...

"I have no idea…"

Hai frowned slightly.

On the side, another middle-aged man with blond hair silently pushed a box in front of Li Xieqian.

"Come on, Lao Li, share the information!"

The middle-aged blonde said with a smile.

What he sent out was various resources for one year.

Big money, something will happen!

The various resources of this year, including missions, props, and energy props, even those in the second sequence couldn't stop their hearts from seeing them.

Of course, Li Xieqian was also moved. The resources of this year represent the various expenditures of a second sequence within a year.

Li Xieqian swallowed, held back his greed, and retreated.

"You misunderstood, I really don't know..."

"Master Shanhai usually disappears after receiving the task. From the beginning to the end, I didn't meet him many times."

"At that time, I recruited Mr. Shanhai because I liked his ability."

"Who would have thought that it would be so long before he..."

Li Xieqian said, shaking his head, feeling a little complicated.

He was still his younger brother two days ago, but now he has turned into his immediate boss by shaking his head, Li Xieqian is also numb.

In this matter, who is not numb? !

Seeing the returned resources, the blond middle-aged man silently put away them and chose to believe them.

If Li Xieqian really knew about this great gift, he would not choose not to mention it.

"Then what should I do, should I just let my old lady wait here?" An impatient voice sounded.

Among the four, only one woman spoke.