MTL - Marvel Call of the Game-Chapter 448 Pan Zhen who came to the door

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Lufa took in Di Leina mainly for fun, but obviously his behavior caused some people to misunderstand.

"Fire Sun Civilization, Pan Zhen?"

Lu Fa did not expect Lieyang Civilization to be leisurely and leisurely, but now it came here in a hurry.

You must know that in the original plot, Di Leina wandered on the Blue Star for so long, Lieyang Civilization was not in a hurry at all, and Pan Zhen only found time to come over at the end.

If you say that Pan Zhen has no way to locate his main god, you are simply joking.

Even after the gluttonous civilization captured Di Leina, Pan Zhen immediately went to the Death Song Academy to negotiate directly with Karl, the God of Death. It seems that he has always paid attention to Di Leina.

Under such circumstances, facing a powerful and unfathomable super-god civilization like the Ares civilization, Pan Zhen is not at ease even if there is the Heavenly Dao Pagoda. Do not come to Blue Star in person.

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Lufa knew the cause and effect, and also knew that Karl, the **** of death, gave a small report to Pan Zhen, saying that the Ares civilization had mastered the void technology, had four peak beast bodies, and could produce super soldiers. After the angel civilization abdicated However, both the Lieyang civilization and the demon civilization have the idea of ​​becoming the head of the new order, and a powerful civilization that suddenly appeared will undoubtedly become their competitor.

Whether it's public or private, Pan Zhen had to make this trip to get to know the King of Road Fat.

Sometimes, a face-to-face meeting is more reliable than information.

It's just that Lufa is obviously not the correct main **** and king. He doesn't have any habitual thoughts about Pan Zhen, so naturally he won't go to see him, and he didn't tell Xiaohan that Pan Zhen came to find her.

Without Di Lena not knowing this, the Ares civilization is not well-lived. The people created by Lufa are all "common sense", and they themselves have a complete memory of the Ares civilization. , it can only be said that Lu Fa's details in this regard have been supplemented very well.

Anyway, for him, these things can be produced with only one thought, and there is no need to think about the details. Such a small amount of information is probably equivalent to using Sunway TaihuLight to handle elementary school addition and subtraction. Multiplication and division calculations are the same.

It cannot be said that it is resolved in seconds.

Di Lena asked them about the Ares civilization, and the answers she got made Di Lena not boring at all.

Compared with the well-known things in the known universe, the Ares civilization is currently a mystery to all parties, and they don't know the situation at all.

And women's curiosity is the most important. The exploration of unknown things made Di Leina temporarily forget those troubles and entanglements before.

Of course, Di Lena also knew what to ask and what not to ask, so she just asked about the customs of the Ares civilization, the daily life of the king Lufa, and so on.

I don’t know if these things are not very important. Every person from the Ares civilization that Di Leina asked explained to her very enthusiastically. In fact, it’s just that Lufa, a setting maniac, is very keen to talk. Let others know the situation of the Ares civilization, how can they know how powerful the Ares civilization is?

Aren't the players who silently build various buildings and wonders in Minecraft also shoot videos to gain recognition?

This is just a pure desire to express and express psychology.

What Lufa didn't expect was that Qilin had a reaction. She kept chanting Lufa's name, and it seemed that she was planning to find Lufa?

"Well, what do you want to do?"

After Lufa saw it, he immediately knew what Qilin was thinking. She wanted to ask Lufa for help.

There is nothing to say about it. Lufa, a fun person, is worried about not being able to find a chance. His current excuse is to let Qilin, the future queen, wake up and wait for her to grow up. The problem is that only Di Leina knows this.

Demon Civilization only knew that Qilin was very important to Lufa. Morgana had thought about using Qilin to see if she could restrain and restrict Lufa, but she knew from Death Karl that Lufa had already mastered it. After the void technique, she was discouraged.

Now the demon civilization and the Ares civilization do not interfere with each other, and the demons also walk around the area where Qilin is very interesting.

But, although Qilin's current strength is very strong, there are indeed limits to what she can do.

"What's the matter, Qilin?"

Lufa was invited to come, Qilin saw that he was very excited, and then threw herself into Lufa's arms.

"Lufa, I'm so weak..."

In less than a few days, people were devastated and corpses were strewn across the field. Even though Qilin had already experienced the Tianhe Battle, she still felt her own powerlessness and pain.

Originally, Qilin didn't intend to ask Lufa for help, but the cruel reality let her know how incompetent she was, so she could only be selfish once and ask Lufa for help.

She didn't know if Lufa would respond to her, even if he didn't respond, Qilin wouldn't blame him, but after seeing Lufa really appear, Qilin couldn't control herself.

"Hey, you are a third-generation super soldier, and you have a god-killing sniper rifle. If you say that you are weak, other super soldiers in the known universe will probably call you Versailles."

Lufa gently stroked Qilin's hair, which was beautiful and smooth. The armor was too in the way, and Qilin lifted it when she rushed forward.

The people next to him saw this scene in embarrassment and quickly ran away.

Then Qilin lay on Lufa's chest and kept crying. Lufa didn't say anything, but just hugged her. When Qilin was tired from crying, she raised her eyes that were red from crying.

"Lufa, I want to become stronger!"


"My lord, I want to be able to fly."

"it is good."

"My lord, I want to be able to count as a thousand with one!"

"no problem."

Lufa knew that Qilin had completely let go of her dignity, and she added a sinful profit transaction to the pure love relationship between the two.

In other words, Qilin sold her body of a hundred pounds to Lufa.

Then Qilin moved and kissed Lufa.

Just as her hand was groping downward, she was stopped by Lufa.

"I give you these because you are my woman, not for other reasons."

Lufa said.


Qilin was silent, and she didn't want to do it either, of course she was willing to do it, but she didn't want to do it on such an occasion, and she didn't want to do it for such a reason.

After all, she has long been willing to be Lufa's woman, but Lan Xing and her country, her family make her unable to do so with peace of mind.

She knew that Lufa was good to her, and he could give it to him without blinking such a precious thing, but Qilin couldn't just accept it like this.