MTL - Martial Peak-Chapter 5988 Fight to death

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In an instant, the two figures fought into a ball.

Yang Kai made a shot, and every blow was a burst of great power, and he had to vent the power he had accumulated, otherwise there was a risk of bursting.

The fierce attack made Mo couldn't help but energize to deal with it. The rich ink power rolled, constantly annihilating the power of the great Dao that struck.

During the battle, Yang Kai still didn't stop devouring the long river of time and space. There was a huge whirlpool behind him, and the water of the long river poured into the whirlpool, poured into his body, and disappeared.

With the progress of the transformation into the body, the strength he can exert becomes stronger and stronger, which leads to his attacks becoming more and more fierce.

After fighting for more than a dozen rounds, Yang Kai took a blow and was beaten into the long river behind him.

But soon, he rushed out of Chang Hanoi and once again culled in the direction of Mo.

Although frustrated, instead of being discouraged on his face, he was full of fighting spirit.

In the previous two confrontations, Yang Kai was beaten into the long river by Mo after facing him. In front of Mo, his Ninth-Rank peak had almost no resistance.

But at this moment he was able to confront Mo for a while.

This is the result of the transformation of the Tao into the body, and it is also the reason for controlling more of the power of the river.

I can do better! Yang Kai firmly believes in this, as long as he can control all the power of the river, he has the capital to compete with Mo!

He rushed again and again, and was beaten back again and again.

The volume of the long river of time and space is constantly shrinking, but Yang Kai's breath is getting more and more powerful.

With the passage of time, Yang Kaineng's time to fight against Mo also increased, from the initial persistence of ten rounds to twenty or thirty, until nearly a hundred rounds did not fall behind.

Mo seemed to be really angry too, and his shot was extremely fierce and murderous.

Although he was used by Yang Kai to seal more than 30% of his original source with the gate of the Profound Minor, his strength was greatly reduced, and then he fought with Zhang Ruoxi again, and his strength was weakened again, but he had a lot of power in the past. , Enough to make up for the losses in the war with Zhang Ruoxi.

It can be said that the ink at this moment is a bit stronger than when he first awakened.

In a short period of time, Yang Kai was able to go from being completely unmatched to reluctantly resisting the opponent.

not enough! Far from enough!

Even if he controls all the remaining power of the river, there should be no way to kill Mo.

If the source of Mo is immortal, then the catastrophe of this world will never end.

It is undoubtedly a good way to seal the town with the help of Xuan Mi Gate. The long journey has proved that the Xuan Mi Gate has the ability to seal Mo, but with such a powerful existence, how can the town be sealed if he is not defeated?

To solve all of this, it seems that the only way to break through the shackles of the Open Heaven Method and promote to a higher level of martial arts.

However, this is also an impossible thing for Yang Kai.

How long has he been promoted to the 9th rank? Although it was able to grow rapidly with the help of the cradle of the two great Open Heaven realms and the power of the long river of time and space, this kind of growth was limited to the ninth rank, and it was far from enough to explore the realm above Open Heaven.

Throughout the ages, countless heroes and heroes have been fettered by the Open Heaven Law, and it is difficult to break through. Only Mu has vaguely probed the mystery of the higher martial art realm.

However, her time and space is incomplete after all, which made her unable to cross the threshold and enter the magical realm.

Mu and the human race's countless ancestors have not been able to achieve something, even if Yang Kai received Mu's gift at this moment, it would be difficult to do so in a hurry.

He didn't even have the slightest sense of the next level.

If you want to break through the shackles of the Open Heaven Method, you must at least be familiar with your current power, and it will take a long time to settle and accumulate.

If there is no way to break through the shackles of the Open Heaven Method, then you can only think of another way.

During the battle, Yang Kai did not dare to be distracted, especially when facing opponents like Mo, facing the deadliest attack all the time.

After being beaten back again and again and falling into the long river, Yang Kai looked embarrassed, but in fact the situation was slowly improving.

The space-time Changhe behind him has shrunk to only about 30%. Once Yang Kai can convert all the strength of the Changhe into his body, then the strength he can exert must far exceed the previous one.

The war here is in full swing, and the same is true of the distant void battlefield.

There are too many of the Mo army, and the defeat of the human and Xiaoshi army has already been seen. If there is no external force to intervene, the allied army will probably be wiped out soon. At that time, even the nine ranks may not be able to escape, only two. The giant spirit may be able to leave safely.

This is a result that Human Race simply cannot accept.

And just when the battle was anxious, from the depths of the void, a dazzling light swiftly swept across.

The scene of deja vu raised the morale of the army, because they realized who was here.

Zhang Ruoxi was instructed by Yang Kai to rush to the battlefield here, and when he arrived here, his figure turned into a streamer to shuttle back and forth in the battlefield several times.

The streamer is like a sharp knife, and while killing a large number of Mo people, it also cuts the Mo people's originally tight formation to pieces.

At this time, the pressure on the coalition forces of the Human and Xiaoshi tribes was greatly reduced.

Immediately afterwards, Ruoxi flew in the direction where Ah Da and Ah Er were.

These two giant gods are an indispensable help for the human race. Whether it is to overcome the unreturned barrier or the battle on the expedition, or in the battlefield here, the giant gods have played an indispensable role.

At this moment, Ah Da and Ah Er were once again in trouble. They were besieged and entangled by many Mo kings, and it was difficult for them to form effective support for the Humans.

Therefore, after Zhang Ruoxi relieved the pressure on the coalition forces of Xiaoshi and Humans, he immediately chose to rescue them.

As long as the two giant gods are not constrained, they can attract the attention of a large number of Mo people, and the Mo people need to invest more kings to re-entangle and restrict their actions.

If Xi had been alone before, the Mo clan king masters who had killed them were all **** off, not to mention that at this moment, she had formed a nine palace formation with eight guards.

The streamer came to Ah Er's side in an instant, and the eight small stone clan spread out, sealed the town in all directions, and the formation enveloped the vast void.

Many kings who were besieging Ah Er all changed color.

They have deeply experienced the horror of this woman with wings on her back. When the Great Forbidden was not broken in the first day, this woman was killed alone in the Great Forbidden, killing the Mo people who stayed in the gap of the Great Forbidden completely. There is no shortage of powerful masters.

That time, the powerful Mo people in the deterrent big forbidden didn't dare to act rashly.

Many king lords were in the depths of darkness and witnessed Zhang Ruoxi's strength with their own eyes. It was precisely the strength of this woman who was afraid of the strength of this woman. When the big ban was broken, the Mo tribe army did not rush out in the first time.

It wasn't until this woman rushed into the depths of the void that the Mo tribe army had the courage to step out of the darkness.

No one thought that she would come back at this critical juncture.

Mi Jinglun can see the trend of victory and defeat on the battlefield, and the kings of the Mo tribe can naturally see it. At this moment, the Mo tribe army has the upper hand. As long as this situation continues to be maintained, sooner or later, the coalition of the human race and the Xiaoshi tribe can be eaten. Wipe it clean, at that time, the world will be the world of the Mo people, and there will be no one in the world.

There is only one step away from completing the supreme cause. How can the kings shrink back?

Therefore, even if Zhang Ruoxi and the Xiaoshi clan guard formed the Nine Palaces formation, a large number of Mo clan powerhouses rushed toward the other side fiercely, trying to contain them.

At this time, the pressure that the Human Race and Xiaoshi's coalition forces had to face was once again reduced a lot.

When the sword light of Xingjian began to dance that day, if Xi’s battlefield became a forbidden zone of life, no matter whether it is the domain master or the king, there is no one in her hands. Every flash of the sword light means one. The annihilation of a few or even a few strong Mo people.

The dignity and glory of the strong are trampled here in a mess. When the strength gap is large enough, killing has become a very simple matter.

In a short period of time, more than twenty kings fell, and Ah Er, who had been entangled by the kings and unable to escape, finally had the ability to get rid of the shackles, roaring wildly, swept the nearby kings with a violent attack.

However, before he could really show his power, more Mo clan powerhouses swarmed up from all directions.

The Mo ethnic group can also see that the coalition forces of the Human Race and the Xiaoshi family are no longer afraid, as long as they use their strength to contain the coalition forces.

The only ones that can pose a threat to the Mo Clan right now are Zhang Ruoxi and the two giant gods.

So stop them anyway.

Even if it is filled with the lives of the kings!

There is a steady stream of servants, king masters, domain masters, and powerful Mo people in their leisure time, falling down like straws after a violent wind in this battlefield.

The ink blood and the escaping ink power dyed the void even more pitch black and deep, as if to swallow everything.

The sword light of Tianxingjian blooms all the time.

Zhang Ruoxi's original plan was disrupted.

She wanted to rescue Ah Er first, then join forces with Ah Er to rescue Ah Da, and then combine the power of the three to enter the main battlefield. Although the Mo Clan has a huge force, it is absolutely impossible to stop the three of them from killing.

As long as they are given enough time and space to move, with their strength, it is not difficult to kill all the Mo people to collapse.

However, the Mo Clan responded extremely quickly, causing Zhang Ruoxi to be tightly restrained here. Even Ah Er, who had just been rescued by her, fell back into the entanglement and entanglement of the Mo Clan powerhouses, and it was difficult to do anything.

In such a situation, Zhang Ruoxi no longer does what he thinks.

If the Mo people wanted to stop her, they would have to pay a huge price.

Compared with the original plan, the current situation is more favorable to the Human Race, because the more Mo ethnic power she holds here, the less pressure the Human Race needs to bear.

It even said that if she can kill enough Moh clan kings here, she can help the coalition to achieve the final victory.

Therefore, the Mo clan's response not only didn't make Zhang Ruoxi annoyed, but it was in the middle of it.

One after another, the former and the servants of the king rushed to kill them and turned into the souls of the heavenly punishment sword, but no Mo clan powerhouse had the slightest intention of retreating.

Regardless of the Human Race or the Mo Race, this is the final decisive battle, and there is no room or room to retreat.

In this battle, winners and losers!