MTL - Marry and Fall In Love with the White Cat Princess-Chapter 86 get angry

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Halfway up the mountain, Liu Fenyun glanced at the system map. The monsters that attacked them before had basically dispersed, and they were still hiding from the patrol team. It must be the barrier left by Yin Sa, the beast protecting the city.

She was looking around when her ears suddenly itch.

"When are you going to use your cat ears?" Lian Yi tugged at the fluffy cat ears, half joking and half serious, "Sheng Kun City doesn't like demon clan."

"I'll take it right away!" Liu Fenyun hurriedly said, who knew that Lianyi gently gathered the cat's fur, and the numbness suddenly spread from the tip of the ear all the way to the whole body, itching her neck to snort.

"Now you know why I don't allow you to rub your ears casually?" Looking at her embarrassed appearance, Lianyi won't let her go easily, she will let go when she's teased enough, and put her next to her ear He chuckled, "I didn't expect Ayun's demon body to be more sensitive than mine."

After all, she opened her teeth and took a small bite before Liu Fenyun put away her demon ears.

Liu Fenyun was so embarrassed that he was afraid that she would mess up again, so he quickly released the demonization state, his cheeks were hot, and he whispered: "Don't make trouble! I, I will rub your ears after I go back..."

Lianyi narrowed her eyes with a smile, "It's a word."

They went back the same way, only to see the patrol team still staying in the same place. Meng Dang sat aside, playing with the leaves in every possible way.

"Thank you for your hard work." Seeing the two come back, Meng Dang dropped a tree branch to greet him, "I saw that the monsters were all scattered. It looks like the nine-tailed fox has been caught, right?"

"No, we didn't catch her." Lian Yi shook her head, seeing that the patrol captain and the team members were sitting still, her eyes turned cold, and she said coldly, "Your protection spirit beasts have gone wrong while cultivating, almost Entering the demon, the nine-tailed fox passed by here, suppressing the demonic energy for the beasts protecting the city, and releasing the demonic energy to attract the attention of the demon slayers. Who would have expected that Shengkun City would sit idly by and almost cause a catastrophe!"

The patrol captain's face immediately became ugly, and he said sternly: "What's the use of accusing us? We are patrolling just to support the family! You really have such a leisurely heart, but go to the imperial court and talk to the slayers!"

"Xianxin? Why would you rather be bitten by monsters than go to the court? The court sent you to patrol this place, and what are you doing with the court's salary?" Lianyi retorted, "You made yourself embarrassed. It's unbearable, dying so deadly and wounded, but not even daring to make a sound, and in the end, I have to end up with outsiders. Oh, what a big country!"

The words she said were true, but the patrol captain couldn't refute them. He clenched his fists in anger and blurted out, "You **** monster...!"

"Who do you think should be damned?!" Liu Fenyun suddenly asked in a cold voice, with a cold light in his dark eyes, and the patrol captain was shocked and reluctantly closed his voice.

"Okay, okay! We are indeed outsiders, and we really have no time to intervene in this matter." Seeing that the situation was not good, Meng Zang hurriedly handed over the steps, but he couldn't help but sarcastically said, "But we are only here in the city. It's only a few days off here, and God knows that even if that's the case, it can still be taken to the drudgery."

Liu Fenyun said lightly: "Actually, the finishing work has not been done yet. We came down the mountain to inform safety, so we will go back and continue."

After she finished speaking, she pulled the lotus robe and the sleeves of Meng Zang, and walked up the mountain with a sullen face.

Even if the words like "Damn Monster Race" were not foul language, she never wanted to hear anyone say Lianyi like that.

"Blessed by the **** of fire, let's get out of this hellish place!" On the way up the mountain, Lianyi muttered, still holding back a belly of fire, "How can there be such a human race that has more than enough success!"

"Look wider, the world is full of wonders." Meng Yan comforted her and asked casually, "Is that nine-tailed fox fierce? I see that your clothes are still neat, haven't you fought?"

Lianyi said coolly: "You seem to be looking forward to our fight."

"There's no such thing!" Meng Tiao shook his head sharply, "It's the best strategy to capture the city without spending a single soldier or soldier! If there is a way to avoid casualties, of course we should use it!"

The two of you said a word to me, but gradually opened up the words.

Lianyi's mood also eased, and she couldn't help but look at Liu Fenyun. Seeing that her face was still calm, her body exuded an unfamiliar aura, she couldn't help worrying: "Ayun, don't think too much, there are indeed many human races in the human world. You still have prejudice against the demon clan, and countries like Qifeng City are in the minority."

"Well, I know." Liu Fenyun replied quickly, with no expression on his face and no emotion in his voice.

Lianyi saw that she was still angry. She has seen many angry people, but those like Liu Fenyun who are taciturn when they are angry are very few.

Meng Dang walked fast, feeling that the two of them seemed to want to be alone, so he quickened his pace and said as he walked: "I'm not worried about Qi Ran, let's go first! You guys walk slowly, don't be in a hurry."

When Meng Dang's back disappeared from sight, Lianyi tucked her cat's tail into Liu Fenyun's hand, took her arm and said, "Don't be angry, I'll touch your tail. Do you want to watch something to divert your attention? memory."

She originally planned to save the recovered memory, but now she decided to take it out in advance, hoping to make Ayun happier.

"...Have a new dream again?" Liu Fenyun's mouth was slightly raised, and his voice was a little warmer, "It's not very convenient to check the memory here, can you please describe it to me?"

She was willing to listen, and Lianyi was naturally willing to talk, so she told Liu Fenyun in her dream about the Qixi Festival with herself, and Liu Fenyun couldn't help laughing when she heard it.

She didn't expect that before the time-travel, she was actually a sand sculpture who took cats to the cinema to watch horror movies on Qixi Festival. It sounds like she hopes to have a partner soon. When she sees a couple, she feels that she is eating dog food, and she is envious.

But at that time, she probably didn't expect that many years later, she would really marry the cat she raised.

Lianyi observed her expression as she spoke, and saw that the smile on Liu Fenyun's face was getting stronger and stronger, and she was also happy.

"If you could travel back to the era you lived in in the future, would you still take me to a 'movie'?" Lian Yi asked, using unfamiliar vocabulary, "I don't like watching 'children's movies' and 'horror movies' ', but there are other types of movies?"

"Then go watch a comedy movie, the kind that hilariously laughs throughout." Liu Fenyun laughed, "I heard that kind of movie is very interesting, you should like it."

"It is said that?"

"Well... After all, I have been very busy before the time-travel, and I have no hobbies. I only heard about it from my roommates and the others."

The two chatted and laughed along the way, and in a short while they arrived outside the lair of the beast protecting the city. There is no demonic aura here, and only by walking into the lair can you discover the three demonic auras hidden in the depths.

Yin Sa has woken up, and Tu Shanshuo is talking to her with a full smile. Qi Ran hid far away, and sat in the shadows together with Meng Dang, holding her breath. Lian Yi almost didn't notice them when she first came over.

"Why are you so nervous?" Lianyi looked at the serious looks of the two of them, and found it funny, "The demons here are all their own people, so don't be afraid."

"No, it's none of their business." Meng Yan explained, "It's Qi Ran's own problem."

Qi Ran: ?

Why did you suddenly get involved with her?

Although she felt uncomfortable in her heart, Qi Ran knew that Meng Dang was right, she was indeed hiding from these two demons.

Tu Shanshuo was so innocent, he was too familiar with her, which made her feel awkward. Yin Sa is taciturn, but she is the protector of the human race city, and her integrity makes Qi Ran, a demon with only a criminal past, ashamed.

When Tu Shanshuo saw them coming back, he greeted them warmly, put his arms around Yin Sa and introduced: "This is Sa Sa, Sa Sa has never been fond of talking, and his words are a bit strange when he speaks, please don't misunderstand!"

Yin Sa nodded to them, rubbed Tu Shanshuo's fox tail and said, "This little fox is ignorant of world affairs, thank you for your help."

Liu Fenyun was rubbed over the demon's body by Lianyi. At this time, he saw Tu Shanshuo being rubbed by his tail, and subconsciously wanted to say something to stop it. Fortunately, he responded in time, coughed lightly, and politely said: "You're welcome. But there is one thing we can't figure out, I don't know. Can I ask the seniors for advice?"

Yin Sa nodded, "What's the matter?"

"Do you know what the human race in Shengkun City thinks of you?" Liu Fenyun asked, "Or, do you know that they still have prejudice against the demon race?"

"I don't know, and I don't need to know." Yin Sa said. Her voice was like a clean and clear spring, but her words were like a ruthless blade, "I'm only responsible for protecting this city as much as possible during the contract period."

In her eyes, the human race in the human world will have prejudice against demons. This is a normal thing, but it is not within the scope of her consideration.

"So it is." Liu Fenyun suddenly realized, "Have you considered leaving? The spiritual energy of heaven and earth here is very thin, and your cultivation state is not good. Even if I relieve your symptoms for you, you may fall into the devil again because of your cultivation mistakes."

Yin Sa pondered for a moment, "I have made an agreement with the contractor that if my existence will bring disaster to Shengkun City, I will leave this place."

"Ah! That's right, I'll take you back!" Tu Shanshuo's eyes lit up, and even with nine tails, he swept around happily, "The demon world has changed a lot now, and it is much more interesting than the human world! Sa Sa, you are doing this again. Strong, everyone will respect you!"

Yin Sa smiled slightly, grabbed the fox tail swept on his wrist, put it on his palm and rubbed it twice, "Okay."

"So, senior, can you just leave?" Meng Zhan said lightly, "You don't need to say hello to those in power?"

"No need." Yin Sa shook his head, "If I leave, those in power will naturally know. They have long wanted me to leave."

"Since you know that the human race here doesn't like you, it would be nice to come back early, so you don't have to suffer..." Tu Shanshuo curled his lips unhappily, reached out and stroked Fu Yinsa's hair that was curled with purple electricity, "When I first saw you, you were terrifying! Like a monster, you wanted to kill me when you saw me."

"Sorry, I promised that person that I would abide by the contract." Yin Sa embraced her and explained patiently, "Even if that person has already turned into loess, he is kind to me, and I will definitely protect his descendants from being attacked by demons. , until the source of the demon attack was me."

Tu Shanshuo let out a "Oh" with a vague understanding and leaned into her arms obediently.

"If that's the case, why don't we go back to the demon world together?" Liu Fenyun asked tentatively, "We stayed in Shengkun City just to rest, but I didn't expect to meet Senior Yin and Daoist Tushan by accident. Now that we have enough rest, it is time to let's go."

"The place I'm guarding has a teleportation formation leading to the entrance to the demon world." Yin Sa said, "If you have nothing else to do, I can take you there and activate the teleportation formation immediately."

The author has something to say: the second update is coming

It's the end of the month, I can't think of whom to give the nutrient solution to me~【Chuan Yan】