MTL - Marriage of the Di Daughter-~ Outside the Zhaoyue Fan: Pearl (below)

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"I am coming for you."

Situ looked at Xue Zhao in September. For a moment, the girl’s face seemed to be red. It was incredible. In the past many years, she did not seem to have such emotions. Those who belong to the little girl are ignorant and shy, and when they are at home, they are far away from her.

She looked at Xue Zhao, the boy's gaze was clear, crossed her, like a beam of sunshine, unobstructed, direct to the human heart.

Stuart paused in September and said, "What do you mean?"

"You are my friend, and I have a life-saving grace. When I was in the government office, if you were not treating me for injury, I might not be able to survive." Xue Zhao smiled and said: "Now you Need help, how can I put you here alone? No matter what my role is, I will try my best to help, even if it is not worth mentioning in your eyes."

In the heart of Situ’s September, there was a disappointment.

It turned out to be a friend, it turned out to be because of the help of life. Yes, this boy has a clear love, and enmity will be reported. For himself, it is also such a mind. He is a bright person. In any case, he should not be eager to live in such a dark life.

There is a **** pear in the world that can save Ji Yun, but there is not necessarily a Xue Zhao to save Situ in September. Moreover, he can't save himself, he will only pull himself into the abyss.

"You really can't help me." Stuart said coldly in September: "So your arrival is a mistake. Go back, I will find a way to send you away from Molan, and don't come back later. You and me, Ben. It is clear that I am the princess of Molan, and you can be your knight."

Her attitude of rejecting people thousands of miles away immediately made Xue Zhao also live. Xue Zhao was overwhelmed. Situ did not give him another chance to speak in September. Instead, he ordered Haitang to take care of Xue Zhao and left.

Xue Zhao sat in the same place, watching Situ's figure of leaving in September, and a frustration sent to her heart. He couldn't help but hammer the table, just like when he was a child, said: "Xue Zhao, you are stupid..."

"Young Master." Haiyan cautiously said: "His Royal Highness seems to be angry."

"I know." Xue Zhaodao: "I..." He is not a stupid boy. On the contrary, when he was young, he was always in trouble in Tongxiang. His mouth was also awkward. Although he was honest, he was not stupid. But for Situ in September, he always has no way to go. He always feels that some words that can be easily said can't be said in front of Situ.

He was so embarrassed that he fell into the eyes of Haishu, and Haishu’s “噗嗤” laughed. Xue Zhao asked in confusion: “What are you laughing at?”

"The young master likes the princess of the princess."

Xue Zhao was shocked, and his face suddenly rose red and stuttered: "You, what are you talking about..."

"The young master does not like the princess of the princess? Also, the princess of the princess is always cold in the weekdays."

"No," Xue Zhaoyi was anxious. "She is just cold outside, I don't like her anywhere..."

"The young master just likes the princess of the princess." Haishu interrupted Xue Zhao's words, "Is it?"

Xue Zhao did not speak, he could not deny it. Haicang has been in Xuejia for so many years. In some ways, it is also like watching his growing up sister, Haishu can see what it is, indicating that he has already performed very clearly. It’s not enough to conceal it.

"I just like it," Xue Zhao wanted to admit loudly. When it came to the back, he was somewhat guilty. "Can't you?"

"Not at all, since the young master likes it, why not explain the white to the Princess?" Haishu asked with a smile.

"I..." Xue Zhao hesitated to look at his own legs.

If he is not such a blind man...

"Don't the young master care about his own legs?" Haiyan asked.

Xue Zhao’s face gradually gradually closed, and his expression became serious. He said: “No.”

Haishu is puzzled.

"Although my legs can't stand up, it doesn't make me feel inferior. This is the fault of Princess Yongning. It's not my fault. I don't have to blame myself. On the contrary, what I can do when I stand up, Now I am trying to do it without standing up. For example, the whip method, such as protecting the people around me. I think that no matter who is physically disabled or not, the mood of a person is precious, not because of identity. The reason for it was taken lightly."

"The reason why the young master is... I won’t say it."

Xue Zhao smiled and said, "Haicang, you have been with September for so long, I think September... What will I see?"

A sea bream.

"Although I kept saying that I have a dream of the rivers and lakes, but in the world, I didn't experience much. So I was able to easily walk the way of Princess Yongning, but in September, she grew up in the rivers and lakes, she I have seen more things than I have. Maybe I am in her eyes, just an ignorant teenager who doesn’t know how to be tall. If she doesn’t like me, I will explain my mind to her, I’m afraid that even my friends will not be right, but I don’t. I am willing to look at her from a far away place, at least not now. I hope to stay with her, and wait for her to settle down after she has calmed down, so that even if she wants to drive me away, I don’t want to see me, at least I can safely leave."

It is said that Haitang has not spoken for a long time. She looked at Xue Zhao, and she felt mixed in her heart. At that time, the young Lang of the Yinglang Sunshine was finally grown up. His affectionate looks very simple and simple, but there is no doubt that it is sincere. Haiyan thought for a long time and said: "You are not smart, Master."

“Ah?” Xue Zhaoqi said: “Why are you saying this?”

"The young master himself guessed the thoughts of His Royal Highness Princess. The result of the guess is really a slap in the face."

Xue Zhaozhen’s look at Haitang, he is not stupid, but also heard the meaning of Haishu’s words, but still can’t believe it, “ you mean?”

"My Royal Highness is waiting for you to be special, and the young master is not as bad as he thought. If you like it, you will say it. The young master's mind is precious. In fact... When the girl and the country grandfather left Yanjing City, they used to Speaking of a slave to one thing."

"Sister?" Xue Zhaoyi.

Jiang Li and Ji Yun, these days have long been around the world, Xue Zhao did not know what Jiang Li said.

"The girl has already guessed it. After the Princess returned to Molan, the young master will follow. The girl also guessed... The young master will hesitate to confide with the Princess." Here, Haishu masked his smile. .

Xue Zhao is a little embarrassed.

"The girl wants to tell you, the young master, you can express your heart with the princess of the princess without any scruples. If the princess refuses to accept it, and wants to chase you away, you are not willing to leave, want to stay here to help her, then The dead skin is left behind. Just take your former Lai Kung Kung Fu in Tongxiang, and the Royal Highness Princess is also helpless to you.” Haiyan mimicked the tone of Jiang Pear, Xue Zhao’s face was redder, and his eyes lit up.

He was the first time he liked a person, and he looked a bit dull, but when he provoked it, he suddenly became more cheerful.

"The girl said that if the young master wants to do something, he will be able to make it. It is the intention of the young master, or the result."

Mind? result? But like the mood of a person, it is not seeking results. It’s also pleasant to think, think, and be overwhelmed by yourself.

"I know," Xue Zhao said: "I will do what I want."


For a few days, I couldn’t see the figure of Stuart in September.

I heard that Soo Jing had prepared everything at the ceremony, and then announced Wang Fu. Situ was walking alone in the garden in September. Things are about to settle. Everything she has prepared, but the moment she really wants to come, she is somewhat reluctant, as if waiting for a miracle. In order to curb his unrealistic thoughts, Situ deliberately avoided Xue Zhao in September. She was afraid to see Xue Zhao, and her heart was shaken again. Sadly, this is still shameful and self-love.

But the more I don't want anything, the more I come. She hasn't walked to the gazebo, and she is blocked by a person on the way.

The person who came is actually Xue Zhao.

Stuart frowned slightly in September.

"September." This time, the boy even did not even call the word "girl". The name of the relatives made Situ squat in September. Not waiting for Situ to speak in September, Xue Zhao said: "I heard the adults say that your husband has been selected."

"Yes." Situ slammed the waves in his heart in September, and made a calm answer.

"You have only known him for more than a month, and you don't want to use it to make a difference. It is just to block the minister's mouth. If so, can you choose me to be your husband?"

Situ looked at him in surprise in September.

The boy's face is a bit red, but his eyes are very firm. He said: "Even if it is used, five years or ten years or a lifetime, I can accept it. Although I am a blind man, I want to be more than that son. It’s better to get along with you. And I’m not an indifferent person, I won’t marry your status and wealth... I don’t ask for anything, just let me stay with you.”

Situ’s heartbeat was very fast in September. She asked, “Why are you doing this?”

"Because I like the September girl." Xue Zhaodao.

This is what she always hopes to hear, but at this time, she suddenly refuses to accept it. She said: "Impossible."

"I have long liked the girl in September, starting from the first time seeing the girl in September." Xue Zhao seemed to be more determined and brave, and put his mind out.

When did you like it, he really didn't remember it. On that day, he escaped from the dungeon and was brought to the government office by Ji Yun. He saw this girl. In his life, he saw Xue Fangfei as warm and beautiful, and he saw the enchanting style of Qiongzhi, so cold and cold. The girl is still seeing for the first time. But she squinted and said nothing, but the movements of the hands were very gentle. She said that she was a poisonous singer, but she was rescued twice. Everyone thinks that the poisonous jade is a stinky and hard stone on the river beach, but he feels that he is the jewel that he accidentally got three feet.

He could see the soft heart under her armor, even if she didn't admit it at all.

"I know what you are worried about and know what you are skeptical. It doesn't matter. If you can't come to my world, then I am coming to your place." The teenager looked tender and said: "We are always together." Until you are tired of me." He is willing to be used by others, and, in the eyes of others, is it used in his eyes, and in his eyes, why not pay for the sweetheart and satisfy the beautiful things?

"This girl, Her Royal Highness," he smiled warmly and warmly. "Can you give permission?"

Stuart didn't know how to answer in September, until she saw Xue Zhao's hand on her leg, clenched into a fist, and seemed to tremble slightly. His ears were very red, exposing his nervousness. Like a gentle beast, exposing his weakness, placing his furry head on the hunter's knee, even if it is a cold-hearted hunter, can't help but move.

Teach people can't bear to refuse.

Moreover, she did not want to refuse.

This is not a very good idea. Maybe there will be countless troubles in the future, but she suddenly wants to be tempted. After spending more than a decade on it, there are people who share it and still like it.

She does not shy away from her own mind, nor does she live up to the true heart of her sweetheart.

"From now on, you have to be loyal to me." She didn't look over her head like a proud princess, but the tone softened and the eyes couldn't hold back.
