MTL - Male God’s Freestyle Flirting-Chapter 16 fix her

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His warm eyes fell on Tang Xia's back, she could feel it, but she just acted like a normal person, arranging the stationery for the exam.

The invigilator handed out the test papers, the official bell rang, and pleasant music sounded from the radio.

Listening is about to begin.

Tang Xia took the time to read the test questions.

English is her strong point, but the more confident she is in a subject, the more sloppy she can be.

Han Yu lazily leaned on the back of the chair, spinning his pen in boredom, his eyes quickly passed the test paper, and suddenly coughed dryly.

For no reason, Tang Xia had an ominous premonition.

After reading the answer requirements of the first question with the pure American pronunciation on the radio, Tang Xia focused and held her breath.

The person behind let out a series of untimely coughs.

Tang Xia was taken aback, and subconsciously looked up like the other students.

The invigilator on the podium frowned and glanced at Han Yu as a silent reminder.

Tang Xia pursed her lips and clenched her pen tightly.

It's over, I didn't hear the first question clearly, it didn't start well.

She is not a very emotional person, so although she is dissatisfied, she is still calm and focused on the second question.

However, the backseat cough seemed to be getting worse.

"Student, please restrain yourself and don't affect everyone." The invigilator couldn't help but signaled in a low voice.

Han Yu covered his mouth and nose with his hands, and nodded to show he knew.

Afterwards, he seemed to have indeed controlled a lot, coughing, and it didn't affect much, only a few students around were slightly dissatisfied.

Tang Xia gritted her teeth, sweat dripping from her forehead.

She was originally sitting in the penultimate row of the last group. She was extremely far away from the broadcasting station and the closest to Han Yu. The geographical location was not good. After being tossed about by him, she could hardly guarantee the correctness of a single listening test.

The young man seemed to have succeeded in his scheme, with curved lips and a bright smile.

And his test paper is still white for the time being.

But looking at the shoulders of the girl in the front seat trembling with anger, he was in a good mood.

Tang Xia was indeed **** off, she could even be sure that Han Yu was messing with her!

It turned out that his aim was not to stop.

The girl endured, trying to calm down, telling herself—

It doesn't matter if you get all wrong in listening, you need to get the highest score in reading.

The one-and-a-half-hour exam time was very fast. Tang Xia finished answering the questions ten minutes ahead of time. After handing in the paper, she didn't sit on her seat to organize her schoolbag, but just took her stationery and left the exam room quickly.

The young man stared at her back, suddenly felt bored for a moment.

The nine exams made the second-year high school students dizzy, and they almost survived the last exam in a daze.

The last one was history, a subject Tang Xia was very interested in but could not learn well no matter how hard he tried.

After lunch, Yu Man tugged at her arm excitedly, "Do you know Tang Xia? For the exam in the morning, Qin Yuan and I were in the same exam room!"

Tang Xia was stunned, "Qin Yuan?" She remembered that he...was injured in the last group fight.

Yu Man nodded fiercely, "Yes, sitting next to me, he's so handsome, I'm too embarrassed to look at him." The girl smiled brightly and her face was like a peach blossom.

Although Qin Yuan participated in the violent incident, his behavior was not too serious, so the school only punished him and did not expel him.

"I heard he was injured, did you see it?" Tang Xia asked.

Speaking of this, Yu Man showed a distressed expression, "I see, there is still a lottery around his neck."

Tang Xia was silent.

In fact, Qin Yuan is considered lucky, right?

She heard from her brother that in that fight, many people lost their flesh.

Because of guilt, Tang Xia called Tang Xuan more than once to ask about Tan Xiao's situation.

My brother didn't go into details, but only asked her to prepare for the exam first, and then he would talk to her slowly after he came home from vacation.

But Tang Xia knew that Tan Xiao was in his third year of high school and was old enough to be held criminally responsible.

"What are you thinking about?" Yu Man patted her on the head, "Let's go, take good things to the examination room, the holiday is coming soon, happiness!"

"Yeah." Tang Xia sighed, without any excitement.

When she arrived at the examination room, although it was half an hour before the start of the examination, half of the people were already seated inside. Tang Xia found her seat, propping her chin with both hands and thinking about something.

Ten minutes later, two girls walked in, arm in arm, talking and laughing.

Tang Xia looked around and saw that one of the girls was wearing a dark purple scarf, and there were small yellowish spots on the scarf, which was very cute.

She was slightly startled, and a memory suddenly flooded her.

In the jewelry store that day, she heard someone say that the girl from Class 10 confessed to Han Yu.

It seems to be these two girls!

Tang Xia gasped for breath, jumped up almost immediately, and walked quickly to the seat of the girl wearing the scarf.

She thought she heard it wrong last time, but after the weekend, the news spread, maybe she can ask!

"Student," Tang Xia stabilized her mind and said politely, "I have something to ask you, can you come out with me?"

Sun Yifei didn't know Tang Xia, but she vaguely felt that she looked familiar.

Companion Qiu Lutong was quite outgoing, and nodded upon hearing this, "Yes."

Tang Xiabao smiled kindly, "Thank you."

She took the two of them to the women's toilet on the corner of the second floor. It was lunch break time, and there were few people and it was clean.

"What's the matter?" Sun Yifei was puzzled.

"I'm sorry," Tang Xia said apologetically, "I want to know, where did you get the news about Gu Qing from Class Ten going to confess to Han Yu last time?"

Sun Yifei was taken aback, and Qiu Lutong looked at each other in blank dismay.

"Isn't this a long time ago? Why are you asking now?" Qiu Lutong asked strangely.

Tang Xia didn't know how to answer, so she just said: "I'm Gu Qing's friend, I know very well whether she has confessed, so I want to know, how did things come out of nothing."

Sun Yifei found it funny when he heard the words, "Then why did you come to ask us? We are not the source of the news."

"The Friday before the news spread, I met you at the jewelry store, and you were already discussing it." Tang Xia answered quickly, her brows lightening.

Sun Yifei was dumbfounded, and turned her gaze to Qiu Lutong.

The latter was rather polite, "Actually, we also heard it from hearsay. Students in other classes heard a girl in the exercise class say that they like Han Yu and want to chase after him. After asking someone, I found out that the girl's name is Gu Qing." Qiu Lutong had a good attitude and answered seriously.

Tang Xia shouted without thinking, "How is that possible!"

In the physical training class, Gu Qing often spends time with these girls, and has never said such a thing, and she will never say such a thing!

"Believe it or not is up to you," Sun Yifei shrugged frankly, "Anyway, this is the original story we heard. As for how it spreads later, it's none of our business."

After all, Sun Yifei pulled Qiu Lutong away.

Tang Xia stood where she was for a moment, and suddenly her pupils shrank.

I like Han Yu...going to chase...

These words seem familiar.

She seemed to think of something.

Tang Xia slowly raised her hand, her eyes widened, and she covered her mouth in disbelief.

"If you like it, go after it?"

This sentence is what she said.