MTL - Make You Happy-Chapter 359 Back to Changzhou

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  Chapter 359 Back to Changzhou

   I don’t know when, snowflakes fell in the sky again,

  Ningguo's northwest seems to easily turn into a world of ice and snow in winter.

  The snow fell for two days and two nights this time.

  By the time Ruan Youqing walked from the tent to a sparsely populated place, the snow was already as thick as his knees.

   "Master, the general said...we will go back to Changzhou City after the snow melts. The leader of the Jie clan has surrendered as a gesture of favor. There... will be no more wars here."

  Fan'er held a thick brocade ermine cloak and put it on Ruan Youqing, while speaking softly.

  Ruan Youqing nodded slightly, then lowered his body and put his hands in the snow.

   "Master!" Fan'er panicked and stretched out her hand to stop it.

  Ruan Youqing smiled meaningfully, and then put the hand that had just touched the snow on the back of Fan'er's neck with lightning speed.

  Fan'er jumped up suddenly, and screamed: "You bullied Faner again!"

  Ruan Youqing continued to put his hands in the snow, and after forming a small snowball, he smacked Fan'er's arm impartially.

  After another scream, Fan'er regained his composure, and no longer cared about the rules between master and servant. He lowered his body and threw a bigger snowball at Ruan Youqing unceremoniously.

   Soon, the two were laughing and chasing each other in the snow. After the snowball fell on them, it was like another light snowfall, rustling down.

  Happy voices and laughter began to echo in this uninhabited snow field. After Ruan Youqing's cheeks were blushed, the two stopped and sat on the ground panting.

  「Zi Ya and the others can wake up safely, I am very happy.」

  Ruan Youqing raised his head to look at the blue sky, his voice was as gentle as ever.

  Fan'er had a sore nose, and her voice trembled slightly: "Master..."

  The night Ziya and Erlong were unconscious, Ruan Youqing stayed awake all night.

   It wasn't until they woke up the next morning that Ruan Youqing made sure they were fully awake before going to take a nap for an hour or two.

  Her master felt a little guilty for bringing them to the battlefield.

   Fortunately... Fortunately, although Erlong was not good at words, Ziya spoke clearly what was in their hearts.

  They said that being able to stand on the battlefield and kill the enemy is already the most satisfying thing in this life, and they have also found the meaning of life because of this.

   After this, Ruan Youqing finally felt better.

  Although Fan'er only called her in a low voice without saying a word, Ruan Youqing still looked at her with a smile.

  When Fan'er saw that his master's nose was red from the cold, he hurriedly said with concern: "Master, it's too cold here, you should go back."

Ruan Youqing also nodded, then reached out and grabbed a handful of white snow from the snow and said, "Ziya wants to see the snow, but it's not convenient for her to come out now, so... let's take some back to show her. "

   Before Fan'er could speak, Ruan Youqing had already stood up. At this time, she was afraid that the snow would melt, and her steps became faster.

   "Master! Slow down! Be careful of slipping and falling!" Fan followed closely behind, dumbfounded.

  Until Fan'er saw his master handing Ziya the snow that had already started to melt, the little lights in Ziya's eyes made Fan'er's heart tighten.

  Ziya will have to raise her for at least another six months before she can return to her previous state.

  Erlong ate a lot and slept well these days, but he recovered a lot of energy.

   After talking with Ziya and the others for a while, Ruan Youqing went to accompany his family again. By the time we got back to our tent, the sun had already set.


  Because Yu Xie made something that could replace salt to melt snow, it was not too late for them to set off back to Changzhou.

   But Ruan Youqing was sitting in the carriage, feeling a little complicated for a while.

  Just because... today she casually asked what day the fan was.

   Before I knew it, it was already the sixth day of the twelfth lunar month. If I arrived in Changzhou City, it would probably be tomorrow night.

   That is the seventh day of the seventh day...

   And she and Gu Changan have set a wedding date on the eighth day of the lunar new year...

   It is absolutely impossible for her to rush back to the capital.

   And Gu Changan clearly promised to come to her...but there has been no movement these days.

   More importantly...she couldn't return to Beijing smoothly and couldn't get married to Gu Chang'an normally...the middle of should be...some news will come out.

  For example...the wedding date is postponed...

  But now...not to mention the news of the postponement of the wedding date, even Gu Chang'an...there is no news at all these days.

   Even, even the parents seem to have forgotten.

   Ruan Youqing leaned back distractedly, then looked at Fan Er, not knowing what to say.

   After all, as a daughter's family, it is a bit shameful to ask this kind of question.

  Fortunately, Fan'er was careful and noticed something wrong with Ruan Youqing: "Master, what's wrong with you?"

  Ruan Youqing's face turned red, and he hesitated a bit: "I... I remember... it should be... it's almost my wedding date with Master Gu..."

Hearing Ruan Youqing's words, Fan'er suddenly stood up, her voice was a little excited: "Ah! I almost forgot! The eighth day of the twelfth lunar month is the day of your wedding with Mr. Gu! But now...why is there a little movement now? nothing!"

  After the words fell, Fan'er grabbed Ruan Youqing's hand and continued to speak: "When we stop later, let's ask the general and the others? Did we receive the news that the wedding date has been postponed and forgot to tell you?!"

  Ruan Youqing shook his head with a blushing face and said, "Forget it, don't ask, let's talk about it in Changzhou City. Daddy and the others have been working day and night with the Jie people, my affairs...don't bother them first."

  Fan'er pouted and said: "The matter with the Jie tribe is a big deal, but your big marriage is not a trivial matter, Miss!"

At this time, Ruan Youqing continued to shake his head with some stubbornness: "When facing important family and country affairs, the love between indeed a trivial matter, fan, be obedient, this matter will be discussed after returning to Changzhou City. If father and mother are really If they have received any news, they will definitely tell me. If they have not received any news...we...should not make them worry in vain at this time."

   Seeing Ruan Youqing's insistence on this, Fan'er had no choice but to give up.

   Fortunately, time didn't pass too slowly. Before the next day, the returning army successfully arrived in Changzhou City.

  The fourth prince Li Han and the governor of Changzhou City also greeted him outside the city gate.

  The news of the surrender of the Jie people has long been reported back to Changzhou City, and those who left have already returned.

   Therefore, at this time, inside and outside Changzhou, there has already been a lot of voices.

  Ruan Youqing looked at the bustling scene, and his heart, which was still a little hazy just now, instantly became clear.

   At the same time, Ruan Youqing suddenly remembered a sentence her grandfather once said to her.

  「I grow up to worry about the country.」

  Even though she had encountered such tragic things in her previous life, she could live a new life. After seeing many things behind her, she suddenly realized this sentence again.

  The loyalty of the Ruan family to Ningguo is really deeply rooted in the soul of every Ruan family.

   Seeing the peace of the people, the blood and sweat shed suddenly doesn't matter so much.

  (end of this chapter)