MTL - Make You Happy-Chapter 354 Dispute

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  Chapter 354 Dispute

  After listening to Qiao Sheng's words, Ruan Youqing immediately stood up and walked quickly to his side.

  「You know Xiaolu?」

Seeing that Ruan Youqing was agitated, Qiao Sheng nodded vigorously and continued: "I followed here to deliver things before, and there are still some people staying here in Mangshan, so they send people to deliver some of these things every month. At that time, they did not climb over the mountain from the front, but from one side...that way, they could pass halfway up the mountain.”

   "Are you sure that path can be walked?" Ruan Youqing frowned slightly, as if a little disbelieving.

  Seeing this, Qiao Sheng suddenly lowered his voice: "It is possible to walk... But that path is narrower, and there are some thorns on both sides. Walking this path... will not be very smooth."

   "I don't care if the road is smooth or not, I'm just afraid that there will be people from the Jie tribe ambushing this road."

"You don't have to worry about that! Jie people don't think that their path will be known by others! Because if you want to find that path, you need to go through a forest that is a bit miasma. If you don't know that there is a path there, most people will not Go and risk your way through the miasmaous woods."

Speaking of this, Qiao Sheng suddenly sighed: "Miss Ruan, or forget it, it seems dangerous to take that path...Qiao Sheng also suddenly remembered that there was a path and came to tell you immediately, but just now On the one hand, Qiao Sheng realized later that he was reckless and didn't think carefully."

Seeing the annoyance on the other side's face, Ruan Youqing slowed down his voice and comforted him: "I'm very pleased that you can only focus on Ningguo. And... Miasma is not a problem here. So the danger is really not too much danger. It's just that ...It's just that I can't venture into the enemy's camp alone. I need...need to discuss it with Daddy."

  Qiao Sheng nodded understandingly: "This is not a trivial matter, we should tell the general."

  After the two had a brief chat, Ruan Youqing prepared to take Qiao Sheng to see Ruan Ye.

   As a result, after walking halfway, they met Ruan Lingjun who was also going to see Ruan Ye.

   "Brother!" Ruan Youqing greeted him with a smile.

  Ruan Lingjun was expressionless at first, but when he heard Ruan Youqing's voice, he seemed to have changed instantly, his eyes were full of tenderness and doting.

   It's just... When he looked through Ruan Youqing and saw Qiao Sheng standing behind her, Ruan Lingjun became expressionless again.

  He has such a nature, he has always been too lazy to put on an expression that goes against his heart with people he doesn't like.

  Qiao Sheng approached Ruan Youqing lightly with some trepidation, and said cautiously with a low voice: "This... is Major General Ruan? Did I offend him somewhere..."

  After all, I have seen his smiling face when facing Ruan Youqing, it is really easy to think about his cold face without warning.

   "You don't have to think about it, my elder brother has always been cold-hearted."

  Ruan Youqing explained gently.

   Qiao Sheng smiled sarcastically and did not speak again.


"I disagree."

  When Ruan Youqing told Ruan Ye what Qiao Sheng had said, and proposed that he planned to lead a small group of soldiers to make a surprise attack, Ruan Ye refused without thinking.

Ruan Youqing saw her father's stern face, she blushed, and shook his arm coquettishly: "Daddy, don't worry, let me go ~ Youqing is not incompetent, but he is leading a sneak attack, you can do it of!"

   "No." Ruan Ye still refused firmly.

   "Daddy!" Ruan Youqing stomped her feet like those ordinary wayward girls, her eyes were slightly red.

  Ruan Ye looked at her helplessly, then raised his eyes to Qiao Sheng and said in a deep voice, "You are Qiao Sheng?"

   Qiao Sheng swallowed his saliva nervously, stood up straight and respectfully replied: "Yes...Yes!"

   "Then you wait outside for a while, my daughter and I have something to say." Although Ruan Ye's tone was slow, the general's aura still made people feel that his words were unquestionable.

  Qiao Sheng froze, and then hurried out of the camp with a quick answer.

   As a result, just as he withdrew, he heard the sound of arguing in the tent.

  He bowed his head as if he felt a little guilty and walked a little further away. Some soldiers passing by saw him like this, and some of them who had a good relationship with him these days came over and asked him what happened.

  Qiao Sheng replied even more guiltily, saying that it was because he caused the general and the young lady to quarrel.

  He didn't say much, but the others sounded like they couldn't help but think too much.

  Because of Qiao Sheng, the father and daughter, who had never had any disputes, actually... quarreled?

  The reason for this... has to be imagined.

   After all, Qiao Sheng's appearance is pretty good.

  It's just...their Miss Ruan...isn't she already engaged to their Chief Assistant...


   After some people made quick eye contact, the way they looked at Qiao Sheng changed instantly.

  This one...don't underestimate it!

   After an unknown amount of time, Ruan Youqing finally walked out of Ruan Ye's tent.

   Just looking at her red and swollen eyes, Qiao Sheng opened his mouth but did not speak.

  Ruan Youqing raised his hand and rubbed his eyes, then said in a low voice, "Follow me back first."

  Qiao Sheng hummed quickly.

  Backing back to his tent, Ruan Youqing walked around puffed up for a long time.

   Ziya Zisu and the others dared not speak, Qiao Sheng sneaked a few glances at her, but dared not speak.

On the contrary, Ruan Youqing, after a long breath, finally took the initiative to say: "Daddy, he... is too conservative! What are you talking about? The Mang Mountain is desolate and barren. It is impossible for them to stay on the mountain all the time when there is not enough food. Let's wait. We just need to stay here...but...but how long do we have to wait...I...I can't wait!"

   At the end, Ruan Youqing's face turned red for no reason.

  Zisu also frowned at this time and took over the words: "Master, if we have been waiting here...would it... miss your wedding date..."

   It seemed that Ruan Youqing's face became even redder after being told what was on his mind.

  Qiao Sheng's eyes flashed an unknown light, and he tentatively said, "Miss Ruan...don't go there by yourself... If there is any danger, Qiao Sheng can't afford it."

   Like a stone stirring up thousands of waves, Ruan Youqing suddenly looked up at him, then suddenly grabbed his sleeve, and said in a very low voice, "Don't worry about anything else, Qiao Sheng, do you dare to go with me?"

  Qiao Sheng turned his head away in shock and fear, and said tremblingly: "Miss Ruan, Qiao Sheng has nothing to dare, Qiao Sheng... I am afraid that you will not be safe alone..."

Ruan Youqing frowned tightly: "Who said I want to go it alone? I... I'm not going to bring you with me... and... I will find some more people. When we quietly catch the scorching sun...then we don't need to be here It's been such a long wait!"

  Qiao Sheng listened, he hesitated for a long time with a face of embarrassment, just when Ruan Youqing was about to be impatient, Qiao Sheng finally sighed heavily, and said in a deep voice:

   "Then...well...but Miss, you must always stay behind me, Qiao Sheng will never allow you to have any accidents."

  (end of this chapter)