MTL - Mage Network-Chapter 26 : World War I became famous 6, the dragon never bowed

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The murderous bird in the air plunged and vowed to pay the price of the strong enemy of Tang Shidao, the squadron.

However, they were obviously burned by anger.

In the sky they are the most powerful tyrants, once they fall to the ground... Oh, the heart is not as good as a wind wolf. The fierce birds plunged, and the Tang Shidao, who turned into a tiger, was in the middle of his mind. Because the shackles of the stagnation of the savage birds have greatly reduced their power, they are more like targets after falling to the ground. After a few volts, the tiger and the double-edged have harvested dozens of birds.

When the fierce birds were shocked to return to the sky, Tang Shidao was in the pursuit of dozens of birds.

The wind wolf giant dog wild boar wild bears are rushing.

Tang Shidao does not escape. After the reconnaissance of life, he probably judged how much combat power these Warcraft possess. If they are not absolutely dominant in quantity, one-on-one, it is not a problem for the avatars to tear them. Now in the double obstruction of the squad and the earthquake, Tang Shidao kills them with the quick aura, just like the chopped vegetables.

At this moment, Tang Shidao deeply realized the benefits of training hunters.

Hunter training method plus speed aura, there is one plus one greater than two effects.

It is now.

In the extremely harsh environment of this worm-stricken earthquake, Tang Shidao can maintain a high degree of concentration, and in an instant can capture the opportunity to kill the beast. Of course, the Tigers have also gained a lot of speed bonuses, and the human body can't reach this kind of killing. In short, the full gain of the other side, the other side is fully attenuated, and the fruit harvest is naturally rich.

The herd riots, Tang Shidao opened the killing.

After only a while, the mana grew a little with the killing. Surprisingly, the next step is not ten times ten times the demand for improvement.

In the killing.

Only a few times the number of slaughter, the mana rose again.

Tang Shidao faint feeling: the energy of death Warcraft returned to the copper spirit continent, I believe it is back to the magic springs everywhere. However, there is a very small amount of energy flowing into your body. These small beam energies are slowly concentrated, and finally a complete mana is formed.

Just killing hundreds of wild beasts, Tang Shidao raised two mana.

Darkly count.

If you go on like this, killing a few more hundred heads may also increase your mana.

"Hey!" The giant black scream screamed again.

It is like a certain order.

As soon as the sound fell, the beasts on the ground began to diverge.

Without guessing, this is intended to expose the image of Tang Shidao, let the strongest beasts go into battle, and do not let Tang Shidao be cheap in this chaos.

Tang Shidao smiled... I will let you do it? "

"The ground shakes the mountain."


The two spells are fired at the same time, and the ground vibrates again. After the invisibility was cast, the tigers also disappeared into the battlefield. In the case that the locusts are still scattered and disturbed, the wind wolves and the giant dogs have broken their blood and broken their heads one after another. This time, even the enemy has not seen it.

Change to normal times.

It is not difficult for Warcraft to discover invisible killers by their sense of spirit. It can be found even if it is invisible at the moment of killing.

just now.

The battlefield is too confusing, and it is too late to pay attention to change.

The ground World of Warcraft saw his companions continually dying, and suddenly panicked. The order of Sky Warcraft is important, can it be more important than your own life? At this time, they completely ignored the order, and the iron wild boars formed a circle, with the tail facing inside and the head facing outward, facing the enemy in unison. The wind wolf began to squash and form a vortex defense array. The bears are back to back, the bisons are shoulder to shoulder, and the giant dogs form a round array like wild boars.

It looks very level.


Tang Shidao summoned a fierce wolf to jump into the battle, and what round of vortex arrays was immediately dispersed.

Reckless confrontation, timid retreat.

The scene was once again confused.

The invisible Tang Shidao took the opportunity to enter the battlefield and harvested more animal heads.

There are chaos.

Sky Warcraft began to gather strength and spare no effort to dispel those locusts. They only noticed at this time that these things are not creatures at all, and they cannot be scared with intimidation and screaming. Once strangled, the mites immediately turned into a mass of energy to dissipate, and did not even fill the stomach.

Last resort.

Sky Warcraft can only give up the command of the ground, first to disperse these unsightly little things and then make plans.

The ground warcraft also has a small group to concentrate on dealing with this invisible enemy. Occasionally, they can detect the invisibility of the 'enemy' from the air turbulence of blood spatter. Unfortunately, the obstacles of the locusts are too annoying. They are not as good at tracking, and they are unable to concentrate on the surrounding winds.

As the original owners of the Copper Planet, they cannot escape.

The intruder must be annihilated.

Otherwise, they will lose their homes.

In the war, Tang Shidao still opened the ring in the cover of the locust swarm, and increased the mana by 3 points in a small half day. At this moment, Tang Shidao is even more convinced that a part of these growing mana is from the thief of the World of Warcraft corpse, which is roughly equal to the experience value of online games. There was no gain in killing before, because there is no powerful magical energy, just barely moving.

Kill here.

Suddenly, the voice of Tang Shidao sensed the ‘mission completion’.

Less than three seconds!

In the distance, a super-long dragon slammed. The sound of the roaring sound shook the sky and the clouds were scattered, like a piece of shredded rag.

The ground beasts were shocked and overwhelmed.

The fierce birds screamed and glared at the direction of the dragon. Some of the murderous birds are flying, and it seems that they are reporting their own ethnic groups. Part of the attention left is not on Tang Shidao, only looking at the direction of the dragon.


The charm and the people rushed back.

They also breathed a sigh of relief when they saw the peace of Tang Shidao: "Don Captain, the bronze dragon heart was sent. It has now returned to the Master Chamber, and I don't know why I wore a temporary trench. The mission is completed, except for our advance receipt. The mana also has a mysterious gift. This gift is a set of wizards, you see."

Tang Shidao read: "How do you want to divide?"

The first opening of the Succubus: "We only need one tenth. One person first, the details will be counted later. I want the Dragon Claw Gloves, can you?"

Lei Shi also said: "I want Jinlong armor."

The stone geek said: "I want the steel dragon sword. This value is a bit high, go back to the big library and compensate you."

The blue-eyed fox smiled: "Then I want to shadow the dragon helmet."

After the four pieces were finished, Tang Shidao was speechless, and the last one was awesome...

On the value, this thing is really difficult to estimate.

In terms of combat, the light of the sky is not very useful. However, it is a flying instrument. Flying in the Master Network is not cheap and not too expensive, but it is not a spell that everyone likes. Because some races are born with wings, such as the charm, she has a demon wing, can fly without flying.

For the human race like Tang Shidao, it is a great weapon for the light wing.

In addition to the magic, the blue-eyed fox, the stone, the stone, the stone, and the blame, all of them need to have a light wing. They chose not to take it, obviously to benefit Tang Shidao.

Don't wait for everyone to talk.

Suddenly, the giant shadow of the bronze dragon fell, and it caused a lot of smoke.

Now it's all outfitted, it seems to be ready for a big fight.

"Peer, your body does not seem to be suitable for combat." Tang Shidao reminded that the mouth is called the bronze dragon, after all, it is also a mage.

"I am dying, friend." Bronze dragon called Tang Shidao as a friend and sent two gifts: "First of all, I have to thank you, my friend. Because of your efforts, I can stand up again before the power is exhausted. I was seriously injured by the sky and finally fell to the ground. I am a dragon, even if death is coming to my generation, I can't bow. I will face the sky and cloud, and use the sky as my body. It is my last gift."

Tang Shidao took over, one of which is the heart of the bronze dragon.

This thing...

If you practice 傀儡 傀儡, it is possible to create a scorpion dragon as a helper.

The other is a ring.

Looking at the charm and other people, Tang Shidao signaled me to accept or not.

Charm Mob: "Captain, you can of course take these things. This is a gift from a bronze dragon friend. You don't have to give it to us because the reward for the mission has already been divided. The extra gifts are only for the individual, and no one can compete. It is the rule of the Master. The deliberate robbing of the 'private gift' is equal to the traitor of the Master."

Tang Shidao nodded. He heard that there were not many rules. He asked the bronze dragon: "Friends are going to die, I want to accompany them, can I?"

Bronze dragon laughed: "You are not afraid of danger?"

Tang Shidao is also laughing: "The mission has been completed, I can return to the big library with one thought, there is no danger. These World of Warcraft have pitted us before, I am very upset. If you do not blame us for destroying the environment of your original world, I am going to do a big job, pouring blood with blood."

Hearing these words, Mei Mo and others also looked at the war.

"The sky is mine." The bronze dragon looked proud. Even if death is near, it does not require the help of others.

"The ground is ours." Tang Shidao said, everyone nodded.

"Well, you are very courageous. I have one piece of the original Dragon God belief piece left. I will not waste it, give it to you." Bronze dragon sent the last gift.

Tang Shidao is also welcome.

Take a look.

It is found that this primary dragon **** belief is the same as the primary Vulcan faith, only temporarily adding 1 mana. Different, the effect of the primary Vulcan faith is to gain flame proficiency, fire spells to enhance 100% effect, get the basic curse 'fireball' and so on; the primary dragon **** belief is to obtain reptile affinity, reptiles change Enhance 100% effect, get the basic transformation spell 'half dragon man transforms' spell.

Contrast effect.

Tang Shidao changed the dragon **** belief... Oh, as the Scarecrow said, faith, dissatisfaction is to change play.

Wear a light wing.

Tang Shidao's back automatically has two sets of embossed patterns. The light wings are activated. There are five soft whip-like beams popping up on the left and right sides. It seems like a small tentacles, and it is like a light snake. For a moment, Tang Shidao felt the sky surrendered... he was free to fly.

Did not wait long.

The clouds of the sky reunited, and countless murderous birds screamed.

The largest is a group of white giants, they have the most powerful sense of courage, and only for the bronze dragon an enemy. Needless to guess, they must be the winners of the battle for the hegemony of the sky with the bronze dragon. One-on-one, they are far less than bronze dragons, but they are winning in numbers. In the case of the bronze dragon itself, it is not surprising that they have teamed up to defeat the bronze dragon.

At the moment of dying, the bronze dragons also chose them to become their own funerary objects.



The strongest battle in Tongling mainland started.

The result... the result is not important!

the last time.

Tang Shidao and others watched the bronze dragon crush the entire sky and declared it to be the real hegemon with blood. In the end, it flies into the emptiness before the life is exhausted, and it turns into the ashes disappearing into the highest dome. During this period, at least 70% of the sky clouds became its funerary objects, and the murderous birds died.

on the ground.

Tang Shidao and his party, Tu Yu, piled up a hill-like corpse and warned the Warcraft with blood: this is the consequence of angering the Master!

Sky Warcraft is a victorious victory, and does not dare to chase the five powerful mages on the ground.

Seeing the bronze dragon disappeared, Tang Shidao and his party also returned to the big library. At this point, a small tail sneaked over... a macaw!

the other side.

Numerous hidden faces of the Master applauded and welcomed the return of the group of warriors. The fall of the bronze dragon is inevitable, and its life is exhausted and cannot be saved. It is the best result that can make it die like a brave man, not to the dignity of the dragon.

The most difficult task for the intermediate mage is done with results that go beyond perfection.

This result is unhappy.

The mages do not know when they will die, but they hope that the day will be like a bronze dragon, gloriously on the battlefield, without regrets.