MTL - Mage Network-Chapter 1512 : The magic of beings

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The chiefs of the heavenly races listened to Tang Shidao's words, but they did not fully understand.

If the Emperor was only to stop the action of the ‘elder elder’, he would send an apostle to explain it. Even if he communicates with Tian Eclipse and Tian Xixing, he does not need to come to explain it himself. Regardless of dealing with the eclipse or the seven people in the last world, the Emperor himself has the most ‘contributions’, and no one will doubt his unusual thoughts.

As long as someone sends a word, everyone will believe and agree with his approach.


The Emperor deliberately made a trip in person, and it seemed that more than this trivial matter.

"In fact, there is one more thing I want to talk to you about." Tang Shidao spoke again, and everyone immediately felt that this was the reason why the Emperor appeared today.

"You said." The elder responded on behalf of everyone.

"A while ago, the organization of Tiandao was established. I understand the intention and intentions, and I strongly agree with this approach."

"Um." The elder nodded, and said nothing.

"The existence of the heavenly organization can avoid the internal conflict to the greatest extent to prevent the action against foreign enemies. With the heavenly organization, the heavenly races have a leader who can concentrate everyone's power when foreign enemies invade. It must be said that this is very Necessary things. But ... "Tang Shi Dao paused, and everyone understood that the" but "was the point.

The elder was speechless, listening quietly.

Including scarecrow.

Today the heads of the races of the heavens are concentrated here, and the Emperor cannot simply come and talk about gossip.

"... But after the gods, the endless void gains temporary peace and completely disappears the" war ". I personally think that this" peace "can continue. I also know that there are many hostile races in the heavens and many old races I do n’t want to persuade everyone to reconcile. At this time, I just want to tell you a special plan. "

"Brother Tang, please be frank, we are all listening." The elder didn't promise on behalf of everyone, but he would listen when he said it.

"Before you explain, please watch some magic videos. Quite a lot, please take a closer look." Tang Shidao didn't say much, waved a huge ball of light, all of them were spell symbols. When everyone saw this, they were also welcome, and each took a part and watched slowly.

Since the Emperor has given everyone a good reward, there must be his reason.

After opening.

Everyone was a little stunned, calmed down and savored carefully.

Scarecrow also copied some and watched these videos.


These magic videos are all of the same type, recorded as battles. Opponents of the battle are the Celestial Star and the extraterrestrial invaders, as well as the avatars of the last man and the last woman. The recording of the magic video is very detailed, including almost the whole process of the battle. With the exception of very few private covert skills, most battles have been demonstrated.

Everyone has been watching, not wanting to miss a little bit of content.

Although this is not their fight, this 'experience' is more important than anything. The same enemy, they encountered again, seeing and not seeing are two different things.

For a long time, everyone had watched it.

However, everyone is still thinking about memories, and some people even substitute roles and imagine how they will respond to the enemy.

Take it for granted.

Everyone knows the point of these magic videos ...

"The stars are forbidden, it is the key to victory." At this time, the Scarecrow spoke.


Others did not dare to speak, because this level is higher than everyone thinks. The extraterrestrial invaders lost, as did the men and women of the world. The reason for victory is exactly the same as the Scarecrow said: Because the stars are forbidden to curse.

"Yes." Tang Shidao nodded slightly.

"So, what does Brother Tang want to say?" The elder answered, and he needed to talk on behalf of everyone.

"Xing Chen is the forbidden curse of the creation world. I learned from it and passed it on, I believe everyone knows it. But in your hands, Xing Chen does not have that power. If you encounter those enemies, you can win Rarely, "said Tang Shidao slowly.

"Um." The elder also knows that the stars have spread widely, but everyone's 'achievements' are not very good.

"My friends and I were able to take advantage because we did the sharing."

"Oh ..." The elder was not surprised. Faintly, he knew something about Tang Shidao's proposal. If the endless void races can participate in sharing, then ‘peace’ really comes.


This is impossible.

"First of all, I have no intention of letting everyone participate in sharing. After all, I believe my friends, but I do not believe all of you present. In addition, if anyone uses this power, the damage caused in a short time is huge. A moment of use may also cause a huge disaster. "Tang Shidao explained first, so that everyone would not think about it.

It is impossible for the heavenly races to share a power.

Trust the word.

too difficult.

"What does Brother Tang mean?" The elder asked again.

"Another model, a model that doesn't require an agreement." Tang Shi Dao paused, and then slowly said: "I believe you all know about the creation of the cloud map. Since the introduction of the first star caster, it has been used by everyone .Of course, very few people really make good use of it, and the people who have the creation **** body are only me and Aoling. On the other hand, the "knowledge" of the creation world is used by everyone, including spells, techniques, skills, etc. Wait."

"Um." The elder is very sure that the knowledge of the creation world is constantly infiltrating into the endless void, and everyone benefits.

"So for everyone, you don't have to agree to share it with everyone."

"Brother Tang means that we 'share' our power with Creation Cloud Map?" The elder wondered.

"No, Genesis Yuntu does not accept anything other than 'knowledge', and it is useless to give it. I am talking about another existence, the one we most often come in contact with ...

"Endless void?" The Scarecrow responded.


"How?" Asked the Scarecrow again.

"In the endless void, there is a method of death called self-sacrifice, which is the most thorough death. This must be clear to everyone."


"I have a way to intercept this sacrifice and let it exist somewhere on its own."


Hearing this, all the mage powers of the heavens race were stunned.


They don't quite understand what it means for the Emperor to say that this method of 'death to death'.


Some people also vaguely understand.

"You mean that we each 'dedicate' a part of our strength and concentrate in one place."

"No, that's the practice of the Master Network and certain races. No need for everyone to contribute. What I mean by" intercept "means ... intercept in everyone's body, make it a separate part, and belong to you. All. If you do n’t understand, imagine it is a deposit. It has the effect of “storing”, but it still belongs to you. In the future, you can continue to increase it, or limit the use of others. ”

"Brother Tang means that we each share a small part?" The elder began to define.

"That turned out to be the same, but the meaning was different."

"What is the difference?"

"With regard to this sharing, I must first mention a certain capability. Do you mind if I elaborate?"

"Of course." The elder nodded.

It's about yourself and everyone.

You must listen and think clearly.

"First of all, this inspiration comes from the same ability that Aoling and I have: Infinite Magic. From the Aon's affinity and physical fitness, it becomes the Yuanzu Auristic. The first practice is the infinite magic. There are elementary prototypes, elementary metamorphosis, and other advanced skills. My original enhancement is the original magic, similar to the "self-generating magic" of Aoling, but it is not as good as her. "


Olyn once had an age, and her affairs were clear to everyone.

With infinite magic as an example, everyone is easier to understand.

"Spontaneous magic is the modifier of the endless void. Within this range, it can be freely promoted, and one idea can be promoted to the highest level. Because of the power of Ao Ling, she can also lower others. In theory, there is no endless void A man can be tough with Aoling. Unless he has the power to be bounded by endless void. "

"Well, because of this, the mage of the extraterrestrial underestimates Aoling." The elder knew very well.

"If Aoling emerges from endless void, it is useless. We will not talk about this for the time being. I have not cultivated the skill of self-generating magic. Maybe, I have void blood, void blood, and the creation god. Because the stars are forbidden, I studied the other direction, which is probably called ... the magic of beings. "


When they heard the term, everyone was terrified.

Self-generating magic, endless void modifier.

The magic of beings, what is it?

"The creation cloud map is an ocean of knowledge. Everyone knows this. Stars are one of its realizing powers. It should be more than one. Because of the star's model, I have developed the magic of beings. To put it simply, it is the 'modern being modifier 'The premise is that you are involved in this being. If you don't understand it, I'll keep it simple. I can help you build an' energy sharing library 'so that you have the right to use it in common. "

"What it does ..." The elder's voice trembled a little.

"Like the magic video just now, if all the strong in Endless Void participates, then with everyone's consent, you can use the ability of all the strong in Endless Void by one person. In terms of energy inventory, participants The user can call as many 'deposits' as possible, and this is just the most basic function. "


Hearing here, everyone stopped breathing.

They understand the meaning.


If there is a picture: I encountered the last man and the last woman, and I am a member of the ‘magic of all beings’. Then, you can 'borrow' power from everyone, and then easily fight the men and women of the world.


He can do this not only for himself, but for anyone involved in the ‘Magic of All Living Beings’.

In other words.

Everyone in the endless void can be the ‘strongest one’.

Is this still a basic function?

"The magic of sentient beings is not a storeroom. Don't forget it. It is stored in your body. Therefore, when some people fight, the rest of the people who are not fighting can 'recover'. One side is you fighting, the other side is countless people helping You reply. Or, to guide you, remind you, teach you, this can be done in the magic of beings. "

"..." Upon hearing this, everyone was completely stunned.

It can be said.

One person is equal to the era of endless void.

Who will refuse?

Who dares to refuse?

If everyone joins, it will definitely be eliminated if you do not join.


Just kidding, what war is there. The most important thing in the sequence of sentient beings is that you are a good person!


When you need strength, you can't borrow a little strength, and no one will bird you.

Join the magic of beings.

The grudges are the same.