MTL - Madam, Your Sockpuppet is Lost Again!-v5 Chapter 739 739 Moon into the Heart of the King: Oversized and Small

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Chapter 739: The Moon Becomes King's Heart

Today is a rest day, and the Civil Affairs Bureau can also be moved to Fang's house.

Lu Zhaoying has no idea now, just want to start a live broadcast.

Every day on the Internet, some people said that they would move the Civil Affairs Bureau and get married in place.

He wanted to let those people take a good look. Qin Yue, who was irritable, really moved the Civil Affairs Bureau.

Not only did she move the Civil Affairs Bureau, Qi Chengjun was invited by her.

Qi Lu, a well-known lawyer, was invited to bring a divorce case.

Lu Zhaoying glanced at Qin Yun silently, afraid no one would dare to do that, right?

Of course, Lu Zhaoying did not know why He Chen had done this.

This pedestrian was thinking, but did not know that the entire Fang family could not help shrinking back.

For no other reason, Shi Liming, they don't really look like good people, wearing suits, expressionless, and suffocated, like those on the road who don't blink.

Mother Qin held the agreement given to her by Qin Hui, and did not dare to look at Shi Liming, but only looked rigidly at her brother.

"What is this?" Fang's father took the document in his mother's hand and glanced at it.

The four big characters above are obvious--

divorce agreement.

Knowing that Qin Hanqiu had retired today, Fang's father was not surprised, and he just looked down. The above was very simple. Qin Hanqiu divorced and Fang's family could not get a penny.

How can this be?


Fang's father directly took the divorce agreement to the table. "We don't sign this agreement! Why did you sign it? Even if it is signed, isn't that divorce property divided?"

Qin Yue didn't speak, only glanced at him lightly.

Shi Liming knew what she meant, and arrested Fang's father.

"I urge you to sign," Qi Chengjun has already sorted out the things on his hands, and smiled at his family. "Because my client will immediately sue to the court for Qinling's support."

"As for the division of property?" Qi Chengjun shook his head. "What you said reminds us that when Uncle Qin was kicked out of Fang's house by you, he was penniless, and now he is still penniless, and all depends on his help. After the divorce, you still have to share half of his property, and I will appeal with the court. "

In this regard, Qi Cheng is not wrong.

The shares of the Qin family were originally owned by Qin Siye, and the housekeeper of the Qin family was Qin Xiuchen. Later, Qin Hui took back the shares, and all of them were transferred to Qin Xiuchen. After Qin Ling grew up, they were transferred to Qin Ling.

As for Qin Hanqiu, he is an instrumental person, and the Qin family he lives in now is not his property.

Qi Chengjun said that he was penniless and right.

"How are you ...!" Fang's father changed his face when he heard Qi Chengjun's words.

"How impossible," and laughed while watching the lively Lu Zhaoying. "You also know that Uncle Qin likes to move bricks. He doesn't want to go around in Beijing to rely on his brother to support you. Don't you know? Your divorce won't want Uncle Qin's brother Property? "

After hearing this, Fang's father, who had been turning a blind eye, finally showed a flustered look.

"Not signed yet?" Lu Zhaoying subconsciously touched his ears and laughed evilly.

With his words, Shi Liming shook the knife in his hand.


Fang's father is not stupid. Now that he has an agreement with her sister, he will get nothing.

"Don't go too far, I'll call the police again!" Fang's father took a step back.

"Alarm?" Qin Yue stood up, she looked at Father Fang with a crooked head, and smiled. She threw her cellphone on the table. "Okay, there is a telephone from Yuncheng Liu Bureau. You can ask him to complain . "

There was indeed a call from the secretary, which was later saved when Qin Hui entered the game because of a fight.

In the eyes of the Fang family, the Qin family is very rich because of Qin Xiuchen. After all, there are rumors on the Internet that Qin Xiuchen is worth one billion yuan.

Seeing Qin Yun's phone call, he subconsciously glanced at Qin Yun's mobile phone screen.

The middle is indeed marked "Liu Bureau".

Above Liu Bureau is Dad Lin, and below is Matthew.

Father Fang also wanted to say that Qin Yun framed him, but he didn't know why, but couldn't say that.

Of course, at this time Qin Hui ignored him and turned to look at Zheng Bureau sitting in front of the computer. "Zheng Bureau, please troubleshoot your divorce record."

Zheng Ju already knew what was happening on the way home from his captivity.

Hearing that, he hesitated, "But Miss Qin, there is no intranet here, I can't access the web client of the Civil Affairs Bureau ..."

"You try, you can definitely enter." The Lu Zhaoying understood.

Zheng Bureau looked at Lu Zhaoying, searched the website of the Civil Affairs Bureau, tried to log in, and entered directly after two seconds.

He paused for a moment before responding, "I'll register right away."

Shi Liming gave Qin's mother's ID card to Zheng Bureau, and let Qin Hanqiu pass his ID card.

From beginning to end, but in ten minutes, Zheng Bureau operated the entire process, "Ms. Qin, I have completed it."

"Thank you for a walk," Qin Yue thanked him, "I let Shi Liming send you back."

"No, no, no need." Zheng Ju shook his head quickly, and he cried, "Ms. Qin, I can go back by myself."

"Let him go back and calm down," Lu Zhaoying knew Zheng Zheng better. He said to Qin, "Let's go first."

Zheng Bureau cast a grateful look at Lu Zhaoying in the past.

After Qin Yue and Lu Zhaoying and the others left, Zheng Bureau wiped his sweat and sat back on the chair. After calming down, he looked at Fang's family and shook his head: "What do you say, do you three million? It ’s so good to have a clean divorce, now it ’s alright. When Miss Qin comes, you have nothing. "

Zheng Bureau got up and went out, and thought of something before leaving, glanced at them sympathetically: "What was just agreed to you is Qi Lu, Beijing's Qi Da Zhuang, you wait to receive the court's summons, he said that you want half of your property, but not Kidding."

If you do n’t get three million, you still have to pay hundreds of thousands.

Of course, Zheng Bureau was also depressed. Qi Chengjun became famous in S province in winning a 300 million real estate case. He has countless major cases. Is it too much of an understatement to be used to do such a thing now?



(End of this chapter)