MTL - Machine Storm-Chapter 402 Zoom in

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"Tianjing Jiwu has only two strengths in the true sense. Captain Li Hao and Pioneer Makoto Kukai, these two are solid and powerful, with a stable Liuxin martial arts level. Li Hao must be in a soul-based state. So far It has not yet been fully demonstrated, and it is really unfathomable in terms of personal strength. I respectfully call it a puppet master!" He is a player with strength talent, and his golden zone ability is also very powerful, and he is also a leader in this S competition." "Others like Musashi, Zhou Naiyi, Zuo Xiaotang, etc. are not strong in the absolute sense. Point, you can watch the previous games, the problems and advantages are very prominent, and after two rounds of powerful opponents, their abilities are also well known to everyone, and their fighting styles should also be thoroughly studied. The Vulcan team should not commit low-level Wrong." "The problem is still Li Hao and Cheng Konghai, if these two can drag the game into a team battle, then everything is unknown." "I can only say that both sides in this match have a chance, and I look forward to the puppets Fight against the Wolf King!" "This year, the earth has really risen. Except for North Carolina Rose, which has maintained its usual level, Tianjing has indeed given everyone a surprise." There is still an hour before the game, but the popularity of the live broadcast It has already exceeded 10 billion, and the highest number of simultaneous online users is more than 2 billion, which is unprecedented for a battle at the top eight level. At this moment, the whole city of Tianjing is empty, and they either gather at Tianjing Jiwu Academy or in the city square, waiting for this historic moment. Tianjing is very famous, but it is limited to the Asian region. In the past, those who had martial arts could get the honor, but the selection mechanism at that time was different from now. In fact, the weight is not as heavy as it is now. In contrast, Tianjing Jiwu did not rely on luck to get to this point, but crushed a powerful opponent step by step, and every step was very solid. Vulcan team, this is a stronger opponent they are facing, the top four, can Tianjing Jiwu make a breakthrough? Long Danni was still alone in her principal's office, quietly waiting for the start of the competition. She was nervous. She evaluated the two teams in all aspects. Tianjing Jiwu's chance of winning was only 30%, and Vulcan was a team. Without any shortcomings, a team with strong discipline, firm will, and extremely clear goals. Those who really know how to know know that Maxis is the strongest. On Mars, Basta is the strongest. This is the essence of strength. Can you get past this level? Mars, Vulcan Academy, at this moment, the Vulcan team carries the wishes of all Martians, the strongest S game, a huge opportunity lies in front of the Vulcan team, Tianjing Jiwu is a tough stubble, but in many From the human point of view, the opponents in the quarter-finals can only be regarded as above-average. For Mars, this is a lottery. Win this game and meet the Galaxy and North Carolina in the semifinals. In the war room, the atmosphere of Tianjing Jiwu is still quite dignified. Neither the calm Zhou Naiyi nor the calm Musashi have such experience. During this period of time, the media and people around have experienced an unprecedented influx. Keeping the same is not in line with human nature at all. In front of them, they just hold the attitude of having what they have, and it doesn’t matter if they don’t have it. But they have reached this point, and they also want to go further, and Vulcan’s strength is unprecedentedly strong. Desire and strength Intertwined together, it will form a pressure. Their nerves are very tight, and it is obvious that they are thinking about the game and their opponents all the time. The situation of Zuo Xiaotang and Ma Long will be a little more serious. Ma Long is purely nervous and stressed. This level of competition has exceeded his ability. He is heartless, but Zhou Naiyi assigned him two imaginary enemies, this responsibility is too great. Sheng Man and others tried to relax the atmosphere, but it was useless. They were also nervous. No one had experienced such a big scene. At this time, it is not useful to say some chicken soup or high-sounding words. What they lack is the lack of this kind of competition experience. Whether they succeed or fail, the process is all spiritual experience. Li Hao and Cheng Konghai haven't changed much, but they can't say much. They can do this because they have experienced some things that ordinary people can't experience in Tianqi, and Cheng Konghai has fallen from the peak to the bottom. After five years of wandering the streets, he has experienced all kinds of human relationships, and he can't say he has seen through it, but he no longer cares about what he doesn't care about, he only cares about what he cares about. What others say is always someone else's truth, only what you have experienced is your own. The spectators outside roared like a tsunami. The game hadn't even started yet. Earth spectators and Mars spectators had already set off crowds. One side was Earth blue and the other was Mars red. Neither side would admit defeat. There were many guests at the scene, and the player area was also star-studded. Almost all the players from the major teams came. Captain Tita of Tianxing Jiwu and Goddess Arths also came to this game. The overall attraction of this game was much higher than that of the next door. The current Hailong team and Wailing team, TAS has always been nothing to watch. In terms of overall strength, Shanghai Dragon is much stronger than Wailing. It is true that Yintai Dumera has a unique skill that directly targets pilots, but even any kind of ability is nothing more than a golden zone. The derivation, it has come to this time, if Hai Long can't find a solution, he is not worthy of entering the semi-finals. Both sides were preparing, when something that shocked everyone happened, Sea Dragon's captain Xilian... unexpectedly appeared at the scene of the battle? ? ? Hillian appeared in the player's stand to watch the game, so he stopped playing? ? ? When the shot was given, the director wondered if it looked like... The shot was taken for a long time, and it was still in the contestant area. This... , more than 100 kinds of timbres, and an artifact that supports offline reading, huanyuanapp. Change Source App] In the official live broadcast room, Huo Nan and Kuangwu Daren have been playing games for several rounds. Huo Nan is an iron fan of Vulcan. For a moment, the firepower was fully fired, and the mad Wuda who sprayed was a little out of breath. In short, the Vulcan will win, and the 10,000% will burn the wood sauce as a firewood stick. "It's not like, it's Xilian!" The fire man said decisively, "I just got the news that Xilian will not play today's game because of his physical discomfort." The camera suddenly focused on Xilian, but Xilian With a smile on his face, he doesn't care about the comments and suspicions from the outside world. This kind of behavior obviously won't have too many good things to say. Even if he is unwell and can't play, he should cheer for his teammates, right? Of course, some people think that Xilian came to observe the opponent in advance, and on the other hand, it also shows that he has great confidence in the Sea Dragon team. There are also people who think that Li Xiangshan's team is just a decoration,... a Liuxinwu decoration? Cillian just looked at the arena, because in his judgment, Tianjing Jiwu had a hard time defeating Vulcan, and there was only a 10% chance of winning. Romero was still too self-willed, so he could only be a lone wolf, but Ba Star is not, so he is the wolf king, and he is very well prepared. Given the current situation of Tianjing Jiwu, if it were him, he would not know how to live, so he wanted to take a look. "Li Hao, don't let me down." He waited for a long, long time, in order to make a conclusion under the witness of all mankind. If Tianjing Jiwu is so useless, he will be very, very angry. Don't be afraid to do something extreme to vent. A Li Hao who can't fight him is not worthy of his patience and respect. He wants to witness with his own eyes that Li Hao is still the same Li Hao as before. The surroundings of Xilian are empty, no one dares to approach him, and the surroundings are surrounded by apocalypse, they can feel the strange atmosphere of Xilian. "Opheus, what's the matter, does the second brother have any tricks?" Seeing Xilian's appearance, Robbie was also a little worried. In fact, hunters knew that a person like Xilian who was born in Rome would not lose. However, the only time he almost lost his life, so he wants to win once in front of the entire solar system. Offee shook his head, "I didn't hear there was any movement." The camera also showed a close-up shot of the players in the war room, and the players on both sides were already preparing to warm up. "They look nervous." Robbie frowned. This is not the kind of nervousness of ordinary people. Musashi Shunaichi and others are too serious, and they feel like they are gasping for breath. The game hasn't started yet. . "Think about what Tianjing Jiwu was like a year ago. They have never experienced it. It's not bad to be able to do this. We are not as good as them." Time is left for Tianjing Jiwu. "Anyway, it's the second brother and the ant who carry the banner. It's not bad." Depuya pouted, "If I knew this, I might as well transfer to another school." Certainly not, no matter how strong the second brother is, it is impossible to bring the team to the finals by himself." North Carolina Luo Sai was not at the scene, but was watching Hailong's game, UUReading Book Chao Qinglong and others did not Thinking about it, at this time, he actually said that he would stop fighting if he didn't want to fight. This kind of capriciousness and doing whatever he wanted didn't change at all. At the same time, it also showed that Hai Long definitely had a way to suppress howling, and Xilian didn't quite Optimistic about Tianjing Jiwu. Frankly speaking, Chao Qinglong is not optimistic. The top four players are actually evaluated. Except for Li Hao, Tianjing Jiwu is completely behind. Even Makoto Kukai seems to be invincible in the eyes of ordinary people, but in At their level, they can be targeted, not to mention team battles. Tianjing Jiwu's team battle level is far behind the top teams. This is no exaggeration. He doesn't know how to pass this level, but this is only the first year of the second brother's comeback, and getting here is already a remarkable achievement, it is impossible for anyone to achieve it, and the future can be expected. In the war room of the Vulcan team, the fighting spirit of all the players has been ignited, and all the tactics have been formulated. This day has finally come, and they can't wait! The game has begun. "Everyone, this is the scene of the battle for the top four of the Pan-Solar System Mech Contest. I am the fiery Huo Man!" A focus battle, on one side is the Tianjing Jiwu team, which is a dark horse all the way, and on the other side is the Martian king Vulcan. The current approval ratings of the two teams are close to 50-50. Everyone is welcome to vote for your team." "Masters of Mars Work hard, overthrow Tianjing, throw your three melons and two dates, and cheer for Vulcan to take off." The fire man raised his arms and roared, explaining that the others are not interested, and this is the final battle he has been waiting for for a long time. The first vanguard battle began, and Tianjing Jiwu took the lead, and no surprise it was Makoto Kukai. However, the pioneer player of Mars surprised everyone, and it turned out to be the substitute Bella Stan. Zoom in. Mech Storm