MTL - Love Like the Galaxy-Chapter 89

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Since the bosses have set the tone for today's evil incident, a group of strong and skilled eunuchs immediately 'controlled' Princess Ruyang and the Chunyu clan respectively, the former was neatly After putting it on the palace car, it was sent to Sancaiguan outside the city (King Ruyang interjected and said that he would help his wife clean up and send it away when he didn’t have to go home), the latter simply and rudely expelled the palace gate and removed the door.

After finishing this important event, Shao Shang keenly found that everyone in the hall, from the emperor to the Marquis Yu, seemed to have a sense of relief. Yuhou also said in a polite manner: "It is not good relatives who do not obey, but the monarch's face is related to the state."

King Ruyang slapped him on his vest with a grinning palm: "Well said! As expected, I haven't read so many books since I was a child. A while ago, Gu Gang got a few jars of wine made from wild fruits. It is fragrant and mellow, I will definitely have a drink with you today!"

Yu Hou was a very old minister, and he was beaten and almost fell down the steps, he could only shake his head and smile bitterly; then he was pulled out by the happy old prince who broke up.

Concubine Yue yawned slightly: "I'm sleepy, so I'm going to take a nap. Your Majesty, the concubine, the concubine will now retire..." Said she saluted the emperor, and then shook Shakingly walked out of the hall.

"Oh, you haven't used your lunch yet, why are you sleeping." The emperor chased after her and shouted.

Concubine Yue said: "The concubine doesn't have to go up the mountain to fight tigers and go down to the fields to cultivate. She just sits around from morning to night with nothing to do, and eats whenever she wants."

The emperor could only watch her leave helplessly, then turned around and pulled the queen to lunch: "I don't care about her, let's eat and walk."

As if nothing happened, the queen still responded in a dignified whisper.

When Shao Shang watched this scene, he couldn't help but want to express his point of view that 'the queen can't be without the slightest majesty to her concubines', but he was pulled away by Ling Budo, and he walked out of the courtyard to no one In the open space, she said: "Your Majesty is really, since I wanted to clean up the old man with his teeth and claws, old..." She wanted to say that she followed Wei Xiangzhu and shouted the old man, but she didn't have enough courage, "Old woman, why didn't you start earlier and yell for no reason? The queen was bullied!"

"You think Princess Ruyang can be removed at will." Ling Budo said.

Ling Budo looked around, smiled and dragged the girl to a secluded place: "Princess Ruyang is arrogant and domineering, and there are two reliances. Brothers and sisters are raised together in the homes of uncles and aunts. After being the younger generation of children and nephews for more than ten years, Princess Ruyang has long been accustomed to calling and dispatching His Majesty. Son, you have been teasing and playing around with you since you were a child, can you immediately regard it as a monarch, father, and master, and be respectful?"

Shao Shang thought of the two runny-nosed children at home, and suddenly felt that Princess Ruyang was forgiven: "...But, even if you can't turn around at that time, how many years has it been since His Majesty ascended the throne? It's still putting on a stinky shelf, and it's not wrong to be cleaned up."

Ling Budo nodded, saw several eunuchs approaching in the distance, and waved back: "This is good, but Princess Ruyang has two other things. Although she has a bad temper, she is narrow-minded. , but not always so old and confused. When His Majesty revolted, even though she was reluctant, she still helped, borrowing money and people from everywhere, and also summoned the female relatives of the courtiers to sew robes and raise military supplies. Not to mention losing two sons in a row, it cannot be said that there is no credit."

Shao Shang sighed and said, "If you have merit, you can't show off like this. After all, there are differences between monarchs and ministers, and times change, so the old princess can't take the palace as her home."

"Chunyu's, a mere villain, can't make waves, nothing to talk about. But the old princess was different, she was able to recommend officials from time to time. Later, first, His Majesty gradually cooled this elder, so There are many things she asks for, and many people she recommends are not used. After a few years, the old prince moved away from her again, and her momentum has been greatly reduced, and now she can only entangle these marriage matters."

"Did this 'later' start when Ling Tang and Ling Zun broke off their marriage?" Shaoshang asked carefully.

Ling Budo lowered his head and smiled, his eyebrows furrowed like a green mountain: "No, it started when my mother was 'sick'."

Shao Shang groaned in his heart. To say that Director Xiao does have two brushes, it is expected that he will succeed in all likelihood. It is no wonder that Father Cheng can survive the knockout match in the troubled times.

"At that time, His Majesty's power was not strong, and the land occupied was only the capital and a few surrounding cities. The old princess was the eldest female monarch in His Majesty's family. Over the years, His Majesty has taken in a lot of people, including neighbors, surrendered generals, and heroic families who came to vote because of their fame..."

"Uncle Wan and my grandfather came to vote because of their reputation." Shaoshang hurriedly interjected.

Ling Budo smiled: "How did I hear that the uncles of the Cheng family are looking for a master when they are old?" There are not many people like Wan Cheng who are rushing around with the army, and only focus on finding a good boss. See.

Young businessman slapped it hard, then laughed and scolded: "I don't know if you can see it or not."

Ling Budo smiled and said: "Okay, you put yourself in the shoes, just like Wan Taishou and Ling Zun, you are looking for someone who can support you in troubled times, but you are often unsatisfactory. I heard that Your Majesty ordered your uncle to renounce his support. What would my aunt, who grew up with me, think without knowing the reason."

"This...I'm afraid it's a bit cool."

"You are all right, most of those descending generals have blood feuds with His Majesty's generals, and many of them are rich in money and silk. If you are willing to put down your weapons, if someone provokes one or two things, it will be difficult to say."

"And now..." Shao Shang suddenly said, "His Majesty has accounted for three-fourths of the world, and the reputation and power are not comparable to the past, and there are no more scruples." This is the main reason. Bar.

Ling Buhu hesitated for a moment before saying, "It's also the old princess who bullied the queen too much."

Shao Shang flat-mouthed and sneered: "No wonder Concubine Yue said last time that the old concubine was very affectionate to Mrs. Chunyu, this is true..."

"Hehe, that's not necessarily true." Ling Budo showed a strange smile, "It's just a small county magistrate, after more than ten years, the forces in the county are also intertwined, not to mention the old princess. There are always one or two fans around her. When she had a falling out with the old prince, many people came out to be peacemakers. The old prince could not get rid of her, so he could only ask him to practice outside the city. If a savior like Shi can’t protect it, then no one knows that the situation is over.”

"What is the general trend." Shao Shang was confused, "Isn't it just shouting in the palace, I still don't understand why the old princess is so domineering..."

"Silly child." Ling Budo rubbed the girl's head with pity on his face, "You think the old princess is just a little louder, but in the eyes of the conscientious people, it is countless wealth and boundless power. what."

Shao Shang looked at Ling Budo for a while before saying: "...King Ruyang went to practice outside the city, not to avoid the savage and arrogant old wife, but to get rid of it." No wonder, How can a big man who is not cowardly leave home because he is afraid of his wife.

"Because of this, no matter what the old princess has done over the years, it has nothing to do with him. Because he insisted on divorce, he only endured it for the sake of the overall situation. Come down." In front of her eyes, the happy and warm face of the old prince appeared.

"It won't be so unbearable, but..." Ling Budo put his hands behind his back, and looked at the high flying eaves of Changqiu Palace not far away, and he was dressed in moonlight. Facing the autumn wind, the straight-legged robe was sassy and valiant, "Some people, even if they are not greedy, but their sons and daughters are confidants, how can they bear to not take care of them."

"I understand." Shao Shang nodded, "His Majesty wanted the old princess to retire slowly, but she also intervened to make up for the most important things. I don’t want to pursue any further investigations. Who knows that the old princess will have to find her own way. Alas, the queen can’t see this clearly, so she tolerates the old woman everywhere, she should be like the concubine Yue…”

"I told the queen not to interfere in the affairs of the old princess." Ling Budo said suddenly.

Small business is speechless.

Ling Budo saw her silly look, and smiled slightly: "I asked the queen to hold back for a while after she met the old princess. Your majesty has clear eyes and ears, and the loss will not be in vain."

"Then why does the concubine Yue dare, dare...?" Shaoshang stammered.

"What the Queen can't say, Concubine Yue can say. Because the children of the Yue family died more than the sons of the old concubine, and they made more achievements than the old concubine, the concubine Yue herself had several adventures, Follow your majesty to the death. How can the old princess have the confidence to talk about the past in front of the concubine Yue?"

Shaoshang's chest heaved and his mouth felt jerky when he opened his mouth, "...Conversely, the Xuan family of the Empress did not make many merits, nor did many children die for Your Majesty?"

Ling stood with her back to the sun, looking at her with deep eyes: "The Xuan family is weak, and in a few days it will be the mother's future, then you will be able to see the mother's brother Xuanhou, he Every time I go to the palace, I have to bring a lot of jewels and emeralds, and it is estimated that I will leave a large portion for you."

Shao Shang pondered it over and said: "So, Xuanhou is not a talented person."

"You have to think about the good." Ling Budo smiled, "Didn't you make rhetoric to Lou Yao, saying 'You can show your strength if you are full of desolation, but if you are full of prosperity, you can do anything'. , Why, now that the Queen is weak, you are discouraged?"

Shao Shang glared at him bitterly: "No way! What do you want such a powerful queen's family to do, do you want to compete with your majesty? Don't be afraid! Besides, no, isn't there Master Ling as well..."

"Without the last sentence, this sentence is very powerful." Ling Budo smiled.

Thinking about it, I can't help laughing. She also felt that Shicai was really rude.

She originally wanted to pull Ling Budo back to Changqiu Palace to have lunch with the emperor, but Ling Budo said she was going to look for the leaders of Yulin Guard to talk about the guardians of the Queen's banquet held by Qianqiu , come back to find her. The two had to separate.

Back to Changqiu Palace, the emperor had finished his meal and was drinking fruit wine, when Shao Shang saw Longmu swept over, his heart trembled, he immediately grabbed the front, saying that Ling Budoubt had to leave Yes, it's not that she was not virtuous and didn't leave food for her fiancé. However, when the emperor wants to train people, he can always find the reason.

The emperor said: "You think Zisheng is as leisurely as you, eating and drinking all day without worry, look at you, yesterday's face was round after sleeping for a full day. But what about Zisheng? , I will see thin again after the autumn..."

Shao Shang felt full of grievances and wanted to say 'Since you care so much, why do you give him some work?', but he could only say loudly: "Your Majesty Shengming! The concubine also knows Master Ling. It's hard work, so I have prepared a few recipes for autumn and winter tonic, and I am preparing to nourish Master Ling! Oh, and the queen, the concubine has also thought about it."

The emperor snorted a few times: "This is still a word."

The queen sighed helplessly: "Okay, you can also go down for dinner. Come to me after taking a nap."

The young merchants fled away as if they were being granted amnesty. In the side hall, Zhai Lu had already reserved food for her, and Shaoshang complained while eating, "Your Majesty is still not satisfied with me."

Zhai Li smiled and said: "His Majesty actually likes you, he really hates people, how can he say so much."

Shao Shang asked with a bitter face: "Zhai, is my face really round? Actually, yesterday..." She was suddenly startled and stopped speaking; The thin needle pierced it, and it didn't bleed, but the pain was dull and dull.

Zhai Li repeatedly persuaded the little girl that she was not fat at all, and said a lot of comforting words, but the atmosphere cooled down before she knew it, she felt strange, and asked Shaoshang why he didn't speak and just kept his head down Have a meal.

Shao Shang smiled reluctantly: "It's nothing. But such a big event happened today, and I didn't realize it just now. I'm very weak at the moment."

Zhai Rui thought about it too, so she asked her to rest after eating.

The maids knew that Shaoshang was favored by the emperor and would not stop him.

Shaoshang stood in a place where the branches and leaves were lush and no one was around, calmed down and slowly pruned the extra branches, I don't know how long it took, and suddenly heard a familiar voice - "Shaoshang, why are you here? Here, call me good to find."

"...At this time of weekdays, you are doing nothing and want to take a nap, why are you out shopping today." The young man smiled warmly, even when there was no one there, when he was slightly drunk , he was still well-mannered, and his pace was slow and slow.

Ling Budo put his hand on the girl's shoulder, Shao Shang could feel those slender and powerful fingers through the clothes, with a little force, he could crush her shoulder blades.

He said softly, "What's the matter, can't you fall asleep?"

Shao Shang calmly freed his shoulders from his palm, and slowly put down the copper scissors: "Why didn't you ask me to send a message to Yuan Shen, and why."

Shao Shang saw it, and finally decided at this last moment.

"...Today you have done a good show, to get Queen Yu and King Ruyang together, and to arrive just when the old princess attacked the queen, how can there be such a coincidence in the world The old princess doesn't often enter the palace, let alone the time from when she entered the palace to when you arrived, and it took only half an hour. As for the old prince, he has only entered the palace on the day of Zhengdan for several years."

"The person who set up the bureau must have seen Mrs. Chunyu come out of my house with an angry face yesterday, and then followed her, and learned that she went to the Ruyang Palace to find the old princess to cry. The old princess will come to the palace to trouble me today. I thought it was His Majesty’s actions—it’s not surprising, as the monarch wants to investigate the whereabouts of his ministers, no one has said anything. But just now, His Majesty said that I slept all day yesterday. ', If Your Majesty is really investigating my family's whereabouts, how do you know that Mrs. Chunyu, who came to visit in the afternoon, doesn't know that I spent two hours playing in Wanfu in the morning."

"Lord Ling, it's you, you set up this situation. Your Majesty should only ask someone to investigate when something happens to the Cheng family, and you, you are the one who has been spying on everything, right? !" Shao Shang's chest rose and fell violently, and he resisted not touching the copper scissors - although it should be of no use.

Ling Budo said lightly: "...Your Majesty does intend to let the old princess spend her old age in peace."


"Don't stab me with what that stupid woman said." Ling Budo looked indifferent, "The queen is right, you should control your mouth."

Shao Shang shrunk a little from this majestic tone.

"There are people in this world who want to saddle up for His Majesty, that is, your father and brother, your Uncle Wan, don't they want to serve His Majesty? High-minded, why not learn from the immortal Yan, resign from office and go into seclusion, and go away? The Nangong Lunzheng Hall, the North Palace Shangshutai, the Confucian scholars in the lecture hall, and the soldiers in the martial arts field, who does not want to become His Majesty's confidant!"

Shao Shang was forced by his momentum, he was speechless for a while, and took a few breaths to let out his breath: "Okay, you are reasonable. Then why are you monitoring me? This is related to Your Majesty, and Political affairs, it doesn't matter!"

"If I hadn't watched you all the time, could I have been able to protect you under the hands of the third princess, and have given you money just in time?" Ling Budo dismissed the accusation.

"You are monitoring me in the palace, I have no objection. After all, the palace is unpredictable, and I am very grateful to you!" Shaoshang said anxiously, "But yesterday was in my own home. What could happen to me at home, what are you still staring at me for! You, you, you... you are watching my whole family together..."

"I'm not staring at your family, I'm staring at you." Ling Budo said suddenly, "Although Cheng Xiaowei is talented, it's not worth my effort."

Shao Shang sneered again and again: "Okay, I understand, since that's the case, you also know why I sent a message to Yuan Shen."

"It's not hard to guess." Ling Budo divided the flowers and brushed the branches, walked slowly to the girl, walked around her for half a circle, the tall figure pressed down like a top, and the young businessman The quilt covered the sky and the ground, all relying on the stubbornness to support the back, refusing to show weakness.

"You saw Lou Yao on the street, and when you saw that he was downcast and didn't describe it well, you felt pity. But Mrs. Xiao was cautious and would never allow you to contact him again. Then you How do you know about his current situation? You don't dare to ask your father and brother, you dare not ask about it yourself, so you think of Yuan Shen in a smart way. He is a classmate and friend of brother Lou Yao, and he has some 'friendship' with you..."

Yes! It was when he asked me to pass a message to Master Huangfu to my aunt, he said he owed me one time, I thought I would just ask him to help me, and it's over!"

"You have me, why do you need help from others?" Ling Budo seemed to soften his tone a little, "Is there anything in the world that I can't do but Yuan Shen can do?! Don't you want to know the current situation of Lou Yao, I'll tell you."

"Lou Yao and He Zhaojun have a deep estrangement. Although they both intend to be a good husband and wife, once there is a change, the previous harmony will be torn apart immediately. The younger brother found a place to go out. Lou Yao is naturally happy, but He Zhaojun cared about his younger brother's youth and did not want to leave the capital, nor let Lou Yao go. Well, now you know why Lou Yao is unhappy, What do you want, do you still want to comfort one or two?" Speaking of the last sentence, Ling Budo almost sneered.

Short business words and choking.

Why do people think Ling Budo has the style of an ancient gentleman? If this person wants to anger you alive, he will never only anger you half to death, so Gu Junzi are all guys who are so angry that they don't pay for their lives.

Shao Shang felt that he should change his tactics and attacked him by surprise, so he took a deep breath and said, "Leave the matter of Louyao aside for the time being..."

"Oh, let's put it aside for now, didn't I worry about it before?" Ling Busu's eyes were gloomy and his tone was weird.

can't die..."

Ling Budo looked slightly stunned.

"But what's the matter with you watching me all day long! You're not the jailer watching over me!" Shao Shang almost couldn't hold back and shouted, "If I keep asking you to see me every day Who did what, don't you be happy!"

"There are differences between men and women, how can this be the same." Sometimes the emperor's will is really not known, Ling Budo is very puzzled by the girl's violent reaction, "I just want to know your situation, Why are you unhappy?"

Shao Shang almost screamed in the sky, and then said solemnly: "I don't like you looking for someone to stare at me, you quickly let them withdraw."

"No." Ling Budo said flatly, and then he wondered, "Is there anything you can't tell me."


Ling Budo didn't want to listen to her anymore, turned her back neatly, and walked away.