MTL - Love Like the Galaxy-Chapter 35

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Mrs. Wan expected it well, that night, Wan Eqi really wanted to sleep with Shaoshang.

After changing into a thin silk bedclothes embroidered with light pink, Wan Qiqi wanted to put a bead chain around her neck again, Shao Shang couldn't bear it anymore and stopped: "Uncle just said that you should wear two less what about?"

Wan Qiqi said aggrieved: "I originally wanted to wear a gold bracelet and a jade phoenix pendant."

Shao Shang sighed and lay down to sleep.

In the middle of the night, there was no one, and it was a good time to talk. Wan Qiqi said strangely: "It's not a secret, you don't know it."

In the dark, Shaoshang used voice acting skillfully, and said aggrieved: "Firstly, no discussion at home, one told me..."

Wan Qiqi felt that the Cheng family was really a kind family, and then came to 1510: "My grandfather was not yet ten years old at that time, and my eldest father went too quickly and did not have time to entrust it. A trustworthy person. So the Pangzhi people came to the door, saying that my eldest mother was born in a poor family, and she was not a good family, and told her to quickly hand over my grandfather to them to raise and remarry. The private property given to her by the eldest father You can take it all away as a dowry. My eldest mother refuses, and they say that my eldest mother will not be able to keep it, and maybe she will post the eldest father's family business to other men in the future..."

Shaoshang complained: "Well, those clansmen won't post other men, because they will post it to themselves!" The old drama of the side branch taking advantage of the young and weak to seize power is nothing new.

Wan Qiqi laughed, and then said lowly: "There are many children of Wan's family in the part of the hateful eldest father, they all help their own elders, waiting for a piece of the pie. So, no matter how the eldest mother swears, they will not give up, so my eldest mother gouged out one eye and one ear, and threw the eyeball and ear on the head of the person, saying that she would never remarry. The eldest father's The confidant was originally not good at meddling in the family affairs, and when he heard this, he was furious, so he immediately fought to support the eldest mother."

"Then... what happened later." Shaoshang listened in a thrilling manner.

"After more than a month of confrontation, my eldest grandfather brought his men and horses from afar. He is my eldest father's righteous brother, and he is also a famous hero of benevolence and righteousness. No one knows. Under the part-time job of soft and hard, those **** uncles just let it go!"

Shao Shang was silent and said, "Hehe, so it is."

Wan Qiqi said bitterly: "Later, my eldest mother slowly replaced the generals, conquered people's hearts, and gradually established her prestige, my grandfather finally did not have to go to Sui County seven or eight times a year. After a few more years, my grandfather added the crown early, led his own troops, and began to clean up those **** uncles who persecuted the eldest mother. "

"How to clean up?" Shaoshang is very interested in the specific steps.

Wan Qiqi said: "There are many ways. Let their children go to experience bandit suppression, die here, die there; Those old people watched their children and grandchildren wither."

Shao Shang was horrified, this girl who treats herself very dearly, when it comes to murder, it is an understatement, and it is not taken seriously. For her small town Taimei, the worst thing in her life was to hit someone on the head with a beer bottle, and it didn't break.

Speaking of this, Wan Qiqi suddenly sighed greatly, "So, our Wan family not only has few children from the main branch, but also not many children from the side branch. The eldest mother always said that my father He was too cruel to the blood of the same sect and hurt people, so he was empty under his knees. But my father told me that after my eldest mother cut out her eyes and ears, she had a headache for a while, and blood oozing from the wound. It took a few years to get through. When he was young, he saw his eldest mother suffer such a big crime, and he hated it when he thought about it."

Shao Shang was silent for a long time, so long that Wan Qiqi thought she was asleep, so she heard her ask: "Are your eldest parents very good?" Especially, Mrs. Wan Lao was not only young and beautiful at that time, but also had a large dowry.

This time, Lian Wanqiqi was quiet for a long time before he said: "I have never seen my eldest father, but I heard from my eldest mother that she came from a humble background, but my eldest father never despised her and always respected her. She, adore her, married her with perfect courtesy, and said she was the best woman in the world. Because of what the eldest father said, she was not afraid of shaving the flesh on her body."

After saying this, the two girls lay on their backs quietly, silent for a while.

Shao Shang said softly: "...You treat me with a state scholar, and I will repay it with a state scholar."

Wan Eqi leaned on her shoulder and began to cry softly. After she was tired, she fell asleep.

Get up the next day, the eyes of the two girls are red, the difference is that the redness and swelling of Shaoshang are covered under the bruises, so you can't see it, but Wanqiqi is like two big peaches hanging on it. on the face. Shao Shang hurriedly donated the white jade jar that Yuan Shen had given. The ointment in it was pale red in color and had a delicate fragrance. It was soft and comfortable when applied to the face.

Shao Shang smirked and said, "It was given by my third aunt. It seems that it was given to Taigong Sang by a disciple of Bailu Mountain."

Wan Eqi said: "So it is! ... Well, but it doesn't seem to work for you." Her dear handle was still red and swollen, like eight treasures of rice soaked overnight.

"..." Because someone can't tell the difference between trauma and internal stasis! From this point of view, Yuan Shen hour must have never fought.

Just after breakfast, the three brothers of Shaoshang came together.

Cheng Yong sincerely apologized to Mrs. Wan, saying that she caused trouble to the Wan family; Cheng Song dragged Wan Eqi in front of Mrs. Wan and talked about the market rumors heard outside, which made them laugh Cheng Shaogong brought a bag full of snacks to Shaoshang, and another self-drawn spell that he had just enshrined for his sister, telling her to sleep on her pillow and see if she could turn around the recent bad luck.

At the same time, they brought clothes and other luggage to Shaoshang, and also said that Mrs. Xiao had acquiesced to her to live in Wanjia for a few days.

At this point, Shaoshang didn't even have the last worry, so he settled down in peace. Apart from the fact that her injuries were a little slower, her days in Wan's family were perfect. Every day, I eat and sleep in the same bed with Wan Qiqi. The splendid Lingluo, the delicacies of the mountains and the sea, all kinds of decadent comforts, and even if I wash my feet, four or five maids pinch each of her ten toes.

Wan Eqi also taught her to play chess, throw pots, and throw dice... Sometimes there are not enough people to gamble, and Wan Eqi also has to take several elderly concubines of Wan Songbai. Everyone was laughing and laughing, laughing and making trouble. Occasionally, they had to ask Mrs. Wan to arbitrate. The family environment was not harmonious.

"Are your concubine and aunt very good?"

Since he came here, Shaoshang has been secretly looking forward to watching a pure, authentic and original ancient wives and concubines fighting, but unfortunately there is no such creature as a concubine in the Cheng family.

"What do you know, my grandmother treats them so well, offering delicious food and drink, so I hope they will save it for my grandfather. It's a pity, my concubine mothers still had some when I was young I have great ambitions, and now all of them are down..." Wan Eqi shook her head, expressing her disappointment with the professional ability and enterprising spirit of these concubine mothers.

After sighing, she continued to catch Shaoshang to play.

If the ice surface was not strong, she still wanted to take Shao Shang to play in the ice, and even stole a jar of Wansongbai Tibetan wine. There is only a colorful rooster, and he plans to take her to the cockfighting field in Shifang to meet the world when Shaoshang is not a pig's head.

The two girls were playing happily, and Mrs. Wan wanted to cry without tears. She was worried that when Shao Shang returned home, Mrs. Xiao found that her daughter, who was stubborn but had trouble with everything, went to stay at her own house. When I came back, I was proficient in everything about eating, drinking, and playing.

At this time, Shaoshang, as a self-controlling adult soul, will show its advantages. After being confused and happy for a few days, she suddenly asked Wan Qiqi for a pen and ink wooden slip, and then began to read and study characters for two hours every day, insisting that she could play after she had learned it.

In the beginning, Wan Qiqi wanted to force Shaoshang to play, but she couldn't match Shaoshang's eloquence.

"There are two kinds of friends in this world, one is called dog meat friends, who eat, drink and have fun on weekdays, but are useless when it matters; ."

For the sake of sincerity, Wan Eqi had to give up her body - study with Shaoshang.

Mrs. Wan stopped crying immediately, and hurriedly said to her mother-in-law: You are so insightful, you are so far-sighted, you have a great talent for building a house, and you are talented... Then Mrs. Wan impatiently drove away.

However, there are times when small businesses place orders.

Although Mrs. Wan does not have a lot of friends, she also needs to take Wan Qiqi out for a feast from time to time. At this time, the young merchants will wander around the house and curiously explore the surrounding ancient buildings. What interested her most was a small wooden bridge.

This curved bridge is no more than ten feet wide, seven or eight feet long, and arched high, like a new rainbow, with a whole wooden structure, without a single iron nail or a copper wedge , all relying on the carpenter's superb skills and precise calculation, the woods of different lengths, widths and widths overlap each other and wedge each other, layer by layer.

Sometimes I had a chat with the steward of Wanfu, and Shao Shang learned that in the previous case of the defection of the Bu family, this small wooden bridge was attacked and beaten by the soldiers who came to search for the family, and now it has been crumbling. sense. However, this bridge is exquisitely made. It is not something that ordinary craftsmen can repair and beat. The steward said that it can only be demolished and rebuilt.

Shao Shang secretly sighed a pity, when she was taking a nap alone that day, she suddenly felt a move in her heart, and she had a mental attack. She quickly put on her clothes and got up, screened her left and right, and cautiously climbed to the bottom of the bridge to check - the creek under the bridge Less than half a foot deep, the water flowed slowly under the thin ice surface, and the colorful stones laid underneath were faintly visible. I think the bridge and the stream were originally for viewing purposes.

Shao Shang curled up, arched his back, raised his head and raised his hand to touch those critical joints. After a while, she smiled slightly. There is no need to find a craftsman to dismantle it at all, just remove a few small pieces of wood, and the wooden bridge will fall apart on its own in a short time; it is also easy to rebuild, because she can draw the bridge exactly as it is. Structure diagram!

Just as she was thinking of her pride, Shaoshang suddenly heard the sound of footsteps coming from the bank above her head, and she immediately realized that many people were walking towards her. Shao Shang felt embarrassed and went to someone's house as a guest, but he was covered in mud and groped under the bridge. In the eyes of the ancients, this should be a quirk. After thinking about it, she simply did not go out, and planned to wait for the others to leave before climbing up.

The group of people walked and talked, walking slowly, their voices from far to near, the current is the rough laughter of Wan Songbai—

"...Lord Ling is joking, I'm sure someone loves Meiji's treasure the most in his life, no one knows, what paintings and pictures, how can I understand! No, no, absolutely no, hahaha …”

Then there was a cold and gentle voice of a young man: "Since Wanhou said no, then there is no. However, yesterday I heard that Wanhou and Wang Langguan had an appointment to play Cuju, I thought it was a leg problem. All right…"

The footsteps on the shore suddenly stopped, only Wan Songbai laughed a few times, but Shao Shang had heard that the laughter was not sincere.

She was sweating faintly on her forehead, and she shouted in her heart to get out of here, I don't want to hear anything that shouldn't be heard! What's wrong with my legs, I'm not happy with my legs and I want to play football!

Fortunately, this group of people only stopped for a moment, and then walked away again, this time with hurried footsteps and quickly left, Shaoshang only vaguely heard Uncle Wan say, 'Lord Ling, please follow me Come', and the rest of the words were inaudible.

After the people walked away, Shaoshang quickly climbed out from the bottom of the bridge, patted the dirt on his body, and quickly slipped back to the house to eliminate the evidence.

I was so frightened that I couldn’t sleep in the afternoon nap. After Shao Shang’s grooming, he simply changed into a waist riding suit with folded sleeves and a wide skirt, and prepared to go to the racecourse to consolidate what the thirteenth sister just taught. her equestrian.

The old man in charge of the stables was very careful to bring a gentle little mare that she used to ride every day, and put on a beautiful new saddle. Shao Shang admired the shiny and delicate copper buttons on the stirrup, and happily led the horse away without asking the old soldier to follow.

The horse farm in Wanjia's backyard is not very big. Judging from Uncle Wan's belly, there are not many people here. When the horse was brought into the arena, Shaoshang stepped on the stirrup with his left foot, jumped up into the air, and sat firmly on the saddle. His posture was standard and graceful. Although this body was a bit weak in appearance, the coordination of the limbs was not bad. Shao Shang is proud, but as soon as she sits on it, she will feel bad.

It turned out that the length of the stirrup leather belt was not adjusted according to Shao Shang's leg length for this new saddle. After she sat down, she realized that her feet could not step on the stirrup.

This is a common mistake beginners make.

You shouldn't ride a horse. Horse riding is not riding a bicycle. Even if you can't brake, you can still land on your feet. The risk of riding is not small. Be careful.

Because her feet were hanging in the air, she could only clamp the horse's belly firmly with her thighs to avoid an unstable center of gravity. Fortunately, this little mare has a good-natured temperament, and the owner did not move. It also stood still, only occasionally kicking and snorting.

Shao Shang froze in the saddle for a long time, slowly turned his body, stretched his left foot to reach the stirrup below, and planned to dismount to adjust the leather belt before riding. She had just passed half of her body's center of gravity, and suddenly felt that the surroundings were very quiet. When she looked up, she broke out in a cold sweat and almost fell off the horse.

I saw a circle of people standing at the entrance of the racecourse—still more than a dozen guards with swords carrying crossbows and arrows, but today they are not wearing black clothes and black armor, but snow white Knee robe and brown leather armor, quietly surrounded the 'Lord Ling'.

According to Wan Shisanmei's unclear introduction: This person is Ling Budo, the name is Zisheng, and the emperor's confidant and close minister. One of the positions is Deputy Lieutenant of Guang Luxun, who leads the Yulinwei Left Cavalry Battalion, and the other is the Yue Cavalry Officer who leads the five schools of the Northern Army.

And, etc.

—Being able to remember these tongue-in-cheek names has already spelled Wan Qiqi's life, and Shao Shang expresses his appreciation.

Today he was wearing a dark robe with narrow sleeves and a cross-collar. The crimson robe was woven with intricate dark golden animal patterns. Right arm, five-finger-wide black woven gold belt around the waist. The sand and dust in the wind roll field drove the robes on his body, as if the sky was covered in blood.

Young Shang has never seen a man wear such a deep red and fiery color, but he felt that the overwhelming yellow sand and red earth set off his skin as white as jade, handsome eyebrows, and a kind of thrilling beauty.

Ling Budo slowly walked out of the guards and walked towards the girl half-hanging on the horse.

It is extremely embarrassing for a small business.

Ling Budo had walked over to the horse, and Shaoshang was just about to say haha. Let’s talk a few words first, then calm down the atmosphere. Unexpectedly, the slender and handsome man didn't say a word, and stretched out his right hand to support the girl's slender waist.

Shao Shang's whole body was stiff and tense, and he watched as the slender white man's big palms almost squeezed half of her waist - God, she urgently needs Director Xiao to popularize the knowledge of etiquette. , is this a courtesy? !

Before she could react, Ling Budo pushed her slanted body back with a little force.

Shao Shang was sitting on the saddle dazedly, still in shock, when he saw Ling Budo lower his head to untie the leather strap of the stirrup, while adjusting the length, he asked casually: "Your surname is Wan , or the surname Cheng?"

Shao Shang squeezed the reins tightly with both hands, stared at his dark hair, and her intuition told her that it was best not to let Ling Budo know who she was, she smiled hard He smiled: "...Wancheng's two families are close to each other, and the juniors hold each other's children's salute..."

Ling Budoubt said: "Oh, then your surname is Cheng."

Short quotient:…

Ling Budo adjusted one side of the leather belt, slowly turned to the other side to continue untying the belt, and said, "The Cheng family has three brothers, each with children. Who is your father?"

Shao Shang continued to struggle to the death, and said with a dry smile: "Siblings are close, how can children distinguish each other..."

Ling Budoubt said: "Well, then you are the daughter of General Cheng."

Shao Shang: ...then why are you asking me!

The leather belts on both sides were adjusted, Ling Budo raised his head and looked directly at the **** the horse. He was very tall, and he could still look the girl in the eyes when he stood on the ground. This time, Shao Shang finally saw his face clearly.

He was very young, even younger than she had imagined. She thought that someone with a similar official rank to Uncle Wan could not be younger, but now it seemed that he was about the same age as Yuan Shen.

He looked at the girl with a face full of fear and smiled lightly: "Shicai, how many words did you hear about me and Wanhou?"

Shao Shang felt a chill, this man really noticed himself hiding under the bridge! She tried to calm down and replied in the most sincere tone in her life: "There are only two sentences. You ask Uncle Wan if his leg is cured. There is nothing else, really nothing!"

Ling Budo stared at her, pulled the stirrup with one hand, and buckled her ankle with the other and slowly put it in.

Then, he slowly folded his palms: "The ice surface hasn't melted, what are you doing down there?"

Shao Shang could feel her calf being held tightly, extremely frightening, as if she was in the mouth of a beast, and the huge sharp beast teeth were about to bite her flesh in the next moment.

She trembled: "I'm looking at the bridge, really, I'm looking at how the wood at the bottom of the bridge is built. You have to believe me! It's true!" She knew this was a little bit Crap, there are a few ancients who can understand the great spirit of science and technology, but this is true, she is rarely so sincere in her life!

Ling Budo stared at the girl for a long time. He suddenly remembered that in the night lantern market, the little girl with brilliant fireworks, splendid colors, and beautiful crescent moon also raised her head curiously, observing the revolving lanterns of different shapes without blinking.

He smiled slightly: "Maybe you don't believe it, but I actually believe you."

Shao Shang: ... She really didn't believe you were right.

The initial horror passed, Shaoshang began to turn her mind quickly: Should she scream for help? After calling for help, could the people who responded could rush past the group of guards with armor and swords before Ling Budo pinched him to death?

As for why Ling Budo pinched herself to death, she didn't know. But it's always a good idea to plan for the worst.

He was full of thoughts, but Ling Budo stopped talking, turned back to the other side, and put Shaoshang's other foot into the stirrup. Then he walked away, but after a while, the guards and the group of guards were all gone.

The yellow sand on the racecourse rose slightly, bringing a few dead leaves from the courtyard in the distance, and the surroundings were quiet as if nothing had happened just now. Shao Shang stayed for a long time, until the good-tempered little mare kicked the sand impatiently, and she came back to her senses.

It's a pity, she likes Wanjia so much, there is no Director Xiao to take charge, there are no nephews and nephews who are prone to scandals, and there are thirteen sisters who can accompany her as a perfect match. , I lived comfortably and comfortably every day, I wanted to live longer. But for now, she felt she had better go home.

Shao Shang wiped the cold sweat on his forehead, rode his horse slowly, and slowly circled the racecourse—

Yuan Shen is not easy to mess with, but after seeing him a few times, he gets used to it, and he can still mess with him occasionally.

Ling Budo is unstoppable and can't be provoked. If you mess up, you have to be polite and polite.

After thinking for a long time, Shaoshang suddenly became confused. In all honesty, Ling Budo is the most handsome man he has ever seen, and he can be called a beautiful man. She is not a nun, so why doesn't she have the slightest charm?

Walking around until the ninth circle, Shaoshang touched his face, and suddenly realized: It turns out that she is still a pig's head at the moment, so she is still a beautiful wool!