MTL - Love Like the Galaxy-Chapter 27

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Shao Shang leaned against the carriage window, raised the curtain with one hand and pressed the veil with the other, and kept looking out—this was a new habit she had recently developed. No matter where she goes, she always has to watch all the way she hasn't traveled, so she doesn't feel empty in her heart.

Fortunately at this time, the folks were not restrained and the woman showed her face, but the annoying thing was that the road was not good: the loess road was stable, but the sand was hateful; the stone road was clean, but it had to be bumpy all the way. Alas, she misses asphalt and cement.

Cheng Cha, who was sitting across from her, looked at her, slightly lost.

She heard Clover say that it was the first time for the brothers to go out with a curl. They did not go to the noisy and prosperous Fangshi or the splendid palace, but asked people to drive close to the inner side of the city wall. It took several days to walk around. Every day, Wei Xi went out, and only returned when she was holding the lantern. On the last day, Auntie was about to get angry again, so she could not hold back.

"…Cousin, do you know?" Shao Shang suddenly turned his head from the window and said with a smile, "When building a capital city, one must look at one mountain, two waters and three topography. Relying on the mountains, the water system is wide and lush, and the terrain is flat and majestic." It is best to have a narrow front and back, so that it is convenient for troops to store food and multiply the population.

Cheng Cha saw that she was excited like a child, and smiled: "Not only the capital, you will come and see outside the capital, and you will know that the docks built by the wealthy families are all like this."

The young merchant looked envious: "There is no Wubao in our family. My father just rebuilt the ancestral house of the old family." . In fact, I think that it is superficial to use numbers to evaluate those families simply and rudely, and there are many marginal factors that have not been taken into account.

Shao Shang made a playful face towards Cheng Cha and continued to stick out the window.

Overlooking this magnificent capital, it is a vertical rectangle with a thick city wall towering into the clouds from east, west, north and south, with more than a dozen city gates unevenly distributed. So far, she has not left the city gate.

The Cheng family made a fortune late, just like the family house, the most central and lively place has been occupied by other families. It's a broken road, and it takes more effort than she had to go around the city wall before.

The establishment of this warehouse is naturally Mrs. Xiao's idea. The Cheng family is small, and many captures and gifts are piled up at home. Some cloth, wood and charcoal. Simply put, it is for hair, hoarding, and transit.

The two daughters of the host came to check the goods, and the warehouse manager was very respectful, opened the four doors in the front, and led more than ten servants to the side, like the end of the town The ribbon-cutting ceremony of that shampoo shop.

Cheng Cha’s face turned blue, and Alfalfa wished she could carry her whole body out of the car, but Cheng Cha didn’t want to fall into the majesty of Mrs. Xiao, so she forced herself to get out of the car and exchanged a few greetings After the sentence, I cheered up and was led by the steward to the back to order the goods. Shao Shang didn't care about this much, her small body was just raised, but she couldn't make any more mistakes, so she sat down in the front hall to take a breath, served by the lotus room.

In the center of the front hall of this warehouse, a huge square earth-burning stove was built. Looking at the left side, seven or eight warehouse servants were sitting in a row, looking earnest, and then looking at the right side, the servants who accompanied the mansion were sitting in a row, looking eager. She was so happy in her heart that she would not do this ostentatious student council president!

Shao Shang was just about to get up, but who knew that there was a sound of horses reining outside, and with the sound of rolling wheels, I saw a boxy and brocade-covered passenger car parked in the warehouse In front of the door, two tall, fat and fit horses neighed non-stop, their nostrils snorted with white breath, and two boys in satin jackets jumped out of the car and stood beside them. Young Master Huafu got out of the car slowly.

Shao Shang's eyelids jumped, how did this product come.

One of the boys stepped forward and said loudly: "My son can see the emblem here from a distance, dare to ask if it is the warehouse set up by General Cheng, the Marquis of Quling? Due to the long distance, there is not enough preparation. , I want to ask for some charcoal salary."

Shao Shang kept his face calm and said nothing. The deputy steward on the side looked at it and thought it was a shy little girl, so he trotted to the door and replied loudly, "But the driver of Yuanhou's mansion in Jinyangfang? Prepare." There was also a clear family crest on the carriage, which was recognized by the old servant who had lived in the capital for a long time.

Unexpectedly, Yuan Shen neither stepped forward nor spoke, and continued to stand leisurely in front of the carriage, but his eyes looked into the hall, swept over someone intentionally or unintentionally. Shao Shang bit his lip, this is the door to collect debts.

Yuan Shen saw Shao Shang pretending to be stupid and not expressing his position. With a beautiful long eyebrow, he was about to enter the warehouse; at this time Shao Shang Huo stood up, bowed his arms, and forced a smile. : "It turned out to be Young Master Yuan. It has been a few days since the last homecoming banquet. My brother misses Young Master very much, and I don't know when I will have the opportunity to sing poetry again..." Mom, she can't make it up!

The steward showed admiration, feeling that his daughter-in-law had a decent voice, a beautiful posture, and an attitude that was neither too far nor too close, unlike those little girls in the capital, who would follow a good-natured son whenever they met him. The bear meets honey.

Yuan Shen smiled and said, "I'm afraid the young lady may have made a mistake. Brother Su Xian said that what he would discuss next time was fu, not poetry." He deliberately added the last word. Paused, meaning something.

Shao Shang suppressed a mouthful of old blood: MMP!

Seeing that she didn't speak, Yuan Shen stepped forward again and said, "I heard what brother Zisu said, doesn't the female son also like Kuaitong's Fu very much?"

The steward and the surrounding servants all looked at Shaoshang with a face of admiration.

The dragon and the phoenix give birth to the phoenix, the roots are good, but they can't be broken!

Pass and shit... OK, she knows what this guy means!

Yuan Shen knows that his clothes are soft, his smile is full of spring, his lips are red and his teeth are white, and he is like a beautiful jade. This way of laughing is too illegal, and it shocked the middle-aged man who has been sitting in the driving position. After following his son for so many years, he can still tell a real smile and a fake smile. He hurriedly looked at the young lady standing in the hall, and she was indeed a little beauty.

At this time, the person who was just sent by the deputy steward had come back with a large bag of fine charcoal. Ingots are capital. The deputy steward waved his hands again and again: "Such a clumsy thing, if you ask for the son's money, the master will pay more attention to the old slave, absolutely absolutely absolutely!"

The middle-aged man took back the purse, but Yuan Shen still didn't leave.

People are gone, and the aftermath is rippling. The steward couldn't help admiring Yuan Shen's demeanor, and the rest of the servants also whispered, either admiring or admiring him.

Shao Shang lowered his head and meditated.

She feels she has made a big mistake and needs to be corrected. After thinking for a while, she asked the deputy steward: "Who are the people on the left and right of our warehouse? I don't know if we have contact with each other on weekdays?"

The steward replied: On the left is an old shop that makes orange peel sauce, supplying all the major restaurants in the capital all the year round, and on the right is a warehouse, but it is hoarding wood and stone materials Build and make a living, and then there is an alley leading to the city wall.

Shao Shang had a clear mind, and then said to look around.

After walking around twice, she turned away the servants in the warehouse, and only took her maid to the back alley, saying that she wanted to see the scenery left and right. When he walked to the entrance of the alley, he left the rest of the maids behind, and walked a dozen or so feet forward. Sure enough, he saw an abrupt corner. Shaoshang left Lianfang and Amei, and ordered, 'If you listen to my voice, come and order everyone immediately. come find me'.

Turning around the corner, I saw the Yuan family's gorgeous and graceful carriage parked there. Yuan Shen was wearing a snow-white fur cloak, and he held a small white jade heater in his hands.

He stood in front of the car with a smile and waited quietly. The two boys and the driver did not know where to avoid.

"What do you think, Young Master Yuan?"

Yuan Shen didn't go around the corners this time, and asked directly, "Has the young lady sent a message to Mrs. Sang."

"No." Shaoshang said simply, "I didn't want to speak for you."

Yuan Shen seldom got angry in his life, but he was secretly angry: "If that's the case, why did you agree on that day? The young lady knows that a word is hard to follow."

Shao Shang's eyelashes didn't move: "I broke my promise, so what?" You can beat me up.

Yuan Shen frowned, as if he knew the girl in front of him for the first time, and looked at her carefully - such a gentle and slender appearance, but such a perverse temperament, it is estimated that the whole place Can't find a few in the capital.

Up to now, he couldn't tell whether he just wanted to share his worries for the elders, or he couldn't be angry with this sly and beautiful little girl. If you let your colleagues know about this, they will laugh all the way from the court to His Majesty.

Yuan Shen thought about it carefully and thought that he could not be the only one who was unhappy.

Therefore, he lowered his face, approached Shaoshang in a few steps, and said coldly: "The things in the world are nothing but earnest requests, coercion, and enticing. Since the young lady is unwilling to speak properly , there are other ways below!"

Shao Shang was taken aback and took a few steps back. She felt that she was the same age as Yuan Shen, but once they got closer, she could immediately feel the oppression of this young man's height and aura. As soon as he approached, she immediately smelled the faint incense of the pine branches on him, and realized that she could only talk directly with her neck up.

She naturally heard the threat in Yuan Shen's words, which was what she was worried about. She is just a little girl with no social resources, but this Yuan Shen is a remarkable person who has been in the court for several years. If he really annoys others, he becomes narrow-minded and must take revenge. What should he do?

Shao Shang was worried, but Yuan Shen's face changed, and he smiled again: "Speaking of it, it's all under the subordinate, isn't it? It's plain to ask the female son to spread the word. It's better like this, there are some tricks in the subordinate's name, If the daughter-in-law spreads the message for me, I will do something for the daughter-in-law in the future in return."

Shao Shang was interested: "Anything can be done?" She heard his voice soften, and her mind became active again. She is not Zhao Min Guo Xiang, she will definitely make good use of this promise.

Yuan Shen saw that the fish had bit the bait, and said with a smile: "Naturally. Except for rebellion, perfidy, and I can't marry you, except for these three things, the rest are fine."

Shao Shang was about to nod his head, but he almost choked to death when he heard the last point: "You—!"

She blushed and stared at Yuan Shen fiercely, like a little wolf. She is not a really ignorant little girl, she can't hear that this sentence is purely teasing. She held back her anger and said with a sneer: "Young master listens to flattery a lot on weekdays, when and where did I say that I want to marry you! I advise you to be sober, don't take people's politeness seriously, and really think that you are descended from the stars. …”

Before the words were finished, Yuan Shen called out with a smile and cut off: "It turns out that the young lady never thought of this, so I am really surprised. Isn't it because the young lady invited me to meet today."

"If the female son doesn't have any thoughts about the next, then why should you promise first and then break the promise? Don't you just want to hang on to the next, so that the female will come to meet? If the female son really doesn't want to have **** with the next. Why don't you tell Mrs. Sang that sentence, so that you and I won't break the river!"

—he said so well, I was speechless.

Shao Shang was stunned. If she wasn't the party involved, she might have thought that this was a way to catch Kaizi.

Yuan Shen saw that the girl was dumbfounded, no longer arrogant and sarcastic, so he let out a sigh of relief, but in the blink of an eye, she felt dazed and pitiful.

He softened his heart and said warmly, "Why are you refusing to speak to Mrs. Sang? Is there a problem? You talk to me and see if I can help." It was not easy when he was young, and perhaps there were hidden secrets among the women in the house that he did not know about.

Who knows this, Shaoshang is even more sluggish.

Do you want her to say: In fact, there is no reason, but she has a bad personality since she was a child, and she does not like to help others. It is a fantasy for her to help her grandmother cross the road. In front of her, she could step on it. It's rare to see righteousness and courage, so don't you hang up, come to this broken place to eat the pain of growing up again.

"Or, you are worried that the person who sent the message is not good for your uncle and aunt." Yuan Shen saw the girl's trance, and her voice softened, "You can rest assured, the past is over. , the elders are not too young, and now it is just the care of the old people."

—So that sad palace in the south of Lantai is not about buildings but about feelings? Shao Shang was not only at a loss, but also embarrassed. I just hate why I didn't ask Cheng Cha a few more questions in the first place.

However, among the few advantages of less quotient, there is one point that is very worthy of praise, that is, being reasonable. She hesitated for a moment, organized her thoughts, and then said, "It's my fault."

She was wrong.

She didn't adjust her new identity, she still thought she was that 1800-line town girl. In her last life, she had no parents, and her uncle was just a sesame and mung bean official, so she could cheat, retort, and do a lot of unethical things.

But now it's no good, Dad Cheng is at least a middle and upper-class official nationwide. What's more, here they value promises, ignore life and death, uphold filial piety and integrity, and promote loyalty and righteousness. In this era without the imperial examination system, people with particularly good morals will even be directly conferred official positions - no matter whether this virtue is true or not, at least the social atmosphere is like this. Conspiracy against the wind, breaking promises face to face!

Shao Shang calmed down in a good mood, raised his arms respectfully, and said, "Young master is careful, and you have heard about my family's situation."

"I've been afraid of right and wrong since I was a child, doing more and more mistakes, not doing good things. I have never met the son, and I was very nervous when I met suddenly that day. In order to get out quickly, I agreed randomly. Young Master. Thinking about it later, it’s not that I never regretted it.”

Shao Shang has a sincere face, and every word is very sincere.

"Young Master Yuan's teachings just now made the little girl realize. Being entrusted by others is a matter of loyalty. Well, I will go back today and pass a message to my third aunt. Master Yuan does not need to thank me. Please be rude to the little girl Yuan You. This is the end of the matter, how about it?"

The energy, Yuan Shen may not be able to hold on.

Yuan Shen looked indifferent, and said solemnly: "If I need you to send a message in the future, what should I do."

Young businessman is full of sincerity and seems to be hit in the head, but this guy is not moved? !

She forcibly endured the complaints and replied, "If the third aunt doesn't mind, I won't push back if the son wants to spread the word. But if the third aunt doesn't like it, then..." She looked serious, "Then I will respect my elders. If this is the case, then I and the young master will not see each other in the rivers and lakes."

After saying such a righteous and awe-inspiring remark, Shaoshang breathed a sigh of relief, and suddenly felt that his image was much taller. Then, without waiting for Yuan Shen's reply, he bowed in a very upright salute, turned his head and left.

Walking all the way to the abrupt corner, she never heard the sound behind her, she couldn't help but look back, but saw Yuan Shen standing motionless, unable to see because of the distance Clearing the expression on his face, only the cold wind in the alley ruffled his long crow feather-like hair and swayed slightly.